Taylor Forge Modern Flange Design Bulleting 502

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urine} FORGE Bulletin 502 wel) el FLANGE DESIGN Table of Contents Foreword Introduction . .. Side-step Designing Part A Designs. STE EGRAL SLOOSE * OPTIONAL... st seeeeees WELDING NECK FLANGE DESIGN: «7-7-7 SLIP-ON FLANGES ' ‘ RING FLANGES Sete : : BLIND FLANGES «...... uname meet REVERSE FLANGES. .. mice SLOTTED FLANGES . UNUSUAL SHAPES. . wenyuers: ® EXAMPLE 1 WELDING NECK FLANGE DESIGN Full Face Design. . a a Pe eap deo EXAMPLE 2 SLIP ON FLANGE OESIGN—FLAT FACED, . Fece and Gasket ioiiewee FACTORS miy.be es esse sree Load and Moment. 19 HARD AND SUFT GASKETS - ee Pita cc cce snc lsRle ewe tensa tena erat rte ke REA EY a1 AREA... : 21 SPACING - : 121 Stress. . : 23 FLANGES ‘i : Ba BOLTS... ; 25 Technical Data... Sete SreoHee 27-47 ABLE OF CONTENTS. «01-2 Same EET 27 TABLES AND GRAPHS... sees er ee ae 28-34 BLANK FORMS. ..-- ces s 35-39 Symbols and Definitions. . 40-41 Bibllography-...s.sseeeceeesseee Bae oe 42 Appendix |— F, V.f, FL. Vi Program Listing «+++ 6 48-48 Appendix il — Bolt Torque Chart... +++ “47 4B Regional Offices. .-..-+-.+++ ‘Introduction Bulletin 802 was first published in 1998 by Taylor Forge and Pipe Works as Modern Flange. Design. Ithas since become a standard reference manual for the design of bolted flanges—now called Part ‘A Flanges by the Code@ These are defined as having gaskets wholly within the circle enclosed by the bolt holes and no point of contact beyond this circle.? Part A rules limit the analysis to con- sideration of the flange moment that results from: + bolt load + gasket load + face pressure load + hydrostatic end load ‘The analytical aspect of this bulletin covering Part ‘A Flanges is based on paper number FSP-59-4 "formulas for Stresses in Bolted Flanged Connec- tions"? This paper considered the effect of ta pered hubs and built on an earlier work by E. O- Waters and J. Hall Taylor “The Strength of Pipe Flanges”.® These two papers still form the tech- nical base of the Code rules for flange design. Later, the authors published the derivation of the flange formulas in a booklet titled, “Development of General Formulas for Bolted Flanges.*” This seventh edition covers code revisions through the winter '78 addenda, includes revised design formulas for reverse flanges, has a refer- ence-only paragraph with design sheets for full face designs, adds a bibliography and a computer program listing for F, V,f, Fr, Vi, shape factors for hubbed flanges. The PVC Subcommittee on Bolted Flanged Con- neetions and the ASME Subgroup on Openings Cooperatively developed design methods for flat face flanges in metal-to-metal contact. Rules for analyzing identical pairs of such flanges were first published in Mandatory Appendix I! of the 1971 Edition of the Code, These rules give a method of analysis that satisfies all conditions of equilibrium, provides for compatibility of rotation and transla~ tion between elements (hub and flange), and accounts for the radial effect of pressure acting €n the pipe, hub and flange. The flanges designed by these rules were identified as “Part 8" to dis- tinguish them from “Part A” flanges. ‘The theory used as the basis for the rules in the Code for identical Part B flange pairs was ex- tended on a consistent basis to also cover non~ identical flanges. Because such an analysis is laborious, a simpler method suitable for analyzing both identical and nonidentical pairs was devel ‘oped and published as ASME Code Case 1828: "A Simplified Method for Analyzing Flat Face Flanges with Metal-To-Matal Contact Outside the Bolt Circle.” The Case was approved by Council January 9, 1978, after the rules for Part B flanges had been transferred from Mandatory Appendix I! to Nonmandatory Appendix Y in the Summer ‘77 Code Addenda. ‘The simpler rules of Code Case 1828 resulted from designing for tangential contact between the flanges at their outside diameter. Also many of the assumptions and charts that apply equally to Part ‘Aor Part B flanges were used. It is beyond the scope of this Bulletin to cover the design of flat face flanges in metal-to-metal contact, however, the work leading up to the Case is fully documented in the open technical itera- ture. For further information refer to bibliography items 6 through 12. PART A FLANGES: GASKET COMPLETELY INWARD FROM BOLT HOLES — NO OTHER CONTACT. @ the use of "Code" in this. manual wll specially mean SME Gode Section Vil, Dhision 1 > D & rs a G fi [2] re 9 oo ry y 3 ‘Bidestep Designing ‘Any flange design work costs time and effort, and leads one to ask, “Is there @ way | can sidestep designing?” The answer for Part A Flanges is yes—two ways. ‘One way is to consider that the Code recognizes the proper use of existing flange dimensional standards. These are fully prepared and ready to be specified within the limits of their scope and rating. The Code incorporates ANS! B16.5 “Stee! Pipe Flanges . . .”,"8 API 605 “Large Diameter Carbon Steel Flanges”,"' and ANS! 816.1 “Cast Iron Flanges ...#."Not included, but designed per Code rules are Industry Standards Classes 75, 178, and 3505 and MSS-SP44 “Pipe Line Flanges." Note that the 816.5 ratings above ambient do not apply to the large diameter MSS-SP44 flanges as they are intended for use with thin-wall high-yield strength line pipe. These should be checked for Code applications; sizes over 26" in Classes 300 and greater were designed using higher than Code allowed stress levels. Flanges greater than 24” size that are required to /match valves often must use ANSI B16.1 cast iron dimensions. This may mean adjustments In mate~ rial, bolting, and facing. All such changes affect the rating, and require Code Inspector approval. He will often ask for supporting calculations. The other way to sidestep the task of designing is to call on TAYLOR FORGE for help. When design calculations must be done, and no standard ig found to satisfy all requirements, we will bid a custom designed flange. This work is part of the quote and includes price and delivery, but full dimensional details are held pending an order. in the case where only a design calculation is required, this can be furnished for a nominal Charge that depends on