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power harmonics
Basic troubleshooting using
multimeters and current clamps
Application Note

A mystery is occurring in This equipment is designed

today’s office buildings to draw current only during a
and manufacturing plants. controlled portion of the incom-
Transformers supplying ing voltage waveform. While
seemingly average loads this dramatically improves effi-
are overheating. Neutral ciency, it causes harmonics in
conductors in balanced the load current. And that
circuits are overheating causes overheated transformers
from excessive loads. and neutrals, as well as tripped
Circuit breakers are circuit breakers.
tripping for no apparent If you were to listen to an or-
reason. Yet the standard dinary 60-cycle power line,
troubleshooting proce- you’d hear a monotone hum.
dures show everything to When harmonics are present,
be normal. So what’s the you hear a different tune, rich
problem? with high notes. The problem is Figure 1. Near sine wave
In one word—harmonics. even more evident when you
look at the waveform. A normal
60-cycle power line voltage ap-
pears on the oscilloscope as a
near sine wave (Figure 1). When
New technology, harmonics are present, the
new challenges waveform is distorted (Figure 2A
and 2B). These waves are de-
Harmonics are the byproducts of scribed as non-sinusoidal. The
modern electronics. They are voltage and current waveforms
especially prevalent wherever are no longer simply related-
there are large numbers of per- hence the term “non-linear.”
sonal computers, adjustable
speed drives, and other types of Getting to the root
equipment that draw current in of the problem
short pulses.
Finding the problem is relatively Figure 2A. Distorted current waveform
easy once you know what to
look for and where to look. Har-
monics symptoms are usually
anything but subtle. This appli-
cation note provides some basic
pointers on how to find har-
monics and some suggestions of
ways to address the problems
they create.

Figure 2B. Distorted voltage waveform

From the Fluke Digital Library @

Sources of harmonics

Defining the problem The equipment can draw the Voltage harmonics
current down to a regulated
Harmonics are currents or volt- lower limit. Typically, before The power line itself can be an indi-
ages with frequencies that are reaching that limit, the capacitor rect source of voltage harmonics.
integer multiples of the funda- is recharged to the peak in the The harmonic current drawn by
mental power frequency. For next half cycle of the sine wave. non-linear loads acts in an Ohm’s law
example, if the fundamental fre- This process is repeated over relationship with the source imped-
quency is 60 Hz, then the sec- and over. The capacitor basi- ance of the supplying transformer to
ond harmonic is 120 Hz, the cally draws a pulse of current produce voltage harmonics. Source
third is 180 Hz, etc. only during the peak of the impedance includes the supplying
Harmonics are created by wave. During the rest of the transformer and branch circuit com-
non-linear loads that draw cur- wave, when the voltage is be- ponents. For example, a 10 A har-
rent in abrupt pulses rather low the capacitor residual, the monic current being drawn from a
than in a smooth sinusoidal capacitor draws no current. source impedance of 0.1 Ω will gen-
manner. These pulses cause dis- The diode/capacitor power erate a harmonic voltage of 1.0 V.
torted current wave shapes supplies found in office equip- Any loads sharing a transformer or
which in turn cause harmonic ment are typically single-phase, a branch circuit with a heavy har-
currents to flow back into other non-linear loads (Figure 3A). monic load can be affected by the
parts of the power system. In industrial plants, the most voltage harmonics generated.
common causes of harmonic The personal computer can be af-
currents are three-phase, fected by voltage harmonics. The per-
non-linear loads which include formance of the diode/capacitor
electronic motor drives, and power supply is critically dependent
uninterruptible power supplies on the magnitude of the peak voltage.
(UPS) (Figure 3B). Voltage harmonics can cause “flat
topping” of the voltage waveform
lowering the peak voltage (see Figure
2B). In severe cases, the computer
may reset due to insufficient peak
In the industrial environment, the
induction motor and power factor cor-
rection capacitors can also be seri-
ously affected by voltage harmonics.
Figure 3A. Single-phase, non-linear load
Power correction capacitors can
current waveform form a resonant circuit with the in-
ductive parts of a power distribution
system. If the resonant frequency is
The inside story near that of the harmonic voltage, the
resultant harmonic current can in-
This phenomenon is especially crease substantially, overloading the
prevalent with equipment that Figure 3B. Three-phase, non-linear load capacitors and blowing the capacitor
has diode-capacitor input current waveform fuses. Fortunately, the capacitor fail-
power supplies; i.e., personal ure detunes the circuit and the reso-
computers, printers and medical nance disappears.
test equipment.
Electrically what happens is
the incoming ac voltage is diode
rectified and is then used to
charge a large capacitor. After a
few cycles, the capacitor is
charged to the peak voltage of
the sine wave (e.g., 170 V for a
120 V ac line). The electronic
equipment then draws current
from this high dc voltage to
power the rest of the circuit.

