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JoyToKey Version 6.3

Copyright(C) 1999-2019, JTK




This software enables you to control various windows applications (e.g.

a web browser, games on the web, Photoshop shortcuts, Microsoft office,

and even Windows itself) by using your favorite joystick. Whenever you

press joystick buttons and sticks, JoyToKey will convert the input into

keyboard strokes and mouse movements so that the target application works

as you pre-configured!

NOTE: On Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10, you may not be able to control some

applications due to enhanced security control. If you encounter such

problems, try to launch JoyToKey.exe by opening right-click popup menu

and selecting "Run As Administrator".



* Create multiple configuration files

You can create multiple configuration files and switch them at any time.

For example, create one config for a game, and create another one for
web browsing. JoyToKey also supports the automatic switching of an

active configuration file when the target application changes.

* Assign multiple keys for each button

For example, you can assign a combination of Alt+F4 for one joystick


* Mouse emulation

You can also emulate mouse cursor movements, clicks and wheel rotation.

* Automatic repeat of button input or toggle input

* Virtual joystick setting

Even if you have only one joystick, you can configure button mapping for

multiple virtual joysticks (e.g. one joystick for default key mapping,

another virtual joystick for registering function keys or shortcuts, and

yet another virtual joystick for mouse control).

You can switch to those virtual joystick mappings temporarily by pressing

special buttons.



Simply unzip the archive file into some folder.

To uninstall this software, you only need to remove that folder.

(This software doesn't use a registry)

Please make sure that the installed folder is not write

protected as it needs to save configuration files in the same folder.

System requirement:

* OS: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP

* DirectX 7.0 or above



* Press "Create" button and create a new configuration file

* In the right panel, choose a button from the list and double click

(or press enter key) to open a button assignment window.

* For example, if you want to control Internet Explorer with joysticks,

you could configure as follows:

"Back" : Alt + Left

"Close Window" : Alt + F + C

"Move To Menu" : Alt + F

And you may also want to add mouse cursor movement, wheel etc.

* If you are a new user and you have some trouble configuring JoyToKey,

please follow the instructions below.

i) I recommend you to try to use it with a simple application like


ii) Please configure a few joystick buttons mapping to "a", "b" keys.

And then open a Notepad and press those joystick buttons.

Character "a" and "b" should be entered in the Notepad.

(Be sure to keep the JoyToKey program running, iconized in the task

tray at the bottom of the desktop.)

iii) If it doesn't work, go to menu "Configuration -> Calibrate joystick

property" (or go to "control panel" from Windows Start menu), and

check game controller properties. Please make sure your joystick

is recognized and sticks and buttons are calibrated properly.



* SHIFT key function (switch to other joystick mapping temporarily)

At first, this feature (aka virtual joystick) may sound difficult to

understand, but it is very useful as it enables you to configure many

key mapping, more than the number of buttons you actually have!

For example, you may have only one joystick with only 6 buttons.

Then, you can only assign 6 different key mapping by default. However,

by assigning one button to switch to a virtual joystick-2, you can assign

5+5=10 different key mappings (Note: 1 button is used to switch between

two mappings). You could further assign another button to switch to a

virtual joystick-3, which will result in total 5+4+4=13 different key


Normally, you define the most frequently used key mappings for a physical

joystick-1. Then, you could define less used key mappings for virtual

joystick-2, 3, 4, ...

* Configuration file (*.cfg) is simply a text file. So, If you want to

rename the configuration, copy the configuration, backup the files etc.,

terminate JoyToKey and simply rename or copy the file (*.cfg) in Explorer.



Firstly, thank you very much for downloading and using JoyToKey.

JoyToKey is a shareware, but you can freely try it until you like it without

much limitation in functionality. After trial, if you find it useful, you

can purchase a license key from the website.

(or simply go to JoyToKey menu "Help" -> "Purchase License Key")

The price is $7.00, and it can be paid through share*it! or PayPal.

You can install and use JoyToKey on multiple PCs for your personal use.

Your contribution is greatly appreciated and will be used to continue the

development of JoyToKey.


This product comes with no warranty. Use it at your own risk. The author

takes no responsibilities of any sort related to the use of this product.

JoyToKey is by no means perfect and may not work for certain type of

If you have some comments, suggestions or bug reports, please feel free

to send an email to the author. Due to the number of emails, you may not

receive a response, but I will try my best to read all the messages and

reflect them in the future release.

Thanks again for using JoyToKey, and I hope it'll help you to improve

your PC life.

Best Regards,




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