the complexity of the problem and engineering/ computer time required. For any Part A design calculation, the following information Is essential: * type of flange + shell or pipe dimensions + design pressure and temperature «flange material and this information is very helpful: + governing code + mediacontained + shell or pipe material + bolt and gasket material + facing style—if specified + corrosion allowance—it required If the design mates existing equipment, give com- plete details of facing, drilling, and 0.D. OPTIMUM INFORMATION INPUT IS A TRUE ECONOMY — IT SAVES QUESTIONS, GUESSES, AND GOOFS. You may sidestep Code Case 1828 Flange De: calculation by using our design/computer serv- ices. The calculation work for Code Case 1828 re- quires much more effort than Part A because the flanges behave differently. One flange is influ- eniced strongly by the other since they are in contact outside the bolt circle; accordingly, cal- culated stresses are meaningful only when the Interaction is considered in the analysis. As a result, when we are requested to bid on @ custom job and perform calculations, it is essential that information on both flanges of the pair be pro- vided. We require a sketch of the assembly show- ing all dimensions, which are known or must be held. Include flange types, shell or pipe dimen- sions for each flange, material, type and size of gasket, design pressure and temperature. If the flanges are to be tested separately, for example with a blind cover, this information should be provided to check adequacy of the flanges for this situation. ) ove CASE 1828 FLANGE PAIRS ARE DESIGNED FOR OD TANGENTIAL CONTACT. 1A Part A Designs ee types of flanges designed by the rules of Part A are defined ‘and illustrated by the Code in Paragraph UA-48 and Figure UA-48. ‘See page 7, Fig. 1—Flange Types. The first type Is INTEGRAL : Integral which means the hub and flange are one continuous’ struc. ture, either ag manufactured from the original material or shade so by full penetration welds. Examples aro shown in Figure fa thru td vith loads and dimensions needed for designing. Examine hub detalls Carefully: gs defined in the Code as the hub thickness at the small tend, but for calculation purposes it equals the wall thickness of the attached pipe. Then the hub length f extends to the point where the Slope of the hub meets the OD of the pipe. Thus, g, in the desion formulas may be differant from g, as defined, and h shorter oxlonger than the hub length as manufactured. ‘ - Note that B = Flange ID = Pipe ID “he Use Design Sheet A, page 35. Mh Loose Fite Flat i ose types either have no attachment to the pipe 3 in Figure te, { aap jolnt, or have a non-integral structure as shown in Figures 11 | dnd 1g for slip-on flanges. Threaded and socket-weld are also classed O | i )) 28. foose flanges. Lap joints and threaded flanges transfer loads to r _/ te pipe at or near the face, their hubs act indenendenty of the pipe. | ‘The hubs of slip-ons and socket-welds actually interact with the pipe . we ! but this is disregarded in the analysis. See par. UA-S2 in the code. ‘The hubs have no minimum limit on h or g, but Values Of ge < 15 ts and h< ge are not recommended. If the hub is too small to meet these limits, Its best to design per Figure 1d as an integral type. (Hub thickness = g, + t, at the base, and t, at the top, |\_Note that 8 = 1D of flange-not pipe i} | Use Sheet B or C, pages 38 and 37, OPTIONAL ; | Optional types are constructed in such a way that flange and pipe + i es. Optionals would normally 7 fact as a unit—similar to integral flang be designed the same way as integral flanges but when: Fi. 19 Fig. th & 55/8" 4 B/g, < 300 | | P< 300 psi Temperature < 700°F ‘The designer may choose the simpler approach and design as a Ioose type, and thus the torm “optional flange.” This classification | eee errenience not a necessity, because a flange calculation is 2) done either 28 integral or loose ba For those who are beginning designers, example 1, page 12 and the following instructions point the way for WELDING NECK FLANGES Welding Neck Flange calculation. This is @ typical design problem; it shows the formulas and the sequence of their use, It lists the most frequently specified material ‘and facing: ASTM A105 carbon steel flange, ASTM A 193 Grade B7 bolts, 1/16” thick asbestos composition gasket, land a raised face. The first step Is to choose material {or flange, bolts, and gasket."” Then select facing type, facing diameter, and gasket width. Locate the gasket where it will not interfere with bore or bolts. If this data is not stipulated in the job specification, look for general guidance on material capability, facing options, and gas- ket width in the standards mentioned earlier." Next compute the loads, required bolting area, and com- plete block 4, From Table 1, page 28, choose bolt size, in multiples of four, in number approximately equal to the flange bore For starting hub dimensions setting g:~ 2g is suggested, A&E per the bolt size, and h based o78:1- minimum nub “slopeius tequiredibyt"é Code: Its good practice to draw the flange section full scale, check the bolt spacing and proportion the hub so that f < 1, and make adjustments before calculating the moments in block 6. Fill out block 6 using Table 2, page 29 and the F, V, andj graphs. Block 7 follows after trial ¢ is chosen. Use an "educated" guess from a similar design or iY fo #(trlal) = 0.72 Calculate the stresses in Block 8 and 9. If calculated ‘stresses are greater than those allowed, Inorease thick- ness or adjust hub size until the stresses are satisfactory. Welding Necks are designed the same way as wold- ing neck flanges but the hub is always straight. This causes the following terms to be constant for each design: a 1 1 F = 0.9088 v= 0.5501 Use Design Sheet A, page 35, SLIP-ON FLANGES Slip-on Flanges also follow the same procedures as welding neck flanges except f is omitted, F, and Vr are Used Instead of F and ¥. The hub may be straight or tapered and trial g: ~ 2x pipe wall thickness. The flange ID is not equal to the pipe OD; allowance js needed to compensate for.the nominal pipe OD and irregularities. Use Desian Sheet B, page 36 RING FLANGES Ring Flanges in this manval are hubless. They may be Tose type or slip-on designed as loose type. Use all the data and procedures of blocks 1 through 5, as in a weld ing neck flange. In block 6, only K and ¥ apply. Since there is no hub or hub factors, the tangential stress is the only one to be calculated using blocks 8 & 9 ‘The calculated flange thickness jis the greater of [Mo’ [McY N5.B EE Use Design Sheet ©, page 37 BLIND FLANGES Blind Flanges in this manual are circular and limited to those shown in the Code in Figure UG-84 sketches (I) and {k). Use the load data given in blocks 1 through & ‘and dimensions—except thickness—trom the matching flange. 