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VCE Outdoor & Environmental Studies – Unit 1

Week 4 & 5 Activities

Valuing Nature

The ways in which humans value nature are reflected in their behaviours towards it. The uses they
make of it, and the images they develop of it. Whether they recognise it or not, humans are
connected to nature for their very own survival. The natural environment in its broadest sense,
provides the basis for human life through food and materials for shelter. While many people on the
planet are still - living from day to day, hunting and gathering what they can in their surroundings –
others have the oppurtunity and the resources to value nature in different ways – such as for
adventure, recreation ans study.

Key Concept

Humans value nature in a variety of ways:

 As a resource, for human use and benefit

 For recreation

 For adventure

 For spiritual connection

 As a study site

1) For each of the different values mentioned above, brainstorm as many different examples
you can think of that would accurately demonstrate the value. They can be examples from
your own experiences, from movies etc.

2) Complete Learning Activity 1.34 on pg 42 of your textbook.

3) Choose a natural environment

a. Investigate how people have used it as a resource over time

b. Present your findings in a limited words PowerPoint

c. See instruction sheet for further details

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