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Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)

(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s. 2016)

DLP No.: 2 Learning Area: TLE Grade Level: 8 Quarter: 1 Duration: 2hour
Learning Competency/ies: Select and use farm tools. Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) TLE_AFPA7/8UT-0a-1
Key Concepts / Appropriate farm tools are identified according to requirements/use.
Understandings to be
Domain Adapted Cognitive Process Dimensions (D.O. No. 1. Objectives
8, s. 2015)
Knowledge Categories:
The fact or condition of knowing
something with familiarity gained
Remembering Identify appropriate farm tools and equipment according to function.
through experience or association Understanding

Skills Applying Use appropriate tools according to job requirements and manufacturers’
The ability and capacity acquired
through deliberate, systematic, and
sustained effort to smoothly and Analyzing
adaptively carryout complex Evaluating
activities or the ability, coming from
one's knowledge, practice, aptitude, Creating
etc., to do something

Attitude Assist one another in performing the appropriate uses of each farm tools.
Values Perform the assigned task with appropriateness.

2. Content Common Poultry And Livestock Farm Tools (Garden Tools)

3. Learning Resources Curriculum guide, Internet sources, Farm tools
4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity What are the common poultry and livestock farm tools?

4.2 Activity Demonstrate the proper way of using spade, shovel and rake.
4.3 Analysis What are the steps in using spade? Shovel? Rake? How do you find the steps in using the
three farm tools? What problems did you encounter while using them?

4.4 Abstraction The teacher will introduce the common poultry and livestock farm tools to students to
enhance their skills in using them in every job requirement.
4.5 Application Perform the step by step procedure in using the following farm tools:

4.6 Assessment
Arrange the steps in using spade, shovel and rake in chronological order.
Write 1 for the first step, 2 for the second step and so on.

4.7 Assignment: Answer the following questions in your lecture notebook.

1. Differentiate bolo from spading fork.
2. What are the types of bolo?
3. How to use spading fork?
4.8 Concluding Activity (____ minutes).
If we are willing to be still and open enough to listen, wilderness itself will teach
us. –Steven Harper
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s. 2016)

DLP No.: 3 Learning Area: TLE Grade Level: 8 Quarter: 1 Duration: 2hour
Learning Competency/ies: Select and use farm tools. Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) TLE_AFPA7/8UT-0a-1
Key Concepts / Appropriate farm tools are identified according to requirements/use.
Understandings to be
Domain Adapted Cognitive Process Dimensions (D.O. No. 1. Objectives
8, s. 2015)
Knowledge Categories:
The fact or condition of knowing
something with familiarity gained
Remembering Identify appropriate farm tools and equipment according to function.
through experience or association Understanding

Skills Applying Use appropriate tools according to job requirements and manufacturers’
The ability and capacity acquired
through deliberate, systematic, and
sustained effort to smoothly and Analyzing
adaptively carryout complex Evaluating
activities or the ability, coming from
one's knowledge, practice, aptitude, Creating
etc., to do something

Attitude Assist one another in performing the appropriate uses of each farm tools.
Values Perform the assigned task with appropriateness.

2. Content Common Poultry And Livestock Farm Tools

3. Learning Resources Curriculum guide, Learning Module, Internet sources, Farm tools
4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity The teacher will show pictures of different agricultural activities and then ask some
What have you observed in the picture?
What are the common poultry and livestock farm tools?
Have you experience using them? How?
4.2 Activity The class will be divided into four groups, each group will arrange the steps in using spade,
shovel, rake and spading fork in chronological order then paste in a manila paper.
4.3 Analysis What are the steps in using spade? Shovel? Rake? How do you find the steps in using the
three farm tools? What problems did you encounter while using them?

4.4 Abstraction The teacher will introduce the common poultry and livestock farm tools to students to
enhance their skills in using them in every job requirement.
4.5 Application Perform the step by step procedure in using the following farm tools:
Spade, Shovel, Rake

4.6 Assessment
Arrange the steps in using spade, shovel and rake in chronological order.
Write 1 for the first step, 2 for the second step and so on.

4.7 Assignment: A. Answer the following questions in your lecture notebook.

1. Differentiate spade from spading fork.
2. What are the types of bolo?
3. How to use spading fork?
B. Give two examples of the following farm tools:
1. Gardening Tools
2. Electrical Tools
3. Hand Tools
4. Fencing Tools
5. Miscellaneous
4.8 Concluding Activity (____ minutes). If we are willing to be still and open enough to listen, wilderness itself will teach
us. –Steven Harper
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s. 2016)

DLP No.: 4 Learning Area: TLE Grade Level: 8 Quarter: 1 Duration: 2hour
Learning Competency/ies: Select and use farm tools. Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) TLE_AFPA7/8UT-0a-1
Key Concepts / Appropriate farm tools are identified according to requirements/use.
Understandings to be
Domain Adapted Cognitive Process Dimensions (D.O. No. 1. Objectives
8, s. 2015)
Knowledge Identify appropriate farm tools and equipment according to function.

