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"Teachers should make learning Science

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I believe that there is a one to one correspondence with a teacher’s way of teaching and what a
student learns.I definitely believe that teachers should make their Science classes fun and
enjoyable for their students.And especially if their students are of younger age.It has been
proved scientifically that a student tends to learn better if taught with fun activities and
games.Our brains get bored and tired of monotone learning and therefore start not to perceive
properly anymore.On the contrary when something is taught in an unusual and enjoyable
manner it immediatly stores it in permanent memory.

I remember very clearly that as a child I used to get very sleepy and grow tired of learning in
classes where a teacher taught with no activites or fun.But in classes where my teacher taught
with games,jokes or fun activities I would learn it in an instant and what I’ve learned in those
classes more than ten years ago still remains in my memory.

In one of my classes for example in order to explain the motion of the sun,instead of describing
on the board and using scientific statements,my teacher put a chair in the middle of the
class.After that he wore a yellow helmet and stood up on the chair.Then he started spinning to
help us learn about the motion of the sun.And in a history class another teacher taught us the
civil war by splitting the classroom into two groups where each would represent one army in
the war and from each side he chose a student to be the general.This way we not only learned
how the war took place we also learned the names of the generals without any
memorization.Even though years have past I still remember the generals’ names.We couldn’t
have learned this so well by just reading it out of a history book.These methods,without doubt
had a bigger effect than classical teaching in helping us students learn.

So,I think that teachers should be educated more to teach their students in an effective
way.More methods should be developed to support this style of teaching.This will definetly
make school a very desired place to go for students and will also help improve education.

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