4) Operating contons '= SSE + EEMagha Use the greater thickness, When the blind has a grooved facing, ¢ under the groove must at least equal that required for gasket seating Use Sheet D, page 87 REVERSE FLANGES Reverse Flanges have the hub at the 0.D. as shown In Figure 2. For operating conditions Hx and fn are neuer tive, and hy may be positive or negative. Add the mo- ments algebraically, then use the absolute value|M4 in il subsequent calculations. Use B’ to calculate K, and Ato find he ‘A fourth stress equation Sr, tangential stress at B', has been added for both design conditions. This will offen be the controlling stress. Use sheet E page 38. SLOTTED FLANGES Slotted Flanges — The effect of bolt holes on flange design is not considered in Part A rules, but some flanges require T-bolts with radially slotted holes. This allows the bolts to swing out of the way of a cover for quick ‘opening. The slots destroy the continuity of the outer boundary and the interrupted fibers can no longer con- tribute to the ring action, Substitute the diameter of the circle tangent to the inner edges of the slots for A, and follow the appropriate standard design procedure, See Figure 3. Use Design Sheet A page 35 UNUSUAL SHAPES Unusual Shapes — Bolted connections must sometimes be fit into tight spaces where the usual geometry cannot be applied. In this case, flanges may be made square or oval with circular bores and are treated as inscribed circular flanges. Bolt loads and moments, as well as stresses, are calculated as for other flanges, using 2 bolt circle passing through the centers of the outermost bolt holes. Similar assumptions are in order for oval- shaped and two-bolt flanges departing not too greatly from the circular. For both types, the bolt spacing should be checked and an allowance made for maldistribution of the moment, The spacing factor can be lees than Is required for circular flanges since the metal available in the corners tends to spread the bolt load and even out the moment. Special care is needed when the effective (highly stressed) part of the hub is interrupted. This may ocour with channel flanges on heat exchangers where large nozzle openings are located In a portion of the hub. Here is a case where the moment is introduced uniformly but it cannot be absorbed evenly, Increased moment or local reinforcement can help compensate for this con- dition, The Code rules for flange design provides an alternate ‘method of calculating hubs stresses for small didmeter flanges, When the inside diameter is less than 20 times. the hub thickness (20 g,), Bs may be used for B in the formula for longitudinal hub stress, Sy. Calculate B; as follows: B,=B+4g; for loose hubbed flanges and integral flanges where the point corresponding to g1/ 0 and h/h, falls below the f = 1 line. See the values of f chart, page 84. B, =B + gp for integral flanges where f > 1 ‘This option is not shown on sheets A & B— it is quoted here for reference, See the Code paragraph UA-47. T_eSIGN CONDITIONS “Dasgn Tempera Fenge Motil casket P2710 K36'00 x Ue THK. ASB. CHP. foo ng Motil jon Alow once CONDITION 5 Operating | seating Oa 1 Se Tae |W sort = 72, 500 | ty _= DorGaih QLVE 25, 040 mort = 36077 / 25,008 tha S204 f4 ton x Tie BLTC rere 2/28 ng = SIC —GI PFo7L wean bein Tem Su a, Design Ten in Terr 464/92 nc = 516 — {HHS EAICUATION-Operetng Die 70 4PE ooo EEA SIRESS CALCULATION matin at aoa PP i 424d Ton. Ra, Se =a Vt —ESn Ce sigia aa qerse ieee = 7520 le Tone 0, Se Tong Fa. Se ae Sieg + Ser 51S ES edict Fes even AR = = 7477" We = A 5SE" p= 2. oP = 1550" _\Wo = aa 3 HOU FE- UA 34s" ob x he ce 3700 FELTED. (n= 72299 pee 79. £36 Sat As= SCS 9X TEAS Ab 80WT EACHATIONE Bovog fas= £9 Weal Wn MOMENT Hato = G25 FL Ms 22137/ 6 = KAND HUB FACTORS: (aan = Zang [ie r = 71/20 Zz = 5.041 = 4777 | 0.040 2250 4.000 Hess FORMUMA FACTORS =a {OD oes 219-29 Compute. vows 2-/2-27 ted Naber Full Face Design Cee URC COM aR rules included in the Code. They are assigned to the Pere et Se er a they are to be accepted at the discretion of the Code Inspector. In lieu of official rules, D. B. Rossheim pro- pee nee ee Cae Papeete eC ke ca Orme snc ce un an This has not been made part of the Code but has served Pre cea ec ee ee tue eee er ec Smut = Uniform gasket pressure on the annular surfaces PC sce Bre ene oe ee Ue eee ey Peet acu eeu flange OD ‘This analysis is published for reference only—as a sug Peet ce tare ea See RO ee ce Perrsenneen isc aa td Pee eet ete eae Perec our G Use Sheet F, page 39 ‘oAsKer Luk PACE AUBBER 154 SHOE pubomeze le Bobing Material [4 LOAD AND BOLT CALCULATIONS Cerca Mower Falk wWale= 17.76 | é Ten So] (F000 ro [P| testa [75000 imtmas 710460 | y Deven Tones | 7200 ESE carn tenens._| 2000. ‘moment conoition| Loan x 5 Reare= FZ ILD fo =k to 27S 93308 Operating = Hom S27 esto til = 2 ed)” (73 F0 = OUI og Weg He= GoI7E LEVER ARM . ener = e+0 1328 Me er 1678 avert | ue=w o7 994 Mo = Hebel = 29/0 / 6K AND HUB FACTORS: 1S Sie Leng. Huby Su 223 |r Sa [inde Fas Z7£ |h_ . 