2 Fluke Corporation Troubleshooting power harmonics

Effects of harmonic currents
Symptoms of harmonics usually Circuit breakers Telecommunications
show up in the power distribu-
tion equipment that supports Common thermal-magnetic cir- Telecommunications systems
the non-linear loads. There are cuit breakers use a bi-metallic often give you the first clue to a
two basic types of non-linear trip mechanism that responds to harmonics problem because the
loads: single-phase and three- the heating effect of the circuit cable can be run right next to
phase. Single-phase, non-linear current. They are designed to power cables. To minimize the
loads are prevalent in offices, respond to the true-rms value of inductive interference from
while three-phase loads are the current waveform and will phase currents, telecommunica-
widespread in industrial plants. trip when the trip mechanism tions cables are run closer to
Each component of the power gets too hot. This type of breaker the neutral wire.
distribution system manifests has a good chance of protecting Triplens in the neutral con-
the effects of harmonics a little against harmonic current over- ductor commonly cause induc-
differently, yet all are subject to loads. tive interference, which can be
damage and inefficient perfor- A peak-sensing, electronic heard on a phone line. This is
mance if not designed to handle trip circuit breaker responds to often the first indication of a
electronic loads. the peak of current waveform. harmonics problem and gives
As a result, it won’t always re- you a head start in detecting
Neutral conductors spond properly to harmonic cur- the problem before it causes
rents. Since the peak of the har- major damage.
In a three-phase, four-wire monic current is usually higher
system, neutral conductors can than normal, this type of circuit Transformer
be severely affected by non- breaker may trip prematurely at
linear loads connected to the a low current. If the peak is Commercial buildings commonly
120 V branch circuits. Under lower than normal, the breaker have a 208/120 V transformer
normal conditions for a bal- may fail to trip when it should. in a delta-wye configuration.
anced linear load, the funda- These transformers commonly
mental 60 Hz portion of the Bus bars and connecting feed receptacles in a commer-
phase currents will cancel in cial building. Single-phase,
lugs non-linear loads connected to
the neutral conductor.
In a four-wire system with Neutral bus bars and connecting the receptacles produce triplen
single-phase, non-linear loads, lugs are sized to carry the full harmonics, which add up in the
certain odd-numbered harmon- value of the rated phase current. neutral. When this neutral cur-
ics called triplens — odd mul- They can become overloaded rent reaches the transformer, it
tiples of the third harmonic: 3rd, when the neutral conductors are is reflected into the delta pri-
9th, 15th, etc — do not cancel, overloaded with the additional mary winding where it causes
but rather add together in the sum of the triplen harmonics. overheating and transformer
neutral conductor. In systems failures.
with many single-phase, non- Electrical panels Another transformer problem
linear loads, the neutral current results from core loss and cop-
Panels that are designed to per loss. Transformers are nor-
can actually exceed the phase carry 60 Hz currents can become
current. The danger here is ex- mally rated for a 60 Hz phase
mechanically resonant to the current load only. Higher fre-
cessive overheating because, magnetic fields generated by
unlike phase conductors, there quency harmonic currents cause
higher frequency harmonic increased core loss due to eddy
are no circuit breakers in the currents. When this happens,
neutral conductor to limit the currents and hysteresis, result-
the panel vibrates and emits a ing in more heating than would
current. buzzing sound at the harmonic
Excessive current in the occur at the same 60 Hz current.
neutral conductor can also
cause higher-than-normal volt-
age drops between the neutral 208/480 Volt Transformer
conductor and ground at the
120 V Branch Circuits

