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Mystic’s Animal Reiki Healing Circle Practitioners Manual

Animal Reiki is a one-week course, and includes a lot of practice
Before we start, please talk with family and friends who have pets. Explain that you have just
completed a Reiki for humans program, and are now taking a class about Animal Reiki. Ask if
you might practice Reiki with their pets. Please try to get a variety, cats and dogs, hamsters,
gerbils, birds, and reptiles.

Next, please contact an animal shelter, veterinarian, farm, ranch, or zoo in your local area. Let
them know that you have just finished a Reiki for Humans program and are now taking one
specializing in Reike for Animals. Ask if you might offer treatment to some of the non-
domesticated animals. You may want to add that with animals you aren’t familiar with, you
don’t touch them but work from a distance.

You will be asked to give a minimum of 20 treatments to at least 10 different animals, if you
want to do more then please do. This course is a bit different, you will be asked to continue
treatments after the “lessons” are finished, for a total of 60 with the best variety possible. You
also need a journal, notebook, loose-leaf binder, or writing pad to record each treatment you
give. Keep track in your Journal and pm me when you’ve completed 60, your certificate will be
awarded at that time.

Animal Reiki – Day 1 – Program Introduction
Welcome to Mystic’s Animal Reiki program. Although this program is not part of our
Practitioner and Teacher programs, we will be using many of the same principles. Our Animal
Reiki program is possibly more intense than our other Reiki programs.

We may be a bit unconventional to start with, but I promise we will cover the same material as
the more conventional programs. We will look at cautions with animals; we will also talk about
the Chakras of various animals, and just a bit about animal psychology and communication.
Most of our time though will be spent giving treatments to different classes of animals.

We are combining three levels of Animal Reiki into one program covered in one week. The
reason is actually simple; many other programs present the majority of information during the
first 1-3 hour session and the rest is exercise, practice and treatments. This is a very good style
of training, very effective, just not my personal style. We will intermingle the textbook training
with exercises to emphasis the information and allow us time to absorb it.

Another different is the Certificate – this first week is only part of the Animal Reiki program, the
rest will be gaining experience through application to complete at your own pace. During our
first week we will try to give 20 treatments to at least 10 different animals, or as many as
possible. Remember humans are members of the animal kingdom. Also, please add plants as

Following this first week, continue to treat the greatest variety of animals, plants and animals as
possible, for 60 treatments including follow-ups. This may seem like a lot now, but you will
soon find that the experience gained through practice is well worth the effort. When the required
number of treatments is finished, you will be awarded your Animal Reiki Practitioner Certificate.

You really need a journal for this as well. Keep records for each treatment, including your
feelings and the animal’s reaction while giving it, and of course, why the treatment is being
given. The second treatment can be a simple follow-up. Check back with each animal a few
days after the treatment and record any improvement and additional treatment you may give.

With wild animals the follow-up is more difficult, so your initial observation before and after the
treatment becomes extremely important. Please don’t slight the journal keeping, if for no other
reason, it will help keep track of the number of treatments you give during and after this class for
your certificate. I really believe the Journal will become a permanent part of your records.

Animals are highly intuitive and sensitive to the energies of other animals, people and their
habitat. Animals have emotions just as humans do, and they are empathic enough to sense the
emotions of others. Reiki balances the energy patterns, calms the emotions and strengthens the
animal's natural healing ability. Reiki encourages the unity of mind, emotions, body and spirit.
When we give Reiki to an animal, we usually receive immediate validation and gratification,
which helps our personal confidence to grow.

So today, contact neighbors, family, and friends, explain that you are taking a program for
Animal Reiki and would really like to offer a free treatment and follow-up with their pets. To
add even more variety to you practice contact any local animal shelters, farms, ranches, zoos,
again explain what you’re doing and offer free treatments and a follow-up with them also.
Schedule the treatments this week.

Remember this is not only hands on, distant treatments are also encouraged and in many cases
the only way. I suggest a mix of indoor and outdoor animals or plants, also animals that you
know, animals that are strangers to you, rescues and sheltered animals, pets and domesticated,
and wild animals as well. We know that not everyone will have access to a large variety of
animals, so work with what you have available and mix it up as much as you can.

Our group - Mystic Animal Reiki Healing Circle – lists individuals and rescue centers requesting
Reiki treatments, and granted permission for us to treat and to record those treatments,
experiences, and results – a great resource for distance treatments.

We have also added a form to our files - Animal Reiki Session Report – to record information
for each treatment given. You may use it for this class and for your future practice as well. I
think you will find it very beneficial.

