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Report written by: Elizabeth Schroeder

YOUTH STRENGTH TRAINING (The importance of youths participating in regular strength training)/
By: Mario Chavez/

This article debunks the old fashioned idea that children and adolescents should not and

do not benefit from resistance and strength training. Today, strength/resistance training is

recognized as being safe and effective for these age groups. Scientific research and evidence

supports this finding through positive reports of increased overall wellness, athleticism, and

injury prevention accounts in young individuals. The article emphasizes that by youth

athletic/sports participation alone, adolescents cannot achieve high levels of athleticism. But

through resistance training (strength, power, and speed), young individuals can increase their

physical literacy. This in turn increases rates for physical activity and earlier sport’s

specialization. It also better prepares young athletes to learn/master complex movements, sport’s

tactics, and to sustain demands of training and competition. The article goes through each

specific area of resistance training (strength, speed, and power), and discusses strategies and how

each area benefits/contributes to the athlete’s performance/wellness. Other benefits to health

include: improved body composition, lower risk for cardiovascular issues later on in life,

facilitating weight control, improved insulin sensitivity, increased bone strength/density,

enhancing psychological wellbeing. In term of injury reduction, the article provides strategies

and information that supports the implementation of proper training to youth. It also gives

suggestions to the proper requirements and times when students should start strength/resistance


Overall, I thought this article was very well written, informational, and through. I tried to

condense everything down to half a page, but found it somewhat difficult to do so. I just did not

want to leave anything important out! In terms of application, I hope to continue to use and
Report written by: Elizabeth Schroeder

research these findings to aid in the overall wellness and athleticism of my future students and

athletes. A mission of mine is to provide my students with a stable foundation early on in life

that will benefit them for a life time.

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