Skills Follow the appropriate use of tools according to job requirements and manufacturers’

Attitude Assist one another in performing the appropriate uses of each farm tools.

2. Content Common Poultry And Livestock Farm Tools

3. Learning Resources Curriculum guide, Learning Module, Internet sources, Farm tools
4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity The teacher will show pictures of different agricultural activities and then ask some
What have you observed in the picture?
What are the common poultry and livestock farm tools?
Have you experience using them? How?
4.2 Activity The class will be divided into four groups, each group will arrange the steps in using spade,
shovel, rake and spading fork in chronological order then paste in a manila paper.
4.3 Analysis What are the steps in using spade? Shovel? Rake? How do you find the steps in using the
three farm tools? What problems did you encounter while accomplishing the activity?

4.4 Abstraction The teacher will introduce the common poultry and livestock farm tools to students to
enhance their skills in using them in every job requirement.
4.5 Application Are farm tools important for as a future farmer? Why?
Is it necessary for an individual to know the step by step procedure in using the different
farm tools before using them in the farm? Why?

4.6 Assessment A. Identify the following:

1. Used for cutting tall grass. Haras
2. Used to harvest rice. Garab
3. Used for turning compact soil. Spading Fork
4. Used for levelling the soil. Rake
5. Used for cleaning ditches, digging and moving soil and other granular material.
B. Arrange the steps in using shovel and rake in chronological order.
Write 1 for the first step, 2 for the second step and so on.
4.7 Assignment: A. Answer the following questions in your lecture notebook.
1. Differentiate spade from spading fork.
2. What are the types of bolo?
3. How to use spading fork?
B. Give two examples of the following farm tools:
1. Gardening Tools
2. Electrical Tools
3. Hand Tools
4. Fencing Tools
5. Miscellaneous
4.8 Concluding Activity (____ minutes). If we are willing to be still and open enough to listen, wilderness itself will teach
us. –Steven Harper
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s. 2016)

DLP No.: 4 Learning Area: TLE Grade Level: 8 Quarter: 1 Duration: 2hour
Learning Competency/ies: Select and use farm tools. Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) TLE_AFPA7/8UT-0a-1
Key Concepts / Appropriate farm tools are identified according to requirements/use.
Understandings to be
Domain Adapted Cognitive Process Dimensions (D.O. No. 1. Objectives
8, s. 2015)
Knowledge Categories:
The fact or condition of knowing
something with familiarity gained
Remembering Identify appropriate farm tools according to function.
through experience or association Understanding

Skills Applying Demonstrate the appropriate way of using farm tools (spade, shovel and
The ability and capacity acquired
through deliberate, systematic, and
rake) according to job requirements and manufacturers’ instructions.
sustained effort to smoothly and Analyzing
adaptively carryout complex Evaluating
activities or the ability, coming from
one's knowledge, practice, aptitude, Creating
etc., to do something

Attitude Carefully check farm tools for faults and defects and report them in accordance with farm
Values Display honesty in answering given summative test

2. Content Common Poultry And Livestock Farm Tools

3. Learning Resources Curriculum guide, Learning Module, Internet sources, Farm tools, Test Questionnaire
4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity The teacher will give a short review about common poultry and livestock farm tools:
What are the common poultry and livestock farm tools?
What are the classification of poultry and livestock farm tools?
4.2 Activity Each student will demonstrate the proper way of using shovel following the digging
4.3 Analysis What are the steps in using Shovel? Rake? How do you find the steps in using the three farm
tools? What problems did you encounter while using them?

4.4 Abstraction What are the importance of knowing the different farm tools before engaging to real work in
the field?
4.5 Application Answer the given summative test carefully.

4.6 Assessment
The students will be assessed and evaluated based on their performance in the given activity
and answers in the given summative test.
4.7 Assignment: Give the importance of the following tool and material for the small farm.
1. Bolo
2. Shovel
3. Electric tool
4. Hand tool
5. Fencing tool
6. Garden tool
7. Spading fork
8. Rake
9. Shovel
10. Bolo
4.8 Concluding Activity (____ minutes). Don’t stress. Do your best. Forget the rest.
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s. 2016)

DLP No.: 5 Learning Area: TLE Grade Level: 8 Quarter: 1 Duration: 2hour
Learning Competency/ies: Select and use farm tools. Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) TLE_AFPA7/8UT-0a-1
Key Concepts / Appropriate tools are safely used according to job requirements and manufacturers’
Understandings to be conditions.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Check farm tool (shovel) for faults and defects.

