Guy Fawkes

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Guy Fawkes
Guy Fawkes (/fɔːks/; 13 April 1570 – 31 January 1606),[a] also known as
Gunpowder Plot
Guido Fawkes while fighting for the Spanish, was a member of a group of
provincial English Catholics who planned the failed Gunpowder Plot of Guy Fawkes
1605. He was born and educated in York, England; his father died when
Fawkes was eight years old, after which his mother married a recusant

Fawkes converted to Catholicism and left for mainland Europe, where he

fought for Catholic Spain in the Eighty Years' War against Protestant Dutch
reformers in the Low Countries. He travelled to Spain to seek support for a
Catholic rebellion in England without success. He later met Thomas
Wintour, with whom he returned to England, and Wintour introduced him
to Robert Catesby, who planned to assassinate King James I and restore a
Catholic monarch to the throne. The plotters leased an undercroft beneath
the House of Lords, and Fawkes was placed in charge of the gunpowder
which they stockpiled there. The authorities were prompted by an
anonymous letter to search Westminster Palace during the early hours of
5 November, and they found Fawkes guarding the explosives. He was
questioned and tortured over the next few days, and he confessed to
wanting to blow up the House of Lords. George Cruikshank's illustration of
Guy Fawkes, published in William
Immediately before his execution on 31 January, Fawkes fell from the
Harrison Ainsworth's 1840 novel
scaffold where he was to be hanged and broke his neck, thus avoiding the
Guy Fawkes.
agony of being hanged, drawn and quartered. He became synonymous with
the Gunpowder Plot, the failure of which has been commemorated in
Britain as Guy Fawkes Night since 5 November 1605, when his effigy is Parents Edward Fawkes
traditionally burned on a bonfire, commonly accompanied by fireworks.
Edith (née Blake or
Jackson) (mother)
Born 13 April 1570
Contents (presumed)
York, England
Early life
Alias(es) Guido Fawkes,
Military career
John Johnson
Occupation Soldier, alférez
Gunpowder Plot
Overseas Plot
Discovery Role Explosives
Enlisted 20 May 1604
Trial and execution
Captured 5 November 1605
Conviction(s) High treason

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Penalty Hanged, drawn and

External links
Status Executed
Died 31 January 1606
Early life (aged 35)
London, England

Guy Fawkes was born in 1570 in Stonegate, York. He was the second of four
children born to Edward Fawkes, a proctor and an advocate of the
consistory court at York,[b] and his wife, Edith.[c] Guy's parents were
regular communicants of the Church of England, as were his paternal
grandparents; his grandmother, born Ellen Harrington, was the daughter
of a prominent merchant, who served as Lord Mayor of York in 1536.[4]
Guy's mother's family were recusant Catholics, and his cousin, Richard
Cowling, became a Jesuit priest.[5] Guy was an uncommon name in
Fawkes was baptised at the church
England, but may have been popular in York on account of a local notable, of St Michael le Belfrey next to York
Sir Guy Fairfax of Steeton.[6] Minster (seen at left).

The date of Fawkes's birth is unknown, but he was baptised in the church of
St Michael le Belfrey on 16 April. As the customary gap between birth and baptism was three days, he was probably
born about 13 April.[5] In 1568, Edith had given birth to a daughter named Anne, but the child died aged about seven
weeks, in November that year. She bore two more children after Guy: Anne (b. 1572), and Elizabeth (b. 1575). Both
were married, in 1599 and 1594 respectively.[6][7]

