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Review Article

Anaesthesia for laparoscopic surgery:

General vs regional anaesthesia
Sukhminder Jit Singh Bajwa, Ashish Kulshrestha
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Gian Sagar Medical College and Hospital, Patiala, Punjab, India

Address for Correspondence: Dr. Sukhminder Jit Singh Bajwa, House No - 27-A, Ratan Nagar, Tripuri, Patiala - 147 001, Punjab, India.


The use of laparoscopy has revolutionised the surgical The introduction of laparoscopy in the field of surgery in the
field with its advantages of reduced morbidity with early
mid-1950s revolutionised surgical techniques due to reduction
recovery. Laparoscopic procedures have been traditionally
performed under general anaesthesia (GA) due to the in overall medical costs, reduced bleeding, less post-operative
respiratory changes caused by pneumoperitoneum, which surgical and pulmonary complications, and early recovery.
is an integral part of laparoscopy. The precise control of The gradual shift of laparoscopy to include more complicated
ventilation under controlled conditions in GA has proven surgical procedures resulted in modifications of existing
it to be ideal for such procedures. However, recently anaesthetic techniques. The various effects of induction of
the use of regional anaesthesia (RA) has emerged as
pneumoperitoneum, an integral part of laparoscopy, can result
an alternative choice for laparoscopy. Various reports
in the literature suggest the safety of the use of spinal,
in respiratory embarrassment and cardiovascular changes best
epidural and combined spinal-epidural anaesthesia in managed by the use of general anaesthesia (GA).[1] Since the
laparoscopic procedures. The advantages of RA can initiation of the application of laparoscopy in various day-care
include: Prevention of airway manipulation, an awake surgeries, a more favourable anaesthetic technique is required
and spontaneously breathing patient intraoperatively, allowing early recovery and ambulation. The evolution of
minimal nausea and vomiting, effective post-operative anaesthetic medicine on scientifically and clinically relevant
analgesia, and early ambulation and recovery. However,
scales has propelled innovations and initiatives for newer yet
RA may be associated with a few side effects such as
the requirement of a higher sensory level, more severe safer techniques.[2] Advancements in anaesthesiology have
hypotension, shoulder discomfort due to diaphragmatic been made on many fronts besides clinically relevant scales.[3-5]
irritation, and respiratory embarrassment caused by
pneumoperitoneum. Further studies may be required to On the contrary, advancements in anaesthetic techniques
establish the advantage of RA over GA for its eventual and drugs in the modern era have given birth and growth to
global use in different patient populations.
newer controversies in the light of newer scientific evidences.
Traditionally, GA was considered the sole technique, and
Key words: General anaesthesia (GA), laparoscopy,
various myths and facts discouraged the use of regional
pneumoperitoneum, spinal anaesthesia
anaesthesia (RA). Among these, respiratory embarrassment
and cardiovascular changes were the major aspects of concern
which are considered to be best managed by the use of GA.
Moreover, anaesthesiologists are more comfortable with the
Access this article online
administration of GA in laparoscopic surgeries, and there is
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a general reluctance to take initiative for advancements in swapping anaesthetic techniques.

Recently, RA has been documented to be equally favourable

10.4103/0972-9941.169952 in laparoscopic surgeries.[6] This review has been done to
compare the merits and demerits of the use of RA vs GA in
laparoscopic surgery.

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Bajwa and Kulshrestha: GA vs RA for laparoscopic surgery

METHODS OF LITERATURE SEARCH These changes can be detrimental in patients with reduced
intracranial compliance.
A systematic literature search was made using search engines
including PubMed, Google and Google Scholar with the Positioning
use of the following single-text words and combinations: The most common laparoscopic procedures employ the
‘Laparoscopic surgery’, ‘regional anaesthesia’, ‘general Trendelenburg (head-up) or the reverse Trendelenburg
anaesthesia’ and ‘spinal anaesthesia’. The references of (head-down) position, thus further potentiating the adverse
relevant articles were cross-checked, and the articles effects of pneumoperitoneum. The venous return, cardiac
comparing RA with GA for laparoscopic surgery and the output and mean arterial pressure are reduced further in the
articles on the use of RA for laparoscopic surgeries were head-up position, with an increase in peripheral vascular and
included. pulmonary resistance.[11] Respiratory system deterioration
is considered to be maximally affected in the reverse
SYSTEMIC EFFECTS OF PNEUMOPERITONEUM– Trendelenburg position but it also depends on the duration
NECESSARY CLINICAL SCENARIO of pneumoperitoneum.[12]

