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Psychological Medicine, 1980, 10, 55-72

Printed in Great Britain

The pathophysiology of extrapyramidal

side-effects of neuroleptic drugs
From the University Department of Neurology, Institute of Psychiatry, and
King's College Hospital Medical School, London

SYNOPSIS The mechanisms responsible for the production of major extrapyramidal side-effects
(parkinsonism, akathisia, acute dystonic reactions, chronic tardive dyskinesias) are reviewed in
the light of the complex effects of these drugs on cerebral dopamine systems.

INTRODUCTION it was found that neuroleptic drugs could

produce a range of extrapyramidal side-effects.
The introduction of neuroleptic drugs into Broadly these fell into four categories. The
clinical practice by Delay et al. (1952) revo- commonest was drug-induced parkinsonism,
lutionized psychiatry. For the first time clinicians which mirrored idiopathic Parkinson's disease
had available a group of compounds which in practically all its clinical aspects (Steck, 1954).
could reduce delirium and acute psychotic Akathisia, a peculiar state of mental and motor
excitement without producing sedation. This restlessness characterized by intense desire to
remarkable clinical property was matched by move in order to gain respite from overwhelming
a unique pharmacological profile in animals feelings of distress, also was noted frequently
(Bobon et al. 1970). Neuroleptic drugs could (Steck, 1954). Drug-induced parkinsonism and
quieten animals; indeed, they could promote akathisia commonly occurred only after some
states of motor immobility (catalepsy) without weeks or months of treatment with neuroleptic
producing sleep. drugs, but a small proportion of patients develop-
Neuroleptic drugs immediately found many ed explosive and bizarre acute dystonic reactions
clinical applications. They became the mainstay in the first days or weeks of treatment (Delay &
of management of patients with acute toxic Deniker, 1957). Finally, another more sinister
confusional states (Meyer, 1956), and patients abnormal involuntary movement disorder,
in the throes of acute schizophrenia (NIMH, chronic tardive dyskinesia, became recognized
1964). Subsequently, it was discovered that they after months or years of treatment (Sigwald et
also controlled chronic schizophrenic thought al. 1959; Uhrbrand & Faurbye, 1960), a con-
disorder, and prevented recurrent acute schizo- dition which sometimes persisted even though
phrenic episodes (Grinspoon et al. 1968; Leff & the offending drug was withdrawn.
Wing, 1971; Hirsch et al. 1973; Hogarty et al. The clinical features of these various drug-
1974). Their clinical impact was dramatic. For induced extrapyramidal movement disorders
the first time the number of patients in chronic have been reviewed in detail elsewhere (Marsden
mental hospitals began to drop, as more and et al. 1975) and only those facts pertinent to
more individuals became manageable as out- their cause will be mentioned here. The purpose
patients (Davis & Casper, 1977). Literally of this paper is to discuss the mechanisms
thousands of patients returned to the community. whereby these drugs cause their various extra-
However, as is nature's way, a price was paid pyramidal side-effects, drawing on information
for this success. obtained from observations in man and experi-
Almost immediately after their introduction, ments in animals. As a starting point, it may
be said that each of the four major categories
Addressfor correspondence: Professor C D . Marsden, of drug-induced extrapyramidal movement dis-
University department of Neurology, Institute of Psychiatry, orders - parkinsonism, akathisia, acute dystonic
De Crespigny Park, Denmark Hill, London SE5 8AF.
OO33-2917/8O/2828-5O9O $01.00 © 1980 Cambridge University Press
56 C. D. Marsden and P. Jenner

reactions, and chronic tardive dyskinesia - has administration. The mechanisms whereby such
a different pathogenesis. drugs cause a compensatory increase in dopa-
minergic activity in an attempt to overcome
post-synaptic receptor blockade are many (Fig. 1
Idiopathic Parkinson's disease and post-encepha- Table 1. Neuroleptics block dopamine receptors
litic parkinsonism both share a common patho- Antagonize behavioural actions of DOPA, apo-
physiology: namely, a loss of pigmented brain- morphine and amphetamine"
stem neurons, particularly those of the substantia Without depleting brain monoamines6 (cf. reserpine)
Antagonize inhibition by iontophoretic dopamine0
nigra in the midbrain, associated with a profound Antagonize dopamine stimulation of adenylate
depletion of cerebral catecholamines, particularly cyclase'1
of dopamine in the caudate nucleus and putamen Antagonize sH-dopamine receptor binding"
Antagonize peripheral dopamine receptors' (e.g.
(the corpus striatum), as a result of degeneration kidney)
of the nigro-striatal dopaminergic pathway. The
main clinical features of Parkinson's disease are "Van Rossum, 1966. » Carlsson & Lindqvist, 1963;
Nyback & Sedvall, 1970. c Bunney et al. 1973; Aghajanian
due to this profound dopamine depletion in the & Bunney, 1977. d Kebabian et al. 1972; Clement-Cormier
brain (Ehringer & Hornykiewicz, 1960) and et al. 1974. " Seeman et al. 1975; Burt et al. 1976. ' Yeh et
al. 1969.
can be reversed (at least partially and initially)
by restoring brain dopamine action either by Striatum
oral feeding of the precursor amino acid L - D O P A
(Birkmayer & Hornykiewicz, 1961; Barbeau,
1962; Cotzias et al. 1967), or by directly acting
dopamine agonists such as bromocriptine (Calne
et al. 1974).
Drug-induced parkinsonism also is due to
dopamine deficiency in the brain. Reserpine, and
its analogue tetrabenazine, prevent dopamine
storage by disrupting intra-neuronal granules
containing the amines (Bertler, 1961; Glowinski
et al. 1966), while neuroleptic drugs antagonize (•ABA
Substance P
cerebral dopamine action by blocking dopamine lincephalins
receptors in the brain (Carlsson & Lindqvist,
1963; Janssen et al. 1965; van Rossum, 1966).
All neuroleptics are dopamine receptor antago-
nists, at least on acute administration. The
evidence that neuroleptic drugs antagonize
cerebral dopamine action comes from a variety
of animal experimental data, which are sum-
marized in Table 1. However, it must be empha-
sized that all of these behavioural effects have
been most clearly demonstrated when such drugs
are given acutely.
Neuroleptic drugs do not greatly affect brain
dopamine concentration, but they cause a com-
pensatory increase in dopamine synthesis and
turnover in all dopamine-containing cerebral Substantia Outflow pathways
areas (Carlsson & Lindqvist, 1963; Laverty &
Sharman, 1965; Ande"n et al. 1969; Gey & FIG. 1. Schematic representation of the mechanisms by which
Pletscher, 1968; Nyback & Sedvall, 1970). This drugs may cause compensatory increases in dopamine (DA)
neuronal activity in the nigro-striatal system. For explanation
biochemical effect is interpreted as an attempt of mechanisms 1-5 see Table 2. The figure does not represent
to compensate for the blockade of post-synaptic the true anatomical relationship of neuronal connections par-
ticularly in the terminal regions. • , DA receptors; Q, non-
dopamine receptors produced by neuroleptic DA receptors.
Neuroleptic-induced extrapyramidal disease 57

