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After studying this lesson, you will have a clear understanding on,

Ø what information and communication technology is

Ø how information and communication technology is used in various fields

Ø the identification of data and information

Ø the history of the computer

Ø the classification of computers

1.1 Information and Communication Technology

When man passed each age from the Stone Age, he has had an increasing
urge to get more information. Likewise he wanted information to take decisions, to
plan, to predict and to perform many other activities.

From the Stone Age, man created tools for fulfilling his day - to - day needs.
For that he used appropriate technology. In the information age, man wants to have
technology for various purposes such as creating, managing, communicating and using

Information and communication technology (ICT) can be defined as a

technology that was created to fulfill all the above needs.

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Use of Information and Communication Technology in Various

At present computer is a common device that can be seen everywhere. Since

computer related information and communication technology has become an essential
part of man's day-to-day life, let us examine how information and communication
technology can be used for daily activities.

Education Sector

Today, computer has become one of the most important equipment used in the
field of education. One special feature here is the ability to use the educational
programs repetitively in the classroom.

It should be mentioned that nowadays most of the subjects taught from primary
to secondary education are computerized and in particular such lessons are made
using multimedia technology.

The traditional learning process that operated in a classroom between teacher

and pupils has of late developed upto the distance education mode. Under this system
the teacher stayed in one place and provided his notes and instructions and the pupils
learnt the lessons as required staying in a place convenient to them. There was no need
for the teacher to meet the pupils. Very often distance education took place via the
post or telephone. With the development of information technology distance education
has become very popular. Although only a few pupils can be served in the classroom,
it has to be mentioned that a large number of students can learn at once through
e-education which is imparted using multimedia technology.

By now much attention is paid in Sri Lanka to develop e-learning and the
necessary infrastructure. For that the University sector is pioneering in e-learning
today and it is likely to expand to the school system.

To get further information on e-learning, you can log on to the school net through and see how useful it is for your studies.

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Learning using the computer is called Computer Assisted Learning (CAL).
Teaching using computer is called Computer Based Teaching (CBT) while learning
using the internet is called Web Based Teaching (WBT). Such learning systems may
not be new things to you.

Apart from educational activities, computers are used in school administration

too. Use of computers in school administration can easily improve the quality in the
field of education.

Health Sector

Health sector is another field where computers are widely used.

Various kinds of analytical machines, such as CT scanners, MRI scanners,

ECG, EEG machines which are used today for special tests have become indispensable
in hospitals. Computers are used to operate such equipment. We can diagnose diseases
accurately and effectively using computer based accessories and the health sector can
provide a more qualitative and effective service using such machinery. The role of
computer in the health sector is extended today not only for e channeling the specialist
doctors but also to carryout remote surgeries.

Bank and Financial Sector

Computers and communication technology are widely used today in the

financial sector too. Especially, as banks and financial institutions are connected to
their main branch through computer networks, it is now possible to carry out one’s
financial activities successfully from any branch. As various bank services are
accessible to one another through Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) a customer of
any bank can get his work done easily through teller machines.

Further, banks have provided various facilities for their customers to carry out
their banking activities without going to a bank or their particular branch. "Tele banking",
and "phone banking" services can be used as examples for that. As a result, now we
can transfer money among our own accounts or to others’ accounts and many other

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services such as the payment of bills on selected services can be performed from
home through the computer.

Now it is even possible to do transactions with international financial institutions

through the internet facility.


Log on to websites of some of the well-known government and commercial banks

in Sri Lanka and prepare a short report on their computerized services.

Communication Sector

Computer technology and communication technology are inter-related

technologies. Internet has reduced the distance between countries and nationalities through
the concept of ‘Global village’. Further, the mobile phone has become a common
equipment today used by everyone. So, we can contact anyone easily.

Computers are widely used in mass media institutions such as radio and
television. The computer is an indispensable instrument in printing industry. The books
and newspapers which were completed in a few weeks in the recent past can now be
completed within a few days. The computer has become a popular component for
creating most of the radio and television programmes presented today.


Find out how some reputed public and private media institutions use computers
for communication and prepare a short report on that.

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Transportation Sector

Institutions such as Department of Immigration and Emigration, Department

of Registration of Motor Vehicles, Department for Issuing of Driving Licenses have
resorted to the use of computers for their activities now.

At present computers have become essential equipment in air travel activities.

Today, computers are used widely for air traffic control, electronic ticketing and
reservations of seats etc.

Construction Sector
Computers have enabled us to construct strong buildings with better looks.
Computers are used from the stage of designing the structure of the buildings till we get
the final outlook.

Production of environment friendly building construction materials using

computers is common today. Completion of construction with a low cost is another
benefit we can have by using the computers in this sector.

Further, computers are used for town planning as well. Today, use of computers
has made it easy to design well planned, environment friendly cities.


