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A ubiquitous learning classroom might contain four or five interactive learningstations.

Each student may be given a small wireless computer tablet that keeps track of his or her
progress. The student logs into the learning programs on each station with a password,
and uses the tablet to interact with the lessons there. As the student works, his or her
learning pace and style are analyzed, recorded, and passed to the other stations. When
the student moves to the next station, the idea is that the lesson will be tailored to that
student’s skill level. In this way, students of many skill levels may all share the same

The term ubiquitous learning also refers to the holistically-styled lesson plans. For
instance, a student at a history station may be learning about the Renaissance. When he
or she moves to the art or music station, that station will probably contain lessons about
Renaissance art and music. The same goes for language, math, and science — the
student will learn about what kinds of related breakthroughs scholars were making in that
time period. In this way, students not only learn concepts, but also come to understand
how, where, and why such things came about.

Understanding 'why' is also a very important part of this kind of learning. Even in an
environment without technology, students can learn in this way to enhance their
understanding. For instance, in a non-technological ubiquitous learning experience, the
teacher may design activities to help students discover why seeds grow in some
environments and not in others. This would probably involve experimentation,
hypotheses, and plenty of discussion. In any ubiquitous learning classroom, the teacher
acts more like a guide than a leader, allowing the students to work at their own paces,
asking the teacher for clarity when necessary.

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