In 1579, when Guy was eight years old, his father died. His mother remarried several years later, to the Catholic Dionis
Baynbrigge (or Denis Bainbridge) of Scotton, Harrogate. Fawkes may have become a Catholic through the Baynbrigge
family's recusant tendencies, and also the Catholic branches of the Pulleyn and Percy families of Scotton,[8] but also
from his time at St. Peter's School in York. A governor of the school had spent about 20 years in prison for recusancy,
and its headmaster, John Pulleyn, came from a family of noted Yorkshire recusants, the Pulleyns of Blubberhouses. In
her 1915 work The Pulleynes of Yorkshire, author Catharine Pullein suggested that Fawkes's Catholic education came
from his Harrington relatives, who were known for harbouring priests, one of whom later accompanied Fawkes to
Flanders in 1592–1593.[9] Fawkes's fellow students included John Wright and his brother Christopher (both later
involved with Fawkes in the Gunpowder Plot) and Oswald Tesimond, Edward Oldcorne and Robert Middleton, who
became priests (the latter executed in 1601).[10]

After leaving school Fawkes entered the service of Anthony Browne, 1st Viscount Montagu. The Viscount took a dislike
to Fawkes and after a short time dismissed him; he was subsequently employed by Anthony-Maria Browne, 2nd
Viscount Montagu, who succeeded his grandfather at the age of 18.[11] At least one source claims that Fawkes married
and had a son, but no known contemporary accounts confirm this.[12][d]

Military career
In October 1591 Fawkes sold the estate in Clifton in York that he had inherited from his father.[e] He travelled to the
continent to fight in the Eighty Years War for Catholic Spain against the new Dutch Republic and, from 1595 until the

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Peace of Vervins in 1598, France. Although England was not by then engaged in land operations against Spain, the two
countries were still at war, and the Spanish Armada of 1588 was only five years in the past. He joined Sir William
Stanley, an English Catholic and veteran commander in his mid-fifties who had raised an army in Ireland to fight in
Leicester's expedition to the Netherlands. Stanley had been held in high regard by Elizabeth I, but following his
surrender of Deventer to the Spanish in 1587 he, and most of his troops, had switched sides to serve Spain. Fawkes
became an alférez or junior officer, fought well at the siege of Calais in 1596, and by 1603 had been recommended for a
captaincy.[3] That year, he travelled to Spain to seek support for a Catholic rebellion in England. He used the occasion
to adopt the Italian version of his name, Guido, and in his memorandum described James I (who became king of
England that year) as "a heretic", who intended "to have all of the Papist sect driven out of England." He denounced
Scotland, and the King's favourites among the Scottish nobles, writing "it will not be possible to reconcile these two
nations, as they are, for very long".[13] Although he was received politely, the court of Philip III was unwilling to offer
him any support.[14]

Gunpowder Plot
In 1604 Fawkes became involved with a small group of
English Catholics, led by Robert Catesby, who planned to
assassinate the Protestant King James and replace him with
his daughter, third in the line of succession, Princess
Elizabeth.[15][16] Fawkes was described by the Jesuit priest
and former school friend Oswald Tesimond as "pleasant of
approach and cheerful of manner, opposed to quarrels and
strife ... loyal to his friends". Tesimond also claimed Fawkes
was "a man highly skilled in matters of war", and that it was A contemporary engraving of eight of the thirteen
this mixture of piety and professionalism that endeared him conspirators, by Crispijn van de Passe. Fawkes is
third from the right.
to his fellow conspirators.[3] The author Antonia Fraser
describes Fawkes as "a tall, powerfully built man, with thick
reddish-brown hair, a flowing moustache in the tradition of the time, and a bushy reddish-brown beard", and that he
was "a man of action ... capable of intelligent argument as well as physical endurance, somewhat to the surprise of his

The first meeting of the five central conspirators took place on Sunday 20 May 1604, at an inn called the Duck and
Drake, in the fashionable Strand district of London.[f] Catesby had already proposed at an earlier meeting with Thomas
Wintour and John Wright to kill the King and his government by blowing up "the Parliament House with gunpowder".
Wintour, who at first objected to the plan, was convinced by Catesby to travel to the continent to seek help. Wintour
met with the Constable of Castile, the exiled Welsh spy Hugh Owen,[18] and Sir William Stanley, who said that Catesby
would receive no support from Spain. Owen did, however, introduce Wintour to Fawkes, who had by then been away
from England for many years, and thus was largely unknown in the country. Wintour and Fawkes were
contemporaries; each was militant, and had first-hand experience of the unwillingness of the Spaniards to help.
Wintour told Fawkes of their plan to "doe some whatt in Ingland if the pece with Spaine healped us nott",[3] and thus
in April 1604 the two men returned to England.[17] Wintour's news did not surprise Catesby; despite positive noises
from the Spanish authorities, he feared that "the deeds would nott answere".[g]