Prepare a list of benefits derived from computers in the field of construction and
the software packages used for them.

Security and Defense Sector

The rate of the usage of information communication technology is high in the

field of defense. Computers are used today to perform very complex and risky tasks
such as the handling of missiles and handling of nuclear power stations.

It is impossible even to think of an environment without computers where

gathering and analyzing of intelligence information could take place.

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Computer Games

Sports have got a special place in our daily life. It not only provides
enjoyment, but also increases physical and mental solace. Today the computer with
its related equipment are used as gaming equipment. So, as mentioned earlier, it not
only provides enjoyment but also helps to increase knowledge in various fields.

When we play computer games, it is an important fact that games can be set
according to an individual’s age, knowledge level or skill level. Especially games such
as chess can be highlighted here.

Such sports will enhance our intelligence, skills to take quick decisions, and

Computer games help to improve the knowledge, creativity and analyzing

skills not only on Mathematics, Science and Technology but also on many other subjects
like Language, Music and Art. Computer games are a popular media that helps mental
relaxation and reducing physical fatigue.

However, addiction to computer games and gambling are the bad sides of
computer games.

The areas mentioned above are only a few sectors in which information and
communication technology is used. However, it is almost impossible for us to imagine
a field which does not use information and communication technology today.

1. Prepare a short report about the other fields which are

not discussed in this lesson that use information and
communication technology and how it is used in those
Assignment 1.1 fields.

2. Prepare a table containing the advantages and disadvantages of the use of

computers in each field discussed above.

3. Divide the class into two groups and hold a debate on the conventional learning
in the classroom and the computer-aided e-learning.

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1.2 Identification of Data and Information.

Let us find out what Data and Information are.

What are Data?

Data are the collection of facts, numbers, letters, images and measurements
that are not processed in any mean.
To have an idea of data, examine the following example very carefully.
e.g. : Dhanuka, 95, 85, Tharumini, 75, 80, Sandali, 60, 55, Rusiru, 70, 78,
Nilupul, 68, 65, Chaturanga, 64, 70, Tharushi, 51, 71, Malith, 80, 71

According to the above example, you may notice a set of data has been
arranged for some specific purpose. However you may also realize that in order to get
a correct idea, these data has to be processed in some form.

What is Information ?

Information is systematically processed data that gives a comprehensive

meaning to the recipient.

Information helps us making decisions or arriving at conclusions easily.

However, to make decisions easily we have to organize data into information. Many
efforts have to be taken when making decisions with unorganized data.

In the above example the names of a few pupils of a school and the marks
they obtained for two subjects were shown.

Name Marks for the first subject Marks for the second subject
Dhanuka 95 85
Tharumini 75 80
Sandali 60 55
Rusiru 70 78
Nilupul 68 65
Chaturanga 64 70
Tharushi 51 71
Malith 80 71
Table 1.1 - Marks obtained for two subjects by pupils

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By looking at the above table you will be able to see that it has more information
available than the data given in the earlier example.

The total of marks each individual pupil obtained and the average marks of the
students for the subjects can easily be calculated. (See Table 1.2


Marks of First Marks of Second

Name Total Marks
Subject Subject
Dhanuka 95 85
Tharumini 75 80
Sandali 60 55
Rusiru 70 78
Nilupul 68 65
Chaturanga 64 70
Tharushi 51 71
Malith 80 71
Table 1.2 Marks obtained by pupils for two subjects, the total scores and the average
marks for the subjects.

We can arrive at several conclusions by the information contained in Table

1.2. For example, we can easily identify the pupil who has obtained the highest marks/
or the lowest marks using the total marks of each pupil.

In the same way we can find the most difficult subject for the pupils by observing
the average marks in the Table 1.2.

Apart from total and average we can calculate more information . For example,
values such as median and mode can be calculated.

Special Characteristics of Information

The following characteristics are useful to judge the importance of information.

Information should be:

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• Relevant to the purpose
• Sufficient for the purpose
• Accurate for the purpose
• clearly comprehensible
• reliable
• communicated to the right person
• available at the appropriate time
• of specific value

1.3 The History of the Computer

The word "Computer" has become a very familiar word to you by now. You
can also identify a computer easily. However, it took a long time to develop the
computers which we use today. Moreover, many people have contributed to produce
You have heard that the human who lived in the jungle started designing various
machines to ease his work when he started socializing himself gradually.

The Abacus is a simple tool which man used to ease his calculations. Many
people believe that Abacus is the foundation of the computer we use today.

The Abacus, which is supposed to be the first machine people used for
mathematical calculations, has been used over thousands of years by various nations
in the world to facilitate their mathematical calculations. Even today, the Abacus is
used for calculations not only in Asian countries such as China and Japan but also in
North America.

