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Abstract –

This paper aims at design and fabrication of a Plastic Reinforced Brick

Manufacturing Machine which brings down the plastic wastes in landfills which is primarily
responsible for environmental pollution. Most common recyclable plastic products are
beverage packaging widely used for water, soda, cool-drinks and juice, plastic bags and
plastic containers used for packing food products. These recyclable plastic products are
reinforced with the bricks. At this time of energy crisis and fast depleting resources,
availability of conventional building materials perennially in terms of quantity and quality,
pose a hectic task for builders. Demand for building materials is going up tremendously day-
by-day in view of the ever increasing requirement of housing and habitat sectors. Such a
crisis prompted the researchers to re-orient themselves so as to evolve a new technology to
manufacture appropriate masonry products, using locally available low cost materials. The
concept of construction using green materials was aptly conceived in research realms so as to
employ marginal materials and deploy unskilled laborers in massive production schemes. At
the same time, considering earth as a sustainable material, there is a growing interest in the
maximum use of its resources as modern ingredients in the construction sector. The major
environmental challenge confronting our country in the modern times, is Solid Waste
Management. Plastic is one of the materials mostly used in the modern world. Being light
weight and durable plastic is being widely used for various purposes and it has now become
an integral part of our daily life. The plastic products that we mostly use are non-bio
degradable and hence after use, these are ultimately used for filling our landfills.


Attempting to reduce the quantum of plastic wastes that fill our landfills, we decided to
fabricate a Plastic Recycling Machine. In this connection, we also took into consideration the
fact that the demand for bricks for housing and general construction purposes is on the rise.
Thus it was felt that fabrication of a machine for manufacturing bricks by using plastic
wastes as one of its components will reduce plastic waste menace to a great extent and at the
same time we will also get a novel building material for construction purpose. The machine
essentially consists of a cutting unit, recycling unit and a mixing unit. The machine parts are
made of mild steel, because of its availability and versatile machinability. The efficiency of
the machine was established using plastic wastes, cement and other aggregates. Plastic waste,
after chipping into finer granules, was added to cement and aggregates in definite proportion.
Then the mixture is allowed to pass through recycling unit to form a mix, and then packed
into mold box, before manually rammed and compacted with machine-molded envelope.
This process allows the formation of required shape, which is sent for curing to obtain
stronger bricks.
Plastic is light, easy to store and transport, comes in an endless variety of textures
and shapes, and can hold almost anything. These properties make plastic attractive to
manufacturers. Plastic is in almost everything we touch. It‟s used to make our clothes,
cars, toys, and household products. Many of the food, health, and beauty products we
enjoy come in plastic packaging. Plastic may be convenient for manufacturers and
consumers alike, but this convenience carries a significant cost. Plastic is made from
petroleum and the production, consumption, and disposal of petroleum products
contribute significantly to global warming and a host of other environmental and human
health problems. Plastics are complex chemical compounds with thousands of different
varieties, and therefore much more difficult to recycle than simpler materials like glass,
aluminum, or paper. In order for plastic to be recycled, it must be collected, sorted by
exact type, kept clean, processed, and delivered to a manufacturer that has the intention
and capacity to use the material to make a new product.[1]
Recycling has been debated endlessly for many years now. There are two points
of view regarding this issue. The argument in support of recycling concerns the negative
impact of waste and emissions on our planet. The counter case is that costs undertaken to
recycle are smaller than the revenue returns. Only recycles 5% of its plastic waste even
though it is one of the largest industrial cities in the country and there is growing concern
about its part in the release of greenhouse gases from industry and the waste system. The
two vital elements of cost and gas emissions both decrease the more you recycle.
Decreasing costs will be favorable for all parties since they can show higher revenues.
Decreasing greenhouse gas emissions is also favorable to all for environmental reasons.
The trend between the emissions and the cost can be deduced. It will be a
strong, positive, linear correlation. The cost and the emissions can be kept low
simultaneously using an increased recycle rate.[6] It is important to note that several
assumptions were made in the calculations. One assumption made is that only the
production Energy contributes emissions; incineration has not been taken into account.
Methane, an emission from landfill plastic waste, has been omitted. Together with other
such assumptions, results can alter greatly. One should realize that Tierney has also made
assumptions in his work. He may have chosen specific assumptions to induce his data to
imitate his viewpoint. We states that a loss will always be incurred by the faction
attempting to recycle because the cost of plastic production is already at its cheapest.

