DRRM H Concept Note

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I. Rationale

Institutionalization of Disaster Risk Reduction Management in Health (DRRM-H) is a vital feature

in building resiliency of health systems. There are four indicators that should be present namely: (1)
DRRM-H plan; (2) organized response teams; (3) health emergency commodities; and (4) functional
operations center.

Through this, sustainability mechanisms are ensured to be in place with appropriate and timely
delivery of essential health services in emergencies and disasters as a result of comprehensive
planning to include the thematic areas, across all levels of governance, utilizing the service delivery

There should be a robust monitoring and evaluation framework with applicable tools and provision
of technical assistance as deemed necessary.

It is therefore important that regional counterparts and managers be fully aware of the DRRM-H
institutionalization, oriented on the DRRM-H planning guide, equipped with resources needed in
disasters & emergencies, given an overview of the monitoring and evaluation framework and tools.

II. Objective/s
This Orientation Workshop on DRRM-H institutionalization aims to:
1. Discuss the importance, implementation mechanisms of the DRRM-H institutionalization
2. Orient the regional participants on the DRRM-H Planning Guide
and discuss the roll-out
3. Discuss the Monitoring & Evaluation framework, mechanisms, including tools
4. Provide updates on the quad cluster

III. Expected Output

1. Plan for conduct of Regional DRRM-H Plan
2. Roll-out plan of regional offices on DRRM-H Planning Guide to downlines
3. Monitoring Plan in coordination with HEMB-DOH
4. Action Plan on the quad cluster

IV. Stakeholder Participation

Regional DRRM-H Managers, Technical Chief, Administrative Officer
Director and Selected HEMB staff

V. Methodology
Plenary presentations & discussions
Small group discussions
Gallery walk
VI. Operational Details

Date & Venue

Category of Participants 1. Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction
(classification or group from which Management Officer (MDRRMO)
the participants belong, i.e. system 2. Municipal Health Officer (MHO)
administrators, regional 3. SB on Health
coordinators, admin officers, etc.) 4. Public Health Nurse
5. Sanitary Officer
6. Barangay Health Worker President
7. Planning Officer
8. Budget Officer
9. General Service Officer
10. Human Resource Management Officer
11. Nutrition Point Person
12. Mental Health Point Person

Resource Persons Ramonito Martin

Maria Catherine Madrid
Philamae Rillo
Jennifer dela Cruz
Geman Mancilla
Proposed Budget
(with breakdown of expenses)
Fund Source

VII. Program

Date & Time Topic/Activity Person/s Responsible

Day 1:
Welcome Program
Invocation/National Anthem
Welcome Remarks
Overview of the Activity
Mr. Ramonito Martin
DRRM-H Institutionalization Mr. Ramonito Martin

5k National Launch
7 Fundamental Terms Ms. Maria Catherine Madrid
Risk Analysis
DRRM-H Status Workshop: Ms. Philamae Rillo
Data Gathering Analysis and Facilitators:
Developing the Plan Mr. Ramonito Martin
Ms. Maria Catherine Madrid
Workshop 1: Analysis of factors Ms. Philamae Rillo
Workshop 2: Strategies/Activities PDOHO - DMO
Workshop 3: Target-setting
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Presentation per Group
Day 2:
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM DRRM-H Planning Guide Mr. Ramonito Martin
10:00 AM onwards Workshop Facilitators:
Mr. Ramonito Martin
Ms. Maria Catherine Madrid
Ms. Philamae Rillo

(Group per LGU)

Day 3:
8:00 AM –12:00 NN Presentation of Initial Draft
12:00 NN- 1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Synthesis and Agreements
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Closing Program

Prepared by: Reviewed/Noted by:

____________________________ ________________________
Technical Staff Learning & Development/
/ Learning & Development Officer Division Chief
Approved by:
Division Chief/Director

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