Animal Reiki – Day 2 – Animal Chakras and Auras
We have so much important information to cover under this heading, so today we will introduce
the Chakras and Auras for animals. Discuss a little about the meaning of each of the 7 basic
Chakras and the 7 associated Auric fields, as well as the relevance in communication and
treatment. Tomorrow we can address Approach, Hand Positions and Treatment.

The Charkas are basically the same as in Humans and with about the same meanings. Like
windmills spinning, these chakras spin within our bodies sending energy to each and every
organ, cell, drop of blood of our frame; they even fuel our thoughts and our emotions.

1st Chakra - Root/Base chakra found at base of the spine is the Chakra of survival, our physical
2nd Chakra - Sacral chakra located in the pelvis area, just below the belly button is the Chakra
of Pleasure.
3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus chakra at stomach slightly above the naval is the Social Chakra and
that inner knowing or gut feeling.
4th Chakra - The Heart chakra is the center of our entire Chakra system connecting the lower
three physical and emotional centers with the three higher mental and spiritual centers, the
Chakra of unconditional love.
5th Chakra - Throat chakra is all about communicating, expressing ourselves.
6th Chakra - The Third eye chakra is located in the forehead between the eye brows just above
the bridge of the nose. It is the seat of our higher thoughts, reasoning, understanding, and
7th Chakra is known as the Crown chakra at top of head and is also called the seat of the soul
and connection with our Higher Self and higher dimensions, realms, spirit.

Each Chakra or energy centers connects to certain organs and physical functions, when all are
aligned and balanced, we realize health and wellness. Blocked and imbalanced Chakras disrupt
the flow of energy resulting in illness, aches, and pains. The energy centers not only flow
through the body but also radiate outside of the body as well. We see this radiation as layers of
various colors, the Auric fields; seven Chakras, seven layers in the Aura.

The colors of these layers, their brilliance and intensity, reflect the conditions of our physical and
mental self - each color represents a different message. Many detailed charts of the meanings of
these colors are available – here are a few links that I suggest reading

“The aura of any pet is simpler than that of a human being for their feelings and thoughts are not
as complex. Hence, their aura will more or less be one or two colors blending into one another
close to their body. Depending upon their mood, their auras will pulsate with happiness or cloud
with fear.”

Learning to read the Aura is like talking with your pet or any other animal. You will understand
their emotions, their feeling of security or of danger. Not only will the Aura point out the areas
that treatment is needed most, but that understanding also opens your mind to speak with them as

Again, a quick search will find several links to exercises to help you perfect your ability to read
Auras. This one will get you started -

For now though, simply almost shut your eyes, focus through a small opening, and watch the
shimmering light, like a halo that surrounds the animal you are treating. Don’t try to force it, just
let it happen.

At this time color is not important, just the changes, after practice you will be able to ‘see’ the
dominant color of the animal’s aura. That primary color will blend with a complementary color
then rhythmically blend with and separate from the main color. When your pet is happy the aura
will shine and have a splashy look; like it is trying to explode. When it is upset it will get mixed
with grey and dark brown or black and will become cloudy and opaque. If you see any black
holes, rounds of grey or overall cloudy mixes in the aura, your pet is not well. The black holes
would represent serious problems, while the cloudy ones predict some mishap.

Tomorrow, we will look at hand positions to be used with animals, for now please continue to
practice with the Auras.

Today we will close with the Reiju Attunement and Hatsu Rei Ho Meditation – the
attunement of beginning, the new beginning of our Animal Reiki program.

Mikao Usui, founder of our Spiritual Healing Method, Usui Reiki Ryoho, was very big on
meditations. Two in particular he encouraged his students to practice every day, the first is
Hatsu Rei Ho, another is known as Gassho, which we will talk more about next week.

Hatsu Rei Ho raises the vibration of energy flowing through you and helps you become more
focused and relaxed. The Japanese word ‘Ho‘ means ‘technique ‘, so you will find it attached to
a lot of Reiki techniques. ‘Hatsu’ means ‘start up’ and of course, ‘Rei’ is ‘Reiki’

‘Hatsu Rei Ho’ is the meditation used to start or begin your Reiki path. It also introduces the
Reiju, the Japanese word meaning "to accept or to give energy." Reiju is thought to be Mikao
Usui's original attunement. Reiju is still practiced in Japan today.

To receive the Reiju attunement, please begin with Hatsu Rei Ho. This will draw divine love and
light into your energy center. It also gives you time for peace, and then blesses all your actions
with loving, wise energy.