Proponents of recycling eagerly point out, that it saves energy, reduces air
and other pollutants, reduces roadside litter, reduces mining of additional raw materials,
and reduces the waste stream sent to landfills For example, glass bottles are made from
quartz and other raw materials including soda (Sodium), lime (Calcium) and borax
(Boron). Even though these specific commodities are not scarce today, reuse of a glass
bottle only requires one third of the energy to make new bottles, and eliminates the
associated air pollution and energy resources required to make new bottles. Overall,
recycling glass diverts over 5 million tons of material currently sent to landfills.
Recycling aluminum saves approximately 95% of the energy required to make a can as
the disassociation of aluminum from its ore mineral is extremely energy intensive. Thus
recycling 1 ton of aluminum cans conserves more than the energy equivalent of 1,665
gallons of gasoline. Glass and aluminum beverage containers account for 40%, by
volume, of the litter by our roads and highways. Thus container recycling efforts
significantly reduce litter. Each ton of newspaper recycled saves approximately 18 trees,
3 m3 of landfill space, and the energy equivalent of 185 gallons of gasoline. Despite these
savings, recycling efforts face major hurdle. [3]

The results above counter exactly that showing that by recycling, companies
can further reduce these cheap production costs. The main point of difference between the
two articles is that he does not deal with the full life cycle of the materials directly. He
mainly looks at the recycling section and makes his deductions from there. He also talks
generally about waste instead of specifically plastic. He claims that the trivial life cycle is
the cheapest method but he does not show us data that can be compared with the type of
data that was collected for this report.



Plastic is one of the most popular building materials of modern human culture, but
its widespread use brought us many problems and caused environmental dangers of
unprecedented scale. Since its mass adoption in the 1950s, discarded plastic products
have filled landfills and contained seas and earth with materials that will not break down
for centuries and centuries. To combat this problem, governments of many countries
around the world formed rules for recycling plastic, established industrial processes for
transforming discarded plastic into useful materials, and educated communities to the
benefits of recycling all around the world.

One of the largest recycling efforts of the 20th century happened of course during
wars when governments demanded of their people to donate their unused metals, tires and
even nylon, but the notion of recycling plastic came only after the environmental
revolutions of 1960s. During those years people really started noticing the impact of
plastic waste on environment, and started laying groundwork for future recycling efforts.
First plastic waste recycling mill in the world was created in Conshohocken,
Pennsylvania in 1972, marking the beginning for all future recycling plants. As years
went by, government programs and eco-friendly communities slowly started to educate
regular people into habit of recycling and forcing manufacturers to start producing easier
to recycle plastic. Their efforts came to life during 1980s and 1990s with the adoption of
PETE and HDPE plastic, which were designed with recycling in mind. These recyclable
plastic products were introduced by Plastic Bottle Institute of the Society of the Plastics
Industry and clearly marked on their containers by logo of triangle made of arrows.[1]

The process of recycling plastic is not as simple as recycling paper, glass and
metals, because the greater number of steps involved for extracting dyes, fillers and other
additives that can be found in “virgin” plastic. First step in their recycling is sorting by
the type of resin that is in their structure (seven basic types) and in some cases
additionally sorted by color. After that, plastic is chopped into small pieces, cleaned to
remove debris and small residue, melted down and compressed into pellets named
nurdles. These small pellets are then transported to plastic processing plants where they
are introduced into manufacturing process.

Because of the complicated recycling process and unwillingness of people to

properly dispose of their unwanted plastic, recycling rates of plastic lag far behind of
other items such as paper, glass and metal. In 2008 only 6.5% (2.2 million tons) of post-
consumer plastic waste was recycled, 7.7% (2.6 million tons) was burned for energy and
85.5% (28.9 million tons) went to landfills.