gic activity, but it is important to note that they

Table 2. Evidence for feedback control of
may engage either post-synaptic mechanisms
dopamine neurones (short intra-striatal feedback circuits or long
Neuroleptics block post-synaptic dopamine receptors but strio-nigral feedback loops), or act directly on
increase dopamine turnover"'1"'"' the nigro-striatal neurone (on autoreceptors on
Neuroleptics activate tyrosine hydroxylase*
Mechanisms proposed: the cell body or dendrites, or on pre-synaptic
(1) Strio-nigral loop' receptors on axonal terminals).
Neuroleptics increase nigral cell firing, an effect inhibited Neuroleptic drugs antagonize the action of
by dopamine"1"
Lesions of nigro-striatal pathway attenuate depressant dopamine in two in vitro biochemical systems.
actions of amphetamine on nigral cell firing' Thus, neuroleptics prevent dopamine from
Kainic acid lesions of striatum prevent neuroleptic acti- stimulating formation of cyclic AMP in striatal
vation of tyrosine hydroxylase*
(Electrical stimulation of nigra causes tyrosine hydroxy- homogenates (or homogenates from other
lase activation)* dopamine containing areas of the brain), i.e.
(2) Autoreceptors on pre-synaptic dopamine terminals1'1 they prevent stimulation of the enzyme adenylate
Neuroleptic-induced increase in dopamine turnover
persists following destruction of strio-nigral pathway"1 cyclase by dopamine (Kebabian et al. 1972;
Neuroleptic-induced increase in dopamine turnover Clement-Cormier et al. 1974). Neuroleptics also
persists following kainic acid lesions of striatum" prevent the specific labelling of dopamine
Neuroleptic-induced increase in dopamine turnover
persists following hemisection or cessation of impulse receptors in such preparations by radioactive
flow using y-butyrolactone /'° ligands such as tritiated dopamine agonists
Neuroleptic-induced increase in dopamine turnover or other tritiated neuroleptic drugs themselves
occurs in striatal slices and synaptosomes' 1 ''"
(3) Striatal axo-axonal control by inter-neurones
(Seeman et al. 1975; Burt et al. 1976).
All that evidence for (2) can be explained by (3) (except Taking all this evidence together, it is clear
probably the synaptosomal work) that neuroleptic drugs block cerebral dopamine
Anticholinergics antagonize the increase in dopamine
turnover caused by neuroleptics8'' receptors, thereby producing the equivalent of
Acetylcholine and glutamate influence dopamine syn- brain dopamine deficiency which may be held
thesis and release in striatal synaptosomes or slices"'"'1" responsible for drug-induced parkinsonism
(4) Dopomine receptors on dopamine neurone cell bodies
Neuroleptics cause dendritic release of dopamine from (Hornykiewicz, 1975). However, there are certain
dopamine neurones 1 and this may inhibit firing" clinical anomalies that require discussion.
Local application of dopamine or apomorphine to nigral Broadly speaking, drug-induced parkinsonism
cells inhibits firing, an effect blocked by systemic halo-
peridol administration2 is dose-dependent. Indeed, it is probable that
Intra-nigral amphetamine (presumably by releasing everyone would develop obvious clinical features
dopamine)1* produces a marked inhibition of neuronal of the disorder if given a big enough dose of
activity in pars compacta of substantia nigra*
Destruction of the nigrostriatal pathway reduces neuro- neuroleptic drug. However, in routine clinical
leptic binding sites in nigra^ practice only some 20-40 % of all patients
(5) Dopamine receptors on the terminals of non-dopamine treated with these agents are reported to exhibit
nigral neurones
Dopamine dendrites do not possess dopamine receptors obvious clinical signs of parkinsonism (Marsden
linked to adenylate cyclasey but lesions of the strio-nigral et al. 1975). In part this is due to the difficulties
pathway markedly reduce nigral dopamine sensitive of recognizing more subtle and early features
adenylate cyclase*
of the condition. Minor degrees of akinesia
° Carlsson & Lindqvist, 1963;" Laverty & Sharman, 1965; often go unnoticed, the earliest changes in facial
" Anden et al. 1969; d Gey & Pletscher, 1968; • Zivkovic et expression, gait, and hand-writing are frequently
al. 1975; ' Carlsson et al. 1972a; ' Bunney et al. 1973;
* Aghajanian & Bunney, 1977; ' Bunney & Aghajanian, not detected by cursory examination. Even so,
1976; I Di Chiara et al. 1978; * Roth et al. 1975; 'Carlsson it is clear that there is individual susceptibility
et al. 19726; m Garcia-Munoz et al. 1977; " Di Chiara et al. to development of parkinsonism in response to
1977; ° Handforth & Sourkes, 1975;» Seeman & Lee, 1974;
Farnebo & Hamberger, 1971; r Iversen et al. 1976; a given dose of neuroleptic. Factors determining
' O'Keefe et al. 1970; ' Anden, 1972; " GiorguiefT et al. such individual susceptibility have not been
1976; • de Belleroche & Bradford, 1978; » Giorguieff et al. worked out. The fact that the age incidence of
1977; x Geffen et al. 1976; » Groves et al. 1975; z Aghajanian
& Bunney, 1974; « Paden et al. 1976; » Reisine et al. 1979; drug-induced parkinsonism parallels that of the
Olianas et al. 1978; B Spano et al. 1977. idiopathic disease (Ayd, 1961) strongly hints
and Table 2). This is not the place to discuss the that a propensity to the latter may determine
the incidence of the former. Indeed, this is not
exact details of these various means by which
surprising when it is realized that it requires
neuroleptics may promote increased dopaminer-
58 C. D. Marsden and P. Jenner