Skills Use farm tool (shovel, rake and spade) for the job requirement according to manufacturer’s

Attitude Perform the assigned task with self-confidence and appropriateness.

2. Content Common Poultry and livestock Farm Tools

Learning Resources Curriculum guide, Learning Module, Internet Sources, Realia of Farm Tools (shovel, rake
and spade)
3. Procedures
Introductory Activity The teacher will a show a video on how to use a shovel, rake and spade properly.
What are your observations on the video that being shown?
Do you have them at home? Did you experience using them? How did you use them?

The class will be group by three, each member of the group will demonstrate the use of
spade, shovel and rake properly following manufacturers’ instructions.

The teacher will give instructions on what to do on the field during the demonstration
proper. The students will be reminded the DO’s and DON’T’s in the field and also the use
of PPE before doing the activity.
Demonstration Proper Each member of the group will demonstrate the use of spade, shovel and rake properly
following manufacturers’ instructions. Be prepared for questioning also.

Note: The teacher will choose among the three suggested tools for the student’s
Analysis How was the activity? What have you feel in doing the activity? Did you get the passing
score? What are the challenges that you have encounter in doing the activity?

4. Evaluation/Assessment The students will be evaluated based on their performance and rated using the given


(1) (2) (3)

The student can

demonstrate how to use:

1. Spade

2. Shovel

3. Rake


5. Assignment Directions: Define the following equipment and facilities in poultry production and write
it in your lecture notebook.

1. Dropping Board 6. Feed bins

2. Perches 7. Incubator
3. Nest 8. Brooder
4. Feeding troughs
5. Drinking through
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s. 2016)

DLP No.: 7 Learning Area: TLE Grade Level: 8 Quarter: 1 Duration: 2hour
Learning Competency/ies: Select and operate farm equipment. Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) TLE_AFPA7/8UT-0ab-c-2
Key Concepts / Appropriate farm equipment and facilities are identified.
Understandings to be
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify farm equipment and facilities.
Skills Design a farm equipment using recycled materials.
Attitude Display creativity while planning a farm equipment that uses recycled materials.

2. Content Equipment And Facilities in Poultry and Swine Production

Learning Resources Curriculum guide, Learning Module, Instructional Materials
3. Procedures
Introductory Activity The teacher will a show pictures of the different equipment and facilities in poultry and
swine production.
What are your observations on the pictures being shown?
Do you have them at home/poultry? Name at least one equipment then share its uses in
your poultry/farm.
Activity The class will be divided into five, each group will classify the different equipment and
facilities if it is for poultry production or swine production. They are then instructed to
paste it in their manila paper the post it in the board.
Analysis How did you find the activity? What are the challenges met in accomplishing the task?
What are the equipment and facilities for poultry production? Swine production?
Abstraction The teacher will introduce the different equipment and facilities in poultry and swine
production through power point presentation.
Application Why is it important for you to know the different equipment and facilities in poultry and
swine production before going and using them in the farm?
What makes the different equipment and facilities in poultry and swine production
important to you as an aspiring farmer in the future?
4. Evaluation/Assessment A. Identify the following equipment and facilities in poultry and swine production. Choose your answer
from the box below.

Feeding cart Breeding crate Perches Brooder Incubator

1. Horizontal poles where birds can sit and rest. Perches

2. Used for breeding gilt to a large boar or a large sow to a junior boar. Breeding Crate
3. Used to transfer feeds during feeding time. Feeding Cart
4. A device for maintaining the eggs of birds to allow them to hatch. Incubator
5. A heated container used to confined chicks with their feed and water until they are 2 weeks old
and ready to go outside. Brooder

B. Design and illustrate a feeding troughs for your poultry production. Then, indicate is uses and functions.


5 Illustrate the feeding troughs in very attractive manner and indicate its uses and
functions correctly.
4 Illustrate the feeding troughs in attractive manner and indicate its uses and functions
3 Illustrate the feeding troughs in less attractive manner and indicate its uses and
functions correctly.
2 Illustrate the feeding troughs in less attractive manner and does not indicate its uses
and functions correctly.
1 Illustrate the feeding troughs in disorderly manner and does not indicate its uses and
functions correctly.
5. Assignment Directions: Answer the following questions in your lecture notebook.

1. What is safety?
2. What are safety practices during operations of farm tools?
3. What is PPE?
4. What are examples of PPE?
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s. 2016)

DLP No.: Learning Area: TLE Grade Level: 8 Quarter: 1 Duration: 2hour
Learning Competency/ies: Perform preventive maintenance. Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) TLE_AFPA7/8UT-0ab-c-2
Key Concepts / Safety practices during operations of farm tools are determined.
Understandings to be
1. Objectives
Knowledge Determine safety practices during operations of farm tools.
Skills Construct a particular scenario done during farm operations using the different safety
Attitude Give importance on knowing the different safety practices during operations of farm tools.