2.2.1 Dr. S.SENTHAMIL KUMAR (2012)

In the coming years and into the 21st century, plastics gain further importance in
Indian national life. Both consumers and industrial users expand their demand for
plastics, both in terms of quantity and quality, with an estimated annual growth of 20
percent. The coming decade is a crucial period for the Indian plastics industry in meeting
this demand. At the same time, the rapidly increasing waste burden of plastics has to be
minimized. At present, around 50 to 60 percent of waste plastics is left uncollected or is
dumped in an uncontrolled manner on land, in rivers or in the sea. This requires intense
efforts on the part of the formal and informal waste management sectors as well as the
plastics recycling industry. The Indian recycling sector can reduce the burden of solid
waste by creating a market for recovered materials while simultaneously narrowing the
gap between the demand and supply of plastic resources. This research project analyses
the role of the plastic recycling industry in creating a more sustainable plastic cycle in
India. This role is addressed here both from a qualitative and a model-based angle. The
qualitative study, through a field survey and a literature inventory, highlights the
following trends and issues on the plastics cycle in India. [3]
Final demand for plastics is growing rapidly. The domestic primary plastics industry
is unable to meet this demand, as a result of which India is highly dependent on imports
of plastics. At the same time, waste management in Indian cities is incapable of dealing
effectively with plastics waste. This effect is exacerbated by the fact that less waste
plastics are .formally recovered because government involvement is less. In India, two
types of recyclers are distinguished: the ones using domestic waste plastics and the ones
using imported waste plastics. The two types have different characteristics. Labour
productivity of the importing recycler is higher due to better quality inputs, scale of
operation as well as the higher capital intensity of production.
The recycling rate of plastics (the actual utilization of waste plastics in plastics
production) is declining mainly because recyclers suffer from lack of supply of waste
plastics. Import of waste plastics can partially reverse this trend. Yet, critics of trade in
waste plastics argue that this type of imports are in reality a disguise for waste dumping
by the exporting country. Moreover, cheap imports of waste allegedly Crowd out the
local recovery system leading to a domestic waste disposal problem. To further analyze
these issues, various scenarios are operated, based on a sectorial cradle-to-grave planning
model using the mass balance approach. This model has a dual purpose. The first is to
investigate how the India plastics sector can face the acute shortage of plastics in an
economically and environmentally sound manner Options at hand are, on the one hand, to
increase domestic production of primary and/or secondary resin, or on the other hand, to
expand imports of primary and/or secondary plastics commodities. The second purpose of
the model is to shed more light on the trade of waste and to test the claims put forward by
the critics. The model integrates financial, environmental transport and trade issues.
How to expand the capacity of the plastics recycling industry?
The role of the government should have an indirect nature by removing obstacles for the
industry. It is doubtful whether economic measures are effective because at present most
recyclers avoid tax. Also subsidies generally prove to be an ineffective and expensive
tool. Alternatively, the government should promote research and development (R&D)
focusing on present recycling technologies (i.e. pre-treatment stage), new forms of
recycling technologies such as chemical recycling, and the recyclability of end-products.
How to revitalize the waste plastics recovery sector?
It is doubtful whether efforts should be intensified towards rebuilding the formal sector.
The operating costs both for collecting and recycling of the informal sector are much
lower. However, a serious threat to individual operators is the implementation of large
scale waste collection systems which do not allow for separate recovery of the recyclable
waste. The government should therefore develop a management system which integrates
the operations by the informal sector. Yet, the responsibility for waste not lies solely with
the government. Increasingly industries are held responsible for their impacts. A
convincing example of extended responsibility in the plastics cycle in India is presented
in Mumbai where the food packaging producers finance a recovery system.
Obviously, it is neither economically nor environmentally feasible to recover all
waste plastics for purposes of mechanical recycling. It is therefore better to designate a
specific type of recycling for a specific types of waste. For example, it can be assumed
that the principal form of processing of industrial waste plastics, such as cut-offs, is
mechanical recycling. Similarly, feedstock recycling mainly focuses on agricultural film,
and energy recovery is applied mainly to household waste such as contaminated food
packaging. Such a recycling hierarchy becomes ever more appropriate with the expected
diversification of technologies and recovery systems.
The main conclusions of the modeling exercises are:
The financial and economic costs of the plastic cycle in India can be reduced by
increasing the capacity of the domestic recycling industry. Most of the simulated
scenarios highlight the limited existing capacity of the recycling industry. This shortage
forces the final goods manufacturing sector to use a higher proportion of primary resin in
their final goods than what is economically and technically desirable. This has been one
of the reasons for the large import of primary resin.
The additional required recycling capacity should preferably be met by domestic
waste plastics. Not only are transport activities avoided but it also reduces the waste
burden created by post-consumer plastics. This requires additional attention for the
recovery sector of plastics. The recovery rate of waste plastics, which in the last decade
plummeted from 20 to 5 percent of the total amount of generated waste plastics, should be
reversed as soon as possible. This may require special policies by the Indian government.
Despite this advisability, we do not expect the recovery system to be enhanced on the
short term. Too many institutional barriers exist to improve the recovery of the increasing
waste burden. Therefore, imports of waste plastics should be allowed to meet the gap
between demand and supply of waste plastics in India. This will not have an adverse
effect on the balance of payment, as the increase in imports of waste plastics will mainly
replace relatively expensive imported final goods.
2.2.2 P. MANIKANDAN (2010)
As we are living in 21st century, new technologies are being invented in almost
every sector to make human life fast and easier. Beside this we are still finding the
solutions to problems related to our environment, energy and natural resources.
Construction industry produces large amount of waste throughout the year. Most of the
time Construction and demolition waste ends up in landfills disturbing environmental,
economic and social life cycle. Construction and demolition waste is the waste materials
that are produced in the process of construction, renovation or demolition of residential or
non-residential structures. Components of construction and demolition waste typically
include concrete, asphalt, wood, metals, gypsum wallboard, roofing, paper, plastic,
drywall and glass. Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs;
and can be considered as one of the solution to solve construction and demolition waste
problem. Sustainable development in construction will help a lot to reduce the problems
related to environment and natural resources as construction industry is a major user of
Obviously, it is neither economically nor environmentally feasible to recover all
waste plastics for purposes of mechanical recycling. It is therefore better to designate a
specific type of recycling for specific types of waste. For example, it can be assumed that
the principal form of processing of industrial waste plastics, such as cut-offs, is
mechanical recycling. Similarly, feedstock recycling mainly focuses on agricultural film,
and energy recovery is applied mainly to household waste such as contaminated food
packaging. Such a recycling hierarchy becomes ever more appropriate with the expected
diversification of technologies and recovery systems.[3]
India is among the largest importers of plastics in the world. An obvious
explanation for this phenomenon is that due to the low wages in combination with the
relatively low import costs, a plastic recycling is an attractive economic activity to
conduct in India. This trend is supported by the booming demand for plastics in India.
Still, due to the occurrence of various incidents, the Indian government mainly recognizes
the threat of imports of waste plastics. Policies have been implemented accordingly.
Especially with the eye on long term investments, it is important for the recyclers in India
to know whether the international market will remain a reliable source of raw materials.
The best approach is to further improve the monitoring system of imports of waste
plastics to guarantee sufficient supply for the domestic recyclers, while simultaneously
protecting India from unwanted imports. Obviously, as recognized in the Basel
Convention, a major responsibility also lies with the exporting country. The costs of
monitoring and enforcement, ignored in this study, have to be analyzed further to show
the real trade-off between more imports of secondary plastics versus alternative scenarios.
In addition to the availability of waste plastics on the international market, the
effects of imports of waste plastic on the plastic cycle in India are addressed. We assess
the risk that imported secondary materials are substituted for domestic secondary
materials. In this case, the domestic recovery sector suffers from increased imports. As a
result, increased amounts of solid waste are generated. The modeling exercise, however,
demonstrates that under current circumstances, this crowding-out effect does not take
How to design a desirable trade policy for waste plastics
As mentioned earlier, plastic production in India is unable to meet the needs of
the domestic market. Besides boosting imports of plastic products, the domestic shortage
raises imports of raw materials, such as monomer, polymers and waste plastics. It is
expected that this trend continues over the next few years. However, with the
establishment of several ethylene projects in the next century, imports of plastic raw
materials are expected to slow down. In the process of substituting domestic for imported
materials it will be important for India‟s production to meet international levels of
efficiency to avoid protective trade measures.[2]
2.2.3 P.M.SUBRAMANIAN (2012)