One of the conspirators, Thomas Percy, was promoted in June 1604, gaining access to a house in London that belonged
to John Whynniard, Keeper of the King's Wardrobe. Fawkes was installed as a caretaker and began using the

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pseudonym John Johnson, servant to Percy.[20] The contemporaneous account of the prosecution (taken from Thomas
Wintour's confession)[21] claimed that the conspirators attempted to dig a tunnel from beneath Whynniard's house to
Parliament, although this story may have been a government fabrication; no evidence for the existence of a tunnel was
presented by the prosecution, and no trace of one has ever been found; Fawkes himself did not admit the existence of
such a scheme until his fifth interrogation, but even then he could not locate the tunnel.[22] If the story is true,
however, by December 1604 the conspirators were busy tunnelling from their rented house to the House of Lords.
They ceased their efforts when, during tunnelling, they heard a noise from above. Fawkes was sent out to investigate,
and returned with the news that the tenant's widow was clearing out a nearby undercroft, directly beneath the House
of Lords.[3][23]

The plotters purchased the lease to the room, which also belonged to John Whynniard. Unused and filthy, it was
considered an ideal hiding place for the gunpowder the plotters planned to store.[24] According to Fawkes, 20 barrels
of gunpowder were brought in at first, followed by 16 more on 20 July.[25] On 28 July however, the ever-present threat
of the plague delayed the opening of Parliament until Tuesday, 5 November.[26]

In an attempt to gain foreign support, in May 1605 Fawkes travelled overseas and informed Hugh Owen of the plotters'
plan.[27] At some point during this trip his name made its way into the files of Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury, who
employed a network of spies across Europe. One of these spies, Captain William Turner, may have been responsible.
Although the information he provided to Salisbury usually amounted to no more than a vague pattern of invasion
reports, and included nothing which regarded the Gunpowder Plot, on 21 April he told how Fawkes was to be brought
by Tesimond to England. Fawkes was a well-known Flemish mercenary, and would be introduced to "Mr Catesby" and
"honourable friends of the nobility and others who would have arms and horses in readiness".[28] Turner's report did
not, however, mention Fawkes's pseudonym in England, John Johnson, and did not reach Cecil until late in November,
well after the plot had been discovered.[3][29]

It is uncertain when Fawkes returned to England, but he was back in London by late August 1605, when he and
Wintour discovered that the gunpowder stored in the undercroft had decayed. More gunpowder was brought into the
room, along with firewood to conceal it.[30] Fawkes's final role in the plot was settled during a series of meetings in
October. He was to light the fuse and then escape across the Thames. Simultaneously, a revolt in the Midlands would
help to ensure the capture of Princess Elizabeth. Acts of regicide were frowned upon, and Fawkes would therefore head
to the continent, where he would explain to the Catholic powers his holy duty to kill the King and his retinue.[31]

A few of the conspirators were concerned about fellow Catholics who would be present at Parliament during the
opening.[32] On the evening of 26 October, Lord Monteagle received an anonymous letter warning him to stay away,
and to "retyre youre self into yowre contee whence yow maye expect the event in safti for ... they shall receyve a terrible
blowe this parleament".[33] Despite quickly becoming aware of the letter – informed by one of Monteagle's servants –
the conspirators resolved to continue with their plans, as it appeared that it "was clearly thought to be a hoax".[34]
Fawkes checked the undercroft on 30 October, and reported that nothing had been disturbed.[35] Monteagle's
suspicions had been aroused, however, and the letter was shown to King James. The King ordered Sir Thomas Knyvet
to conduct a search of the cellars underneath Parliament, which he did in the early hours of 5 November. Fawkes had
taken up his station late on the previous night, armed with a slow match and a watch given to him by Percy "becaus he

