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TEACHER Mrs. Helen Grace L.

Cabalag GRADE LEVEL 11

LESSON DATE October 28, 2019 (Monday)
COOKERY 11-01 6-7 PM
The Learners demonstrate an understanding of:
1. the formation of the elements during the Big Bang and during stellar
A. Content Standards
2. the distribution of the chemical elements and the isotopes in the
The learners shall be able to:
B. Performance Standards
make a creative representation of the historical development of the atom
or the chemical element in a timeline.
The learners will be able to give evidence for and explain the formation of
the light elements in the Big Bang theory

C. Learning Competencies/ Specific Objectives

Objectives LC code for each At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:
1. Determine the cosmology of the Big Bang model;
2. Describe the proofs of the Big Bang model; and
3. Develop an appreciation of why the concept of the Big bang theory is
important in our daily lives.
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide Pages pp. 1-11
2. Learners Guide Pages
3. Textbook Pages
Contemporary Physics Education Project (CPEP). (2003
November). Chapter 10: Origin of the elements. Retrieved
4. Additional Materials from September 16, 2015 from
Learning Resource (LR)Portal teachersguide/pdf/Chap10.pdf ;
B. Other Learning Resources
Since this is the start of the second semester, give a general outline of the
lessons for the quarter:
• Study where all the stuff in the universe came from.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
• See how our understanding of all stuff has changed and continues to
presenting the new lesson
• Try to find answers as to why stuff is a certain way and why it changes in
certain ways.
Communicating learning objectives:
At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:
B. Establishing a purpose for the 1. Determine the cosmology of the Big Bang model;
lesson 2. Describe the proofs of the Big Bang model; and
3. Develop an appreciation of why the concept of the Big bang theory is
important in our daily lives.
Make a 3x3 Bingo grid. Place important terms in a blank bingo card grid.
Learners can write a short definition of the term under each entry to
block out a square in the bingo card.

Introduce the following list of important terms that learners will encounter:
• Cosmology
C. Presenting examples/instances • Big Bang theory/Big Bang model
of the new lesson • Singularity
• Inflation
• Annihilation
• Recombination
• Redshift
• Relative abundance
• Cosmic microwave background
1. Briefly define cosmology as the study of how the universe began, how it
continues to exist, and how it will end. Offer examples of cosmologies from
different religions and cultures based on their beliefs. You may ask for
examples from the class. Challenge the class: Do you think there is proof
that any of these stories or cosmologies are true?
2. Ask why different cultures have the need to explain where they came
from and how the world was created.
D. Discussing new concepts and
3. 5. Explain that science brings forth a cosmological theory, not from belief,
practicing new skills #1
but from scientific evidence that the universe once began to expand and
continues to expand until today. This theory was eventually called the Big
Bang theory or Big Bang model. Astronomers George Lemaître and Edwin
Hubble were some of its first proponents. Mention that George Lemaître
was a Catholic priest. He did not find his theory (or science as a whole)
incompatible with his religion. Ask for possible reasons why some people
think science goes against what they believe in.
1. Provide a lecture with the following key points, Illustration of expansion,
Nucleosynthesis reactions, and Proofs of the Big Bang Model. Use a chart
or diagram to discuss the key stages of the Big Bang model.
2. Conduct a group activity that attempts to model cosmic inflation.
Have learners provide the following:
• Balloons
• Balloon pump (optional)
• Small stickers (any design)
a. Stick small stickers randomly on the surface of the uninflated balloon.
b. Quickly inflate the balloon with a pump or your breath. Observe the
E. Discussing new concepts and stickers.
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (Leads to . Answer the following questions:
Assessment 3) • Why do the stickers appear to be moving away from each other?
• Are the stickers moving across the balloon?
• Do the stickers themselves grow in size?
The Big Bang Theory is important because all Current Physics relies on it
for support. According to Current View, without the Big Bang one cannot
create Matter and thus one cannot create the Universe. This information
helps astronomers determine the age of the universe. The Big Bang Theory
is the leading explanation about how the universe began. At its simplest, it
G. Finding practical applications of says the universe as we know it started with a small singularity, then
concepts and skills in daily living inflated over the next 13.8 billion years to the cosmos that we know today.
1. Big-bang model, widely held theory of the evolution of the universe. Its
essential feature is the emergence of the universe from a state of extremely
high temperature and density—the so-called big bang that occurred 13.8
billion years ago.
2. The earliest and most direct observational evidence of the validity of the
theory are the expansion of the universe according to Hubble's law (as
indicated by the redshifts of galaxies), discovery and measurement of the
cosmic microwave background and the relative abundances of light
elements produced by Big Bang.
3. Big Bang singularity - singularity as a pit into which material flows but
from which it cannot escape. Let us leave aside the fact that singularities are
an idealization. The basic point is that the universe was born with a
tendency to expand, which overcame the tendency of matter to collapse.
Inflation - Basically, all the energy and heat from the explosion shot out. And
wherever it travelled created space. This space created by the particles from
the explosion is what we call the universe today. That's all the planets, stars,
black holes and everything else we see and sometimes can't see in the sky.
nucleosynthesis - The temperature of the universe falls to the point (about
a billion degrees) where atomic nuclei can begin to form as protons and
neutrons combine through nuclear fusion to form the nuclei of the simple
elements of hydrogen, helium and lithium.
Recombination - As the temperature of the universe falls to around 3,000
degrees (about the same heat as the surface of the Sun) and its density also
H. Making generalizations and continues to fall, ionized hydrogen and helium atoms capture electrons
abstraction about the lesson (known as “recombination”), thus neutralizing their electric charge.
Formative Assessment
1. Which of these is true about the Big Bang model?
a. The singularity is an established, well-defined part of the model.
b. Cosmic expansion stopped at some point in time.
c. Part of its proof is the amounts of H and He we have in the universe
d. The Big Bang was a big explosion that threw matter into many different

2. Arrange the stages of the Big Bang Theory: recombination, inflation, Big
Bang singularity, nucleosynthesis.

3. Using one to two sentences each, explain the three pieces of evidence
presented for the Big Bang Theory:
a. Redshift b. Relative abundance c. Cosmic microwave
1. C
2. Big Bang singularity, inflation,
nucleosynthesis, recombination
I. Evaluate learning 3.
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
Astrology and astronomy both deal with the stars and planets. List at least
three differences between them.
Grade Level/ Section
ICT 11-01 11-01
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
work well ?Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
can share with other teachers?
Date: Checked by:

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