The creation of pneumoperitoneum is an integral part CHOICE OF ANAESTHETIC TECHNIQUE

of any laparoscopic procedure and is usually done by FOR LAPAROSCOPY– THE BEST ONE
insufflation of carbon dioxide for the proper visualisation
of abdominal viscera and its manipulation. The main With the recent trend towards the use of laparoscopy in day-
effects are due to raised intra-abdominal pressure leading care surgeries, anaesthetic techniques have changed, with
to various respiratory, cardiovascular and neurologic more emphasis on shorter and more favourable techniques.
alterations. The ideal anaesthetic technique for laparoscopic surgery
should maintain stable cardiovascular and respiratory
Cardiovascular functions, provide rapid post-operative recovery, lead to
The cardiovascular effects are mainly dependent on the minimal post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) and
intra-abdominal pressure and the absorption of carbon provide good post-operative pain relief for early mobility.
dioxide into systemic circulation. At lower intra-abdominal
pressures of less than 15 mmHg, the venous return is THE TRADITIONAL ANAESTHETIC TECHNIQUE — GA
augmented due to the emptying of splanchnic vessels, and
thus cardiac output and blood pressure are increased. At The use of GA with controlled ventilation has been considered
higher intra-abdominal pressures of more than 15 mmHg, due the most acceptable technique for laparoscopic procedures
to compression of inferior vena cava and other collaterals, owing to the various effects of pneumoperitoneum. The use
the venous return is decreased, thus reducing cardiac output of rapidly-acting and shorter-duration intravenous agents
and blood pressure.[7,8] Various bradyarrythmias leading such as propofol and etomidate as well as inhalational agents
to atrioventricular blocks and cardiac arrest have been such as sevoflurane and desflurane has made GA a favourable
documented due to vagal stimulation on the insertion of a technique for day-care laparoscopic procedures.[13,14] Use of
trocar, peritoneal stretch or carbon dioxide embolization.[9] the ultra-short-acting opioid analgesic remifentanil also
favours GA in fast-track laparoscopic procedures.[15] The
Respiratory use of nitrous oxide in laparoscopic procedures has been
These include reduced lung volumes, basal atelectasis, controversial, but the recent literature does not convey
increased intrapulmonary shunting, raised peak and any clinical advantage of avoiding it against a greater
mean airway pressures, and are attributable to raised risk of intraoperative awareness.[16] The only advantage
intra-abdominal pressures and cephalad migration of the of avoiding nitrous oxide may be a lower incidence of
diaphragm with reduced excursion. There may also be PONV. The use of short-acting, non-depolarizing muscle
chances of endobronchial migration of the endotracheal relaxants has replaced depolarizing muscle relaxants such
tube, resulting in hypercarbia and hypoxia.[10] as succinylcholine from the balanced GA technique for
laparoscopic surgeries, allowing for less post-operative
Neurologic muscle pain. Moreover, the increasing usage of newer drugs
Raised intracranial pressure with consequent reduced like alpha-2 agonists apart from traditionally used opioids
cerebral perfusion pressure may occur due to hypercapnia, is quite effective in the attenuation of stressor response
raised intra-abdominal pressures, and head-down positioning. during intubation.[17,18]

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Bajwa and Kulshrestha: GA vs RA for laparoscopic surgery