Plastic waste is recycled in India in an “unorganized” way. 60% of the plastic-

waste collected and segregated gets recycled back into materials for further processing
into consumer products, while the balance is left unutilized. Regulations and legislations
are being enforced in two States of India viz. Haryana and Himachal Pradesh, while a
National Plastic Waste Management Council Task Force has been set up by the
Government of India, Ministry of Environment of Forests, with the association of
Department of Petroleum and Chemicals, Ministry of Urban Affairs, Municipal
Corporation of Delhi and various groups/associations of plastic manufacturers. Scope is
there for the recycling/management of plastic waste, as an organized activity in India.

Municipal solid waste in India contains 1 to 4 % by weight of plastic waste.

India‟s rate of recycling of plastic waste is the highest (60%) in the world as compared to
other countries (China 10%, Europe 7%, Japan 12%, South Africa 16%, and USA 10%).
As a source of hazard to environment, plastic account for 16% of chlorine in the
environment and have 54 carcinogens, polythene bags for disposal if burnt irresponsibly
releases highly toxic gases like phosgene, carbon monoxide, chlorine, sulphur dioxide,
nitrogen oxide, besides deadly dioxin. Polymers are gradually replacing natural materials
like metal, timber and fibers and thereby conserving the natural environment. Polymers
are now finding diversified uses through blends and alloys and giving higher standards of
performance and life cycles to various Products. Plastics waste forms a wide range.
Predominantly it is film packaging and polythene carry bags, followed by blow molded
containers, and broken and discarded molded items. The range is wide and includes
discarded PVC chapels /shoes in varied colors and grades of plastics material. Discarded
PVC mineral water bottles/PET mineral water and liquor bottles and PS ice cream/Cold
drink cups/disposable catering plates and grays and expanded PS and PE Foam
PE, PVC, PP films, packages, shopping bags, and medicine foils, used and discarded
molded items like containers and range of household non-durables, combs, ball point
Pens, tooth brushes etc. Broken plastics articles - mostly of PE, PVC, PS, PP, ABS,
Nylon, PET, etc.