20 Si Sa [Erase Ser stbe FS = z rah tlie ood TING CALCULATION™Operatng_Condione (we M1) TADIA TESA BOLT ERLE se | fae = L077 = 80 8 gem Lu Feee— ad) A bel spadng then above equation by le—si= cag Ke C25) coaguna DLE ome 2-12-78 222 LA" yeas, a ee (ace and Gasket igures to the right picture a variety of flange facing styles eed in industry. Specific recommendations for facing/gasket combinations are not within the scope of this manual, but pres” sure, temperature, thermal shock, cyclic operation, and the fuid handled should be considered. The various flange stand- ards give valuable suggestions in this area, along with dimen- Two general categories are shown. The first seals by bol! force squeezing the gasket and this includes raised face, tongue and Groove, ring type joint, male and female, and lap joint. The fongue face can be made with a small nubbin for extra gasket b and is used with metal clad gaskets. Gasket materials used in this first category include the various Sheet stocks of rubber, cork, and asbestos compositions, retalig-slastomer mixes as the spiral wound, and solid metal rings made as fiat washers or ring-type-joint forms. ‘The other category Is called self-energlzing or pressure act- Ties this means that initial sealing is achioved by the gasket facing geometry without significant bolt load, and the gasket seating force increases with pressure, O-rings made of elastoret sewerinls are used most often in this style seal. Calculations for anges using such gaskets often omit gasket loads and gasket Soaking stresses, Waa, Hl, and W, as boing negligibly small Metallic seli-energizing seals, not shown, are delta ring, double aetaens joint, melallic O-rings, API AX and BX ring joints. ‘All of these require very fine surface finishes, tight tolerances, ‘and meticulous care in assembling sional data ees {rip without bolt load penalty. The rubbin style also reduces TONGUE & GROOVE RING TYPE JOINT MALE & FEMALE LAP JOINT ORING Gs FACTORS my,b ‘The problem of specifying acceptable gasket factors has been & Tang-standing concern of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Commitees. n= factor needed to hold a seal under internal pressure, dimensionless. ‘y= unit seating load, psi b = effective gasket width, in. In 1941, Rossheim and Markl® reviewed values then in use, mado hanges, presented m and y tables for commonly used gasket mate, aeaee) euggested rules fr finding , Itwas known that m increase ote inital bolt load was given lower values — when the intiat pressure was zero m was very high. Therefore, the authors decided that» could be the m valuo required for abolt load that would eo © that Gernal pressure, and proposed the empirical formula y= 180 ‘SMF 1)% Although Rossheim and Markl made no claim other Wan they hoped to stimulate research, their m and y values were adopted by the Code. Gasket tests show leakage usually happens well before the internal pressure has relieved the gasket reaction. Suppose the ratio of the compressive stress of the gasket to he aie pal pressure ofthe flud trying to escape is designated m’ at he scent wien leakage stars, then for a very poor gasket m’ would be targe number. For good quality commercial gaskets it might rangs Saniaen'8 and 1.8. For a theoretically perfect case a teak would net petit untl the fluld pressure just exceeded the gasket pressure, vith start irResuming that reliable values of m’ are available, the equilib, rr Gondltions of Figure 4, can be expressed: bolt load = fluid pressure) X (area subjected to flulé pressure), + m (Hild pressure) Baron subjected to gasket pressure). In formula form Ins is Fee ya ce? + x25 Gmp where War is the bolt load (operating) Ths frat term on the right side isthe total hydrostatic pressure load Tehing on the etfective gasket diameter G, and the second le the gasket reaction over an annular area 26 wide on the same Sealing Sreory requires thatthe load 2b=Gmp be resisted by the gasket whet ee Risenal pressure equals P. Bul the gasket also resists the total Teed Win winen pressure P is applied, load «/4.G?P is removed and TR GMD remains as the theoretical load required to hold a taht joint at P. Factor m is derived from m! and has an added safety margin. Neither Fror y values have theoretical standing and those now in Wee, Paced on practical experience and some formal experimentation: They have a direct effect on flange design and have Boon discussed forpeare without reaching fixed values that could be made mandaioy. Many variables are involved, and much time is required to mako single test.® : ‘At the present time, leakage criteria is gotting @ “hard look” and seach programs are under study by the Pressure Vessel Research Contittes to determine if m and y values can be set up in relation to specified leak rates. For example, a joint that held for one minute to peetithe escape of one drop of water was considered “Night” wthlg oquals a leak rate of 10° cc, per second and would not be Jlowed in many industries. Possibly a leakage of 10% oc. per sof. Corresponding to 6 drops per hour, would be acceptable for liquids, coef would be necessary for heavy gas and 107 for lethal sub “tanges, This concopt may lead to multiple listings of gasket fectore tar von material-—with aciferent level of mand y values assigned ta each leak rate and contained fluid. = \ Fig. a7. ‘The Code requires the analysis of two distinct load systems, The first is gasket seating — when there is no internal pressure. To achieve a seal, all facing surface irregularities must be filled with gasket material, This is done with direct force by bolting the flanges. The oquired seating load is represented by: Wa: = bxGy and Is illustra- ted in Figure 5 where the bolt load (seating) Is balanced by the gasket reaction. ‘The other oad system relates to internal pressure and has four forces: Hy — the hydrostatic end force Hi; — pressure force on the flange face H, — the total gasket load required to maintain seal W —the bolt load The first three forces work to separate the flange palr. They are balanced by the fourth, W, which holds the assembly together. This is illustrated in Figure 6. ‘The hydrostatic end force Hp comes to the flange from the closed tend of the pipe system to which itis welded. The end force reaches the flange through thé hub, and pulls on the ring portion ofthe flange mid-hub at its large end if itis a tapered hub. The fluid pressure force Hr acts directly on the face of the flange where it is exposed, For a gasket covering the entire raised face In Figure 6, H; would equal zero, but as a conservative allowance, leakage is assumed to bo possible as far as (. The Hr force acts on accircle half-way between B&G. ‘The gasket load, H,=2bx@mP where gasket factor m relates the required gasket stress at design pressure P fo that design pressure. For example, an m factor