The use of Proseal laryngeal mask airway (LMA) with abdominal procedures.[31-33] The main advantages of spinal
controlled ventilation can avoid endotracheal intubation anaesthesia are: An awake, spontaneously breathing patient;
in selected non-obese patients undergoing laparoscopic prevention of airway manipulation; less incidence of PONV;
procedures, thus reducing the incidence of post-operative and the provision of effective post-operative analgesia with
sore throat, but it should be limited to procedures with the a shorter recovery time.[34]
use of low intra-abdominal pressures and mild tilt.[19,20]
There are a few concerns related to the use of spinal
The safest technique of anaesthesia remains GA with anaesthesia for laparoscopic procedures. The incidence of
endotracheal intubation in those with no contraindications, hypotension has been noted to be up to 20.5% and can be
with maintenance of intra-operative end-tidal carbon augmented by the Trendelenburg position and increased
dioxide (EtCO2) around 35 mmHg with adjustments in tidal intra-abdominal pressures.[35] However, various studies show
volume or respiratory rate.[21] The agents which directly that it can be easily prevented by liberally preloading the
depress the heart should be avoided, with the provision of patient, reducing the head tilt, reducing the intra-abdominal
anticholinergic drugs in case of sudden surge in vagal tone pressure and the liberal use of vasopressors.[36,37]
during laparoscopy.
The incidence of referred shoulder-tip pain varies 25-43%; it may
EMERGENCE OF RA IN LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY be distressing to the patient in the post-operative period.[38]
The etiology is thought to be subdiaphragmatic irritation of the
The use of RA for laparoscopy had not gained popularity peritoneum by the carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum. This
until recently due to the risk of aspiration and respiratory can be reduced by lowering of the intra-abdominal pressures
embarrassment caused by pneumoperitoneum, making it less to 8-10 mmHg, the instillation of local anaesthetics into the
favourable for a conscious patient. However, RA does provide peritoneal cavity or the use of parenteral opioids.[39,40]
numerous advantages over GA in terms of quicker recovery,
effective post-operative pain relief, no airway manipulation, T h e c h a n g e s i n re s p i r a t o r y m e c h a n i c s d u e t o
shorter post-operative stay, cost-effectiveness and reduced pneumoperitoneum may cause increase in PaCO 2 due
PONV.[22,23] Most of the uses of RA in the past have been limited to absorption from peritoneum, resulting in ventilatory
to the patient population with significant co-morbidities, changes. However, various reports in the literature support
where it proved to be beneficial.[24,25] There is evidence that non-significant changes in either PaO2 or PaCO2 during
the use of RA in laparoscopy performed on awake patients laparoscopic surgery under spinal anaesthesia.[41]
may produce fewer changes in respiratory mechanics and
arterial blood gases. The various regional techniques that Combined spinal-epidural anaesthesia
can be safely used in laparoscopic procedures are as follows. The use of combined spinal-epidural anaesthesia offers many
advantages over either of the techniques by ensuring rapid
Epidural anaesthesia onset of anaesthesia compared to epidural alone and reduced
It has emerged as a very safe technique for lower abdominal intrathecal doses of local anaesthetics required compared to
surgeries as well as for post-operative analgesia, with only spinal anaesthesia. It also entails the provision of effective
occasional complications reported.[26] It has been used safely post-operative analgesia and early ambulation of patients.
in laparoscopic procedures involving the upper abdomen, and The incidence of side effects is low with slight alterations
has been shown to have no deleterious effects on respiratory in the positioning of the patient and by restriction of intra-
mechanics. The effectiveness of the epidural technique is abdominal pressures.[42]
enhanced and a prolonged post-operative analgesic period is
achieved with the use of adjuvant with local anaesthetics.[27-29] GA VS RA — CURRENT EVIDENCE
Epidural anaesthesia can be used in patients deemed unfit for
GA with the provision of effective post-operative analgesia.[30] Evidence is lacking from developing nations regarding
various advancements, mainly owing to the practice of
Spinal anaesthesia scarce reporting of advancements and innovations. However,
The spinal anaesthesia may be more feasible and can provide recently data reporting has witnessed a slight uptrend in
better laparoscopic surgical conditions due to profound the developing nations imbibing empiricism and scientific
muscle relaxation and shorter recovery. There has been evidence.[43,44] RA provides various advantages over GA,
several reports in the literature for the safe use of spinal such as reduction of surgical stress response, prevention of
anaesthesia for laparoscopic upper abdominal and lower airway instrumentation, provision of effective post-operative