2. Content Safety Practices During Operations of Farm Tools

Learning Resources Curriculum guide, Learning Module, Instructional Materials
3. Procedures
Activity The class will be divided into five, each group will be ask to write in a manila paper the
different safety practices during operations of farm tools at home. They are then
instructed to post it in the board and choose a representative to present their work to the

Analysis How did you find the activity? What are examples of farming activities? What are the
common safety practices that you have experienced at your home/farm?

Abstraction The teacher will introduce the safety practices during operations of farm tools through
power point presentation.

Application How significant for you is knowing the safety practices during operations of farm tools?
Justify your answer.
Are the different safety practices important to a farmer? Why?

4. Evaluation/Assessment Directions: Construct a particular scenario done during farm operations using the following safety

Safety situation… Scenario

1. Wearing glasses
2. Protection for the ear s
3. Right tool for the job
4. Method of using tool
5. Using right clothes
6. Inspection of tools
7. Cleanliness of working area
8. Caring for particular tool
9. Keeping tool in place
10. Lighting
5. Assignment Bring the following next meeting for your performance test.
1. Bamboo
2. Cutting tools
3. Electric drill
4. Screw driver
5. Claw Hammer
6. Nails
7. Screws
8. Protective material
9. Plastic sealant

Name: School: COGON NHS

Position/Designation: Teacher 1 Division: CITY OF NAGA
Contact Number/s: Email address:
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s. 2016)

DLP No.: 10 Learning Area: TLE Grade Level: 8 Quarter: 1 Duration: 2hour
Learning Competency/ies: Perform estimation. Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) TLE_AFPA7/8MC-0e-1
Key Concepts / Job requirements are identified from written or oral communications.
Understandings to be Quantities of materials and resources required to complete a task are estimated.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify job requirements.
Skills Estimate quantities and resources required to complete a task.
Attitude Display honesty in calculating the duration of work completion.

2. Content Estimation And Calculation In Poultry Production

Learning Resources Curriculum guide, Learning Module, Instructional Materials -TV
3. Procedures
Awareness The teacher show pictures that show conversion to the class. And let the students to share
their observations.
Activity The teacher let the students to answer the given pre-test LO 1 on page 40 of the learning
module in Animal Production exploratory course which aims to determine how much
they already know about performing estimation.
Analysis How did you find the activity? Did you met the passing score? What is the recommended
space requirement for broilers? What is the recommended minimum feeding space
requirement for broilers? What are the brooding temperature requirement per different
ages of broiler in ⁰C?
Abstraction The teacher will introduce estimation and calculation in poultry production through
power point presentation.

Application Do you agree that feeding has been essential in the poultry production? Defend your
As an aspiring agriculturist, what feeding method is better to use? Justify you answer?
Is knowing the types of feeds important before growing poultry? Why?
4. Evaluation/Assessment A. Directions: Identify the following:
1. It is a feeding without restrictions and feed is mode available anytime. Ad libitum feeding
2. How is the amount of feed consumed in order to produce a kilo of meat called? Feed Conversion Ratio
3. A method of feeding done through the use of a long feeding trough where all pigs eat at the same time.
Restricted feeding
4. It is the act of giving feeds to the animal. Feeding
5. It is the amount of the feeds given to the animal for a given period of time. Ration
B. The price of a broiler is 120 pesos. Compute for the amount of the following heads of broiler if it weighs…
1. 1 kilo = ₱120.00
2. 1.3 kilo = ₱156.00
3. 1.5 kilo = ₱180.00
4. 1.7 kilo = ₱204.00
5. 1.9 kilo = ₱228.00
6. 0.75 kilo = ₱90.00
7. 0.5 kilo = ₱60.00
8. 2.65 kilo = ₱318.00
9. 9.75 kilo = ₱1170.00
10. .26.5 kilo = ₱3180.0
5. Assignment Directions: Assess your understanding by giving the advantages and disadvantages of
restricted feeding and libitum feeding using the chart below.
Restricted Feeding
Ad libitum Feeding

Name: School: NHS

Position/Designation: Teacher 1 Division: CITY OF NAGA
Contact Number/s: Email address:
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s. 2016)
DLP No.: Learning Area: TLE Grade Level: 8 Quarter: 1 Duration: 2hour
Learning Competency/ies: Select and use farm tools. Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide)
Select and operate farm equipment. TLE_AFPA7/8UT-0a-1
Perform preventive maintenance. TLE_AFPA7/8MT-0d-3
Key Concepts / Appropriate farm tools are identified according to requirements/use.
Understandings to be Appropriate farm equipment and facilities are identified.
Developed Safety practices during operations of farm tools are determined.
Safety procedures are followed.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify farm tools, poultry and swine equipment.
Skills Make feeding trough.
Attitude Show proper behavior in doing the activity.