Plastic Waste Management has assumed great significance in view of the

urbanization Activities. Plastic waste generated by the polymer manufacturers at the
production, extrusion, Quality control & lab. Testing etc., stages, as well as, by the
consumers require urgent disposal and recycling to avoid health hazards. Various
strategies are being devised to mitigate the Impact of plastic waste in India.
Plastics have been used widely in both water and food packaging due to their
natural properties such as inertness and low bulk densities, which make them suitable
mover materials and little risk to contaminants. Plastic bottles and sachets have become
prevalent all over the country, particularly, urban areas. The packaging revolt has not
been backed by proper plastic waste management policy, which has left a lot of cities in
India littered with plastic wastes, hence, creating horrible visual troubles and other
community health problems. Growing environmental awareness and reduction in
available landfill capacity have prompted plastic recycling programs in most developed
countries. Currently, however only between 5 to 25% of plastic waste is being recycled.
The paper discusses prospects of plastic waste management schemes. It is concluded that
the existing rate of environmental worsening is likely to continue unless long term
remedial measures are adopted for plastic wastes management in the country.
Plastics have made significant contribution in almost every field of human
activity today – agriculture, medical, transportation, piping, electrical and heat insulation,
packaging, manufacturing of household and electronic goods, furniture and other items of
daily or specific use. Plastics in medical products like disposable syringes, blister packing
of tablets and capsules, joint replacement prostheses, inter venous (IV) fluid bottles,
blood bags, catheters, heart valves, etc., have significantly helped supporting the human
life. Medical devices made of plastics are Implanted into the human body.
Packaging is one of the most important applications of plastics. In fact, about
40% of plastic materials worldwide are used in packaging applications. Plastics have
contributed in creating a sustainable, hygienic, energy efficient, cost effective and
environmental friendly packaging system. Versatility of plastics has allowed creating an
efficient pilfer proof, hygienic and cost effective packaging of food products like milk,
spices, edible oil, bread, confectioneries, rice, wheat flour, snack foods and various types
of medicines. Plastics are used for packaging of toiletries, cosmetics and host of other
consumer products of daily and special purpose use required all – rich or poor in urban
cities or in the villages. This has been possible due to the following attributes of plastic
i. Safe and hygienic – inert and chemical resistance,
ii. Light weight and non-breakability,
iii. Excellent barrier properties - enhancing shelf-life,
iv. Superior impact resistance,
v. Sterilizable and resistance to bacterial and other microbial growth,
vi. Transparency as well as opacity,
vii. Lower fuel consumption and product loss during transportation.
Contribution of plastics to human health is difficult to ignore.
Plastic based packaging with the above-mentioned properties ensures reaching the best,
hygienic and unadulterated product to the masses. Despite all these benefits, plastics
packaging in general, and plastic bags /carry bags – which are a part of the packaging
system, are under the scanner. Plastics are blamed for series of health, safety and
environmental problems. No biodegradability of plastics is attributed towards causing
waste management problems and choking of the drains in urban cities.
The solution to waste management problem lies in segregation of dry and wet
solid waste at the source for which an effective mass awareness campaign is very
important. Creation of efficient solid waste management infrastructure coupled with
encouraging establishment of recycling centers would help address the MSW problem.
Plastics can be recycled to produce articles for mass use augmenting the concept of
resource management. Many useful products have been developed with recycled plastics
and large number of people is employed in these activities in small, micro and informal
sectors. An informal industry estimate put the recycling figure of India at around 1.5
Million Tons – close to 50% of plastics used for packaging applications. This is a very
high recycling ratio. Recycling ensures that the unwanted and discarded plastics waste
does not remain in road side nor it is carried to the landfill. Apart from the conventional
recycling, which is popular in India, alternate processes of plastic recycling are also
required to be encouraged. Low-end, mixed and comingled plastics waste can be used
safely for co-processing in cement kilns. Industrial fuel can be produced from all types of
mixed plastics waste. Plastic waste has been used to construct asphalt roads. All these
processes have been successfully tried and established in Indian conditions. Adherence
for abiding to safe norms while recycling, as stipulated by the regulatory authorities, is a
must. Proper education, facility, incentives and awareness can achieve this goal.
However, some types of plastic waste like multilayer laminates, EPS, etc. are not easily
recyclable by conventional process.[1]
Sometimes when different types of plastic waste, which are otherwise easily
recyclable individually, get mixed with different groups of plastics in the waste stream
forming, what we call, comingled plastic waste, recycling becomes difficult. Such type of
plastic waste, generally, is abandoned by the waste pickers creating waste management
In India, the infrastructure for handling of solid waste particularly in urban areas is
woefully inadequate. Poor littering habit of the general public has aggravated the
problem. Union as well as different state government authorities had indeed imposed
restrictions on use of thin plastic carry bags to contain the waste problem indirectly.
However, it is recognized that various Government Notifications were not implemented