The first step is your intention to start Hatsu Rei Ho. Some follow with “Dry Bathing,” or
Kenyoku, which is a form of brushing your Aura. This removes any negative energy, which may

have been collected during normal daily activities. You should include Kenyoku before and
after each attunement or treatment; be sure to wash your hands and ensure your breath is fresh.

To do Kenyoku or dry bathing:

Sit comfortably in your chair with your feet firmly on the ground
• Take three deep breaths and on the third breath
• Place your right hand on your left shoulder
• As you exhale, run your right hand across your body to your right hip.
• Then take your left hand and place it on your right shoulder
• As you exhale, run your left hand across your body to your left hip.
• And once again, place your right hand on your left shoulder
• As you exhale, run your right hand across your body to your right hip
• Now place your right hand on your left shoulder
• As you breathe out, brush your hand down the length of your arm
• Take your left hand and place it on your right shoulder
• As you breath out, brush your hand down the length of your arm
• Once again, place your right hand on your left shoulder
• As you breathe out, brush your hand down the length of your arm
• Now you can go on to prepare for Reiki or go about your daily life.

Sit or stand, with your back straight, hold your hands in the prayer position close to your chest.

As you breathe in, visualize golden love and light come in through the top of your head and flow
down to your stomach. Also, see this light coming through your hands into your heart chakra,
then spreading to the rest of your body as you breathe in and out. Continue for a few minutes.

When you feel ready to accept this Reiju attunement, rest your hands, palms up, on your thighs
and say (out loud or in your mind) “As I begin my Reiki path, I accept Reiju which has been
prepared by Mikao Usui Sensei, and channeled for my through Roger Nobles.”
Continue to breathe deeply, feel the energy as it flows through your body refreshing empowering
each cell, each organ. With this you have completed Hatsu Rei Ho.

If you stay focused, it should only take you about 7 minutes, so it can fit easily into your
morning. Try doing it every day for a week and see if you feel different. If so, carry on doing it
as often as you can and watch how your experience of life subtly transforms.

Animal Reiki – Day 3 – Approach and Hand Positions
Tuning in to Your Pet’s Aura is not so hard; actually, it’s really simple, and becomes easy with

Try this first with your personal pet or one you’re familiar with. Often pets are the first to greet
us when we come home after being away for a while. So the next time your pet running towards
you, don’t look directly into its eyes, focus just a little above your pet; try to feel its energy
moving towards you, yet not totally your pet’s energy, begin by concentrating on you on energy
and then the pets energy as it blends into yours. Typically, your pet will even happier than usual,
while sensing this heightened energy, also concentrate on the Aura. No interpretations of color
yet, just a sense of change as the level of happiness increases.

While this exercise allows you to see the affect happiness and pleasure have on the Aura, the
opposite will be true when you leave the house. Your pet will shift from happiness and joy to
more of a waiting state. Knowing the change and understanding that the Aura easily speaks of
an animal’s emotions is important in how we approach an animal before treatment

While an animal’s Aura is much simpler to read than a human, they also have highly tuned
senses and very keen intuition, your approach can either calm or disturb. While approaching
your own pet can be straight forward, caution is advised if working with an animal you aren’t
familiar with.

You can easily make them more comfortable by using some of the same techniques you might
use when meeting a stranger.

- Speak quietly
- Behave Calmly
- Be willing to maintain the physical distance the animal chooses
- Avoid dominant physical positions
- Maintain respectful and non-confrontational eye contact (sometimes avoid eye contact all
- Avoid forcing physical contact with hands-on Reiki

Continue to practice seeing and reading the overall color of an animal’s aura. It might be light
yellow, beige, or apricot color; also notice how the overall or dominate color will combine with a
complementary. Notice how color combinations keep mixing and then separating from the main
color. The Aura of a happy animal will shine and sparkle. When upset the colors will mix with
grey and dark brown or black becoming cloudy and opaque. Black holes, dark spots, a lot of
grey or overall cloudy mixes in the aura, indicate the pet is not well. The black holes often
represent serious problems, while the cloudy ones show uneasiness, emotional upset or possibly
minor injury or pain.

Treating Animals With Reiki

Don’t make the mistake of diagnosing a problem. Many times, we are asked if we can “read” the
problem and see what it is or what caused it, always refer any type of diagnosis to a veterinarian
or medical professional.

A couple of important facts to keep in mind especially with wild animals or animals that roam
freely outside may become rabid, be cautious so you aren't bitten. If you are bitten, see a doctor,
take the animal to a veterinarian, and explain what happened.

