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Jalan Raya Timur Parigi No. 427 Telp. (0265) 2641029 Kode Pos 46393
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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VIII (Delapan)
Hari tanggal :
Waktu :

1. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan bulatan pada Lembar Jawaban
Contoh cara menghitamkan :

A C D Benar A B C D Salah

A B C D Salah A B C D Salah

2. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian pada Lembar Jawaban yang disediakan.
3. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawabnya.
4. Laporkan kepada pengawas kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal
5. Jumlah soal sebanyak 40 butir soal pilihan ganda dan 5 Essay.
6. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang anda anggap mudah.
7. Penilaian diatur sebagai berikut : a. Nilai minimal = 0 b. Nilai maksimal = 10
8. Mintalah kertas buram kepada Pengawas bila diperlukan.
9. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum anda serahkan kepada Pengawas.
10. Tidak diijinkan menggunakan kalkulator, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung lainnya.
Selamat Bekerja Semoga Sukses
Read the following the dialogue for no 1 to 4
Utami : Our headmaster wanted us to improve and increase the quality of our English
Club. What do you think, Krisna?
Krisna : Well. I think so. We should be able to do that.
Utami : So what should we do?
Krisna : I think that we have to improve our syllabus. It must be more relevant to
Hani : That’s great idea. But don’t forget. I think it is not only that. We should also
know the atudent’s need, because we handle different levels and whises.
Utami : Yes. I know that. Thank you. And then do we need new instructors here?
Krisna : I don’t think so.
1. What are they talking about?
a. English club
b. English syllable
c. Omprove and increasing quality of English club
d. Looking for new instructor
2. Hani : That’s a great idea ....
The expression above shows Hani’s ....
a. Disagreement c. Agreement
b. Opinion d. Thanking
3. According to you, what are Hani, Utami and Krisna’s occupation?
a. Teachers b. Students c. instructor d. Headmaster
4. Utami : So what should we do?
On the statement above Utami is ....
a. Asking for opinion c. Asking for understanding
b. Giving opinion d. Asking for attention
The following dialogue for question no 5 to 7
Riza : Hi, Hadi. What are you doing?
Hadi : Hi, Iam trying to make a painting about the nature
Riza : Have you finished it? May I take a look at your painting?
Hadi : Not yet, it still 75%. Of course you can take a look at it, it just an ordinary
Riza : Wow, you’re really skillful in painting
Hadi : Thanks.
5. Riza : Hi, hadi .....
On the statement above Riza is .....
a. Asking for understanding c. Asking for opinion
b. Asking for attention d. Giving opinion
6. Hadi : Not yet, it still 75%. Of course you can take a look at it, it just an ordinary
The underlined word on the statement above have the closest meaning to .....
a. Special b. Famous c. common d. Distinctive
7. Riza : Wow, you’re really skillful in painting.
On the statement above, Riza showing his .....
a. Opinion b. Understanding c. attention d. Appreciation
The following dialogue for no 8 to 9
Father : Who wash the car?
Andi : It’s me dad. I washed it this morning
Father : Wonderful. Thanks, our car is very clean now.
Andi : You’re welcome.
8. Who wash the car?
a. Someone b. Father c. Andi d. Mother
9. Father : Wonderful. Thanks, our car is very clean now.
On the statement above, father is showing his ....
a. Attention b. Appreciation c. Understanding d. Thanking
10. Father is a police, .....?
a. Isn’t he b. Aren’t he c. Won’t he d. Shouldn’t he
The following dialogue for number 11 to 13
Indah : Can you play the piano?
Sari : Yes, a little. How about you?
Indah : No, I can’t. But I can play the guitar.
11. Who can play piano?
a. Indah c. Indah and Sari
b. Sari d. None of them
12. What kind instrument does Indah play?
a. Piano b. Violin c. Guitar d. Drum
13. How many persons are there in dialougue?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
The following dialogue for no 14 to 15
Dinda : Hi, Nina. Can you help me?
Nina : Yes, what is it?
Dinda : I wan to borrow your English book.
Nina : Sure, but you have to return it tomorrow.
14. What Dinda ask nina for?
a. Doing something c. Borrowing book
b. Helping her d. Returning book
15. Who are in the dialougue above?
a. Nina b. Dinda c. Nina and Dinda d. You and your friend
The following dialogue for question no 16 to19
Dona :Where will you go tonight?
Rena : Just staying at home. Why?
Dona : Well, will you accompanying me to my friend’s birthday party?
Rena : I’m sorry I can’t. My parent won’t let me go out at night.
16. What will Rena do tonight?
a. Go to the party c. Go to Dona’s house
b. Go shopping d. Stay at home
17. What does Dona ask Rena to ?
a. Go with her to her friend’s birthday party
b. Go with her to her parent’s birthday party
c. Go with her to her brother’s birthday party
d. Go with her to her sister’s birthday party
18. Why does Rena can’t come?
a. Because she has to study
b. Because she has another schedule
c. Because her parent won’t let her go