of moans that the residual gasket stress at P must be at least SP for the joint to be tight. In order to caloulate the moment acting on a flange, the forces are multiplied by the appropriate lever arms which are measured from the point of force application to the bolt circle. The forces and the lever arms indicated in Figure 6 are for an integral flange. ‘The gasket reaction load is generally assumed to decrease as internal pressure is applied. The actual change is affected by flange rotation, bolt stretch, and the gasket's ability to rasist and recover from com- pression, Bolt loads frequently change too, for the same reason. They must be retightened, especially when gasket relaxation or ‘oreep occurs. All of these variables may be explained by the following illustration Let a pair of flanges be represented by two'steel bars placed side by side as in Figure 7, page 20; they are separated by blocks, as shown, which represent the gasket, and forces W at the ends of the bars represent the bolt loads, which are balanced by opposite reactions at the blocks. Under the action of the “bolt loads” the bars are pulled together at their ends, the amount of deflection can be calculated by formulas in engineering handbooks. Consider now two cases: y HARD GASKETS Hard Gaskets. The blocks are completely rigid, and the bars deflect. Before internal pressure is applied, the bolt load balances the gasket reaction, and pulls the ends of the bars towards each other so that their separation is reduced as the bolts are tightened. For a cantilever, the ends of each bar would deflect a distance proportional to Wh'/3, but due to slight rotation as the bars pivot about the blocks, tl increased to (1W1,3/8) (I-+1.5 h/L). Therefore, in the initial bolt-uP, the nuts are weenched down until the rod ends are brought closer together by twice this amount, proportional to (Whi/3) (2 + 3ha/i)- Now, when pressure Is applied to the bars between the blocks, equal inamount to Ph, and tending to spread the bars apart, the “bolt load” W may be kept constant but the “gasket load" on the blocks is reduced; this may continue until, in the case of a real flange joint, feakage occurs. In any event, under the most favorable conditions P may be increased unti, in our illustrative example, the pressure on the blocks is completely relieved, and Pl; = 2W. At this point, calcule- tion of the deflection of the ends of each bar indicates that It is more than before, the total reduction of space between the bars now being proportional to (Wh2/3) (2+ 3h, + 0.5 (l/l) *). In other words, In order to maintain full bolt load while internal pressure is applied, the effective bolt lengths must be shortened by wrenching down the nuts still further. SOFT GASKETS Soll Gaskets. The bars are inflexible, and remain straight and parallel during all changes of loading. During bolt-up the blocks are com” pressed a small distance and the rod ends are pulled together the Came amount; the “bolt load” = 17. Then when pressure Pls applied between the blocks, the “gasket load” can only be relieved by letting the blocks return to their original thickness; this means that the bars must be separated by the same amount, from end fo end, and the pol lengthe increased to avoid stressing the bolt beyond the original value of W. ‘These illustrations represent two extremes, between which an end- less variety of conditions can occur. : y Bolts AREA ‘Area. The minimum total bolt area required (Aw) equals the larger of Way/Sy of Waal Se where Sis the allowable bolt stress at operating temperature and S, at ambient. Use A, to select bolt size and num- ber. This is easily done for most flange designs, but thin flanges at low pressure may require excess bolt area because: 1) Bolt sizes <1/2” are easily overstressed, avoid using them when possible. 2) The number of bolts should be specified in multiples of four to guide fit-up and alignment. 3) Bolts must be close enough to hold the seal. SPACING Spacing. When a very few bolts will satisfy the Code but give bolt spacing 80 wide that leakage may occur, adjust the destan by increas ing the flange thickness, increasing the number of bolts, or beth This will help the flange seal the gasket—even between bolts. The best bolting practice is to combine smallest practical size with mini- mum spacing to carry the load. in 1950, Irving Roberts completed a detailed study of the interaction of bolts, gasket and flanges." Investigating the gasket factor m’ and the relation of bolt spacing to leakage, he recognized that gasket elasticity distributes the load between bolts. Ho also derived a bolt spacing curve in terms of flange thickness, indicating a § percent loss of gasket pressure half way betwoen bolts, Mr. Robert's work leads to a formula for “normal” bolt spacing when a workable gasket-to- flange compression ratio Sis used. Normal bolt spacing = #S", where S—comprassion of gasket/compression of flange, or By (gasket thickness) (flange area)/£, (flange thickness) (gasket area). ,,Ey= modulus of elasticity of flange and gasket, respectively. ‘Bris the uncertain factor in this formula, but gasket manufacturers of miscellaneous material tables might be data sources. The formula for maximum bolt spacing, also recognizes the impor- tance of gasket compression by using m. Maximum bolt spacing = 2a + 6t/ (m + 0.5) It assumes proper foad distribution when bolt spacing — 2a + ¢. Minimum bolt spacing is controlled by the require ments of nut and wrench clearance—see Table 1, page 28. If special huts and wrenches are used to permit very closo spacing, the flange ection may be seriously drilled away, and the weakening effect will not be exposed by Part A analysis, discussed pp. 9-16, Pe tetera ate el ea led Paka ae ea al al a 2h FLANGES Example 1, Page 12 shows the stresses computed for Part A flanges. Each stress must be equal or jess than the Code allowable except for the long tudinal hub stress which may reach 1.5 x the allow- able, This is permitted because Sy, is a bending stress. The formula gives a maximum value which only exists on the inside and outside surfaces of the hub, and decreases to zero at a point half way between. if a slight overstress in the hub causes yielding, the load shifts