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should knowe howe the time went away".[3] He was found leaving the
cellar, shortly after midnight, and arrested. Inside, the barrels of
gunpowder were discovered hidden under piles of firewood and coal.[36]

Fawkes gave his name as John Johnson and was first interrogated by
members of the King's Privy chamber, where he remained defiant.[37]
When asked by one of the lords what he was doing in possession of so much
Discovery of the Gunpowder Plot
gunpowder, Fawkes answered that his intention was "to blow you Scotch
(c. 1823), Henry Perronet Briggs
beggars back to your native mountains." [38] He identified himself as a 36-
year-old Catholic from Netherdale in Yorkshire, and gave his father's name
as Thomas and his mother's as Edith Jackson. Wounds on his body noted by his questioners he explained as the effects
of pleurisy. Fawkes admitted his intention to blow up the House of Lords, and expressed regret at his failure to do so.
His steadfast manner earned him the admiration of King James, who described Fawkes as possessing "a Roman

James's admiration did not, however, prevent him from ordering on 6 November that "John Johnson" be tortured, to
reveal the names of his co-conspirators.[40] He directed that the torture be light at first, referring to the use of
manacles, but more severe if necessary, authorising the use of the rack: "the gentler Tortures are to be first used unto
him et sic per gradus ad ima tenditur [and so by degrees proceeding to the worst]".[37][41] Fawkes was transferred to
the Tower of London. The King composed a list of questions to be put to "Johnson", such as "as to what he is, For I can
never yet hear of any man that knows him", "When and where he learned to speak French?", and "If he was a Papist,
who brought him up in it?"[42] The room in which Fawkes was interrogated subsequently became known as the Guy
Fawkes Room.[43]

Sir William Waad, Lieutenant of the Tower, supervised the torture and
obtained Fawkes's confession.[37] He searched his prisoner, and found a
letter addressed to Guy Fawkes. To Waad's surprise, "Johnson" remained
silent, revealing nothing about the plot or its authors.[44] On the night of
6 November he spoke with Waad, who reported to Salisbury "He [Johnson]
told us that since he undertook this action he did every day pray to God he
might perform that which might be for the advancement of the Catholic
Faith and saving his own soul". According to Waad, Fawkes managed to
rest through the night, despite his being warned that he would be
Fawkes's signature of "Guido",
interrogated until "I had gotton the inwards secret of his thoughts and all
made soon after his torture, is a
his complices".[45] His composure was broken at some point during the
barely evident scrawl compared to a
following day.[46] later instance.

The observer Sir Edward Hoby remarked "Since Johnson's being in the
Tower, he beginneth to speak English". Fawkes revealed his true identity on 7 November, and told his interrogators
that there were five people involved in the plot to kill the King. He began to reveal their names on 8 November, and
told how they intended to place Princess Elizabeth on the throne. His third confession, on 9 November, implicated
Francis Tresham. Following the Ridolfi plot of 1571 prisoners were made to dictate their confessions, before copying
and signing them, if they still could.[47] Although it is uncertain if he was tortured on the rack, Fawkes's scrawled
signature suggests the suffering he endured at the hands of his interrogators.[48]

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Trial and execution

The trial of eight of the plotters began on Monday 27 January 1606. Fawkes shared the barge from the Tower to
Westminster Hall with seven of his co-conspirators.[h] They were kept in the Star Chamber before being taken to
Westminster Hall, where they were displayed on a purpose-built scaffold. The King and his close family, watching in
secret, were among the spectators as the Lords Commissioners read out the list of charges. Fawkes was identified as
Guido Fawkes, "otherwise called Guido Johnson". He pleaded not guilty, despite his apparent acceptance of guilt from
the moment he was captured.[50]

