Unit 9 - Practice Quiz: Written Quiz

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Unit 9 – Practice Quiz: Written Quiz

A. Listen to the conversation about things that went wrong. Mark (x) True or False.
True False

Conversation 1

1. Tony went hiking with some friends. ____ ____

2. Tony was climbing a rock when another hiker came by. ____ ____

Conversation 2

3. Deb was deleting her e-mail when she saw a new message. ____ ____

4. Deb didn’t do anything after she lost her email. ____ ____

B: Complete the anecdotes with the past continuous or simple past.

1. I ___________________(hurt) my arm yesterday. I _________________ (look) for something

in the cabinets in the kitchen. I __________________ (stand) on a chair, and I
_________________ (fell) off the chair.

2. Last Sunday, Lee _________________ (drive) in the country, and he ______________ (not
notice) a dog in the middle of the road. Luckily, he __________________ (stop) his car in time,
so he ___________________ (not hit) it.

C: Read the situation. Write follow-up questions with the past continuous.”
Wear gloves drive to work cook something go fast lift something

Example: A: I fell off my bike last weekend.

B: Oh, no were you going fast?

1. A: Tom hurt his back at work.

B: That’s too bad. ________________________________________?

2. A: I cut my thumb in the garden.

B: How did that happen? __________________________________?

3. I burned myself this morning.

B: _______________________________________ on the stove?

4. A: Julie had a car accident.

B: Really? ____________________________________________?
D. Complete the conversation with reflexive pronouns.

1. A: Did Jeff travel to England by __________________________________?

B: No, he went with his parents.

2. A: I fell down when I was playing soccer yesterday.

B: Oh, did you hurt ____________________________________________?

3 A: What wrong with your hand?

B: I burned ____________________ while I was making breakfast.

4.A: Did you go out to dinner for your anniversary?

B: No, we made dinner ________________________________________.

E. Write the words in the box under the correct headings. Use each word only once.

Ankle eye finger knee nose thumb

Buy a sweater check on flights
Face 1. Hand Leg

1. ____________________ 3.____________________ 5. _________________

2. ____________________ 4. ____________________ 6. _________________

F. Read each story and mark (x) the best response.

1. I was running to a bus stop the other day, and I wasn’t paying attention, so I ran into this woman. She
fell down, and her purse spilled all over the sidewalk.

__ I bet that was boring.

__ Oh, no! That’s terrible.

__ Boy, you were lucky.

2. I saw a friend in a restaurant, so I went and sat down at her table. I was talking to her for about a
minute when I realized I didn’t know her! She wasn’t my friend.

__ Wow! How embarrassing!

__ I bet she didn’t notice.

__ I hear it’s a nice place.

3. I bought some expensive tickets for a football game, but I forgot about them. The day after the game, I
remember them.

__ Oh, that sounds nice.

__ Did you enjoy the game?

__ I bet you were upset.

4. I took a taxi home from the airport. The driver put one of my bags in the front seat. When I got home,
I forgot about the bag, and he drove away with it.

__ Oh, no! Did you get it back?

__ I bet you were really happy.

__ Wow! That’s really funny.

II. Oral Quiz

Ask these questions. Answer your partner’s questions. Discuss the topics.
1. Where were you living five years ago?
2. Are you having a good week?
3. What were you doing at seven o’clock this morning?
4. How were you feeling when you got up this morning?
5. How’s your week going?
6. What were you doing at nine o’clock last night?
Strategy: Make comments to show you are interested and listening, such as “You’re kidding!” “How
embarrassing!,” or “I bet you were upset.”
7. Last weekend, I was shopping at the mall, and I lost my wallet.
8. I was having dinner with a friend one time, and I spilled soda on his jacket.
9. Yesterday, I was making lunch for a friend, and I burned it.
10. One time, I was looking at a friend’s cell phone. I dropped it, and it broke.

Unit 9 Quiz - Answers

A 1. F
2. F 1 Oh, no That’s terrible
3. T 2 Wow! How embarrassing!
4. T 3 I bet you were upset.
B 4 Oh, no Did you get it back?
1. hurt
2. was looking
3. was standing
4. fell
5. was driving
6. didn’t notice
7. stopped
8. didn’t hit

1. Was he lifting something?
2. Were you wearing gloves?
3. Were you cooking something?
4. Was she driving to work?
1. himself
2. yourself
3. myself
4. ourselves
1 eye
2 nose
3 finger
4 thumb
5 ankle
6 knee
II Oral Quiz Sample Responses
1. I was living here in Korea…

2. Not really, I got a bad grade on a test yesterday…

3. At 7 o’clock? I was eating breakfast. No, I was…

4. I was feeling great. I slept really well…

5. It’s going fine, I guess. Nothing special is happening…

6. I was probably studying…

7. I bet you were upset. Did you find it later…

8. How embarrassing. What did you do next?

9. You’re kidding! Did you eat it or did you go out to eat after that?...

10. How embarrassing! Did you buy him a new phone?...

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