2. Content Use and Maintain Farm Tools And Equipment

Learning Resources Curriculum guide, Learning Module, Test Questionnaire, Realia (materials used for the
performance test)
3. Procedures
Introductory Activity WT- The teacher will give a short review for the summative test. The teacher will also
emphasize the Dos and DONTs during examinations.

PT- The teacher will give a short background of feeding trough, the Dos and DON’T’s
during the performance test, and the procedures to be followed in making trough. Then,
the criteria in evaluating the output/product will be presented to the class.
Test Proper The students will answer the given summative test for the Lesson 1: Use and Maintain
Farm Tools and Equipment.
Checking and Recording of The teacher will let the students to check their answers in the given test through
Scores exchanging answer sheets counter clockwise. Then, afterwards the teacher will record the

Performance Test The class will be grouped by three, each group will construct the simple feeding trough
for poultry.
Analysis How was the given test? Did you get the passing score? How about the construction of
feeding trough, is it easy to construct? What are your challenges met during the
construction of feeding trough?
4. Evaluation/Assessment WT-The students will be evaluated based on their answers from the given summative test.
PT- The students will be evaluated based on their output using the given criteria:
CRITERIA 5 points 3 points 1 point
1. Accuracy The output is accurately The output is almost The output has many errors.
done. accurately done.
2.Craftsmanship/Quality The output is very good. It is good but still needs It is very crude and needs
improvement. much improvement.
3. Originality Design is very unique, Design is unique and Design is very common and
innovative and indigenous. indigenous. it is not indigenous.
Functionality It is very functional. It is functional. It is not at all functional.

Interpretation of Scores:
16-20 –Excellent Output
11 -15 -Very Good
6 -10 - Fair Output
5 and below –Poor Output
5. Assignment Define the following:
1. Broiler 7. Records
2. Cost 8. Starter Feed
3. Enterprise 9. Swine
4. Feed Conversion Ratio 10. System
5. Input 11. Temperature
6. Mortality Rate

Name: School: NHS

Position/Designation: Teacher 1 Division: CITY OF NAGA
Contact Number/s: Email address:
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s. 2016)
DLP No.: Learning Area: TLE Grade Level: 8 Quarter: 1 Duration: 2hour
Learning Competency/ies: Select and use farm tools. Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide)
Select and operate farm equipment. TLE_AFPA7/8UT-0a-1
Perform preventive maintenance. TLE_AFPA7/8MT-0d-3
Key Concepts / Appropriate farm tools are identified according to requirements/use.
Understandings to be Appropriate farm equipment and facilities are identified.
Developed Safety practices during operations of farm tools are determined.
Safety procedures are followed.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify farm tools, poultry and swine equipment.
Skills Make feeding trough.
Attitude Show proper behavior in doing the activity.

2. Content Use and Maintain Farm Tools And Equipment

Learning Resources Curriculum guide, Learning Module, Test Questionnaire, Realia (materials used for the
performance test)
3. Procedures
Introductory Activity WT- The teacher will give a short review for the summative test. The teacher will also
emphasize the Dos and DONTs during examinations.

PT- The teacher will give a short background of feeding trough, the Dos and DON’T’s
during the performance test, and the procedures to be followed in making trough. Then,
the criteria in evaluating the output/product will be presented to the class.
Test Proper The students will answer the given summative test for the Lesson 1: Use and Maintain
Farm Tools and Equipment.
Checking and Recording of The teacher will let the students to check their answers in the given test through
Scores exchanging answer sheets counter clockwise. Then, afterwards the teacher will record the

Performance Test The class will be grouped by three, each group will construct the simple feeding trough
for poultry.
Analysis How was the given test? Did you get the passing score? How about the construction of
feeding trough, is it easy to construct? What are your challenges met during the
construction of feeding trough?
4. Evaluation/Assessment WT-The students will be evaluated based on their answers from the given summative test.
PT- The students will be evaluated based on their output using the given criteria:
CRITERIA 5 points 3 points 1 point
1. Accuracy The output is accurately The output is almost The output has many errors.
done. accurately done.
2.Craftsmanship/Quality The output is very good. It is good but still needs It is very crude and needs
improvement. much improvement.
3. Originality Design is very unique, Design is unique and Design is very common and
innovative and indigenous. indigenous. it is not indigenous.
Functionality It is very functional. It is functional. It is not at all functional.