a depletion of striatal dopamine to less than plain this observation, since there is evidence of
20 % of its normal content before obvious increased neuroleptic metabolism with chronic
clinical evidence of idiopathic paralysis agitans administration of the drugs (Sakalis et al. 1972;
is evident (Bernheimer et al. 1973). The impli- Loga et al. 1975). A more rational explanation
cation of this observation is that there must be is that dopamine receptor blockade gradually
a large pool of individuals with sub-clinical decreases with time and very recent experiments
degrees of striatal dopamine depletion without indicate that this is exactly what happens (see
overt evidence of the disease. Such patients below).
would be more susceptible to the influence of Finally, one must mention the question of
administration of neuroleptic drugs. Such an treatment of drug-induced parkinsonism. Anti-
analysis may also explain the occasional patient cholinergics are of some benefit (Simpson, 1970),
who appears to develop permanent drug-induced but there are very potent reasons for not giving
parkinsonism. them routinely and for reserving their use solely
In most cases parkinsonism appearing in the for those patients in whom this side-effect is
course of neuroleptic treatment disappears when causing disability (see below). Since neuroleptics
the offending drug is withdrawn. Admittedly, block cerebral dopamine receptors by competitive
this may take a long time, in our experience as antagonism, their effects should be reversed by
long as eighteen months. This long delay is dopamine agonists. However, L - D O P A is usually
attributable, at least in part, to the prolonged reported not to be of value in the treatment of
persistence of some neuroleptic agents in tissue drug-induced parkinsonism (Fleming et al. 1970;
after drug withdrawal. Thus, metabolites of Yaryura-Tobias et al. 1970). Theoretically, if
phenothiazines persist in urine at least for three given in a sufficient dose, it should be effective.
months after stopping the drug (Forrest & Indeed, our experience is that it is effective,
Forrest, I960). However, most cases of drug- provided that dosage is not limited by the
induced parkinsonism do remit with time, but appearance of increasing psychotic disturbance
a few do not (1 % or so in our experience). The or other mental side-effects. The implication of
this observation is that it is easier to overcome
question is whether this small minority had sub-
neuroleptic blockade of those cerebral dopamine
clinical idiopathic Parkinson's disease before
receptors concerned with mental phenomena
starting treatment, or whether the drugs them-
than it is to reverse blockade of the striatal
selves can promote permanent parkinsonism.
dopamine receptors responsible for drug-induced
Since the incidence of idiopathic Parkinson's
disease in the population at large is of the order
of 0-5 % in those over the age of 50, the likeli-
hood is that the small proportion of patients in DRUG-INDUCED AKATHISIA
whom parkinsonism persists for years after
neuroleptic administration and withdrawal in- Akathisia is a paradox. Neuroleptics calm man
deed did have the idiopathic disease. and animals producing mental quiet and motor
There is often a delay in the appearance of immobility. Akathisia is manifest by mental
drug-induced parkinsonism after starting treat- unease and motor restlessness.
ment. Most cases appear within a few weeks or One of the consequences of the concept that
months of starting treatment rather than after there exist pre-synaptic auto-receptors on all
a few days. This may be due to the accumulation parts of dopaminergic neurones is that their
of drugs, because the pharmacokinetics of most preferential stimulation may provoke paradoxi-
neuroleptic agents are characterized by long cal effects (see Carlsson, 1977). The idea is
half-life and accumulation in tissue stores that, under normal circumstances, dopamine
(Salzman & Brodie, 1956). Whether this is the released from pre-synaptic nerve terminals
sole explanation remains to be established. activates autoreceptors on the self-same termi-
Equally apparent clinically is the fact that nals to decrease synthesis and release dopamine
drug-induced parkinsonism having appeared may (Carlsson et al. 1972a, b). The recently discovered
gradually disappear despite continuing drugs. dendritic release of dopamine is thought to have
Such tolerance is well established but hitherto the same effect within the substantia nigra itself
unexplained. Pharmacokinetic causes may ex- (Nieoullon et al. 1977).
Neuroleptic-induced extrapyramidal disease 59

A neuroleptic drug that preferentially blocks Anterior

pre-synaptic dopamine receptors in concen- Nucleus
trations less than those required to antagonize cortex
the post-synaptic receptor would have unex-
pected effects. Its pre-synaptic action would lead
to increased dopamine synthesis and release of
dopamine on to post-synaptic dopamine re-
ceptors not antagonized by the drug. As a con-
sequence, the functional and behavioural effects
of such a drug would be to increase dopaminergic
action rather than decrease it, despite the fact
that its main mechanism of effect was to block
dopamine receptors. Such an action has been
invoked to explain the paradoxical effect of
dopamine agonists such as apomorphine to
inhibit locomotor activity at very low doses while
stimulating it at high doses (Di Chiara et al. Olfactory
1976; Strombom, 1977), and similar paradoxical
behavioural effects of neuroleptic drugs in animal Nucleus
accumbens Amygdala
experiments (Ahlenius & Engel, 1971).
Selective pre-synaptic dopamine receptor an- FIG. 2. A sagittal section of the rat brain schematically
illustrating the dopamine innervation of neostriatal, meso-
tagonism might be invoked to explain drug- limbic and mesocortical brain areas. SN, Substantia nigra;
induced akathisia, but there are reasons to dis- Aio, ventral tegmental nuclei; CC, corpus callosum; ON,
olfactory nuclei.
miss this hypothesis. In the first place, reserpine
and tetrabenazine, both of which deplete dopa-
mine stores and therefore cannot increase Destruction of these pathways alone, or of
dopamine action, may cause obvious akathisia. their terminal projection areas in the medial
Secondly, akathisia and drug-induced parkin- frontal and cingulate areas, causes locomotor
sonism commonly co-exist (Marsden et al. 1975). hyperactivity in rodents. If it is assumed that
An alternative hypothesis is that akathisia is this has a conscious equivalent in man, then
the result of post-synaptic dopamine receptor both the mental and physical manifestations of
blockade in cerebral dopamine-containing areas akathisia might be attributed to blockade of
other than the corpus striatum (Fig. 2). Recent dopamine receptors in these specific cortical
discoveries on the function of such brain areas areas. Further work is required to confirm this
are relevant in this context. While blockade of hypothesis.
dopamine receptors in the striatum and such
mesolimbic areas as the nucleus accumbens
produces inhibition of locomotion in the form ACUTE DYSTONIC REACTIONS
of akinesia or catalepsy, the reverse occurs on Acute dystonic reactions occur in about 2 % of
blockade of meso-cortical dopamine systems those who take neuroleptic drugs, usually within
(Iversen, 1971; Tassin et al. 1978; Carter & the first few days of starting treatment, often
Pycock, 1978). The latter were discovered only after the first dose (Marsden et al. 1975).
relatively recently when it was appreciated that Virtually nothing is known about the factors
not all of the catecholamine content of the that predispose this small group of patients to
cerebral cortex could be attributed to noradrena- develop the problem. Until recently, little was
line. Certain cortical areas were found to contain known about their pathophysiology, but new
appreciable quantities of dopamine which lay data derived from both animal experiments and
in the terminal projections of dopaminergic human observation have begun to shed light
pathways arising in the midbrain - the meso- on the matter.
cortical dopamine system (Thierry et al. 1973; Acute dystonic reactions have been observed
Berger et al. 1974; Hokfelt et al. 1974; Lindvall in animals treated with neuroleptics (Deneau &
et al. 1974). Crane, 1968; Gunne & Barany, 1976; Bedard
60 C. D. Marsden and P. Jenner