120 V outlet. B

02 Primary Secondary



Troubleshooting power harmonics Fluke Corporation 3

These heating effects demand
that transformers be derated for Classification of harmonics
harmonic loads or replaced with
specially designed transformers. Each harmonic has a name, frequency and sequence. The sequence refers to
phasor rotation with respect to the fundamental (F), i.e., in an induction motor,
Generators a positive sequence harmonic would generate a magnetic field that rotated in
the same direction as the fundamental. A negative sequence harmonic would
Standby generators are subject rotate in the reverse direction. The first nine harmonics along with their effects
to the same kind of overheating are listed below:
problems as transformers. Be-
cause they provide emergency
backup for harmonic producing Name F 2nd* 3rd 4th* 5th 6th* 7th 8th* 9th
loads such as data processing Frequency 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540
equipment, they are often even
more vulnerable. In addition to Sequence + — 0 + — 0 + — 0
overheating, certain types of *Even harmonics disappear when waves are symmetrical (typical for electrical circuits)
harmonics produce distortion at
the zero crossing of the current
Sequence Rotation Effects (from skin effect, eddy currents, etc.)
waveform, which causes inter-
ference and instability for the Positive Forward Heating of conductors, circuit breakers, etc.
generator’s control circuits.
Negative Reverse Heating as above plus motor problems
Zero** None Heating, plus add in neutral of 3-phase, 4-wire system
**Zero sequence harmonics (odd multiples of the 3rd) are called “Triplens” (3rd, 9th, 15th, 21st, etc.)

Finding harmonics
A harmonic survey will give you • Compare the kVA delivered 5. Receptacle neutral-to-
a good idea if you have a prob- to the load against the ground voltage check. Neu-
lem and where it is located. Here nameplate rating. tral overloading in receptacle
are a few guidelines to follow. (If harmonic currents are branch circuits can sometimes
1. Load inventory. Make a present, the transformer can be detected by measuring the
walking tour of the facility overheat even if the kVA neutral-to-ground voltage at
and take a look at the types delivered is less than the the receptacle.
of equipment in use. If you nameplate rating.) • Measure the voltage when
have a lot of personal com- • Use the k-factor measure- the loads are on. Two volts
puters and printers, adjust- ment from a three-phase or less is about normal.
able speed motors, solid-state analyzer to determine Higher voltages can indi-
heater controls, and certain de-rating or transformer cate trouble depending on
types of fluorescent lighting, replacement. the length of the run, qual-
there’s a good chance that • Measure the frequency of ity of connections, etc.
harmonics are present. the neutral current. 180 Hz Measure the frequency. A
2. Transformer heat check. would be a typical reading frequency of 180 Hz would
Locate the transformers feed- for a neutral current con- suggest a strong presence
ing those non-linear loads sisting of mostly third of harmonics, while 60 Hz
and check for excessive heat- harmonic. would suggest that the
ing. Also make sure the cool- 4. Sub-Panel neutral current phases are out of balance.
ing vents are unobstructed. check. Survey the sub-panels Pay special attention to
3. Transformer secondary that feed harmonic loads. under carpet wiring and
current. Use a three-phase Measure the current in each mod-ular office panels with
true-rms power quality ana- branch neutral and compare integrated wiring that uses
lyzer to check transformer the measured value to the a neutral shared by three-
currents. rated capacity for the wire phase conductors.
• Verify that the voltage rat- size used. Check the neutral • Because the typical loads
ings for the clamp meter bus bar and feeder connec- in these two areas are
are adequate for the trans- tions for heating or discolora- computer and office
former being tested. tion. A non-contact infrared machines, they are often
• Measure and record the thermometer, like the Fluke trouble spots for over-
transformer secondary cur- 61, is useful for detecting loaded neutrals.
rents in each phase and in excessive overheating on bus
the neutral (if used). bars and connections.