The jury found all the defendants guilty, and the Lord Chief Justice Sir
John Popham pronounced them guilty of high treason.[51] The
Attorney General Sir Edward Coke told the court that each of the
condemned would be drawn backwards to his death, by a horse, his
head near the ground. They were to be "put to death halfway between
heaven and earth as unworthy of both". Their genitals would be cut off
and burnt before their eyes, and their bowels and hearts removed.
They would then be decapitated, and the dismembered parts of their
bodies displayed so that they might become "prey for the fowls of the
A 1606 etching by Claes (Nicolaes) air".[52] Fawkes's and Tresham's testimony regarding the Spanish
Jansz Visscher, depicting Fawkes's treason was read aloud, as well as confessions related specifically to
the Gunpowder Plot. The last piece of evidence offered was a
conversation between Fawkes and Wintour, who had been kept in
adjacent cells. The two men apparently thought they had been speaking in private, but their conversation was
intercepted by a government spy. When the prisoners were allowed to speak, Fawkes explained his not guilty plea as
ignorance of certain aspects of the indictment.[53]

On 31 January 1606, Fawkes and three others – Thomas Wintour, Ambrose Rookwood, and Robert Keyes – were
dragged (i.e., "drawn") from the Tower on wattled hurdles to the Old Palace Yard at Westminster, opposite the building
they had attempted to destroy.[54] His fellow plotters were then hanged and quartered. Fawkes was the last to stand on
the scaffold. He asked for forgiveness of the King and state, while keeping up his "crosses and idle ceremonies"
(Catholic practices). Weakened by torture and aided by the hangman, Fawkes began to climb the ladder to the noose,
but either through jumping to his death or climbing too high so the rope was incorrectly set, he managed to avoid the
agony of the latter part of his execution by breaking his neck.[37][55][56] His lifeless body was nevertheless quartered[57]
and, as was the custom,[58] his body parts were then distributed to "the four corners of the kingdom", to be displayed
as a warning to other would-be traitors.[59]

On 5 November 1605, Londoners were encouraged to celebrate the King's escape from assassination by lighting
bonfires, provided that "this testemonye of joy be carefull done without any danger or disorder".[3] An Act of
Parliament designated each 5 November as a day of thanksgiving for "the joyful day of deliverance", and remained in
force until 1859.[60] Fawkes was one of 13 conspirators, but he is the individual most associated with the plot.[61]

In Britain, 5 November has variously been called Guy Fawkes Night, Guy Fawkes Day, Plot Night,[62] and Bonfire
Night (which can be traced directly back to the original celebration of 5 November 1605).[63] Bonfires were
accompanied by fireworks from the 1650s onwards, and it became the custom after 1673 to burn an effigy (usually of

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the pope) when heir presumptive James, Duke of York, converted to

Catholicism.[3] Effigies of other notable figures have found their way onto
the bonfires, such as Paul Kruger and Margaret Thatcher,[64] although most
modern effigies are of Fawkes.[60] The "guy" is normally created by
children from old clothes, newspapers, and a mask.[60] During the 19th
century, "guy" came to mean an oddly dressed person, while in many places
it has lost any pejorative connotation and instead refers to any male person
and the plural form can refer to people of any gender (see you guys).[60][65]

James Sharpe, professor of history at the University of York, has described

how Guy Fawkes came to be toasted as "the last man to enter Parliament Procession of a Guy (1864)
with honest intentions".[66] William Harrison Ainsworth's 1841 historical
romance Guy Fawkes; or, The Gunpowder Treason portrays Fawkes in a
generally sympathetic light,[67] and his novel transformed Fawkes in the
public perception into an "acceptable fictional character". Fawkes
subsequently appeared as "essentially an action hero" in children's books
and penny dreadfuls such as The Boyhood Days of Guy Fawkes; or, The
Conspirators of Old London, published around 1905.[68] According to
historian Lewis Call, Fawkes is now "a major icon in modern political
culture" whose face has become "a potentially powerful instrument for the
articulation of postmodern anarchism"[i] in the late 20th century.[69]
Children preparing for Guy Fawkes
night celebrations (1954)