to the ring portion of the flange. The ring is also subjected primarily to bend- ing and thus able to absorb the additional load so that a new equilibrium within safe limits is estab- lished. When localized yielding extends to the point where the flange and hub cease to act elastically a an integral structure, the flange takes a perma nent set or “dishes” and the joint usually cannot bbe disassembled and remade in a satisfactory man- ner. This is likely to occur when an Integral flange has a thin straight hub because bending stress and direct pressure stresses must be carried at the same time, If there Is cyclic loading, fatigue, or operation at high temperature In the creep range, with the stress above the yield point over a consid- erable portion of the hub, the use of Sy = 1.8 allow- able should be reviewed. Its reasonable to expect that stress concentrations higher in magnitude could be withstood before the flange ceases to act elastically but at this time methods for setting this critical level accurately are very laborious. These limitations apply to ductile materials having elongations of 15% or more (in 2") and yield points of 50% to 70% of the ultimate tensile strength. High strength materials may have yield points very close to the ultimate tensile Strength or no observable yield point, and with such materials the higher hub strass should only be used after careful consideration ‘The existence of localized stresses, stress concen- trations, and discontinuity stresses of a relatively high order in all pressure equipment is well known. Typical examples are stress concentrations around nozzle and branch connections, stiffener: rings or flat head attachments. The Code Committees and the Pressure Vessel Research Committee are cur- rently studying such effects in an effort to arrive at a belter method of evaluating safe limits for design. It is not likely that any simple answer will be found. ‘The character of the stress and the area over which it exists must be evaluated in addition to the capac- ity ofthe adjacent structure to carry increased load. The Code accounis for localized stresses by using compensating factors in the design formulas for stress. In flange design, the most obvious example of stress concentration occurs with hubbed flanges at the commer where the outside surface of the hub meets the back face of the flange. integral flanges provide for this with @ fillet radius that is required to be 0.25 g minimum — but never less than 0.188 inches. ) BOLTS The allowable bolt stresses listed in the Code may seem to be too conservative, but they were very carefully selacted by the Committees. Particular reference was made to stresses in flange bolting, It was recognized that bolts are often stressed above the tabulated values, and that relaxation ‘occurs in many service applications due to creep in the gasket, flange or bolt material. Appendix $ of the Code distinguishes between the design value of bolt stress and that which might actually be needed for both design and test con- ditions. The initial tightening of the bolts prior to hydrostatic test may jost severe load that They will receive. [tis sometimes thought that bolts Stressed 17 times the allowable will pass the test, put this is not necessarily true, As internal pressure is applied, flange rotation and gasket properties may actually lower bolt load. To offset this, the bolts must ba tightened as internal pressure is added, or there will be leakage. After the test, the flange will tond to relax to its original flatness, the gasket will recover a large part of its original thickness, and 9 the twice tightened bolts may be loaded beyond the design value. Bolt capacity for higher initial loading is desirable and experience bears this out. Code allowable bolt streses also account for se- ‘yore torsion and bending during service. The actual tension achieved in each bolt is never exactly unl- form whether by hand wrenching with plain or torque wrenches, power driven impact wrenches, or hydraulic bolt tensioners. Tests show that man- Ual tightening develops bolt stresses as high as 45,000/ sfa psi. This indicates why a potential prob- lem exists when bolts 1%” and less are specified. Allowable bolt stress is related to bolt temperature and in uninsulated piping the bolts are cooler than the contained medium. It is suggested that the higher stresses permitted at lower temperature be avoided unless reliable test data is available and specifications permit thelr use. See ANS! 831.3 Paragraph 901.3.1 Technical Data DESIGN TABLE 1. BOLTING DATA Pao eu t=) eee DESIGN TABLE 2. FACTORS INVOLVINGK aren ty eed SONS matte WANS esto aoa VALLES OF V[UA-51.5] GRAPH NAW ote) i eee AW ato AVM O cairo Amal VALUES OF f [UA-51.6]GRAPH. Masser tate aesaoN eee yon Cae Gto ee ick ier det awe econ } SHEET D. BLIND FLANGE DESIGN etiselpen yeaa ie een feast eee ero Ton [ate teas eae ced ey eelkay ws) aN Ce : ere Mtee cee pesmi nC OMe en APPENDIX Ii — Bolt-Torque Chart. . - [Tee EN ‘Coarse Thread Serias ‘8 Thread, Series Nut Dimensions Pe Re Minimum fee Root Area | Across $4.10. | Threads | Root per Aroa Inch__| $4. tn Across Gomnars Fillet Radius Edge Fadil] Distance Distance Wronch Bolt spacing | 13 126 un 202 10 302 v9 | 1% } vi7s ’ Napa | 1% ™% | & % ue fk te mi me | % ap 393 vse | 2m | 1% ‘™ | ¥ 551 y 179% | 2m | 1m | 1% a 2002 | 24 | 1m | 1 Me 890 054 204 2.209 2418 2e2 | am | 2 2m | 4 Ye aw | 1% te % isis 748 2049 zaze | a2 | 2% % pas | 3% 32a | 4 % % 4 7.300 31920 371s 349 3asz | 4% | 2% az7s | 5% rT 521 Centr Ad cr K=A/B The values of T, Z, Y, and U in Table 2 have been computed using Poisson's ratio=0.3 and cover 1,00 < K < 5.00, The increments of K are chosen to provide calculation accuracy that is consistent with formulas of the Code, Values of 7, Z, Y, and U are listed with three of four significant figures, and the difference between successive tabulations is rot greater than 1% in the range 1.100 < K < 5.00. Linear interpolation is adequate for values of Z, Y, and U when 1.000 < K < 1.020 where T is almost constant. When K ranges less than 1:020, the values of 2, Y, and U change rapidly and the Interpolation Formu- las should be used as follows: 1.3 (1 - a Ayu Tas below; Y=(1 where ¢ 3 