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Bajwa and Kulshrestha: GA vs RA for laparoscopic surgery

analgesia, and early ambulation with lower incidence of and found significantly lower pain scores with lower analgesic
deep vein thrombosis. There are numerous studies in the consumption in the post-operative period in those with
literature comparing GA and RA for laparoscopic surgery, spinal anaesthesia. The total length of hospital stay was not
which suggests that RA may be a good alternative. The significantly different but the total cost of anaesthesia was
main concerns associated with the use of RA are accelerated significantly less in the spinal anaesthesia group. Shoulder-tip
hypotension due to sympathetic blockade, ventilatory pain was recorded in 48% of patients and the hypotension
changes due to the higher sensory levels required, occurrence was also seen in 8 patients, but both of these complications
of shoulder-tip pain due to diaphragmatic irritation, and were easily controlled.[45]
increased surgical time due to limitation of the intra-
abdominal pressure. Imbelloni et al. in their comparison of 68 patients undergoing
LC under general or spinal anaesthesia also found spinal
Turkstani et al. compared GA with spinal anaesthesia in anaesthesia to be a safe and cost-effective technique,
50 patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) with 47% incidence of shoulder-tip pain and 41% incidence

Table 1: Showing studies comparing GA vs RA in laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Authors Number of patients Outcomes measured Results
Imbelloni et al. 33 patients in GA (n=33) vs 35 Post-operative pain, Significantly lower pain at 2 h, 4 h and 6 h post-
Patients (n=35) in spinal hemodynamic parameters, operatively in spinal group with lower cost and
group using low pressure complications, recovery, patient complete satisfaction. Perioperative vasopressor
pneumoperitoneum (8 mmHg) satisfaction and cost was given in 41% of patients in spinal group vs 3%
of patients in GA group. 47% of patients in spinal
group had shoulder-tip pain requiring analgesics
Ellakany 20 patients each in GA vs spinal Post-operative pain, intraoperative Significantly lower recovery and discharge time
group (n=20) using low pressure parameters, complications, (81 min vs 111.9 min) with good patient satisfaction
pneumoperitoneum (10 mmHg) recovery time and patient scores (3.6 vs 2.9) in spinal group but higher
satisfaction incidence of hypotension and bradycardia (40%)
and abdominal discomfort (25%). The surgeon
satisfaction scores were higher for GA group
compared to regional group (3 vs 4.1)
Mehta et al. 30 patients each in spinal vs GA Post-operative pain, intraoperative Significantly reduced pain scores (VAS) at 4 h, 8 h,
(n=30) using normal pressure and post-operative complications, 12 h, 24 h post-operatively in spinal anaesthesia
pneumoperitoneum (12 mmHg) recovery, hospital stay and group with no difference regarding complications,
degree of satisfaction recovery, stay or degree of satisfaction between
two groups. Hypotension was noted in 30%
cases of spinal vs 10% cases in GA group, with
more incidence of shoulder discomfort (10%)
Tiwari et al. 114 patients in GA (n=114) Mean anaesthesia time, 4 patients from spinal group were converted
vs 110 patients in spinal pneumoperitoneum time, surgery to GA due to intraoperative events (abdominal
group (n=110) using low time as primary outcomes pain, anxiety and nausea). Significantly more
pressure (8-10 mmHg) and intraoperative events and mean anaesthesia time in GA group but a longer
pneumoperitoneum post-operative pain scores as pneumoperitoneum and total surgery time in spinal
secondary outcomes group (36.11±4.98 vs 34.22±5.83) Significantly
lower pain scores post-operatively in spinal group
at 6 h and 12 h but not at 24 h. The patients in
spinal group had more incidences of hypotension,
urinary retention and pain in back and patients in
GA group had more incidences of abdominal pain,
PONV and sore throat, post-operatively
Turkstani et al. 25 patients each in GA vs spinal Post-operative pain scores (VAS), Significantly lower pain scores (VAS) at admission
group (n=25) using low pressure total dose of analgesic used, to PACU (1.4±0.8 vs 4.7±1.4) with lower analgesic
(≤10 mmHg) pneumoperitoneum hospital length of stay and cost of requirements (12% vs 52%) in spinal group
each anaesthetic technique with significantly lower cost of anaesthesia. No
significant difference regarding hospital length
of stay. Intraoperatively, additional analgesics
required in 88% patients in GA vs 12% patients
in spinal group with 48% patients experiencing
shoulder-tip pain in spinal group
GA: General anaesthesia, RA: Regional anaesthesia, PACU: Post-anaesthesia care unit, VAS: Visual analogue scale

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Bajwa and Kulshrestha: GA vs RA for laparoscopic surgery

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pharmacological treatment with opioids and vasopressors, and most of the time it depends upon the experience and
respectively.[46] competency of the anaesthesiologist.

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Journal of Minimal Access Surgery | January-March 2016 | Volume 12 | Issue 1 9

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