a. Dates in this article before 14 September 1752 are given in the Julian calendar. The beginning of the year is
treated as 1 January even though it began in England on 25 March.
b. According to one source, he may have been Registrar of the Exchequer Court of the Archbishop.[1]
c. Fawkes's mother's maiden name is alternatively given as Edith Blake,[2] or Edith Jackson.[3]
d. According to the International Genealogical Index, compiled by the LDS Church, Fawkes married Maria Pulleyn (b.
1569) in Scotton in 1590, and had a son, Thomas, on 6 February 1591.[9] These entries, however, appear to
derive from a secondary source and not from actual parish entries.[12]
e. Although the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography claims 1592, multiple alternative sources give 1591 as the
date. Peter Beal, A Dictionary of English Manuscript Terminology, 1450 to 2000, includes a signed indenture of the
sale of the estate dated 14 October 1591. (pp. 198–199)
f. Also present were fellow conspirators John Wright, Thomas Percy, and Thomas Wintour (with whom he was
already acquainted).[17]
g. Philip III made peace with England in August 1604.[19]
h. The eighth, Thomas Bates, was considered inferior by virtue of his status, and was held instead at Gatehouse
i. See Post-anarchism


1. Haynes 2005, pp. 28–29

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2. Guy Fawkes (, The

Gunpowder Plot Society, archived from the original ( on 18 March
2010, retrieved 19 May 2010
3. Nicholls, Mark (2004), "Fawkes, Guy (bap. 1570, d. 1606)", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (http://www.ox (online ed.), Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/9230 (
1093%2Fref%3Aodnb%2F9230), retrieved 6 May 2010 (subscription or UK public library membership (http://www.oxford required)
4. "Fawkes, Guy" in The Dictionary of National Biography, Leslie Stephen, ed., Oxford University Press, London
5. Fraser 2005, p. 84
6. Sharpe 2005, p. 48
7. Fraser 2005, p. 86 (note)
8. Sharpe 2005, p. 49
9. Herber, David (April 1998), "The Marriage of Guy Fawkes and Maria Pulleyn", The Gunpowder Plot Society
Newsletter (
m), The Gunpowder Plot Society, archived from the original (
tm) on 17 June 2011, retrieved 16 February 2010
10. Fraser 2005, pp. 84–85
11. Fraser 2005, pp. 85–86
12. Fraser 2005, p. 86
13. Fraser 2005, p. 89
14. Fraser 2005, pp. 87–90
15. Northcote Parkinson 1976, p. 46
16. Fraser 2005, pp. 140–142
17. Fraser 2005, pp. 117–119
18. Fraser 2005, p. 87
19. Nicholls, Mark (2004), "Catesby, Robert (b. in or after 1572, d. 1605)", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (htt
p://, Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/4883 (
1093%2Fref%3Aodnb%2F4883), retrieved 12 May 2010 (subscription or UK public library membership (http://www.oxfor required)
20. Fraser 2005, pp. 122–123
21. Nicholls, Mark (2004), "Winter, Thomas (c. 1571–1606)", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (http://www.oxfor, Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/29767 (
f%3Aodnb%2F29767), archived (
icle/29767) from the original on 5 March 2016, retrieved 16 November 2009 (subscription or UK public library
membership ( required)
22. Fraser 2005, pp. 133–134
23. Haynes 2005, pp. 55–59
24. Fraser 2005, pp. 144–145
25. Fraser 2005, pp. 146–147
26. Fraser 2005, pp. 159–162
27. Bengsten 2005, p. 50
28. Fraser 2005, p. 150
29. Fraser 2005, pp. 148–150
30. Fraser 2005, p. 170

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31. Fraser 2005, pp. 178–179