Also, never attempt to force an animal to sit still while you attempt to do a Reiki treatment on
them. Animals should be treated with respect, honor their free will to accept or reject the offered
energy. Remember we are working with them, and not on them. In addition, your emotions will
be read by your client and will contribute to their distress or calmness – Think pleasant thoughts,
and show radiate unconditional love. Respect but never fear.

Before we look at hand positions for the animals, we need to understand that animals have an 8th
Chakra, the Brachial or Key Chakra (This chakra was discovered by the world’s foremost, world
famous animal healer, Margrit Coates.) It’s located on either side of the body, where the
shoulders touch the neck, and is the main energy center in all animals and links directly to the
other chakras. This sensory center relates to the animal-human interaction so is probably a very
good spot to being treating our Animal friends.

Hand positions are much the same as with humans. Begin by using your intent to focus on love,
peace, happy thoughts. Don’t stare into the eyes of the animal you’re treating, also don’t touch
them, allow them to come to you. When you have determined that it is safe to do so, you might
begin by placing your hands just above both shoulders with the Brachial Chakra, working in the
aura. This helps your client to relax, when ready, the animal will let you know when and where
to do any hands-on treating. Remember, the more relaxed an animal is, the easier energy flows
and in greater supply.

When the animal is relaxed, you can begin to treat it. Use hand positions similar to those for
humans. The Chakra points will help guide you, so simply place your hands on or around areas,
you sense are in pain or imbalance. Let your inner senses guide your hands, allowing you
intuitively know how long to leave them there.

With small animals (mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, frogs, and birds), just cup your hands gently
around their bodies. At first, you may feel rapid heartbeat, but the animal will relax, and then just
allow the animal to be surrounded in Reiki energy flowing through your cupped hands. You may
need to use more positions with larger animal to ensure they receive a healthy dose of energy.

When treating injured or tame birds with Reiki animal healing, place their body in one open
hand, making sure their wings are folded back against their body in a natural position. Make sure
their sternum is able to move freely, so they can breathe easily.

With caged birds or fish in a tank, place your hands around the cage or tank and let the energy to
flow between your hands; it might take 20 to 30 minutes for these small friends to absorb the
energy they need.

Treat poisonous, wild and dangerous animals using distant techniques, again respect not fear.
Again the reminder: keep a journal of your treatments and experiences for all the animals you
work with. This helps you build valuable files and develop the best ways to treat different

Often when an animal realizes the pain is going away and they begin to feel better, they will
relax and fall asleep, or yawn, and lay out flat on their sides. Normally that is the first reaction
when they feel the calming Reiki energy starts flowing through their bodies; you know they are
completely enjoyed the session.

For your first treatments, work family pets or animals that you’re certain are friendly. In
addition to the treatments (one or two), continue to practice seeing the auras.

Overview of Animal Chakras: Location, Function/Purpose, Signs of Imbalance and Body
Areas Governed, Gemstones
Copyright article provided courtesy of Patinkas © 2009-2012

Chakra Location Function/ Purpose Signs of Imbalance Body Areas Governed Gemstones

Black Tourmaline(if
between shoulders animal is reluctant to
‘Major’ reluctance to be touched (other than for
(on a horse, just links all other Major chakras, connect), Herkimer
chakra – obvious medical reasons: arthritis, chest, neck, forelimbs,
below where center for animal-human Diamond, piece of
healing inflamed skin, etc), reluctance/refusal to head
shoulder meets bonding, place to start healing programmed Clear
should start ‘connect’
neck) Quartz (click on link for
at this
programming info)

brain, pituitary gland, skin,

on top of head, spine, central and
Clear Quartz, Azestulite,
Crown between the ears (at connects to spirit depression, withdrawn autonomic nervous
Tanzanite, Diamond
the ‘poll’ on a horse) system, cranio-sacral

head in general, pineal

Third Eye center of forehead, gland, natural body Lapis Lazuli, Fluorite
acceptance of self headaches, bad eyes, distant/distracted
(Brow) just above the eyes rhythms, higher mental Amethyst, Charoite

throat, mouth, teeth,

jaws (albeit often caused
on physical throat
uncommunicative or excessively noisy, from Root-based fear,
(on long-necked Blue Quartz, Blue Lace
Throat communication doesn’t listen to commands (training animals which chew
animals, over vocal Agate, Blue Topaz
requests) excessively can often
benefit from having
energy balanced here)

sad (recent emotional grief/

breast/front of chest
separation/loss?), overly possessive,
to behind forelegs heart, lungs, immune Rose Quartz, Emerald,
Heart herd hierarchy (relationships) unwilling to interact with other animals,
(above brisket to system, thymus gland Pink Tourmaline, Jade
jealous, nervous around other animals
breast on a horse)
for no known reason

personal power/sense of
dejected, withdrawn, aggressive, digestive tract, stomach, Citrine, Tiger Eye, Amber,
Solar Plexus middle of the back self(often depleted in
dominating, no enthusiasm liver Topaz
domesticated animals)