d. Because her parent aren’t home
19. How many persons in the dialougeue above?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
The following dialogue for question no 20 to 22
Sonny : Where will you go next holiday?
Ika : I will go to Kartini beach in Jepara. How about you?
Sonny : I will go to Nampu beach in Wonogiri
20. What are they talking about?
a. Kartini beach c. Nampu beach
b. Plan for next holiday d. Holiday
21. Sonny : Where will you go next holiday?
On statement above, Sonny is ....
a. Ask if Ika can do something c. Ask if Ika will do something
b. State if Ika can do something d. State if Ika will do something
22. Ika : I will go to Kartini beach in Jepara
On the statement above, Ika is ....
a. Ask if Ika can do something c. Ask if Ika will do something
b. State if Ika can do something d. State if Ika will do something
The following dialogue for no 23 to 25
Didi : Hey look!
Tia : What?
Didi : The man had just falling down from his motorcycle.
Tia : Let’s go help her.
23. What happen to the man?
a. He falls down from his bike c. he falls down the groove
b. He slips in the road d. He needs help
24. Didi : Hey look!
From the statement above, Didi is ....
a. Asking for Tia’s attention c. Giving instruction to Tia
b. Responding to Tia’s attention d. Giving prohibition to Tia
25. Tia : Let’s go help her
From the statement above, Tia is ....
a. Giving prohibition to Didi c. Giving appreciation to Didi
b. Giving permission to Didi d. Giving instruction to Didi
The following dialogue for no 26 to 30
Mother : Dian, come here please.
Dian : Yes, Mom. Can I help you?
Mother : Please take a look at the garden. If the flower is wilted the water it.
Dian : All right, Mom.
Mother : And don’t forget to sweep the floor after that
Dian : I will do that, Mom.
Mother : Excellent, that’s my girl.
Dian : Thank you
26. Where does the dialogue probably take place?
a. At the house c. At the school
b. At the market d. At the street
27. Below are things that should be done by Dian, Except .....
a. Take a look at flower c. Sweep the floor
b. Watering the flower if it is wilted d. Clean the bedroom
28. Mother : Excellent, that’s my girl.
From the statement above, mother is....
a. Showing understandng c. Giving opinion
b. Giving appreciation d. Giving instruction
29. Mother : And don’t forget sweep the floor after that.
From the statement above, mother is ....
a. Giving permission c. Giving invitation
b. Giving opinion d. Giving instruction
30. Dian : Thank you.
From the statement above, Dian is ....
a. Responding to opinion c. Responding to permission
b. Responding to appreciation d. Responding to instruction
31. Andi : What is your English test score?
Faisal : I got 90.
Andi : .....
Faisal : Thanks.
The best answer is ....
a. Poor you c. That’s ghastly
b. Wow, what a good score you got! d. You’re in trouble this time
The following dialogue for no 32 to 36
Ratna : Good morning, Rudi
Rudi : Good morning, what are you buying Ratna?
Ratna : I will buy some vegetables. My mother asks me to cook the meal for today
Rudi : So, you will cook it by yourself, right?
Ratna : Yups. By the way, can you cook something Rudi?
Rudi : Of course, I can cook many kinds of food. How about you?
Ratna : I’m not really good in cooking. Will help me to cook this vegetable?
Rudi : Why not. Let’s go to your house and cook it together.
32. Where does the dialogue probably take place?
a. At the house c. At the market
b. In the street d. At the school
33. What Ratna’s mother asks her to do?
a. Buy some vegetable c. Cook the meal
b. Go to market d. Go shopping
34. Does Ratna good in cooking?
a. Yes, she does c. She is just so so
b. No, she doesn’t d. She is master in cooking
35. What Ratna ask Rudi to?
a. Accompany her shopping c. Accompany her cooking the meal
b. Accompany her in the market d. Accompany her going back to home
36. Rudi : Why not. Let’s go to your house and cook it together.
The underlined word show Rudi’s ....
a. Instruction c. Permission
b. Prohibition d. Invitation
The following dialogue for no 37 to 38
Ahmad : Can I use your pen?
Liza : Sure, take green one. Don’t use the red one, the no ink on it
Ahmad : Ok.
37. Ahmad : Can I use your pen?
From the statement above Ahmad is ....
a. Asking for permission c. Giving invitation
b. Asking for instruction d. Giving instruction
38. Why Ahmad is not allowed to use the red pen?
a. Because the color is to bright c. Because the ink is empty
b. Because the ink is full d. Because the ink is just a half
39. I and my father have a pet. This pet is .....
a. Our b. Ours c. Theirs d. We
40. She has a new camera. We are not allowed to borrow .....
a. His b. Her c. Hers d. Ours
Read the following invitation and answer the question!
SMPN 1 Parigi
Jl. Raya Timur Parigi No 427
To : Afifah
I want you to attentd our meeting. It will be held on:
Saturday, 24th November 2018-10-28
At 11 a.m
In The Scout room
Agenda : Planning about camping activity for all scoutboys and scoutgirl


Chair Person
41. What the invitation about?
42. To who is the invitation addressed?
43. Who is Halima?
44. When will the meeting be held?
45. What is the meeting agenda?

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