Interpretation of Scores:
16-20 –Excellent Output
11 -15 -Very Good
6 -10 - Fair Output
5 and below –Poor Output
5. Assignment Define the following:
1. Broiler 7. Records
2. Cost 8. Starter Feed
3. Enterprise 9. Swine
4. Feed Conversion Ratio 10. System
5. Input 11. Temperature
6. Mortality Rate

Name: School: NHS

Position/Designation: Teacher 1 Division: CITY OF NAGA
Contact Number/s: Email address:
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s. 2016)

DLP No.: 11 Learning Area: TLE Grade Level: 8 Quarter: 1 Duration: 2hour
Learning Competency/ies: Perform basic workplace calculation. Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) TLE_AFPA7/8MC-0f-2
Key Concepts / Calculations to be made are identified according to job requirements.
Understandings to be Appropriate operations are used to comply with the instruction.
Developed Result obtained is reviewed and thoroughly checked.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify calculations to be made according to the job requirements.
Skills Use appropriate operations to comply with the job requirement.
Attitude Employ different techniques in checking accuracy of result.

2. Content Analyze Records Kept In Poultry Production Enterprise

Learning Resources Curriculum guide, Learning Module, Instructional Materials -TV
3. Procedures
Activity The teacher divides the class into five, each group will identify the different inputs in
poultry production at home. They are then instructed present their work in a creative way
(singing, news casting, panel interview, role play or discussion)
Analysis How was the activity given? What are the challenges met by your group in
accomplishing the task? What are the different inputs in poultry production that you
have commonly observed at home?
Abstraction The teacher will introduce the topic “analyze records kept in poultry production
enterprise” through power point presentation. And give varied examples in computing
gathered data in broiler production.
Application Compute the gathered data in Broiler Production:
A. Total Production Cost
B. Total Gross Sales
C. Net Income
D. ROI or Return on Investment
E. Mortality Rate
1. Mrs. Cruz has the following data in her broiler project:
Production cost
 cost of chick per head @ Php25.00 = Php2,500.00
 cost of feeds =Php9,000.00
 medicine and antibiotics =Php1,200.00
 miscellaneous (electricity, water, labor) =Php2,130.00
Total production cost = ________________
 Ninety one broilers are ready for market
 Average weight per broiler is 1.4 kg.
 Cost of live weight per kg. is Php115.00
 The total cost of production is Php______________
 Mortality rate of ___% (91 heads)

Formula (TGP) : # of heads alive X average weight per broiler X Cost of live weight per kg
Formula (Net Income) : TGP-TPC
Formula (ROI) : Net Income
Cost of Production
Formula (Mortality Rate) : No. of dead birds
Total no. of birds

4. Evaluation/Assessment Compute the gathered data in Broiler Production:

a. Total Production Cost
b. Total Gross Sales
c. Net Income
d. ROI or Return on Investment
e. Mortality Rate

1. Ms. Carreon has the following data in her broiler project:

Production cost
 cost of chick per head @ Php21.00 = Php1,050.00
 cost of feeds =Php3,000.00
 medicine and antibiotics =Php600.00
 miscellaneous (electricity, water, labor) =Php630.00
Total production cost = ________________
 43 broilers are ready for market
 Average weight per broiler is 1.5 kg.
 Cost of live weight per kg. is Php120.00
 The total cost of production is Php______________
 Mortality rate of ______ (43 heads)

5. Assignment Answer the following:

1. Aling Moning wants to raise 75 broilers. He has available money allotted for the birds, but for the
housing, he tap his father to finance the housing for that number of broilers. If the allocated
budget for housing is 60 pesos per bird, how much money does his father need for the construction
of the broiler house?
2. You have given 2 liters of water to your 2 heads sow per day. How many liters of water must be
needed for 2 weeks?

Name: School: NHS

Position/Designation: Teacher 1 Division: CITY OF NAGA
Contact Number/s: Email address:
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s. 2016)
DLP No.: 13 Learning Area: TLE Grade Level: 8 Quarter: 1 Duration: 2hour
Learning Competency/ies: Perform estimation. Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide)
Perform basic workplace calculation. TLE_AFPA7/8MC-0e-1
Key Concepts / Accurate estimate for work completion is made.
Understandings to be Calculations needed to complete tasks are performed using the four basic mathematical
Developed operations.
1. Objectives

Knowledge Estimate quantities and resources required to complete a task.

Skills Perform calculations needed to complete a task using the four basic mathematical

Attitude Show proper behavior while taking the test.

2. Content Estimation and Calculation in Poultry Production

Analyze Records Kept in Poultry Production Enterprise

Learning Resources Curriculum guide, Learning Module, Test Questionnaire

3. Procedures

Introductory Activity/ies The teacher will give a short review on the topics being discussed.

Giving of Instructions The teacher will discuss the DO’s and DON’T’s during the summative test proper.

