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Level: Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

Mark 0 1 to 4 5 to 8 9 to 12 13 to 16 17 to 20

Summary: Unacceptable Unclear and Limited or over Straight forward Clear and satisfying Original and
unfocused generalized presentation presentation insightful
presentation presentation presentation

Explanation: The presentation is The presentation The presentation The presentation The presentation The presentation
either: (1) not represents an represents an demonstrates demonstrates good demonstrates an
complete, (2) off uncertain grasp of uneven/uncertain adequate control control of the effective and
topic, (3) used the material. The grasp of the over most of the material. The confident command
inappropriate purpose or intent is material. It has a material. The presentation is over the material.
content, (4) unclear. limited focus and details are clearly and The presentation is
incomprehensible key ideas and appropriate and the adequately planned well-crafted,
development are presentation shows out and developed. consistently and
inadequate or signs of planning fully developed.
poorly presented. but is

Rubric for Book Talk Presentations:

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