et al. 1977; Weiss et al. 1977). In particular,

several species of primates exposed to the acute Table 3. Effect of drugs on acute dystonia
administration of a variety of neuroleptic drugs provoked by haloperidol
have developed a clinical syndrome indistin-
guishable from that seen in human patients
Severity of
experiencing acute dystonic reactions. Of par- Dose subsequent
ticular interest have been the studies of Meldrum Drug (mg/kg) Time (min) dystonia
et al. (1977). In the course of investigating the
pharmacology of photo-sensitive epilepsy in the alone 1 i.m. 0 + + +
Senegalese baboon, Papio papio, Meldrum and Haloperidol plus
Scopolamine 002 i.v. 55 a 0
his colleagues noted that haloperidol admini- Benztropine 0-2 i.v. 30 a 0
stered systematically occasionally provoked a Physostigmine 0 1 i.v. 20 a + + + +
bizarre movement disorder. Close examination a-m-p-tyrosine 200 i.p. 270 b +++
Reserpine 2 i.p. 24 h b ++
indicated that this was a typical acute dystonic Reserpine plus 2 i.p. 24 h b +/-
reaction with features such as trismus, forced a-m-p-tyrosine 150 x 2 i.p. 30 and 240 b
jaw opening, spasms of tongue with occlusion
a, After; b, before; 0, no dyskinesia apparent; + to + + +
and gnawing, arching of the back and torticollis, represent increasing severity of dyskinetic movements.
as well as bizarre posturing of the limbs.
Screening of a whole colony of 25 such animals
revealed that no fewer than 3 (12 %) developed the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase had little effect
such acute dystonic reactions when given halo- when given by itself on dystonia provoked by a
peridol (in doses of 0-6-1-2 mg/kg i.m.). A range subsequent injection of haloperidol. But when
of neuroleptics produced such a response in reserpine (2 mg/kg i.p., 24 h previously) and
susceptible animals, including haloperidol, chlor- a-methyl-/?-tyrosine (150 mg/kg i.p., 0-5 and 4 h
promazine, pimozide, and oxypertine; but thio- previously) were given together, the combined
ridazine, a neuroleptic with an exceptionally high treatment abolished or greatly reduced halo-
inherent anticholinergic activity, was ineffective. peridol-induced dystonia (Table 3). These results
Anticholinergic drugs abolish acute dystonic indicate that acute dystonic reactions to neuro-
reactions in man, and scopolamine (0-02 mg/kg leptic drugs are dependent upon some pre-
i.v.) and benztropine (0-2 mg/kg i.v.) also synaptic dopaminergic (and perhaps noradren-
abolished haloperidol (1 mg/kg i.m.) induced ergic) event mediated by both the storage and
acute dystonia in susceptible baboons. Physo- synthesis of catecholamines. The fact that neuro-
stigmine (0-1 mg/kg i.v.) intensified haloperidol- leptics which are relatively specific dopamine
induced dystonia in the baboon (Table 3). Thus, receptor antagonists with little noradrenaline
the acute dystonic reaction in the baboon, like receptor blocking action, such as haloperidol
its human counterpart, appears to be modified and pimozide, are just as capable of producing
by manipulating cholinergic mechanisms, anti- acute dystonic reactions as neuroleptics which
choltnergics improving it and cholinergics making have a greater capacity to block noradrenaline
it worse. as well as dopamine receptors, such as chlor-
Further pharmacological exploration of this promazine, suggests that the important cate-
primate model of neuroleptic-induced acute cholamine is dopamine. The overall conclusion,
dystonic reactions led to the critical observation then, is that acute dystonic reactions are pro-
that disrupting pre-synaptic dopamine (and nor- duced as a result of some effect of neuroleptic
adrenaline) mechanisms could prevent the phe- drugs on pre-synaptic dopamine mechanisms.
nomenon. Pre-treatment of monkeys with re- The obvious candidate for such a mechanism
serpine (2 mg/kg i.p., 24 h previously) to disrupt is the compensatory increased dopamine syn-
granular storage of catecholamines reduced (but thesis and release provoked by acute admini-
did not abolish) dystonia produced by a sub-, stration of neuroleptic drugs. This phenomenon,
sequent injection of haloperidol (1 mg/kg i.m.). discussed above, represents the normal attempt
Pre-treatment of baboons with a-methyl-/?- of dopaminergic neurones to overcome post-
tyrosine (200 mg/kg i.p., 4-5 h previously) to synaptic dopamine receptor blockade by the
prevent catecholamine synthesis by inhibition of neuroleptic. The many different phenomena in-
Neuroleptic-induced extrapyramidal disease 61