The basic reason for man to

discover a tool like the abacus was their urge
to do their work efficiently and accurately.
Figure 1.1 shows a present day abacus.

John Napier, a Scotland national,

revealed the theory of logarithms to the
Figure 1.1 - Abacus

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world in 1617. The process of multiplication of numbers can be converted into an
easy process of addition by the use of logrithms. Logarithmic tables should be used to
solve problems using logarithms. John Napier used a brilliant alternative system for
this by writing the required figures in ivory stripes. Such ivory stripes marked with
logarithmic values are called Napier’s bones. (Figure 1.2)

Figure 1.2 - Napier's Bones

Using John Napiar’s logarithmic concepts, the slide ruler was designed in
England in about 1632. (Figure 1.3)

Figure 1.3 - Slide Ruler

Around 1642, a French mathematician called Blaise Pascal invented the adding
machine that facilitated mathematical calculations further.Additions and subtractions could
be done easily using this machine. This machine is also called the ‘Pascaline’. Figure 1.4)

Figure 1.4 - Pascal's Adding Machine (Pascaline)

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A German mathematician called Gottfried Wilhelm improved Pascal’s
machine further in around 1674. Consequent to this improvement, all the operations:
additions, subtractions and equally divisions and multiplications could be done. The
machine improved by Gottfried Wilhelm is called the ‘Step Reckoner’.

With industrialization,
many types of machines were
designed and a French man called
Joseph Jacquard designed a
machine called the ‘Mechanical
Loom’ to ease weaving cloth in
1801. Joseph Jacquard was able
to make various patterns on Figure 1.6 - Punch Card
cloths by using the cards with
punch holes.

An Englishman called Charles Babbage

designed the first model required for a
mechanical computer in 1822. It was called
the ‘Difference Engine’ ( Figure 1.5)

Figure 1.5
Charles Babbage's Difference Engine

The basic foundation for the creation of the

'Analytical Engine' by Charles Babbage
was the Punch Card Concept in 1833.
However, he was unable to produce the
analytical engine as he wished with the
technology available at that time. Figure 1.7 is
an implementation of the analytical engine based
Figure 1.7 on Babbage's idea.
Analytical Engine

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When looking at the functionality of this analytical
machine, we can see that the necessary components
required for data input, storage, processing and output
had been in-built. Computers designed later were
greatly influenced by these concepts of Babbage and
that is why Babbage is considered to be the ‘Father of
the computer’.

A friend of Babbage called Ada Augusta Lovelace

Figure 1.8 - Charles Babbage was keen on preparing programs required for his
engine. Such programs are considered to be the first
attempt of computer programming. Hence, Ada Augusta Lovelace is considered to
be the first computer programmer in the world.

The computer language which was used later for

military purposes was named Ada as a mark of respect for
Herman Hollerith was able to carry out a
very successful population census in America in 1890
using Joseph Jacquard’s concept of punch cards. Herman
Hollerith was able to produce results of this census within
a short period since he
was keen on using the
punch card technology Figure 1.9
correctly. Ada Augusta Lovelace

The computer manufacturing organization

IBM (International Business Machines) which is very
Figure 1.10 popular today was established under Hollerith’s
Herman Hollerith

Howard Aiken of the Harvard University made every effort to develop Charles
Babbage’s concepts in 1937. As a result, around 1944, Howard Aiken and his friends
in IBM Corporation in Harvard were able to design a machine called ‘Automatic
Sequence Controlled Calculator’. However, this Automatic Sequence Controlled
Calculator was later named as ‘Mark I’.
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Figure 1.11-Howard Aiken with Mark I Machine

Mark I machine had the capability to perform additions, subtractions,

multiplications and divisions very easily. A type writer was connected to input data
while punch cards were used for data output. There were more than 3,000
electromechanical relays in Mark I and it was about 5 tonnes in weight. Further, it
should be mentioned that Mark I was used for more than 15 years.

Between 1937 and 1942, the Bulgarian Professor John Vincent Atanasoff
was able to complete a computer partly with the assistance of Cliff Berry. Later this
computer was named ‘Atanasoff Berry Computer’ (ABC computer).

Figure 1.13
Figure 1.12 - John Vincent Atanasoff Atanasoff-Berry Computer

However, there is much controversy about the first electronic digital

computer. Some say that Prof. John Vincent Atanasoff’s ABC computer is the first
electronic digital computer. However, as this ABC computer was completed partly,
they were not able to obtain the patent license for this machine.
On account of this, ENIAC computer (Electronic Numerical Integrator And
Computer) which was produced later is considered to be the world’s first electronic
digital computer.
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Around 1945 a mathematician called John Von Neumann introduced a new
concept that can be used in computers . The basic idea of this was to make the
computer capable to get different tasks performed by using its stored programs without
effecting any physical changes to the computer machine. What is being used in the
modern computers is the concept of John Von Neumann.