Sexuality, emotion (emotional

over emotional: excessive whining for
lower lumber area, loss of animal partner, home,
no obvious reason(exclude medical
between tail and offspring, etc., can often be kidneys, adrenal glands,
Sacral reasons first ), boundary issues: i.e. for Carnelian, Coral, Orange
middle of back (rump stored here). Good place to reproductive system,
(Spleen) a dog/horse: difficulty establishing Calcite
or middle of croup on work on when animal in shock lymphatic system
difference between work (training) time
a horse) whilst waiting for, or en route to
and play (off lead/ lead rope)time

survival, grounding,(this chakra

can be especially developed in excessively fearful/strong flight intestines, gut, hips, hind
where tail meets Hematite, Garnet, Red
Root animals lower down the prey reaction, greedy, sluggish, legs, muscular skeletal
body (hindquarters) Jasper, Unakite
system or food chain, i.e. underweight, restless system as a whole
animals preyed upon by others)

Animal Reiki – Day 4 – Distance Healing

* Note - Reiki and Energy healing is not a substitute for veterinary care. Reiki is given as a
complementary treatment to work with contemporary medical care. If a condition seems
serious or life threatening, please recommend that a Veterinarian be consulted first.

Just as we can use an animal’s Aura to sense their thoughts, emotional state, and even their well-
being, animals also sense our emotions. They know if we are fearful or confident, if we are calm
or stressed. It was said before, respect but not fear. Animals respond to our emotions, so we
need to keep our thoughts positive. If we feel agitated, upset, or depressed, it’s usually a good
idea to wait until we are calm before giving any treatments.

We need to concentrate on wellness rather than health issues. Reiki is intelligent and knows what
needs treating. Often when we think about treating an illness, Animal or Human, we may doubt
that Reiki is even working when we don’t see an immediate improvement in the condition we
thought we were treating. The condition in our mind is most likely an effect not the cause. Reiki
knows this and flows where the most good can occur. Therefore, it might be a few hours, days,
or even weeks later that any improvement is seen in the condition that we had focused on.
Therefore, Wellness not Injury or Illness should be our Focus. This also contributes to those
positive thoughts we need to maintain.

Before we get into distance techniques, we need to look back at some of the ways Reiki benefits
our animal companions.

- Animal Reiki Calms Scared, Fearful Animals

- Helps Reduce Stress, Induces Relaxation to Promote Better Healing
- Great for Feral, Wildlife, Rescues, Hard to Reach & Handle Animals
- We are all "Beings of Energy" - Negative & Positive
- Energy flow blocked = Slows Pet's Internal Healing Systems & Functions
- Energy healing removes blocks - creates "optimum" self-healing
- Animal's energy field includes spiritual, emotional, mental & physical

When treating an animal we need to be aware of their body language. While many will pull
closer to us because they sense Reiki’s healing energy around us, others that have been abused or
abandoned, may pull away from us or animals in pain –physical, mental, or emotional pain - may
not want any physical contact with a human. These sensitivities aren’t a problem since Reiki can
be sent from a distance, whether a foot away from the animal, or across the world.

Distant Healing is gentle and non-invasive, very effective for animals and is often preferable to
hands on treatments. Typically, a distant Reiki healing session might last for 20 to 30 minutes.
In many cases results of treatments are seen almost immediately or the following day or so.

Some animals may live too far away for hands-on treatments. Others may be extremely small,
fearful of strangers, old and fragile, or close to death and are more able to relax and absorb Reiki
distantly, and of course, animals that might be dangerous respond very well to distant healing.

Distance Reiki provides the same healing benefits as hands-on Reiki. Distant Reiki aids with
pain relief, speeds up healing from surgery, injury, or illness, as well as emotional healing. It also
helps prevent illness, and even eases the transition to death. As an added and important benefit,
Distant Reiki also helps ease family distress when a much love Pet passes on.