effectively. This led to an increased pressure on the local authorities to take more
stringent measures including complete ban on plastic bags. It is realized that complete ban
on plastic carry bags is not the solution rather it would encourage use of alternate
materials creating an increased environmental pollution in the real sense and ultimately
leading to the cause of climate change a more dreaded reality the world is facing today. A
voluntary cooperation and self-regulation by the industry and the public at large and
adequate action by the Government Authorities can solve the waste management
As we are living in 21st century, new technologies are being invented in almost
every sector to make human life fast and easier. Beside this we are still finding the
solutions to problems related to our environment, energy and natural resources.
Construction industry produces large amount of waste throughout the year. Most of the
time construction and demolition waste ends up in landfills disturbing environmental,
economic and social life cycle. Construction and demolition waste is the waste materials
that are produced in the process of construction, renovation or demolition of residential or
non-residential structures. Components of construction and demolition waste typically
include concrete, asphalt, wood, metals, and gypsum Wallboard, roofing, paper, plastic,
drywall and glass. Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the Ability of future generations to meet their own needs;
and can be considered as one of the solution to solve construction and demolition waste
Sustainable development in construction will help a lot to reduce the problems
related to environment and natural resources as construction industry is a major user of
world‟s resources. Sustainable design, proper se and reuse of the resources/construction
materials will make construction industry more economical and green. Concrete is the
second most consumed material after water, so recycling of concrete can save
construction costs also it will help to keep environment healthy. Concrete collected from
sites is put through crushing machine, usually uncontaminated concrete i.e. free from
wood, plastic, paper and other unwanted materials. Metals such as rebar are removed with
the help of magnets and other sorting devices. In many countries like Japan, United
States, United Kingdom various recycling techniques are being used and returning good
results. Process of recycling construction and demolition waste includes storage, sorting,
collection, transportation, recycling and disposing. Recycling methods used in japan are
heating and rubbing methods, eccentric-shaft rotor method and Mechanical grinding
method. Recycling of Construction and demolition waste has many benefits such as
reduction in transportation cost, it keeps environment clean and reduces natural resource
exploitation. To promote recycling and reuse of waste, awareness about its effects and
Benefits should be communicated with people, contractors, engineers and architects.
More numbers of recycling plants should be installed and allowing the use of recycled
aggregate instead of natural aggregate for some purpose. In this paper I am going to focus
on different recycling techniques and reuse of construction and demolition waste.
The promotion of environmental management and the mission of sustainable
development have exerted the pressure demanding for the adoption of proper methods to
protect the environment across all industries including construction. Construction by
nature is not an eco-friendly activity. Construction, renovation and demolition activities
lead to the formation of waste. Construction and demolition waste is generated whenever
any construction/demolition activity takes place, such as, building roads, bridges, flyover,
subway, remodeling etc. It consists mostly of inert and non-biodegradable material such
as concrete, plaster, metal, wood, plastics etc. A part of this waste comes to the municipal
stream. These wastes are heavy, having high density, often bulky and occupy
considerable storage space either on the road or communal waste bin/container. It is not
uncommon to see huge piles of such waste, which is heavy as well, stacked on roads
especially in large projects, resulting in traffic congestion and disruption. Waste from
small generators like individual house.
construction or demolition, find its way into the nearby municipal bin/vat/waste
storage depots, making the municipal waste heavy and degrading its quality for further
treatment like composting or energy recovery. Often it finds its way into surface drains,
choking them. It constitutes about 10-20 % of the municipal solid waste (excluding large
construction projects). Preservation of the environment and conservation of the rapidly
diminishing natural resources should be the essence of sustainable development. So
recycling of Construction Waste is the need of the day.
This study has developed concepts for the reutilization of construction materials,
including waste debris, by means of recycling into other components that are useful in
construction. Primary opportunities identified in this study to divert Construction and
Demolition debris from the solid waste stream exist in the form of demolition operations
to salvage or recycle building materials and systems. A successful construction waste
management plan involves all the principal parties of a project: owner, architect,
engineer, contractor, and subcontractor. By involving each of the parties early on in the
design process it is easier to achieve established goals. The construction waste
management plan should require the contractor to minimize waste, develop ways to reuse
existing materials, which may be included in the new design or elsewhere. The architect
should be familiar with the regional waste management infrastructure and establish a
waste management goal for the contractor. The reasonable regulations and design/green-
rating systems should be established to promote concrete recycling. Concrete recycling
will become one of the most important elements for construction sustainability.