Test Proper
The students will answer the given summative test.

Checking and Recording of The students will check the answers of their classmates. Then, the teacher will record
Scores afterwards.

4. Assessment /Evaluation The student’s will be evaluated based on their written test results.

5. Assignment Define the following:

1. Breeder
2. Cage
3. Collateral
4. Litter
5. Mortality

Name: School: NHS

Position/Designation: Teacher 1 Division: CITY OF NAGA
Contact Number/s: Email address:
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s. 2016)
Date: Learning Area: TLE Grade Level: 8 Quarter: 1 Time:
Learning Competency/ies: Layout garden plots. Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) TLE_AFAC7/8ID-0f-g-6
Key Concepts / Types of housing and its components used in poultry and livestock are identified.
Understandings to be
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify the types of poultry housing.
Skills Design a poultry house.
Attitude Display creativity while planning a poultry house.

2. Content Poultry Housing System

Learning Resources Curriculum guide, Learning Module, Instructional Materials -TV
3. Procedures
Introductory Activity The teacher show pictures of different poultry house.
 What have you observed in the pictures being showed?
 Have you seen them at home?
 Do you know how to do it?
Activity The teacher divides the class into five; each group will help each other accomplishing the
task. They are then instructed to arrange the scrambled word or words that corresponds
the name of their assigned types of poultry houses given. Afterwards, they will paste their
unscrambled words or word in a manila paper then say something about the formed words
or word, then present their work to the class.
Analysis How was the activity given? What are the challenges met by your group in
accomplishing the task? What is the word or words that you have formed out of the given
scrambled letters? Did you get the correct answer?
Abstraction The teacher will introduce the topic “Poultry Housing System” through power point
Application What is the significance of knowing the types of poultry houses before choosing the best
one for poultry farm?
4. Evaluation/Assessment A. Identification:
1. The oldest system that allows great but not unlimited, space to the birds on land where they can
find an appreciable amount of food in the form of herbage, seeds and insects. Free-range system
2. A system that resembles to dry compost. Deep litter system
3. This is the most intensive type of poultry production and is useful to those with only a small
quantity of floor space at their disposal. Battery system
4. This system of housing is an innovation of recent years where birdsis being confined to one small
run. Folding-unit system
5. A system where the amount of free space available is limited this system is adopted, but it is
necessary to allow the birds 20-30 square yards per bird of outside run. Semi-intensive system
B. Drawing typical house of poultry 1. In this activity you will need the following:
Construction/Bond paper Pencil
Ruler Eraser
2. Using the information given draw typical house for poultry. Include the different parts/compartments of
the housing and label them.
3. Submit your output to your teacher. Be prepared for a presentation of your work
4. If in case you have questions, ask your teacher.
Dimension 3 2 1
1. Plan/drawing highly acceptable; it somewhat not at all acceptable;
is well thought out acceptable; thought out not thought out

2. Justification every part of the some parts of the no part makes sense
drawing makes drawing makes sense
3. Appropriate all materials are some materials are no material is
material choices appropriate appropriate appropriate
5. Assignment Answer the following:
1. What are the advantages of using battery system in poultry production?
2. What is the difference between battery system and deep-litter system?

Name: School: NHS

Position/Designation: Teacher 1 Division: CITY OF NAGA
Contact Number/s: Email address:
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s. 2016)
Date: Learning Area: TLE Grade Level: 8 Quarter: 1 Time:
Learning Competency/ies: Layout garden plots. Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) TLE_AFAC7/8ID-0f-g-6
Key Concepts / Types of housing and its components used in poultry and livestock are identified.
Understandings to be
1. Objectives
Knowledge Determine the factors to consider in constructing a pig farm.
Skills Design a livestock (pig) house.
Attitude Display creativity while planning a livestock house.

