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Thomas : I never wanted this. I had my team, my squad, my brothers. You took that from me!
Omair Idrisi : Do you even think about the people you have killed?
Thomas : You're not changing the world! You're just putting fucking holes in it!
Omair Idrisi : So, what are you saying, Thomas? Should we put down our weapons, talk about our
Thomas : No. I'm saying today, today's the day you die.

Thomas : So Victor says Pancevo, Serbia, nearest Russian databank.
A : What’s the security like?
Thomas : It’s pretty brutal.
B : What have we got? Lockdown protocols, reinforced steel doors, self-destruct mechanisms. Nice.
Thomas : So Even if we do break in an grab the GRU data, there’s no guarantee we’ll make it out.
Michael : What if you knocked out the nearest power grid? Auxiliary power should go to protecting the
server. That should, theoretically, get you a window before any security shutdown goes into effect.
B : How big a window?
Michael : How long’s a piece of string? I don’t know. Seven minutes?
C : Well, you know what they say. It’s not the size of the window that matters, it’s how you use it.
B : Sure,
A : Knock out the power, break into the building, locate the secure GRU servers and steal the sensitive
data, all in the same amount of time it takes to make a good cup of coffee.
B : But hey, what’s the alternative, spend the rest of our lives on the run, right? Kinda like this guy.
Michael : It’s a big ask. You’re gonna need all hands on deck.
Thomas : That’s why you’re gonna take out the power grid for us.
Michael : No. No, I’m not.
C : Come on, mate! Throw us a bone! Do it for 20, one last time!

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