Defining the Problem Disposal of plastic waste in an environment is considered to be a major

concern due to its very low bio-degradability and presence in large quantities. Used plastic
consumer bags thrown out from human dwelling has become a major constraint to the agencies
in the town and cities. Used plastic bags, which are a primary constituent of the domestic wastes,
mainly consist of low density polyethylene (LDPE). Plastic bags dumped in the dustbins find
their way into the drainage system and clog them. Often, these are burnt along wayside,
producing hazardous toxic fumes causing stringent air pollution. Worldwide, technology is
facing the great challenge which is termed as “environmental destruction” by means of various
factors. One among them is the high consumption of some natural resources. Aggregates such as
red earth for the manufacture of bricks are one of the environmental destruction that happens in
present scenario.


A Plastic Reinforced Brick Manufacturing Machine was fabricated within the limitations.
It essentially consists of a cutting unit, mixing unit, extruding unit or recycling unit and a mold
box. The components and working is explained as follows.

Sr No Part Name
4.1 Hopper
4.2 Cooling Tank

4.3 Cutting Unit

4.3 Valve
4.4 Heating Coil
4.5 Mixer
4.5 Die

Table no :- 4.1 List of Component

People have stored powdered materials for thousands of years, at least as far back
as man have harvested and stored crops. Prior to the 1960s storage bins were
designed largely by guessing. This was all changed by the research of Andrew W.
Jenike in the 1960s. His work identified the criteria that affect material flow in
storage vessels. Jenike developed the theory and methods to apply the theory,
including the equations and measurement of the necessary material properties. His
primary works are published in "Gravity Flow of Bulk Solids", Bulletin 108,
University of Utah Engineering Experiment Station, October 1961, and Bulletin 123,
November 1964. Hoppers are used in industry for protection and storage of
powdered materials. Hoppers must be designed such that they are easy to load. More
importantly, hoppers must be designed such that they are easy to unload.
The way the hopper is designed affects the rate of flow of the powder out of
the hopper, if it flows at all. Also, the way the hopper is designed affects how much
of the stored material can discharge and whether there mixing of solid sizes or dead
space that reduces the effective holding capacity of the hopper. These issues and
others discussed here are important to consider when designing storage hoppers.


Cooling tank in the project performs the function of cooling of finish product
with the die. It is made from same material as hopper. (Mild steel sheet) having
thickness of 3 mm and gauge 18.cooling tank in our project is in square shape.
Cutting Unit

This unit is ideal equipment for cutting plastics, e.g. Polypropylene, Polyethylene film scrap,
High Density Polyethylene and Low Density Polyethylene. The criteria for selection of materials
for various components of the machine is based on the type of force that will be acting on
them, the work they are expected to perform, the environmental condition in which they will
function, their useful physical and mechanical properties, the cost, toxicity of materials and
their availability in the local market or the environment. The main important components of
the unit are: frame, blades, hopper and cover plate. The main function of the machine frame is
to support, guide and hold in accurate alignment all the moving members of the operating
machine. The outlet is located at the end of the unit where the conditioned materials are
compressed and the cut out through the outlet slots. The machine is powered by an electric
motor via chain drive connected to the main shaft that turns the blade. The hopper into which
the plastic material is fed is located at the top of the housing. The bulk of the parts of the unit is
fabricated using mild steel, this is because it is the easiest to be joined among all other metals.
Mild steel is a very versatile metal, necessitating its use by many industries for fabrication of
process unit equipment. Apart from its versatility, it is also very cheap and readily available
compared to other metals. In the first step of cutting operation, plastic waste is collected from
various sources followed by separation. After separation, the method to be followed for cutting
is decided.

Heaters & Control Knobs

The heaters are provided in Extruder. It is provided in the model in order to provide sufficient
heat so that the plastic waste in the mix gets melted. And further mixes it with aggregates and
comes out. The heating in the model ranges from 0 to 1000C.

Mold Box
Shape of the bricks is molded using Brick molding box. It creates an attractive transition. Brick
molding not only creates an attractive transition, but also covers the gap between the adjacent
materials. Brick molding typically has a block-like profile, with decorative routing running along
its exposed face or edge; shapes and exact dimensions vary according to manufacturer. Wood is
themost common brick molding material. Rot and pest resistant species such as redwood, are a
classic choice for exterior trim. Alternatively, manufacturers offer pine brick molding. Plastic
moldings are a common substitute for natural materials. Although relatively expensive, plastic
moldings are immune to rot and pest infestation. The mixture is packed into the mold boxes
compartment using mold cover and rammed to obtain it in compact size. After proper
ramming, bricks are ejected and laid out in the sun for about 24 hours.
Chapter- 6

Design consists of application of scientific, principles, technical information and

imagination for development of new or improvised machine or mechanism to perform a
specific with maximum economy & efficiency.
Hence a careful design approach has to be adopted. The total design work has been split
up into two parts;
 System design
 Mechanical Design
System design mainly concerns the various physical constraints and ergonomics, space
requirements, arrangement of various components on main frame at system, man + machine
interaction, No. of controls, position of controls, working environment of machine, chances of
failure, safety, measures to be provided, servicing aids, ease of maintenance, scope of
Improvement, weight of machine from ground level, total weight of machine and a lot more.
In mechanical design the components are listed down and stored on the basis of their
procurement, design in two categories namely,
 Designed Parts
 Parts to be purchased
For designed parts detached design is done & distinctions thus obtained are compared
to next highest dimensions which are readily available in market. This amplifies the assembly as
well as postproduction servicing work. The various tolerances on the works are specified. The
process charts are prepared and passed on to the manufacturing stage.
The parts which are to be purchased directly are selected from various catalogues &
specified so that anybody can purchase the same from the retails shop with given


In system design we mainly concentrated on the following parameters:-

6.1.1. System Selection Based on Physical Constraints:

While selecting any machine it must be checked whether it is going to be used in a large
– scale industry or a small scale industry. In our case it is to be used by a small scale industry .So
space is a major constrain. The system is to be very compact so that it can be adjusted to corner
of a room.
The mechanical design has direct norms with the system design. Hence the foremost job is to
control the physical parameters, so that the distinctions obtained after mechanical design can
be well fitted into that.