volved in this feedback control mechanism (see or even days after the administration of a
Table 2 and Fig. 1) all contribute to one final single dose of a drug, presumably at a time
functional effect, namely increased dopamine of falling brain concentrations of the active
release from pre-synaptic neurones. agent. A second explanation draws on the con-
In regard to acute dystonic reactions two siderable evidence that suggests the presence
phenomena associated with this compensatory of more than one dopamine receptor in the
mechanism require emphasis. First, like acute brain (Klawans, 1973 a; Costall & Naylor, 1975;
dystonic reactions themselves, this increased Cools & van Rossum, 1976; Cools et al. 1976;
dopamine release is apparent only on acute Kebabian & Calne, 1979). It is possible that
administration of a neuroleptic drug. Repeated the dopamine released as a result of neuro-
administration is associated with a decline and leptic administration may act, not only on a
eventual disappearance of evidence of increased population of dopamine receptors blocked by
dopamine turnover (Asper et al. 1973; Scatton, that neuroleptic, but also on another population
1977). Secondly, administration of anticholin- of dopamine receptors which is not affected by
ergic drugs not only prevents acute dystonic neuroleptic administration. There is now experi-
reactions, but also diminishes the dopamine mental evidence to support this suggestion, for
release provoked by neuroleptics (O'Keefe et al. Skirboll & Bunney (1979) have identified one
1970; Anddn, 1972; Corrodi et al. 1972). population of striatal neurones inhibited by local
Is there any evidence that dopamine release dopamine application whose effect can be
can provoke dystonia? Certainly a proportion prevented by haloperidol, and another population
of patients with Parkinson's disease treated with on which haloperidol has no effect on the action
L - D O P A develop abnormal movements identical of dopamine.
to those of dystonia (Parkes et al. 1976). Stimu- There is another phenomenon that must be
lation of the abnormal denervated dopamine taken into account in assessing the patho-
receptors in Parkinson's disease thus can cause physiology of acute dystonic reactions. Not only
dystonia, and administration of even larger are there compensatory changes in the activity
doses of L - D O P A (combined with a peripheral of the pre-synaptic dopamine neurone in response
decarboxylase inhibitor) also can cause dystonic to an acute neuroleptic drug, but it has now
abnormal movements in normal monkeys (Paul- been established that there are changes in the
son, 1973; Mones, 1973; Sassin, 1975). sensitivity of the post-synaptic receptor. The
All this evidence suggests the hypothesis that acute administration of a single dose of any
acute dystonic reaction in man and animals may neuroleptic has been found to lead to a delayed
be due to increased dopamine release resulting appearance of post-synaptic super-sensitivity to
from the acute administration of a neuroleptic systemically administered dopamine agonists
drug. But a paradox is immediately apparent. (Christensen, 1973; Christensen & lvMler-
How can the dopamine released by this com- Nielsen, 1974). Thus, 24 hours or so after the
pensatory mechanism stimulate post-synaptic acute administration of butyrophenone or other
dopamine receptors, for these are blocked by neuroleptic drugs, rodents show enhanced stereo-
the neuroleptic? Two explanations may be in- typy or climbing behaviour lasting for a matter
voked to overcome this difficulty. First, it is of a few days to a week (Meller-Nielsen &
possible that neuroleptic drugs preferentially act Christensen, 1975; Moller-Nielsen et al. 1976;
on pre-synaptic dopamine receptors in concen- Christensen et al. 1976; Martres et al. 1977).
trations which do not affect post-synaptic The implication of this finding in relation to
receptors. The consequence of such an action acute dystonic reactions is that, as the neuro-
would be to liberate dopamine into the synaptic leptic concentration decreases after acute ad-
cleft as a result of inhibition of pre-synaptic and ministration, it will leave exposed the super-
autoreceptor function, with consequent stimu- sensitive post-synaptic dopamine receptor; at
lation of post-synaptic dopamine receptors which this point persisting increased dopamine release,
are not antagonized by that concentration of or even perhaps normal or reduced concentra-
neuroleptic. One piece of evidence compatible tions of dopamine, may provoke an enhanced
with this suggestion is the clinical observation dopaminergic response. In other words, the
that acute dystonic reactions occur many hours final functional effect of this complex series of
62 C. D. Marsden and P. Jenner

(a) Levels of HVA, DOPAC and DA in striatum



2 4 72

(fi) Stereotypy

2 4 12 24
Time (h) after butaperazine (400 mg/kg p.o.)

Fie. 3. Modification of (a) striatal homovanillic acid (HVA) 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and dopamine
(DA) concentrations; and (b) apomorphine (0-5 mg/kg s.c.)-induced stereotyped behaviour in rats receiving
butaperazine (40 mg/kg p.o.), expressed as a percentage of control values (control values = 100%). *P < 005.
• , HVA; • , DOPAC; A, DA.

changes that occur after the acute administration given 40 mg of butaperazine as a single oral dose
of a neuroleptic must take into account not and no fewer than 8 developed acute dystonic
only changes in pre-synaptic dopamine release reactions as a result. The timing of their appear-
but also changes in post-synaptic dopamine ance was of considerable interest. In 7 of the
receptor sensitivity. 8 patients the acute dystonic reaction occurred
The interaction of these various phenomena some 20-28 hours after the administration of
can be illustrated from our own studies on the butaperazine, and in the eighth patient it occur-
time course of changes in brain dopamine turn- red around 56 hours later.
over and dopamine receptor sensitivity in rats We administered a single dose of butaperazine
treated with the phenothiazine neuroleptic buta- (40 mg/kg p.o.) to rats, and subsequently fol-
perazine. We chose this drug for study specifically lowed the changes in stereotypy induced by
because it had been carefully investigated apomorphine (0-5 mg/kg s.c, 15 min previously),
clinically by Garver et al. (1976a, b) with con- a behavioural index of cerebral dopamine
siderable interest in relation to acute dystonic stimulation, and of the striatal concentration
reactions. A group of 13 schizophrenics were of dopamine, homovanillic acid (HVA) and
Neuroleptic-induced extrapyramidal disease 63

dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) over the have inherited the gene for dystonia musculorum
next 72 hours (see Fig. 3). Apomorphine-induced deformans. This disease is rare in its florid
stereotypy was virtually abolished for the first clinical manifestation, but the autosomal reces-
8 hours after butaperazine and was greatly sive gene responsible for many hereditary cases
reduced for up to 12 hours. Concentrations of is commoner in the general population, parti-
HVA and DOPAC in striatum were greatly cularly among Jews, 1 in 65 of whom have been
increased, with no change in dopamine levels, estimated to carry the gene (Eldridge & Gottlieb,
for the first 12 hours after butaperazine, indi- 1976). Even if the gene exists asymptomatically
cating an increased turnover and release of as frequently as this among Jews, it could not
dopamine from striatal terminals. Twenty-four be held responsible for an incidence of acute
hours after butaperazine, apomorphine induced drug-induced dystonic reactions approaching 1
a normal or exaggerated stereotyped behavioural in 50 of the general population. Nor are such
response and, although concentrations of HVA events known to be more prevalent among the
and DOPAC in the striatum were falling, they Jewish population.
were still increased by comparison with control It has been proposed that acute dystonic re-
animals. In other words, at this critical time action may be dose-dependent in any individual
striatal dopamine receptors responded normally (Marsden et al. 1975), and further data from
or in a slightly exaggerated manner to apo- the study of Garver et al. (1976 a, b) lend weight
morphine (as judged by exaggerated stereotypy), to this suggestion. These authors measured
while striatal dopamine turnover and release plasma and red cell butaperazine concentrations
were still increased (as judged by HVA and in this clinical study and were able to compare
DOPAC concentrations). The net sum of these levels in those who developed acute dystonic
two events would be increased striatal dopamine reactions with those who did not. No differences
activity, and it was just at this critical time were found in any measure of plasma butapera-
interval of 24 hours after drug administration zine level, but red cell butaperazine concen-
that the majority of acute dystonic reactions tration was sixfold higher at the onset of the
occurred in the human studies with this drug. dystonic reaction, red cell butaperazine half-
Seventy-two hours after butaperazine admini- life was greatly prolonged and the area under
stration to rats, stereotypy in response to apo- the red cell butaperazine absorption curve
morphine had returned towards control levels, was much increased in those who developed
and HVA, DOPAC and dopamine concentra- acute dystonic reactions compared with those
tions in the striatum were similar to those in who did not (Fig. 4). It was argued that the
control animals. All the acute dystonic reactions red cell blood levels, being in part membrane
observed in the human studies had occurred by bound, gave a better indication of brain buta-
this time after drug administration. perazine concentrations, and the conclusion was
A final question to consider is why such a that the development of dystonic reactions in
small proportion of individuals challenged with response to the drug was related to an increase
a neuroleptic drug develop an acute dystonic in concentration of butaperazine compared with
reaction. This may represent an idiosyncratic that achieved in those who escaped the side-
reaction of the minority. Alternatively, every- effect.
body might develop the phenomenon if given
a big enough dose of neuroleptic but, in usual
clinical practice, only a small proportion achieve CHRONIC TARDIVE DYSKINESIA
high enough concentrations of the drug to cause (Crane, 1968, 1973; Marsden et al. 1975; Tarsy
the problem. There is evidence compatible with & Baldessarini, 1976).
both suggestions and it is impossible to decide Of all the extrapyramidal complications of
between the two at present. chronic neuroleptic treatment, tardive dyskinesia
With regard to idiosyncrasy, the high incidence is potentially the most serious. These abnormal
in otherwise normal young individuals is strongly movements appear after many months or years
against any obvious degenerative brain pathology of drug treatment. Characteristically, they affect
as predisposing to dystonic reactions, but it has the face, producing the typical oro-buccu-lingual
been suggested that they may occur in those who dyskinesia, but often they may involve limbs and
64 C. D. Marsden and P. Jenner

Plasma RBC Plasma RBC

300-| 24-i
200 A


{b) -

t -
c " -
ration at

o> -

,° 0 _ 0

Fio. 4. Plasma and red blood cell (RBC) butaperazine levels in dystonic and non-dystonic patients receiving
a single oral dose of butaperazine (40 mg). (a) Peak drug levels; (6) drug levels at the time of onset of dystonia;
(c) half-life; (d) area under curve (AUC). *P < 005. D, Dystonia patients; • , non-dystonia patients.

trunk. The movements are typically choreiform neuroleptic drug is stopped (Degkwitz & Wenzel,
in the elderly, but may be frankly dystonic in 1967; Crane, 1973). Indeed, it is believed that
the young. Tardive dyskinesia may co-exist with this extrapyramidal complication of neuroleptic
drug-induced parkinsonism. The same patient therapy may be permanent despite drug with-
may have the typical oro-facial movements with drawal (Crane, 1973). There is debate as to how
distal chorea of the digits, but at the same time frequently this occurs, but the risk of permanent
may exhibit a blank face, a stooped posture and tardive dyskinesias has been estimated at some-
a slow shuffling gait (Gerlach, 1977a, b). Like- where around 30 % of those who develop the
wise, tardive dyskinesia may be accompanied by problem (Marsden et al. 1975).
profound akathisia. The clinical pharmacology of tardive dyskine-
The abnormal movements that characterize sias indicates that they are due to over-stimu-
tardive dyskinesia may occur spontaneously lation of dopamine mechanisms in the brain
without prior drug intake. The evidence in- (Klawans, 1973 a, b). The movements themselves
criminating chronic neuroleptic drug intake as resemble those produced by L - D O P A in patients
a common cause of similar abnormal movements with Parkinson's disease. They can be suppressed,
is epidemiological. The incidence of tardive at least partially and temporarily, by drugs that
dyskinesia in those on chronic neuroleptics is interfere with dopaminergic neurotransmission.
greatly in excess of that of spontaneous oro- Drugs that prevent dopamine storage (reserpine
facial dyskinesias. The latter may occur in some- or tetrabenazine) or dopamine synthesis (a-
thing of the order of less than 1 % of the methyl-/?-tyrosine) decrease tardive dyskinesias,
population, while chronic tardive dyskinesias as do drugs that block dopamine receptors
occur in between 20 and 40 % of those on long- (Kazamatsuri et al. 1972 a, b; Chase, 1972;
term neuroleptic drugs (Degkwitz, 1967; Jus et al. Gerlach et al. 1974). Increasing the dose of the
1976 a, b). offending neuroleptic, or substituting a more
A singular and worrying feature of tardive powerful neuroleptic, will temporarily suppress
dyskinesia is that it frequently persists, or may tardive dyskinesias. This is no way to treat the
condition, for it is irrational to use any drug
even appear for the first time when the offending
Neuroleptic-induced extrapyramidal disease 65

