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9/27/2019 Is fasting good or bad for you?


Is fasting good or bad for you?

SEPTEMBER 23, 2017

Fasting or Vrat is integral to Indian culture. Whether it is a Shiva devotee fasting on

Monday for a good husband, or a Santoshi Mata believer doing so in the hope of
realizing a wish, this religious observance has been prevalent in some form or other
since generations. Many even follow abstaining from certain foods on particular
days for weight loss.

Here, we throw light on how beneficial fasting is and who should refrain from it.

Health perks:

Taking periodic breaks from eating has physical benefits. There is a research study
which actually indicates a reduction in the risk of diabetes or heart ailments. Though… 1/6
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our body has natural detox centers like liver, colon, kidney, skin, fasting could
perhaps help in the detoxification process.

Helps in weight loss:

Fasting could help you lose

weight. Our body uses
glucose as a major source
of energy.  When you
refrain from eating, blood
sugar level reduces and so
does glucose. It is then that
your body turns to
glycogen and uses it for
energy. Glycogen is glucose
which is stored for vitality. Once it is used up, your body begins to burn fat. This state
is called the ketosis when your body burns fat as the primary source of fuel.  That is
where you begin to lose weight.

However pregnant women, patients with cardiac problems or renal ailment should
avoid fasting. Other people who should not do so are those below 18 years of age,
underweight individuals, diabetic and patients recovering from surgery.

Nutrition food:

In rushed times today, it is difficult to be aware of what we eat all the time. It is
possible that we unknowingly miss out on nutrients important for our health. Junk
food is always the easiest way to fill of stomachs and carry on with life, not to
mention weekend bingeing and Saturday night party drinking.  All such food is
definitely not good for health if eaten regularly.

However, while fasting, people are more aware of their diet as they are consuming
only selective food. They take a break from their regular diet switching to a healthier
food. So you have only fruits diet like in ‘Palahar fast’ or Friday fast which forbids
anything sour or Saturday fast which promotes a no salt diet, etc.

Click here to buy healthy fasting foods such as fresh fruits,

vegetables and dry fruits.… 2/6
9/27/2019 Is fasting good or bad for you?

Nutrition by default:

Fasting focuses on eating

subtle tasting nutrient-rich
whole foods like fruits,
vegetables, greens,
sprouts.  Therefore by
default you are on a
nutritious diet.  For
example, if fruits are not a
part of your regular meal,
a ‘Palahar diet’ will push
you to have fruits which are good for you. This gives our body a chance to balance out
the nutrition levels in our body.

Digestion gets a break:

There is no harm in giving your digestive system a break from hard work it does
otherwise.  So, in the name of fasting, our system gets relief, metabolism is
energized thus aiding to burning calories faster and efficiently.  However, while
fasting gives your system a relief from labor and helps reduce the toxins, it also robs
your body of vital nutrients.  People who regularly fast are quickly dehydrated. To
replace nutrient-deficiency, ensure that diet is packed with nutritious knick-knacks
and liquids. This is because their body is devoid of any fluid from food.  Hunger can
deprive you of sleep and give you headaches.

Improves brain functioning:

Fasting increases the production and release of a protein called BDNF (Brain-derived

neurotrophic factor). BDNF activates and stimulates brain cells promoting healthy
nerves. This protein also decreases chances of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Fast feels light and wonderful:

During a fast, your body feels light making you break into a ballet dance. This feather
light feeling lends a sense of happiness and well being releasing stress and hyper

Cholesterol control:… 3/6
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Watching our diet is the

best way to balance
cholesterol.  With a strict
control on what you
consume during a fast, the
cholesterol levels are
stabilized thus promoting
good health.

Boosts immune system:

Fasting also brings down

the chances of free radicals damaging your body. This facilitates and boosts the
immune system and decreases your chances of getting cancer or falling ill.

Points to remember:

– Fasting is not meant as a weight loss program and should be accompanied

by nutrient intake. It cannot replace a healthy diet. If you want to live long
and strong, eat healthily and fast once in a while.
– While there may be benefits to sporadic fasting, abstaining from food has
to be done with caution. Kindly eliminate any romantic notion of it.
– While fasting could have its time under the health spotlight, it is not for
everyone. Apart from those mentioned above, people with a low BP, all
those suffering from anaemia, new mothers, or if your health is
compromised in any way, then fasting is not safe for you. Also remember,
most Indian women are anemic. If you tire easily, consult your physician
before you opt for it.
– When hunger strikes, stomach releases digestive fluids/acids for digestion. 
This acid reduces when stomach is empty.  But strangely, just thinking of
food or even the aroma of food during the times you are fasting can
stimulate the brain into sending a message to the stomach and getting it
ready to receive food. As a result, stomach produces more acid leading to
heartburn. Oops!
– It is not correct to binge once you have fasted. This kind of feeding could
lead to overeating resulting in feeling guilty.  For someone with eating
disorders, this kind of fasting diet and bingeing eating could amp up
serious psychological issues.… 4/6
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While fasting has its pluses and minuses, it is always better to consult your doctors
before adopting a fasting diet.

Create a healthy fasting diet and adhere to it for greater benefits.


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2 C O M M E N T S O N “ I S FA S T I N G G O O D O R B A D F O R Y O U ? ”

Arnab Acharya
September 24, 2017
Nicely written. Coincidentally I just nished my rst 3 day water fast. It
was a great experience. I had prior experience with intermittent fasting,
so day 1 was easy. Day 2 was a little dif cult, my energy level was quite
low and I did get dizzy a couple of times. But day 3 came as a surprise, I
had no hunger, and I was more energetic than usual. It probably was the
ketosis kicking in.

I broke the fast with fruits on the rst day and I added soup on the next
day. Now on day 6 I feel like a completely different person. My focus and
mood are top notch. I feel healthier. It is de nitely a part of my routine
now, if not monthly then quarterly.

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September 25, 2017
Fasting is good for our body.

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9/27/2019 Is fasting good or bad for you?


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