4 Fluke Corporation Troubleshooting power harmonics

Troubleshooting tools
To determine whether you have confronted with a distorted Using a true-rms meter with
a harmonics problem you need current waveform. True-rms a “Peak” function — like the
to measure the true-rms value meters give correct readings Fluke 187 — the crest factor can
and the instantaneous peak for any wave shape within the be easily calculated. A crest fac-
value of the wave shape. For instrument’s crest factor and tor other than 1.414 indicates
single applications, you need bandwidth specifications. the presence of harmonics. In
either a clamp meter like the typical single-phase cases, the
Fluke 335, 336 or 337 or a Crest factor greater the difference from
multimeter like those in the 1.414, the higher the harmonic
Fluke 80, 170 and 180 Series The crest factor of a waveform
that makes true-rms measure- is the ratio of the peak value to content. For voltage harmonics,
ments. For three-phase applica- the rms value. For a sine wave, the typical crest factor is below
tions, you’ll need a power the crest factor is 1.414. A true- 1.414; i.e., a “flat top” waveform.
quality analyzer like the Fluke rms meter will have a crest fac- For single-phase current har-
tor specification. This spec re- monics, the typical crest factor
430 Series.
“True-rms” refers to the lates to the level of peaking that is much higher than 1.414.
can be measured without errors. Three-phase current wave-
root-mean-square, or equivalent
heating value of a current or A quality true-rms handheld forms often exhibit a “double
digital multimeter has a crest hump” waveform, therefore the
voltage wave shape. “True”
distinguishes the measurement factor of 3.0 at full scale. This is crest factor comparison method
more than adequate for most should not be applied to three-
from those taken by “average phase load current.
responding” meters. The vast power distribution measure-
ments. At half scale the crest After you’ve determined that
majority of low-cost, portable harmonics are present, you can
meters are average responding. factor is double. For example,
the Fluke 187 DMM has a crest make a more in-depth analysis
These instruments give correct of the situation with a harmonic
readings for pure sine waves factor spec of up to 3.0 when
only and will typically read low measuring 400 V ac and a crest analyzer such as the Fluke 43B
factor of up to 6.0 when mea- Power Quality Analyzer.
by as much as 50 percent when
suring 200 V ac.

Multimeter performance comparison

average responding vs. true-rms

Meter Measuring Sine Wave Square Wave Distorted Wave

Type Circuit Response* Response* Response*

Average Rectified
Correct 10% High Up to 50% Low
Responding Average x 1.1
True-rms RMS Calculating
Calculates Correct Correct Correct
heating value.
*Within multimeter’s bandwidth and crest factor specifications