that has caused the problem and, in any case, to the left by comparison with that obtained
the tardive dyskinesia will soon break through in control animals treated with vehicle only,
again as time passes. The appearance of tardive indicating the development of true pharmaco-
dyskinesia on neuroleptic drug withdrawal is logical super-sensitivity. In the same study, it
another illustration of the influence of dopamine was shown that treatment with reserpine (0-25
antagonists on the condition. Finally, there is mg/kg s.c.) and a-methyl-/?-tyrosine (50 mg/kg
general agreement that the movements of tardive s.c.) also led to pharmacological super-sensitivity
dyskinesia are enhanced by administration of to apomorphine when tested a week after with-
high doses of dopamine agonists (Chase, 1972; drawal, but treatment with phenobarbitone
Gerlach et al. 1974). Lower doses may have the (50 mg/kg s.c.) or diazepam (5 mg/kg s.c.) had
opposite effect, perhaps by selective stimulation no effect. Subsequently, many other similar
of pre-synaptic or autoreceptors on dopamine studies with a range of different neuroleptics
neurones (Carroll et al. 1977; Smith et al. 1977; and durations of treatment have shown a similar
Tolosa, 1978). phenomenon (see Table 4).
A paradox again is immediately apparent. The molecular mechanism of this form of
How can a condition whose pathophysiology is super-sensitivity produced by short-term ad-
that of dopaminergic overactivity be produced ministration of a neuroleptic followed by drug
by drugs whose prime mode of action is to withdrawal has been investigated by studying
block dopamine receptors? Carlsson (1970) and the activity of dopamine receptor action in vitro.
Klawans (1973 a, b) overcame this problem by The number of dopamine receptors identified
invoking the concept of drug-induced super- by specific tritiated neuroleptic binding sites is
sensitivity. increased in the brains of animals killed a week
In the peripheral somatic (Axelsson & Thes- or so after drug withdrawal (Burt et al. 1977;
leff, 1959) and autonomic nervous systems Muller & Seeman, 1977). At this time the
(Trendelenburg, 1963 a, b), it has long been neuroleptic drug has disappeared, so that
known that denervation or pharmacological in- affinity constants are unchanged. According
activation of pre-synaptic neurones will produce to some authors, the capacity of dopamine to
a state of post-synaptic receptor super-sensitivity stimulate brain adenylate cyclase activity in
to applied transmitter (Langer & Trendelenburg, homogenates from dopamine-rich areas also is
1966; Langer et al. 1967). Carlsson and Klawans increased at this time, but this is disputed (see
argued that blockade of post-synaptic cerebral Table 4). Pharmacological super-sensitivity after
dopamine receptors might have a similar effect short-term neuroleptic administration and drug
by depriving receptor sites of their normal withdrawal is thus accompanied by increased
stimulation by the natural transmitter, dopamine. numbers of dopamine receptors and perhaps
Experimental support for this hypothesis soon by some increase in sensitivity of dopamine
came from a variety of studies, demonstrating stimulated adenylate cyclase.
that sub-acute administration of neuroleptic This short-term super-sensitivity obtained
drugs for a matter of a few weeks could lead to after a few days or weeks of neuroleptic admini-
pharmacological super-sensitivity when the ani- stration is fundamentally different from that
mals were tested to dopamine agonists some days occurring after a single dose of such drugs. As
or weeks after drug withdrawal (Schelkunov, described above, the pharmacological super-
1967; Tarsy & Baldessarini, 1973, 1974; von sensitivity evident in the few days after a single
Voigtlander et al. 1975). dose of a neuroleptic (Moller-Nielsen et al. 1976;
In the studies of Tarsy & Baldessarini, for Martres et al. 1977) is not accompanied by any
example, rats were treated with chlorpromazine change in receptor binding or dopamine sensitive
(15 mg/kgs.c.) for three weeks and the drug adenylate cyclase (Hyttel, 1978).
was then withdrawn. The sensitivity of their These studies clearly indicate that short-term
cerebral dopamine receptor mechanisms was neuroleptic administration produces super-sensi-
assessed by establishing dose-response curves tivity of cerebral dopaminergic mechanisms
for stereotypy provoked by apomorphine. The evident after drug withdrawal. During the short
stereotypy dose-response curve a week after period of drug administration, however, the
withdrawal of chlorpromazine was clearly shifted neuroleptic still effectively blocks dopaminergic
66 C. D. Marsden and P. Jenner

Table 4. The effect of repeated neuroleptic administration and subsequent withdrawal on

dopamine-mediated behaviour and in vitro receptor binding and adenylate cyclase
Length of Withdrawal
Drugs used treatment time Enhanced response
Behaviour '
Haloperidol "1
Chlorpromazine > 1-4 weeks 1 week Apomorphine-induced stereotypy
Reserpine J
Thioridazinej 6-7 weeks 10 days Apomorphine-induced stereotypy;
Clozapine / spontaneous locomotor activity
Receptor binding"'1'
Haloperidol 1-3 weeks 2-5 days [3H]haloperidol and [3H]apomorphine
binding to striatal and mesolimbic
Reserpine \ 3 weeks 5-7 days [ H]haloperidol binding to striatal tissue
Adenylate cyclase*1*''*1'
Haloperidol \ 20 days 2 weeks Enhanced response to dopamine
(+)-butaclamol/ stimulation
Haloperidol 2 weeks 2 days No change
Chlorpromazine 3-4 days 1 day No change
Reserpine 7 days 0 Enhanced response to dopamine
c t imi IIQ t tr\t\
Reserpine 2 days 2 days No change

° Tarsy & Baldessarini, 1974; * Smith & Davis, 1976; e Burt et al. 1977; * Muller & Seeman, 1977; ' Gnegy et al. 1977;
von Voigtlander et al. 1975; » Rotrosen el al. 1975; * Heal et al. 1976; ' Seeber & Kuchinsky, 1976.

activity. Such animals are incapable of respond- were chosen to approximate to those administered
ing behaviourally to dopamine agonists during clinically to man in the case of the lower levels,
this first few weeks of neuroleptic administration. and a fivefold greater dose to take into account the
This still leaves the question of the cause of more rapid drug metabolizing capacity of the
tardive dyskinesia unresolved, for in most cases rat.
the abnormal movements appear while the At intervals throughout the experiment, drug-
patient is still taking the drug. For this reason, treated and control animals were tested for
we set up experiments to examine the effects of cerebral dopaminergic sensitivity by examination
really long-term neuroleptic administration in of apomorphine-induced stereotypy (0-5 mg/kg
animals, and the results of these experiments s.c.). Full dose-response curves to apomorphine
have resolved this paradox. were done at critical periods. Also, throughout
Groups of rats were treated with either tri- the experiment, animals were sacrificed for
fluoperazine (0-7-0-9 mg/kg/day or 2-5-3-5 mg/ measurement of cerebral dopamine concen-
kg/day) or thioridazine (6-9 mg/kg/day or trations and those of its metabolites, for
30-40 mg/kg/day) in their drinking water for estimation of dopamine sensitive adenylate
a year. Litter-mates were kept under identical cyclase activity, and for dopamine receptors as
conditions throughout the experiment as control judged by tritiated spiperone binding activity in
animals. The two neuroleptics were chosen as striatal homogenates. At the end of the year,
one representing the class of potent dopamine the drug was withdrawn and animals were fol-
antagonists with little inherent anticholinergic lowed up for a further period of six months
activity (trifluoperazine) and the other a weaker thereafter.
dopamine antagonist with high inherent anti- The results, which have been published in full
cholinergic activity (thioridazine). This choice elsewhere (Clow et al. 1978, 1979 a, b), may be
was made because there is reasonably compelling summarized as follows (Fig. 5). In the first
clinical evidence to suggest that anticholinergic month or so of drug treatment, all indices of
drugs increase the intensity of tardive dyskinesia cerebral dopamine action were antagonized.
and perhaps its frequency (Klawans, 19736; Apomorphine induced little or no stereotypy;
Klawans & Rubovits, 1974; Fann & Lake, 1974; dopamine could not stimulate the striatal adenyl-
Gerlach et al. 1974). The doses administered ate cyclase activity in vitro; and dopamine
Neuroleptic-induced extrapyramidal disease 67

(a) Stereotypy
* ***

100- /


(h). Binding sites

200 -i


(c) Dissociation constant

„ 500.