4488 Peer toe For Providing Fi an Nut Stop Dia When K is beyond the scope of Table 2, or a mate- rial with a different Poisson's ratio is required, calculate T, Z, ¥ and U according to the following formulas. These are equal to those in the Code Figure UA — 61.1 when Poisson's ratio U =0.3. (a=) U@-1) _y T=) + 4) i¥=a-")U K# (1+ 46052 }+* look) ~ 1 U= 7 onin0 (= 1) (K=D AFH) Neate a od Poe yd z|y {yu Ta00s0| ieir 16) Zao Ts 500'80| 98616} 105072 35383) 7.85] 70093 250.50) 47871] $2605 20050) 38372) 421.12 e717 | 31936) gsi.8 143.36 | 27409) 301.20 12550 | 239.93) 24375 ria! | iaaq) 2442 to0'50 | 192.19] 211.19 Brat [ira] 19213 8304) [60.8] 178.25 7743| \4808) 16281 7193} 137.89) 151.30 677] 12661] 14133 oa00] 12056) 13249 sea3| ii.98| 12481 5608 17.36, 118.00 sale] 10172) 11176 501] 9673) 106.30 Taiz] ga | 10133 4895| a304| 9675 4398 | e430) 9254 42.17) agai| a1 4031] 7781] 8529 yay? | 7470] 8209 a7se| 7197] 79.08 3622| a9143| 76.20 Buen | azn 7375 Sue) 6agt| 71.33 Visa [322 | Taal tao | 2199 | date 1138 | 2176 | 2391 tiie | 2154 | 23.67 Wigs | 2132 | 2344 Toss [aia | 7520 Yoas | 2091 | 2297 tors | 2071 | 2275 042 | 2051 | 2239 tos2 | 2031 | 22.18 Yous | 2008 | 2212 1023 | tage | 21.92 023 | tere | 2172 Yous | 1998 | 2132 00s | 1938 | 21:30 yeaa | 2104 1907 | 2096 a90 | 2077 era | 2039 tess | 2038 Tear | 2025 1827 | 2008 aia | i991 1797 | 1975 Vat | 1938 W7ee | 1908 7st | 1927 W740 | 192 W737 | 1898 17a | 18380 17.900 | 1848 veer | 1854 1674 | 1840 1562 | 1626 Veao | ett Year | 17.99 Yeas | 1786 rea | 1773 ye.02 | 1760 y= 1e=i0) ere TABLE UA49.1 GASKET MATERIALS AND CONTACT FACINGS' Gasket Factors (m) for Operating Conditions and Minimum Design Seating Stress (y) Use Gasket | ot Sketches Facing Gasket Material Factor ‘and Sketch ™ Notes | Refer to Table UAAO2 Use ‘column Sell-Energizing Types O ings, etal Elastomer other gasket types considered as seif-sealing Elastomers without fabric or a high percentage of ‘asbestos fiber: ceeaaeeeet Below 3A Shore Durometer 5A or hier Shore Duremeter Tank Abesion with a suitevinger for yh RE whtopeaing condone i tlck (anit, Elastomers with cotton fabric insertion \ (ed), (Ho sly Elastomers with asbestos fabric inser ontuth on wdtheat wire reinforce” | oyy leply Vegetable fiber ‘Gabon Spieal-wound metal, asbestos filled | Stainless of (aay Corragated metal, an estos inserted Corrgatd eta ache led asbestos files Set aluminor : Sh topper brace | 3 i Comrgated meta Kron or ett steel 2h. “ a or 4-65 chrome (ed) Sf anim 25 Flat metal jacketed ase iron or sett steel eM estos flied Monel 4-85: chrome Steinless stcels Soft alaminam Crooved metal Tron or oft atcel 5 (te), Nonet‘or $85 chrome | 9: 2) Sete aluninum Gatti, Sherer bran | $3 (ia id ha metal ion or el eel z Sid Hat meal Monel or't6% chrome | 8% MO Stealers seein : oe Tron or soft atoel 5. Ring jain Monel or $65 chrome | 6-0 o NOTES ROCK (G) This tabe gives tit of many commonly used gasket materials neta facings with suggested desig values of mandy that have generally proved atistetory in zetusl service wn angel getty en Zale UA-9.2, The Engh valet nd ther deta gven inthis able are agate only and we not mandatory (2) The srace oft gusel having ap shold not be against the aubbin “From ASME Code Section Vili lv. 1—Reprinted by permission ABLE UA-49.2 TABLE UA-492. EFFECTIVE GASKET WIDTH Basie Gasket Seating Wilh bo acing Sketch Tatum TE Gixageerated) Column Zaza. WLLL @ 168 in bin? o ‘oan, Nuobin | roe ow ee oko iene Gok Seating With” b= boy when by SK in. Vee. when 6 Ve when by > Hin ration of Geog Lond Raton Ee “s G ee « ho NOTE: The gasket oi cot factors lated only at & Gute apply to longed jot in whe the fsket is costained Entirely within the inner edges of the bolt holes For by > 1/8in NOTE (1) Whee serrations do not exceed 116 (1d) shal he used, sin, depth and 1/82 in, width spacing, etches (1) and VALUES OF V_(UA-51.5] VALUES OF FL[UA-51.4] EEE at Testo CONDITIONS ‘ign Tenge lenge Mona Cvronon Alowones Design Teno. Se [Am Tem Se Deion Teno, ‘CONDITION 5 Operating f Seong ons TE Se Es o Mane ong: Fob, Sa Radiol Flo, = Bal Tong: Fg Sy = mn) TS Bis Silo SU5w tS 1g ROU Fi. UA asker onr/4 STRESS CALCULATION seating [oon es Se = eo ecial Pa. Sa = Aral ong fa, Se =a W/ F180 Fn Sale SS + 50 TOAD AND BOLT GAICUATIONS LEVER ARM ae Sa Tr sin ANDO HUB FACTORS = Uhar = STRESS FORMULA FACTORS Wel spoing exceeds 2a +1, lily [Bat spedog tnsend ne inshore equation: by Pea yy DESIGN CONDITIONS vin Te Ronee Mateo ting Materia ovation Mowanen Deson Temp 5 Fonas Tsim Te Se Design Tene a oe conoirion| 5 tea Operating caster 3 PRON Fi. UA LORD AND BOLT CALCULATIONS Wy atv a Eon =o tg = 51-61 Bat STRESS CALCULATION—Operating re oe se fret Se Figs Sr Se Sy Snlor 55a + SH oe STRESS CALCULATION 5 [one Won Sn amcor Rodos Se =Bna/h Tong Fa, Sr = me Sly Silo Sin Sl hearts thom *9/ y= OPERATING = “mo = N8/s = SEATING, W bat socng enceeds 20 +1, mlply [Blt paca Inoand moi ove equation ye Zeit ‘L__DESIGN CONDITIONS Dosen Fronts eng Moe Cerroion Alovance ovat ‘im Tem Sie Dain Temp Se Tin Temp Se ‘cOnDITION 5 ere Operating eign Teno. 5 2 caster 1g PRON Fa. URS be C= PA. TOAD AND BOLT CALCULATIONS n= tore r= Tene Wailis or Wal = K=O Waehti= w Sika ANS x LEVER ARM fe = Se 8) ha = Ie CONDITIONS, in Tae Ss hekee: Gresterat Seating 6 ne = ste) (6 SHAPE CONSTANTS TT pat podng exceeds oF 1 oor IMevand Mont uations by eea wt ‘OPERATING | TERING = ie GREATER oF cual cee Chace. 2 casket 13 FROM Fa, UA ne b= TRB AND BOLT CALCULATIONS Wa = bry = Wasa PAI tea e= oh Tht caleaon [ear , 19s Vito eo 1. 