Giving Distant Reiki for Animals is the same as for Humans – a proxy (like a stuffed animal) can
be used to simulate hands-on treatment. Visualization, Chi Balls, or even a blast of light, simply
set your intentions, address those intentions, and release, allow Reiki to flow freely.

We have an awesome opportunity to use Distant Reiki to aid several Animal shelters and rescue
efforts, posted in our Mystic Animal Reiki Healing Circle -

Reiki is becoming very popular among Animal shelters, rescue missions, and sanctuaries. Look
on-line or in your phone book to see if any are in your area. If so, simply give them a call or
send an email explaining that you are an Animal Reiki Practitioner in training, and then ask if
they would grant permission for you to send Distant Reiki treatments to the animals in their
facility. They might even invite you to visit and give treatments in person as well.

Today, focus on giving one or more distant Reiki treatments even if the animal is only a few feet
away. Tomorrow Plant Reiki will be our theme.

Animal Reiki – Day 5 – Plant Reiki
Many indigenous people believe that everything has a spirit, humans, animals, plants, even
rocks. We believe that all are connected, that we are one. We have seen how we are one with
Reiki, one with the two-legs (humans), and one with animals, fur, fin, and feathers. Now we will
see how we are also one with plants as well. The Lakota Sioux people say Mitakuye Oyasin,
which translates as "all my relatives, "We are One"

We’ve all heard "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all." What in the world
does that have to do with Reiki and especially with giving Reiki to a plant? Well, do you talk to
your plants, or play music to help them grow? Nice words and gentle music right? And of
course, plants respond positively. Saying nice things seems to work wonders. So what happens if
the music is heavy metal and a booming bass track and the voices heard are angry, depressed or
sad? Well, a few researchers have conducted that very experiment, and guess what? The Plants
flourished, they grew just as well. It seems actually that it is the attention given that plants are
responding to.

Attention, focus, intent affects every living thing, including the more immobile plants and rocks.
More and more Reiki practitioners are beginning to agree with our indigenous people, relatives
and ancestors. Everything is connected, all of creation possesses a spirit, a soul, and so
everything is receptive to Reiki energy.

Especially for those skeptical of Reiki’s effectiveness, this experiment will give strong positive
evidence of the effect Reiki has on living things. It is also a great confidence booster for new

An Experiment for Reiki with Plants:

Select three or more plants, more may be used but in groups of three. Divide the plants into
three groups. It’s recommended to use plants of the same species, for the best comparison.
Remember Reiki may be used with potted plants to bigger trees or any other kind of plant

Use Reiki daily with one group, maybe once or twice a week with a second group, and not at all
with the last group. Record all of this in your journal too. Check the plants weekly to see the
conditions. Prior experiments have reported better growth and improved condition of the set
receiving Reiki daily, the other two with random treatments also improved, just not as much.
While the one receiving no Reiki improved the least.

But how exactly does one give Reiki to a plant? During Level 1 of our Practitioner’s group,
Tonya offers one method, which is very effective.

“You can give Reiki to plants simply by holding your hands an inch or two away from them.
You can do this by placing your hands together and moving around the plant or you can place
one hand on one side and the other hand on the other side.

House plants can be given Reiki by holding the pot with your hands or by placing your hands
about one to two inches away from the plant as described in the previous paragraph.
Trees can receive Reiki either through their trunks or the tips of their leaves. Simply cup your
hands around the trunk or the leaves and allow the Reiki to flow.

Another great way of sharing Reiki with trees is to stand with your back against the tree trunk.
Join your hands by placing one above the other, with the thumb of the right hand touching the
baby finger of the left hand. Then place your hands between your Unified Trinity Chakra and
your Heart Chakra. As the Reiki comes through your Crown Chakra and circulates through your
heart, the energy is also absorbed through your back by the tree. The tree, in turn, allows the
Reiki energy to circulate through it and return to you through your back. Whenever you share
Reiki with trees in this manner, you can actually feel the energy running up and down the tree.
It's a wonderful feeling to share Reiki this way.”

Give this a try and use the plants as part of the total treatments that you’re asked to do.

These 5 days are just an introduction to Animal Reiki. We will post more links and files for you
to go deeper. Also with lots of practice, it all becomes much easier you will grow in experience
and knowledge.