(d) Adenylate cyclase

2 200 -i



3 6 i: 1 3
Time on drug (months) Withdrawal
FIG. 5. The effect of 12 months' continual administration of trifluoperazinedihydrochloride (2-5-3-5 mg/kg/day p.o.)
to rats and its subsequent withdrawal for 6 months on (a) apomorphine (0-5 mg/kg s.c.) induced stereotyped
behaviour; (6) [sH]spiperone (0-125-40nM) specific striatal binding sites (Bmax); (c) the dissociation constant
(KB) for specific [3H]spiperone striatal binding; and (d) the dopamine (50(IM) stimulation of striatal adenylate
cyclate, expressed as a percentage of control values (control values = 100 %). *P < 005.

receptor affinity was decreased, as expected from dence of dopamine receptor antagonism by the
the presence of the antagonist in the homogenate neuroleptic drugs, despite their continuation and
analysed. Numbers of dopamine receptors regular intake.
initially were increased, but then returned to Between six months and a year of drug ad-
normal. ministration, this gradual disappearance of
Between one and six months of drug treatment dopamine receptor antagonism progressively
a change occurred. Stereotypy to apomorphine changed into a state of dopamine receptor over-
began to reappear; dopamine stimulation of activity. Apomorphine began to provoke greater
adenylate cyclase began to return to control stereotypy than in control animals; dopamine
levels; and receptor affinity began to increase, began to produce excessive stimulation of striatal
although receptor numbers were not changed. adenylate cyclase in vitro; and the number of
These results indicated a disappearance of evi- dopamine receptors identified by tritiated spi-
C. D. Marsden and P. Jenner

perone increased above control levels. These management of the problem, for instance the
behavioural and biochemical changes clearly impact of so-called drug holidays and the pos-
indicated that the animals were developing sible use of novel neuroleptics which do not
dopamine receptor super-sensitivity, despite con- appear to cause this problem.
tinuation of drug intake. These studies also have possible fundamental
In the six months after drug withdrawal, some relevance to the mode of action of anti-psychotic
indices of dopamine receptor activity persisted drugs. The general hypothesis, that drugs capable
in an abnormal super-sensitive state. While mean of controlling psychotic thought and behaviour
stereotypy scores to apomorphine returned disturbances act by blocking cerebral dopamine
towards control levels, some animals continued receptors, rested upon their capacity to do so
to have excessive response. Dopamine stimu- in acute experiments. Our studies indicate that
lation of striatal adenylate cyclase remained this acute action of the drug disappears on
enhanced throughout the whole period of six chronic administration, at least as far as the
months' withdrawal. Dopamine receptor numbers striatum is concerned. If a similar tolerance and,
tended to return towards control levels but were indeed, reversal of the effect of these agents
still elevated up to three months after drug occur in other dopamine containing areas of the
withdrawal. Thus, the dopamine receptor super- brain, such as the meso-limbic system and
sensitivity provoked by the year's intake of tri- meso-cortical areas, it would be difficult to sus-
fluoperazine or thioridazine persisted for at least tain the argument that their neuroleptic action
six months after withdrawal of the drugs, is due to cerebral dopamine receptor blockade.
especially as regards adenylate cyclase action. Indeed, we have some evidence to suggest that
No difference could be detected between the this action does disappear in meso-limbic areas
effects of trifluoperazine and thioridazine. over six months' administration. Findings such
These results show that the initial inhibition as these certainly cast doubt on the hypothesis
of dopamine action on acute administration of that neuroleptic drugs act by being dopamine
neuroleptic drugs disappears with chronic treat- receptor antagonists and therefore, by impli-
ment to be replaced by dopamine super-sensi- cation, cast doubt on the general dopamine
tivity, at least as regards those behavioural and hypothesis of schizophrenia.
biochemical indices attributed to striatal dopa-
mine function. Obviously, this is of significance
in regard to tardive dyskinesias which can be CONCLUSION
attributed to basal ganglia dysfunction. The
results vindicate Carlsson and Klawans' hypo- The mechanism responsible for the production
thesis, that dopamine receptor super-sensitivity of extrapyramidal side-effects by neuroleptic
provoked by chronic neuroleptic administration drugs has been reviewed in the light of new
may be the pathophysiological mechanism experimental data. Drug-induced parkinsonism
responsible for tardive dyskinesia. The fact that is held to be due to post-synaptic dopamine
some of the evidence of dopamine receptor receptor blockade in striatum, while akathisia
super-sensitivity persisted for at least six months may be due to similar blockade of dopamine
after withdrawal of drugs in the animal studies receptors in meso-cortical areas. Acute dystonic
adds weight to the clinical concern that these reactions appear to be due to the interaction
agents may provoke long-lasting, perhaps even between the development of post-synaptic dopa-
permanent, changes in the brain. It should be mine receptor super-sensitivity with increased
remembered that administration of a drug for dopamine turnover and release provoked by the
a year to a rat represents exposure for approxi- acute administration of these drugs. Chronic
mately a third of its life-span, while persistence tardive dyskinesias appear to result from a
of a change in the brain for six months may gradual disappearance of dopamine receptor
represent a change lasting some ten years or so blockade in the striatum by neuroleptic drugs
in a human being. and the emergence of striatal dopamine receptor
This animal model of tardive dyskinesia is super-sensitivity, despite continuation of drug
currently being used to assess the significance of intake. Similar tolerance to the dopamine
a number of possible clinical approaches to receptor blocking action of neuroleptics in
Neuroleptic-induced extrapyramidal disease 69

mesolimbic areas may occur, casting doubt on G. K. (1973). Dopaminergic neurons: effects of anti-
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H-haloperidol and s H-dopamine binding associated with
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