0b, Fig, deiling, Gok fengenit ay een hikes 6 raged for Fig {pec eign BF un otherwise spesed, faces of Bind lenges al otmcchned only aver are ess sehtig Computed" Nenber (__bestan CONDITIONS. asKet ROM Fa. UA Devan ree Onde Tempeotre enge Mall Boing Mali 4 TOAD AND BOLT CALCULATIONS Eo WaalSs or Wai = Coron Alowane one [exit eS Wa Sor [fit [am ew. iy = tonGah= Tne [ein n= Gar/a 8 Tn Tem Se Washths conommoN x eve ARM MOMENT 3 er Tease —te— = Wa Z ho= SIC) ie = Hohe = Operating ae c= = Hohe c i= se — EFS) r= Hr = “AO HOMERS AUGERERICAUY STENT _THEATSBUIYE VALUE {TH AL SUBSEGUENT CALCULATIONS ew = nc = 5c — ho STRESS CALCULATION-Operating AND Hus FACTORS Tong: Fab Sp =F Da Bn /\e mali ORT H/BT 5 (Gut Sr) or SiSu $52) = leuteeacey=® [v-Moeu Tong la (Ar 8) = SS coe Tatas CAGWATION fet agin ea tateh foal fs 2= Ben? = Tong. Flas Sp nota Tes Ore FD/BE BAG Sibu Si) or 5160 + Sr) reo tevseorthng? [Eee] = r «mn J 7. A, Computed ove dolts Checks Number casket otiog Merl A_LOAD AND BOLT CALCULATIONS oven Alowence onion Fone il nae [ee Dei Temp conoITion| 5 eres Operating | Hi = = Ho my78 40) sero reverse moment tae Tee [love Heb sq [aedicl hg. sn = Bel = Sn [Tone Flas Se wt # 2S Se 5 Sin + Sor 31S +S) STRESS CALCULATION~Operating RADIAL STRESS AT BOLT CIRCLE Se | Sue eet = Tend We i ig exceed 28 1 lly bos by feinabove oa / [estiesce Nef Coapied_——_—— checed__ SYMBOLS & DEFINITIONS Patt A is a type of flange having the gasket wholly within the circle of the bolt holes and no contact beyond that circle Part B is a type of flange with metal-to-metal contact outside the bolt circle, identical pairs only Code Case 1828 Flanges: Type with metal-to-metal contact outside the bolt circle having identical or non-identical pairs, & designed by the simplified rules of cc 1828, ‘A. = outside diameter of flange. For slotted flanges the diameter of the circle tangent to the Inner edge of the slots, in. ‘Ay = actual total cross-sectional area of bolts at root of thread or section of least diameter under stress, in? ‘Ag = total required bolt cross-section erea, int a= nominal bolt diameter, a= alpha— stress formula factor, te + 1 = alpha x — stress formula factor, aj, ue Da=2)]° =m [t amar for reverse flanges B= inside diameter of flange, in. When B Is less than 20 g;, itis optional for the designer to substitute B, for B in the Code formula for longitudinal hub stress Sx B + 4; for loose hubbed flanges and also for integral flanges when f<1 B + go for integral flanges when f21 b= effective gasket or joint-contact-surface seating wiath, in. 2b = effective gasket or joint-contact-surface pressure width, in. b, = basic gasket seating width, in. p= Beta —stress formula factor = 4/3 te + 1 C= Bolt-circle diameter, in d= bub shape factor, for integral flanges d= Thee, for loose flanges. g . Ufafs for v Unhs everse fl Dy te reverse flanges e d; = Bolthole dia u u delta — stress formula factor = 8/4 ‘adial distance from C to A, hub shape factor; for integral flanges ¢ = P/ha, for loose flanges @ = Fi! ho hub shape factor for Integral flanges hub shape factor for loose flanges hub stress-correction factor for integral flanges, when the chart reading gives values <1 use 1 meter at location of gasket load reaction, in, Except as noted In sketch e of Figure 1, Gis defined as follows: When bo < %4 In,, @=mean diameter of gasket contact face When by > % in,, @ = outside diameter ‘of gasket contact face less 26 thickness of hub at small end, in. ickness of hub at back of flange, in. gamma—stress formula factor=a/ 7, «/ Te for reverse flanges. total hydrostatic end force = x/4 G*P, Ibs, hydrostatic end force on area inside of flange = +/4 BeP, Ibs. gasket load, operating =H, = Waa ~ H, Ibs. W, Ibs, gasket load, seatin: total joint-contact-surface compression load = 2b: GmP = Wa ~ H, Ibs. difference betiveen total hydrostatic ond force and the hydrostatic end for an area inside of flange = H — Ho, Ibs. hhub length, in. radial distance from C to the circle on which Hp acts, in radial distance from G to C = (C— G)/2, in factor= Ba, in radial distance from C'to the circle on which He acts, in. A/B, A/B! for reverse flanges ar lambda — stress formula factor = +8 my = My/B—unit load, operating, Ms/B’ for re- verse flanges, Ibs. mg = Mc/B—unlt load, seating, Mo/B’ for re- verse flanges, Ibs. Mb» = component of moment due to Hy =Holo, inch-pounds ‘Mg = total moment acting on the flange, seating = Who, inch-pounds ‘My = component of moment due to He, operating Hoho, inch-pounds M, = total moment acting upon the flange, for operating conditions, inch-pounds. ‘My = component of moment due to Hr = Hrlr m= gasket factor N= width, used to determine the basic gasket seating width b,, based upon the possible contact width of the gasket, In. n= number of bolts y= Nu—Poisson's ratio= 0.3 for steel P= design pressure, psi R= radial distance from bolt circle to point of intersection of hub and back of flange for integral and hubbed flanges, in. = radial distance from bolt circle to bore, ring flange, in. Sa = allowable bolt stress at atmospheric tem- perature, psi allowable bolt stress at design temp., psi allowable design stress for material of flange, nozzle neck, vessel or pipe wall, at atmospheric temperature, psi caloulated longitudinal stress in hub, ps! aloulated radial stress in flange, psi alculated tangential stress in flange, pst T = K-lactor T, = K-factor for reverse flanges: t lange thickness, in. t, = pipe wall thickness, in. U_ = K+actor K-tactor for reverse flanges Y= hub shape factor for integral flanges hub shape factor for loose flanges, w = width used to determine the basic gasket seating width b,, based upon the contact width between the flange facing and the gasket (see Table UA-49.2), in. flange design bolt load: for operating or seating conditions, as may apply, Ibs. required bolt load, operating conditions, Ibs. min. req'd. bolt load for gasket seating, lbs. K-tactor K-factor for reverse flanges gasket or joint-contact-surtace unit seating load, psi K-factor y= N " a Mend a ela et tel erie ug foe Peer ea ed Ce THY 3 HOM ia, UA? 1__besian conpimions 2 oaseer oni Pare P Z : = oy sk apy PE F-Wro SE API Tez gaia Bolling Material 103K BF studs @ 10,000 Garnier loro Design Teno, Su] 95.00, TF WalSs 0 Wail BIG thn + A soa [Bnise tone | $2952 8 [aan Temp Se CONDITION] LEVER ARM 5 se=8) = 2, SiC — 6) Operat heres C= a hr = sl bo el Seating ho = ste Mor SHAPE CONSTANTS __K=AB 22 ye20/ aang SERN oer on =f A % a A 3 HOM Fa Ua t= a 2 cascer TORD AND BOIT CALCULATIONS Walser Wail 5s od A= Borer W = Slat Ase ating Seer ‘in Tem Wa = tH Thickness Caleuatons Notes. 1.00, Fig, diling. Goskasome ot matching ap, 1 Wah flonge-i ony. Operating t=O tage = 2. No etna sick Ib regured for fseg teva design BF 4, Une: thers spend focs of Hind Hlnges may be meckined aly over ores reared fr oesetns Teens Grater of Compaed dboits hacia gu / Que Gue Gvez we

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