Troubleshooting power harmonics Fluke Corporation 5

Solving the problem
The following are suggestions Derating transformers The Computer & Business
of ways to address some typical Equipment Manufacturers
harmonics problems. Before One way to protect a trans- Association has recommended a
taking any such measures you former from harmonics is to limit second method that involves
should call a power quality the amount of load placed on it. several straightforward mea-
expert to analyze the problem This is called “derating” the surements that you can get
and design a plan tailored to transformer. The most rigorous with commonly available test
your specific situation. derating method is described in equipment. It appears to give
ANSI/IEEE standard C57.110- reasonable results for 208/120
In overloaded neutrals 1986. It is somewhat impractical V receptacle transformers that
because it requires extensive supply low frequency odd
In a three-phase, four-wire sys- loss data from the transformer harmonics (third, fifth, seventh)
tem, the 60 Hz portion of the manufacturer plus a complete commonly generated by com-
neutral current can be mini- harmonic spectrum of the load puters and office machines
mized by balancing the loads current. operating from single-phase
in each phase. The triplen har- branch circuits.
monic neutral current can be
reduced by adding harmonic
filters at the load. If neither of
these solutions is practical, Derating factor
you can pull in extra neutrals — To determine the derating factor for the transformer, take the peak and
ideally one neutral for each true-rms current measurements for the three phase conductors. If the
phase — or you can install an phases are not balanced, average the three measurements and plug that
oversized neutral shared by value into the following formula:
three phase conductors.
In new construction, under HDF = Harmonic derating factor
carpet wiring and modular
office partitions wiring should = (1.414)(true-rms phase current)
be specified with individual (Instantaneous peak phase current)
neutrals and possibly an iso-
lated ground separate from the This formula generates a value between 0 and 1.0, typically
safety ground. between 0.5 and 0.9. If the phase currents are purely sinusoidal
(undistorted) the instantaneous peaks are 1.414 times the
true-rms value and the derating factor is 1.0. If that is the case
no derating is required.
However, with harmonics present the transformer rating is the product of
the nameplate kVA rating times the HDF.
kVA derated = (HDF) x (kVA nameplate)
For example: 208/120 Y transformer rated at 225 kVA:
Conductor True-rms Instantaneous
Load currents were measured name current amps peak current
with a Fluke Model 87 and an 01 410 A 804 A
80i-600 ac current probe to 02 445 A 892 A
produce the following results: 03 435 A 828 A

I phase avg. = 410 + 445 + 435 = 430 A


I pk avg. = 804 + 892 + 828 = 841 A


HDF = (1.414) (430) = 72.3 %


The results indicate that with the level of harmonics present the transformer
should be derated to 72.3 % of its rating to prevent overheating.

6 Fluke Corporation Troubleshooting power harmonics

Work safely
The high voltage and current contact with circuit compo-
present in electrical power sys- nents. Be certain that the
tems can cause serious injury or power can’t be turned on by
death by electrocution. Conse- anyone but you.
quently, only trained, experi- • Read and understand all of
enced electricians who have the applicable manuals before
knowledge of electrical systems using the application informa-
in general and the equipment tion in this application note.
under test should perform test- Take special note of all safety
ing and modification of electri- precautions and warnings in
cal systems. the instruction manuals.
Fluke cannot anticipate all This article is a general guide
possible precautions that you to understanding harmonics. It
must take when performing the is not intended to substitute for
measurements described here. the services of a professional
At a minimum, however, you electrical systems consultant.
should: Before you take any measures to
• Use appropriate safety equip- diagnose or address your poten-
ment such as safety glasses, tial harmonics problems, you
insulating gloves, insulating should have your operation
mats, etc. thoroughly analyzed by a pro-
• Be sure that all power has fessional electrical engineer.
been turned off, locked out,
and tagged in any situation
where you will be in direct

Case study

Situation •
The main panel emitted an Defining the problem
audible buzzing sound. The
A modern office building dedi- sound was not the chatter Transformer—Current measure-
cated primarily to computer commonly associated with a ments (see Table 1) were taken
software development con- faulty circuit breaker, but on the neutral and on each
tained a large number of per- rather a deep resonant buzz phase of the transformer sec-
sonal computers and other elec- that indicated the mechanical ondary using both a true-rms
tronic office equipment. These parts of the panel itself were multimeter and an average-re-
electronic loads were fed by a vibrating. sponding unit. A 600 A clamp-
120/208 V transformer config- on current transformer acces-
ured with a delta primary and a Ductwork installed directly over sory was connected to each
wye secondary. The PCs were the transformer to carry off meter to allow them to make
fairly well distributed through- some of the excess heat kept high current readings. The cur-
out the building, except for one the room temperature within rent waveshapes are shown in
large room that contained sev- reasonable limits. Figures 4 and 5.
eral machines. The PCs in this
room, used exclusively for test-
ing, were served by several Average
branch circuits. True-rms responding Instantaneous
The transformer and main Conductor multimeter multimeter peak current
switch gear were located in a name (amps) (amps) (amps)
ground floor electrical room. In- Phase 1 410 328 804
spection of this room immedi-
ately revealed two symptoms of Phase 2 445 346 892
high harmonic currents: Phase 3 435 355 828
• The transformer was gener- Neutral 548 537 762
ating a substantial amount of
heat. Table 1. Current readings at the receptacle transformer secondary