I encourage you to read the following links for more information about Reiki and plants:

Animal Reiki – Day 6 – The 5 Precepts and Code of Ethics
We invite all requests for animal and pet healing and any Animal Rescues to be posted on our
sister group - Mystic Animal Reiki Healing Circle - - Everyone is also encouraged to send
Reiki. I didn’t write todays post, I borrowed it from 2 other sources (credits and links included)

Animal Reiki: Applying the Five Reiki Precepts

by Becky Baumgartner

We Practice The Five Reiki Precepts of Reiki Daily -

1. Just for today, I am free of anger.
2. Just for today, I am free of worry.
3. Just for today, I am humble.
4. Just for today, I am honest in my work and my interaction with others.
5. Just for today, I am compassionate to others and myself.

Practicing The Five Reiki Precepts regularly will help us maintain balance and makes it easier
for us to stay balanced when we do healing work. Animals can sense even more quickly than
humans can when one is unbalanced, so maintaining balance is of the utmost importance when
working with animals.

The Importance of the Five Reiki Precepts When Working With Animals

Precept 1: Just For Today, I am free of Anger (The Importance of Inner Peace)
As we work with animals, we often come across animals who have been neglected and abused,
and we may easily see and/or sense their suffering and post-traumatic stress. Many times a Reiki
practitioner will connect with the animal and develop a deep intuitive understanding the animals
past negative experiences. This may cause the practitioner to become angry about how the

animal was treated, about what the animal had to go through, etc. This type of anger often spirals
into anger about the world in general, or humanity’s treatment of animals, and so on. This can
leave the practitioner in a “bubble of anger”. The anger will distract the practitioner from the
main goal –healing. Animals are very spiritually in tune and can sense the anger, even though not
directed at them, and not want to connect. Anger is dark, restrictive and heavy energetically. It
doesn’t leave much room for healing light to shine through.

The best thing to do is acknowledge the anger and let it go. Remember that holding focus on
anger detracts from our ability to create a space for healing. Remember that most animals really
do want to heal. If we can let go of our anger and see that there is hope we bring in light and
healing possibility.

Instead of focusing on anger, focus on the desire to help the animal. Visualize the animal in its
perfect form with a happy future. See the animal’s essence and spirit as “a bright star just waiting
to shine.” Let go of the anger, see beyond the outer layers of suffering, and look at the inner
nature and potential for the animal. Approaching the animal, this way radiates inner peace and
the animal will want to connect and relax into the healing Reiki space.

Precept 2: Just for Today, I am Free of Worry (The Importance of Grounding)

Many Reiki practitioners worry about taking on bad energy or other’s diseases. They want to
guard themselves from others’ negative energy or emotions—with animals this often includes
fear of taking on the animal’s disease, or empathically taking on the emotions of the past bad
experiences of an abused animal. The best way to describe these thoughts is the emotion of
fear—fear of taking on something that doesn’t belong to us, fear of connecting with something
disturbing, or even fear facing our own issues. The goal of Reiki is to connect—to become one
with another for a little while and let the healing energy flow and do its work. How can we
connect and do this if we are in a place of fear? We must truly let go of all fear and enter a place
of pure compassion. We can then connect in the healing space of Reiki, which is full of balance
and harmony. Fear is restrictive, closed and small energetically, and just like a cage separates us
from the ones we love. Make sure to let go of fear so the animal will want to share the strong,
stable space of Reiki healing.

Precept 3: Just for Today, I am Humble (The Importance of Opening to Animal Wisdom)
The best way to win over the animal client is to be humble when approaching the animal. How
can we ever really know the big picture of the animal’s life? How can we truly know the life,
destiny, purpose and spirit of the animal? If you go into treatment with the attitude that “I know
what is wrong with this animal and I am here to heal this animal”, you quite often will find an
animal that is resistant or unwilling. Animals are very sensitive energetically, and this type of
attitude often makes them feel like they are being “pushed”, which may cause them to back off
or withdraw. Try to keep in mind for the animal a thought like “I am here to hold a space for
healing and I invite you to connect and take what you need or what you feel will help you the
most”. This honors the animal’s wisdom in the fact that their healing journey belongs to them,
not you. Coming from a humble place deepens Animal Reiki connections and creates a safe
space for healing. Always remember, you are not the one doing the healing. You are being a
channel for the energy, and the animal is using the energy to heal itself. Reiki practitioners are
simply the bridge between the energy and the one being healed.

Precept 4: I am Honest in My Work and My Interaction With Others. (The Importance of
Being True to Self)
Animals are great examples of being true to self. Animals make no pretenses, they are always
just who they are without apology or judgment. It is difficult for humans to follow their hearts
and be true to their life’s purpose. We get caught up in life daily activities and forget to be
present and feel out inner truth. We have trouble letting go of our worries and remembering to
“just be”. This is where animals can teach us. Watch the animals. They are always who they are
in their own skin and find it much easier to be fully present at every moment. When we share
time with them, they can bring us into their space of being and show us how to be more fully
present. Spending time in this way will help us to expand to a place of compassion and be truly
honest in our soul’s work.

