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Date 2019-10-13

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Digital banking is becoming important for the service marketing of banks via telephone, internet and mobile, particularly with the growing use of
digital devices and the demand for financial services from customers. The that banking dynamics means that the success of banks is no longer
dependent solely on branch revenues, but on the production of customized products and digitization. Capturing and maintaining customers is
important to banks, and digital banking is becoming the tool of choice; however, there is still limited research on how it affects customer experience
and quality of banks. It is important to determine the effect on customer experience and financial performance of digital banking services. The
research demonstrates how digital banking enhances banks’ profitability. It found that attributes such as perceived value, convenience, functional
quality, service quality and digital banking innovation are important in improving customer experience, satisfaction and loyalty, and banks’ financial
performance. Research has the ability to assist banks in service delivery and enhance customer experience and financial performance through
digital banking, such as revenue growth and economic value adds. Digital banking was born from an original concept of selling services via the
telephone in the late 1980s.It has enabled banks to offer multi-channel services, altering the way they interact with customers and made UK banks
close branches deemed unprofitable due to customer numbers getting smaller or weaker. These changes in banks have made research into digital
banking very compelling. To help banks improve services, this research focuses on the effect of digital banking on customer experience and
banks’ financial performance, based on the opinions of UK banks documented in their financial reports, employees (senior managers) and

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