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History of Educational Technology

3300 BC 3100 BC 3000 BC 600 AD 888 AD

Use of pointed sticks to inscript Cuneiform in Mesopotamia was  Hieroglyphics and Papyrus Use of a quill pen Diamond Sutra
signs and symbols on leaves and developed in Egypt was printed
bark of trees  Spartan Education
 Athenian Education
1440 1658 1790 1801 1805 1826

Johannes Gutenburg Orbis Pictus (The World in Pictures) by Pencil was invented Use of blackboards in Pestalozzi Method First permanent image using
completed the printing Johann Amos Comenius was published academic military schools was developed Camera Obscura
1840 1884 1907 1920s 1930s 1940s

First proper fountain pen Maria Montessori’s  Use of educational  Airing of first instructional TV Movies, filmstrips, radio, and
Froebel coined the word
was invented Casa dei Bambini was films  16mm sound motion picture other pictorial devices were
“kindergarten”  Sidney Pressey’s
established was developed used in military trainings
teaching machines  Invention of Memex by Vanevar
 Modern version of ball point pen
was invented

 Use of whiteboard
 Use of computers in schools
 Systems approach to
designing instruction was
 Instructional films became  Hypertext and
 Skinner’s Programmed more creative and more  Proliferation of  Digitized hypermedia influence  Internet technologies
Instruction accessible instructional design communication and the field are more integrated in
 Bloom’s Taxonomy of  Large scale television models networking in education  Learning management the academe
Educational Objectives availability  Development of needs started systems (LMS) were  Web 2.0 tools
assessment procedures  CBI / CBT flourished used  Web conferencing
1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s

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