Precept 5: Just for Today, I Am Compassionate to Myself and Others (The Importance of
Living with Kindness)
Helping an animal is a compassionate action that will have a physical and spiritual ripple effect
out into the world. One aspect is that by working with animals in this way you are modeling how
to be compassionate. A good practice is to try using the kindness and gentleness you show to
animals on yourself. Being loving and kind to ourselves is often difficult. A good way to do this
is to practice Reiki self-healing.
When we work with the animals in our lives, we not only help these animals but also act as
models for others and help create a more compassionate planet. By spiritually helping the
animals you come in contact with creates a spiritual kindness and love that expands beyond what
our eyes can physically see. When you practice this on a regular basis, you will notice that
animals will sense the love, light, and compassion and be drawn to you and want to connect with

The Animal Reiki Code of Ethics

Developed by Kathleen Prasad
Guiding Principles:
• I believe the animals are equal partners in the healing process.
• I honor the animals as being not only my clients, but also my teachers in the journey of
• I understand that all animals have physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects, to
which Reiki can bring profound healing responses.
• I believe that bringing Reiki to the human/animal relationship is transformational to the
human view of the animal kingdom.
• I dedicate myself to the virtues of humility, integrity, compassion and gratitude in my
Reiki practice.

In working on myself, I follow these practices:

• I incorporate the Five Reiki Precepts into my daily life and Reiki practice.

• I commit myself to a daily practice of self-healing and spiritual development so that I can
be a clear and strong channel for healing energy.
• I nurture a belief in the sacred nature of all beings, and in the value and depth of animal-
kind as our partners on this planet.
• I listen to the wisdom of my heart, remembering that we are all One.
In working with the animals, I follow these guidelines:
• I work in partnership with the animal.
• I always ask permission of the animal before beginning, and respect his or her decision to
accept or refuse any treatment. I listen intuitively and observe the animal's body language in
determining the response.
• I allow each animal to choose how to receive his or her treatment; thus, each treatment
could be a combination of hands-on, short distance and/or distant healing, depending on the
animal's preference.
• I let go of my expectations about how the treatment should progress and/or how the
animal should behave during the treatment, and simply trust Reiki.
• I accept the results of the treatment without judgment and with gratitude toward Reiki
and the animal's openness and participation in the process.
In working with the human companions of the animals, I will:
• Share information before the treatment about my healing philosophy, the Reiki healing
system and what to expect in a typical treatment, as well as possible outcomes, including the
possibility of healing reactions.
• Provide a clear policy ahead of time regarding fees, length of treatment and cancellation
policy, as well as "postponement" policy, should the animal not want the treatment that day.
• Never diagnose. I will always refer clients to a licensed veterinarian when appropriate.
• Honor the privacy of the animals and their human companions.
• Share intuition received during Reiki treatments, with compassion and humility, for the
purpose of supporting their understanding of the healing process.
• Respect the human companion's right to choose the animal's healing journey, selecting
the methods, both holistic and/or conventional that he or she deems most appropriate, with the
support and advice of a trusted veterinarian.
In working in the community, I hold the following goals:
• I model the values of partnership, compassion, humility, gentleness and gratitude in my
life and with the animals, teaching by example.
• I work to create professional alliances and cooperative relationships with other Reiki
practitioners/teachers, animal healthcare providers and animal welfare organizations in
my community.
• I strive to educate my community in its understanding of the benefits of Reiki for
• I continually educate myself to maintain and enhance my professional competence so that
I uphold the integrity of the profession.
• I consider myself an ally to the veterinary and animal health community. I work to
support their efforts in achieving animal wellness and balance. I honor other disciplines
and their practitioners

Animal Reiki Session Report:
Date: ____________________
Reiki Practitioner Name/Level: __________________________________________________
Animal’s Name: _______________________________________________________________
Type of Animal/Gender/Age, Health Issues, etc.:
Approx. Size: Weight: ______ Height: _______
Your Relationship to Animal, if any: ______________________________________________
1) Reason or Health Issue for this session:

2) Intention set for this session:

3) Perceptions during lesson:

4) Did you meet your goal/intention for this session?

5) What were your successes? What were your limitations or struggles? What could you do
different next time, if need be?





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