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Crescent Heights High School 1201 Diviton Avene NE. Prone: (408) §27-4641 Meciane Hot Alberta Flax: (405) 820-2018 TASve. May 26,2018 ‘To Whom t May Concern: itis my ploasure to writ this latter of recommendation on behalf of Breanna Campbel. As teacher of ton yoars at Crescont Heights High Schoo, hed the oppartunty to welcome Brean nto my high echoot ‘dassroom as a student teacher, where she spent six weeks teaching grades ten and waive English Language Arts. {can confident say that with her dedeation, reflection, and passion, she willbe an excelent teacher Breanna’ dosicaton tothe taching profession was evident immediatly. Sho was atl to design and Implament an engaging Shakaspearean nt, ffecvely connected tothe curlculum and scafolded appropriately, using both formate and summative essessmonis, na short me-frame, From the moment ‘sh entered to classroom each day, Breanna was prepared wth welkogenized lessons incorporating ‘sual, and both collaborave and invidual opportunites for studantlaming. Both bar ming and tow ‘ofthe lessons was impeccable. itis clear that Breanna places the students larring et the center other Planning and her day-to-day teaching. Breanna’s witingness to seek fesdback and incorporate It nto futuro lossons was adhniable, and no ‘doubt conrbuted to her success and growth as a student-teacher. Sho rolcted on each lesson and was ‘often abe to pinpoint areas to improve. She asked questions and embraced the provided feedback. As @ result ofthis reflection, | saw tremendous growth n Breanna’ confidenca and efcac. ts lear that Breanna hes a pasion fr the teaching profession. She demonstrated enthusiasm in her lessons, and meds tim to bull postive relationships wth her stents, whist al knawing when to provide dscigne. twas apparent that Breanna wanted al students to succeed; n oder fo this to ‘outside of class time, and maintalned communication with parents. am confident that Breanna wil continue to gow as a teacher, and that she wal place students atthe canter of her teaching. She would maka an excellent candidate for a tching jb. Please do not hestat to contact me if you require further Information. Sincerely, RocHl be mi- iy Lan English Team Lead Teacher Cresent His High Sot (dog eorex zz

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