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College of Saint Mary

Occupational Therapy
Evaluator: Lauren Lindstrom - Preceptor Subject: Julia Bartlett - Level I

Activity: Level IB Fieldwork Site: Lincoln Regional Center

Evaluation Type: Level I Fieldwork Evaluation Form: Final Completion Date: 01/25/2019

Request Date: 01/23/2019

Period: Level IB 2019 Dates of Activity: 01/21/2019 To 01/25/2019

Subject Participation Dates: 01/21/2019 To 01/25/2019

 (Question 1 of 5  - Mandatory ) 

Type of Setting inpatient psych

Total Hours completed 28.25

Years of Experience 1.5

Professional License Number 2182

Please refer to Progression of Level I Fieldwork Expected Behaviors

Rating Scale For Student Performance:

4 – Exceeds Standards: Performance is highly skilled and self-initiated. This rating is rarely given and would represent the top
5% of all students you have supervised.
3 – Meets Standards: Performance is consistent with expected level I skill sets. This is a strong rating at conclusion of Level I
2 – Needs Improvement: Performance is progressing but still needs improvement for level I skills. No more than 2 ratings may
be reasonable at conclusion of Level I Fieldwork.
1 – Unsatisfactory: Performance is below standards and requires development for Level I skills. This rating is given when there
is a concern about performance.

 (Question 2 of 5  - Mandatory ) 

Unsatisfactory Needs Meets Exceeds

Improvement Standards Standards
1. Time Management Skills (prompt, responsible, and flexible)
1.0 2.0 3.0 >> 4 <

Professional Appearance (appropriate clothing, good

2. personal hygiene, appropriate body posture and facial 1.0 2.0 >> 3 < 4.0

3. Dependability (follows through on assignments and

responsibilities) 1.0 2.0 >> 3 < 4.0

4. Fundamentals of Practice (adheres to ethics, safety

regulations and uses judgment in safety) 1.0 2.0 >> 3 < 4.0

5. Initiative (seeks out opportunities to acquire information

from a variety of sources) 1.0 2.0 >> 3 < 4.0

Communication Skills (verbal and written communication:

Interacts appropriately with individuals (eye contact,
6. empathy, active listening, respectfulness, use of authority 1.0 2.0 >> 3 < 4.0
etc.; degree/quality of verbal interactions, use of body
language and non-verbal communication)

7. Clinical Reasoning/Problem Solving (analyzes, synthesizes

and interprets information; understands the OT process) 1.0 2.0 >> 3 < 4.0

8. Evidence Based Practice (incorporates evidence in

decision making process) 1.0 2.0 >> 3 < 4.0

9. Reflective Practice – (ability to identify what happened) 1.0 2.0 >> 3 < 4.0
10. Therapeutic Use of Self (observes psychosocial factors) 1.0 2.0 >> 3 < 4.0

11. Observation Skills (observes relevant behaviors and 1.0 2.0 >> 3 < 4.0
verbalizes perceptions and observations)
Responding to feedback (reflects and responds to
12. feedback (oral and written) in a positive and professional 1.0 2.0 >> 3 < 4.0

Overall Score  (Question 3 of 5 ) 


**Minimum passing score of 34/48 with no more than two ratings of “needs improvement “must be achieved for passing.

General Comments  (Question 4 of 5 ) 

Lauren OT comments- Julia was a pleasure to have this week. She asked great questions, treated all patients with respect, and jumped in
to provide assistance at every opportunity. Julia demonstrated great flexibility while working with multiple OTs in this department and
adapted to their individual styles with ease. Julia made great observations and was able to make ties between observations of patients and
their behaviors. She had excellent time management skills with the unexpected weather and commuting, was very dedicated to getting as
many hours as possible with this FW experience. She demonstrated good judgment and boundaries with patients, was always safe and
aware with the various populations. Participated in group discussions, assisted patients with individual hands on work, completed an
occupational profile/interview, completed an ice breaker- all with good ideas and rationale... tailored questions in the occupational profile to
what she read about the patient. She was also able to make appropriate suggestions to downgrade or upgrade difficulty in hands on tasks.
Jerri OT comments- timely, engaged (smiling face), asked good questions, shared information about self without oversharing to patients,
showed initiative and willingness to assist with group and set up.
Jen OT comments- Specifically on #6- presents with comfortable body language and respectful calm voice tone/language when interacting
with patients.
Specifically on #10 great interactions with patients.
Has not hesitated to interact, engage and participate with patients one on one or in group settings. eager to learn and increase experience
in this setting. has volunteered good feedback and examples during 1:1 intervention to assist patient with increased understanding and
follow through. enjoyed having you!

Recommendations for the student's future learning and professional growth  (Question 5 of 5 ) 

Lauren OT comment- Julia's assignments/contributions to group were based on her interactions with youth populations, while they were
appropriate with lower-functioning mentally ill populations, I would encourage Julia to research adult populations and ways to
engage/encourage active participation. She was already aware she struggles with getting away from the peds lenses, so keep working on it!
You're doing great. I would encourage you to continue to be outgoing, think outside the box, and be assertive with patients when
accomplishing interviews and interventions.
Jerri OT comment- go to places that require standard & non-standardized assessments
Jen OT comment- 1 week is too short, but a state holiday and weather impacts this even more. Would enjoy having you back to increase
experience with population and to gain experience with evals and building rapport.

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