32. Northcote Parkinson 1976, pp. 62–63
33. Northcote Parkinson 1976, pp. 68–69
34. Northcote Parkinson 1976, p. 72
35. Fraser 2005, p. 189
36. Northcote Parkinson 1976, p. 73
37. Northcote Parkinson 1976, pp. 91–92
38. Cobbett 1857, p. 229.
39. Fraser 2005, pp. 208–209
40. Fraser 2005, p. 211
41. Fraser 2005, p. 215
42. Fraser 2005, p. 212
43. Younghusband 2008, p. 46
44. Bengsten 2005, p. 58
45. Bengsten 2005, p. 59
46. Fraser 2005, pp. 216–217
47. Bengsten 2005, p. 60
48. Fraser 2005, pp. 215–216, 228–229
49. Fraser 2005, p. 263
50. Fraser 2005, pp. 263–266
51. Fraser 2005, p. 273
52. Fraser 2005, pp. 266–269
53. Fraser 2005, pp. 269–271
54. Haynes 2005, pp. 115–116
55. Fraser 2005, p. 283
56. Sharpe 2005, pp. 76–77
57. Allen 1973, p. 37
58. Thompson 2008, p. 102
59. Guy Fawkes (, York Museums Trust, archived (htt
ps:// from
the original on 14 April 2010, retrieved 16 May 2010
60. House of Commons Information Office (September 2006), The Gunpowder Plot (
0215195506/ (PDF), archived from the original ( (PDF) on 15 February 2005, retrieved 15 February 2011
61. Fraser 2005, p. 349
62. Fox & Woolf 2002, p. 269
63. Fraser 2005, pp. 351–352
64. Fraser 2005, p. 356
65. Merriam-Webster (1991), The Merriam-Webster new book of word histories (
cZEZ1bOJsC&pg=PA208), Merriam-Webster, p. 208, ISBN 0-87779-603-3, entry "guy"
66. Sharpe 2005, p. 6
67. Harrison Ainsworth, William (1841), Guy Fawkes; or, The Gunpowder Treason (
d=YvcOOnJWc3gC&dq=william+harrison+ainsworth+fawkes&printsec=frontcover), Nottingham Society

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68. Sharpe 2005, p. 128

69. Call, Lewis (July 2008), "A is for Anarchy, V is for Vendetta: Images of Guy Fawkes and the Creation of
Postmodern Anarchism" (, Anarchist Studies, 16 (2): 154,
retrieved 10 November 2008 – via Questia Online Library (subscription required)


Allen, Kenneth (1973), The Story of Gunpowder (, Wayland,

ISBN 978-0-85340-188-9
Bengsten, Fiona (2005), Sir William Waad, Lieutenant of the Tower, and the Gunpowder Plot (https://books.googl (illustrated ed.), Trafford Publishing, ISBN 1-4120-5541-5
Cobbett, William (1857), A History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland (
/books?id=rl0JAAAAQAAJ), Simpkin, Marshall and Company
Fox, Adam; Woolf, Daniel R. (2002), The spoken word: oral culture in Britain, 1500–1850, Manchester University
Press, ISBN 0-7190-5747-7
Fraser, Antonia (2005) [1996], The Gunpowder Plot, Phoenix, ISBN 0-7538-1401-3
Haynes, Alan (2005) [1994], The Gunpowder Plot: Faith in Rebellion, Hayes and Sutton, ISBN 0-7509-4215-0
Northcote Parkinson, C. (1976), Gunpowder Treason and Plot, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, ISBN 0-297-77224-4
Sharpe, J. A. (2005), Remember, Remember: A Cultural History of Guy Fawkes Day (illustrated ed.), Harvard
University Press, ISBN 0-674-01935-0
Thompson, Irene (2008), The A to Z of Punishment and Torture: From Amputations to Zero Tolerance, Book Guild
Publishing, ISBN 978-1-84624-203-8
Younghusband, George (2008), A Short History of the Tower of London, Boucher Press, ISBN 978-1-4437-0485-4

External links
Guy Fawkes story from the BBC, including archive video clips (
Guy Fawkes Day ( at Curlie
The Trials of Robert Winter, Thomas Winter, Guy Fawkes, John Grant, Ambrose Rookwood, Robert Keyes,
Thomas Bates, and Sir Everard Digby (

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