Moor School of Electrical Engineering of the University of Pennsylvania

produced the world’s first electronic digital computer around1946. This was called
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) and about 18,000 vacuum
tubes were used to develop this machine. Figure 1.14 shows a vacuum tube.

Although ENIAC computer (Figure 1.15) was able

to carry out about 5,000 calculations within a second, there
were several drawbacks of it such as the large size of the
machine, the frequent changes of burned vacuum tubes due
to excessive heat and also high electrical consumption.

Computers which were designed using vacuum tubes

were called the ‘First generation computers’. Figure 1.14
Vacuum Tube

Figure 1.15 - ENIAC Computer

A few years later in 1950, Remington Rand institution manufactured

UNIVAC - I (Universal Automatic Calculator - I) computer which had the capacity to
carry out about 10,000 calculations in a second.

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Figure 1.16 - UNIVAC-I Computer

Meanwhile in 1957, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)

designed its ‘IBM 704’ computer which could carry out about 100,000 calculations
per second.

The second generation of computers starts with the invention of the transistor.
The honour of inventing the transistor goes to William Shockley, John Bardeen and
Walter Brarttain of the Bell Laboratory and for this they were awarded the Nobel
prize for Physics in 1956.

Computers in the second generation were designed with smaller transistors

and these computers could perform 200,000 – 250,000 mathematical calculations
per second.

Figure 1.17 - Transistor

Low electrical consumption and smaller size were the key characteristics of
this second generation computers.

Third generation computers were designed with Integrated Circuits (ICs).

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With the use of integrated circuits, the size of the computer was reduced further
while achieving higher efficiency. Integrated circuits used in the earlier stage consisted
of a few transistors and the technology was called SSI (Small Scale Integration). The
next generation of integrated circuits were designed by developing these circuits further
with more transistors. Those are called MSI (Medium Scale Integration), LSI (Large
Scale Integration), VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration), and ULSI (Ultra Large Scale
Integration) respectively.

Micro-chips which were designed with the development of the technology

represent the fourth generation of the computer. These microchips are called
microprocessors too. (Figure 1.18)

Figure 1.18 - Some Microprocessors used for computers

Computer Classification

When speaking about computers we can classify them in different ways. Let
us learn some of the main types of classifications.

(i) Classification of Computers according to the Generations

According to the period of design and the technological equipment used,

computers can be classified into five main generations.

1. First Generation Computers – Vacuum tubes were used to design

computers of this generation.

2. Second Generation Computers – Transistors were used to design computers

of this generation

3. Third Generation Computers – Integrated Circuits (IC) were used to design

computers of this generation.

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4. Fourth Generation Computers – Microchips / Microprocessors were used
to design computers of this generation.

5. Fifth Generation computers – Computers that are supposed to have the

thinking ability are called fifth generation
computers. Scientists are trying hard to
develop the fifth generation computers
using ‘Artificial Intelligence’.

(ii) Classification of Computers according to the Size

Computers can be classified according to their sizes too. Computers can be

classified into four types.

1. Super Computers – Computers which are designed for a specific

purpose with very high performance and
capabilities are called as such.

2. Mainframe Computers – These are the large scale computers.

3. Mini Computers – Medium size computers can be called mini


4. Micro Computers – Extremely small computers that can be called

micro computers.

However, it has become difficult to classify computers nowadays as

mainframe, mini and micro due to rapid technological development. Thus, we can
classify and introduce the computers which are in use today as follows :

• Personal Computers – Computers designed for individual’s use are called

(PCs) personal computers and this type of computers has
been widely developed now. Personal computers are
also known as ‘desktop computers’.
• Laptop Computers – These are portable computers designed to be carried
about. These are also known as the ‘Note book
computers’ or ‘Portable computers’.

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• Palmtop Computers – These are the computers that can be held on palm.
Palmtops are also called ‘Personal Digital
Assistants’ (PDAs).

• Work Station Computers – The name ‘Workstation computers’ is used for

desktop computers made with higher capacities.
These are widely used to design more complex
graphic designing and 3D animations and also
serve as server computers.

(iii) Classification of Computers according to the Purpose

Computers can be categorized into two types based on their function:

1. Computers designed for usual and day - to - day activities are called General
Purpose Computers.

2. Computers designed for special purposes such as scientific experiments, battle

operations, discovery of oil rigs etc. are called Special Purpose Computers.

(iv) Classification of Computers according to the Design Technology

Computers can be categorized into three according to the technology used to

design them:

• Digital computers – Computers designed by using the binary digital

number system are called digital computers.

• Analog computers – Computers which are designed considering the

physical data such as temperature, thrust, and
pressure are called the analog computers.

• Hybrid computers – A combination of the above two types of computers

can be called hybrid computers.

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