Troubleshooting power harmonics Fluke Corporation 7

The presence of harmonics each of the phase currents of
was obvious by comparison of these three branch circuits was
phase current and neutral cur- substantially less than 15 A, and
rent measurements. As Table 1 also the same phase conductors
shows, the neutral current was had significant neutral-to-
substantially higher than any of ground voltage drops.
the phase currents, even though In the branch circuits which
the phase currents were rela- had high neutral current, the
tively well balanced. The aver- relationship between the neu-
age-responding meter consis- tral and the phase currents was
tently took readings approxi- similar to that of the transformer
mately 20 percent low on all the secondary. The neutral current
phases. Its neutral current read- was higher than any of the as-
ings were only 2 percent low. sociated phase currents. The
The waveforms explain the danger here is that the neutral
Figure 4. Phase current
discrepancy. The phase currents conductors could become over-
were badly distorted by large loaded and not offer the warn-
amounts of third harmonic cur- ing signs of tripped circuit
rent, while the neutral current breakers.
was nearly a pure sinewave at
the third harmonic frequency. Recommendations
The phase current readings
listed in Table 1 demonstrate 1. Refrain from adding addi-
clearly why true-rms measure- tional loads to the receptacle
ment capability is required to transformer unless steps are
accurately determine the value taken to reduce the level of
of harmonic currents. harmonics.
The next step was to calculate 2. Pull in extra neutrals to the
the “harmonic derating factor” or branch circuits that are
HDF (Refer to “Derating trans- heavily loaded.
formers” section on page 6.) 3. Monitor the load currents
The results indicated that, on a regular basis using
with the level of harmonics Figure 5. Neutral current
true-rms measuring test
present, the transformer should equipment.
be derated to 72.3 percent of its Neutral
nameplate rating to prevent conductor Current
overheating. In this case the number (amps) Neutral-to-ground
transformer should be derated Circuit Phase current voltage drop at
to 72.3 percent of its 225 kVA 01 5.0 number (amps) receptacle
rating, or derated to 162.7 kVA. 02 11.3
The actual load was calcu- 03 5.0 25 7.8 3.75 V
lated to be 151.3 kVA. Although 04 13.1 27 9.7 4.00 V
that figure was far less than the 05 12.4 29 13.5 8.05 V
nameplate rating, the trans- 06 15.0* Table 3. Phase currents and neutral-to-ground voltage for neutral #06
former was operating close to 07 1.8
its derated capacity. 08 11.7
Subpanel—Next a subpanel 09 4.5
which supplied branch circuits 10 11.8 Fluke. Keeping your world
for the 120 V receptacles was 11 9.6 up and running.
examined. The current in each 12 11.5
neutral was measured and 13 11.3
recorded (see Table 2). 14 6.7 Fluke Corporation
When a marginal or over- 15 7.0 PO Box 9090, Everett, WA USA 98206
loaded conductor was identi- 16 2.3 Fluke Europe B.V.
fied, the associated phase cur- 17 2.6 PO Box 1186, 5602 BD
rents and the neutral-to-ground Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Table 2. Subpanel branch circuit neutral
voltage at the receptacle were currents
For more information call:
U.S.A. (800) 443-5853 or
also measured. When a check of Fax (425) 446-5116
neutral #6 revealed 15 A in a Europe/M-East/Africa
conductor rated for 16 A, the (31 40) 2 675 200 or
phase currents of the circuits Fax (31 40) 2 675 222
Canada (800) 36-FLUKE or
(#25, #27, and #29) that Fax (905) 890-6866
shared that neutral were also Other countries +1 (425) 446-5500 or
measured (Table 3). Note that Fax +1 (425) 446-5116
Web access:
©2004 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Windows
is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Printed in U.S.A. 9/2004 1260362 A-US-N Rev J

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