6.1.2. Arrangements of Various Components:

Keeping into view the space restrictions the components should be laid such that their
easy Removal or servicing is possible. More over every component should be easily seen none
should be hidden. Every possible space is utilized in components arrangements.

6.1.3. Components of System:

As already stated the system should be compact enough so that it can be
accommodated at a corner of a room. All the moving parts should be well closed & compact. A
compact system design gives a high weighted structure which is desired.
Man Machine Interaction
The friendliness of a machine with the operator that is an important criteria of design. It
is the application of anatomical & psychological principles to solve problems arising from Man –
Machine relationship. Following are some of the topics included in this section. Design of foot
lever Energy expenditure in foot & hand operation Lighting condition of machine.

6.1.4. Chances of Failure:

The losses incurred by owner in case of any failure are important criteria of design.
Factor safety while doing mechanical design is kept high so that there are less chances of
failure. Moreover periodic maintenance is required to keep unit healthy.

6.1.5. Servicing Facility:

The layout of components should be such that easy servicing is possible. Especially those
components which require frequents servicing can be easily disassembled. Scope of Future
Improvement Arrangement should be provided to expand the scope of work in future.
Such as to convert the machine motor operated; the system can be easily configured to
required one. The die & punch can be changed if required for other shapes of notches etc.

6.1.6. Height of Machine from Ground:

For ease and comfort of operator the height of machine should be properly decided so
that he may not get tried during operation. The machine should be slightly higher than the
waist level, also enough clearance should be provided from the ground for cleaning purpose.

6.1.7. Weight of Machine:

The total weight depends upon the selection of material components as well as the
dimension of components. A higher weighted machine is difficult in Transportation & in case of
major breakdown; it is difficult to take it to workshop because of more weight.

6.1.8. Mechanical Design:

Mechanical design phase is very important from the view of designer as whole success
of the project depends on the correct design analysis of the problem.
Many preliminary alternatives are eliminated during this phase Designer should have
adequate knowledge above physical properties of material, loads stresses, deformation, and
failure. Theories and wear analysis. He should identify the external and internal force acting on
the machine parts.
This force may be classified as;
1] Dead weigh forces
2] Friction forces
3] Inertia forces
4] Centrifugal forces
5] Forces generated during power transmission etc.
Designer should estimate these forces very accurately by using design equations. If he
does not have sufficient information to estimate them he should make certain practical
assumptions based on similar conditions. This will almost satisfy the functional needs.
Assumptions must always be on the safer side.
Selection of factors of safety to find working or design stress is another important step
in design of working dimensions of machine elements. The corrections in the theoretical stress
value are to be made according in the kinds of loads, shape of parts & service requirements.
Selection of material should be made according to the condition of loading shapes of
products environments conditions & desirable properties of material.
Provision should be made to minimize nearly adopting proper lubrications methods.
In, mechanical design the components are listed down & stored on the basis of their
procurement in two categories.
 Design parts
 Parts to be purchased
For design parts a detailed design is done & designation thus obtain are compared to
the next highest dimension which is ready available in market.
This simplification the assembly as well as post production service work. The various
tolerances on the work are specified. The processes charts are prepared & passed on to the
work are specified.
The parts to be purchased directly are selected from various catalogues & specification
so that anybody can purchase the same from retail shop with the given specifications.
Design of frame –
A Frame made up of rectangular Pipe of 25*25*3 mm
BEAM A& B having same forces.

To determine position of neutral axis -


At section 1 & 2 –

𝑦̅ = 12.5 mm
Moment of inertia of beam –
Ixx = Ixx1 +Ixx2
𝑏2𝑑3 𝑏2𝑑 3
Ixx = 2∗ [ 12
] +2[ 12
3∗253 19∗33
=[ ] +[ ]
12 12

= 7898mm4
A frame made up of structure steel -
Material Structure steel BSI BSV EN10056
E = 210 GPa, 𝛾 = 0.3, Syt =335N/mm2

Design of weld Joint –

A frame having rectangular Pipe of 25*25*3 mm is welded another steel angle by edge of
25.4 mm load of vertically downward therefore shear stress induced in it. Angle subjected to
static load
Total Force =9810/4 = 2452.5N

From PSG design data book ..

Allowable shear stress for weld joint = 75 MPa

Shear stress induce in weld is,

25.4 ∗ 3

= 32.18 Mpa

Allowable stress is greater than induced stress, therefore design is safe.


[1] C K Subramania Prasad, E K Kunhanandan Nambiar and Benny Mathews Abraham, “Plastic
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[4] TECHNICAL NOTES on Brick Construction, “Brick Industry Association” 850 Centennial
Park Drive, Reston, Virginia 20191 | | 703-620-
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