2. Content Housing System for Livestock (PIGERY)

Learning Resources Curriculum guide, Learning Module, Instructional Materials -TV
3. Procedures
Introductory Activity The teacher show pictures of different livestock houses.
 What have you observed in the pictures being showed?
 Have you seen them at your way home? Do you have them at home?
 Do you experience building a livestock (piggery) house?
Activity The teacher divides the class into five; each group will write in a manila paper the factors
to be considered in building livestock (piggery) houses. Then, they will choose a
representative present and discuss their output to the class.
Analysis How was the activity given? What are the challenges met by your group in
accomplishing the task? What are the factors to be considered in building livestock
houses (piggery)?
Abstraction The teacher will introduce the topic “Housing System for Livestock” through power point
Application Why is it necessary to study the factors to be considered in building livestock houses
before building the one for livestock farm?
4. Evaluation/Assessment A. Direction: Write True if the statement is correct and False if is wrong.
_____1. The heights of pen partitions in all classes of hogs are the same.
_____2. Under normal conditions, the bigger the animal the wider the pen size.
_____3. The size of a hog house to be constructed is dependent on the number and kind of hogs to be raised
and the system of rearing them.
_____4. A tri-square can be used to test the accuracy of the perimeter layout of a hog house.
_____5. Straightness of a post or a pen wall can be checked with the use of a plumb bob or spirit level.
B. Drawing typical house of livestock (pig)
1. In this activity you will need the following:
Construction/Bond paper Pencil
Ruler Eraser
2. Using the information given draw typical house for livestock (pig). Include the different
parts/compartments of the housing and label them.
3. Submit your output to your teacher. Be prepared for a presentation of your work
4. If in case you have questions, ask your teacher.
Dimension 3 2 1
1. Plan/drawing highly acceptable; it somewhat not at all acceptable;
is well thought out acceptable; thought out not thought out

2. Justification every part of the some parts of the no part makes sense
drawing makes drawing makes sense
3. Appropriate all materials are some materials are no material is
material choices appropriate appropriate appropriate
5. Assignment Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if is wrong. Write the answer in your
lecture notebook.
_____1. The heights of pen partitions in all classes of hogs are the same.
_____2. Under normal conditions, the bigger the animal the wider the pen size.
_____3. The size of a hog house to be constructed is dependent on the number and kind of hogs to
be raised and the system of rearing them.
_____4. A tri-square can be used to test the accuracy of the perimeter layout of a hog house.
_____5. Straightness of a post or a pen wall can be checked with the use of a plumb bob or spirit
_____6. An ideal site guarantees good hog performance.
_____7. Fertile and level land that easily drains is ideal for raising swine.
_____8. Rolling ground is good for hog raising.
_____9. To avoid the problem of relocation, the swine raiser must consider the zoning rules and
regulations of the locality.
_____10. The site must be accessible to transportation facilities.
_____11. Piggeries must be located near residential houses to minimize the problem of stealing.
_____12. The prevailing wind direction must blow away from residential areas to prevent
complaints of air pollution.
_____13. The cost of electricity must be the deciding factor when choosing the power source.
_____14. It is more economical to install a pump well in commercial piggeries.
_____15. Constructing buildings or houses at ground level can solve the problem of drainage.

Name: School: NHS

Position/Designation: Teacher 1 Division: CITY OF NAGA
Contact Number/s Email address:
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s. 2016)
Date: Learning Area: TLE Grade Level: 8 Quarter: 1 Time:
Learning Competency/ies: Enumerate the provisions of the building code in constructing Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) poultry and livestock houses. TLE_AFPA7/8ID-0h-2
Key Concepts / Building codes in constructing poultry and livestock houses are discussed.
Understandings to be Signs and symbols of building codes are interpreted.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Discuss building code in constructing poultry and livestock houses.
Skills Interpret signs and symbols of building code.
Attitude State the importance of codes in constructing poultry and livestock houses.

2. Content Building And Construction Code

Learning Resources CG & LM in Animal Production, Audio/Visual presentation, LED TV, Internet source
3. Procedures
Introductory Activity The teacher let the students to arrange the jumbled words into a sentence. Then, they will
paste it in a manila paper and share their ideas to the class about the formed sentence.
The sentence is “Building codes are a set of rules that must be followed to satisfy the
minimum acceptable levels of safety for buildings and non-building structures.”
The teacher divides the class into five; each group will help each other in accomplishing
the assigned task about the different signs, signals and barricades used in building
construction. The group will think and pair the phrases and definition to its
corresponding picture and paste it in a manila paper. Afterwards, each group will present
the assigned task to the class in a creative way.
Analysis How was the activity given? What are the challenges met by your group in
accomplishing the task? What are the common accident prevention signs and tags? Why
is it necessary to use signs, signal and barricades in building construction? Why are
building and construction code important in constructing poultry and livestock houses?
Abstraction The teacher will introduce the content through power point presentation.
Application With the same group, each group will identify the given signs, signal and barricades used
in building construction through writing their answer in a paper. Once the teacher will
show the picture and after a minute the teacher will ring the bell, the first group who will
raise their answer will get the points.
4. Evaluation/Assessment A. Draw and discuss the following signs, signals, symbols and barricades used in building
1. Under Construction
2. Exit
3. Slippery When Wet
4. Directional Signs
5. Danger Keep Out
B. Answer the following question directly.
1. Why are building codes important during building construction?
2. What will happen if anyone who builds a construction fails to adhere to the proper
building codes?
5. Assignment A. Define the following:
1. Chemical Substance
2. Ecology
3. First Aid
4. Personal Protective equipment
5. Pollution
6. Waste Management
7. Wastes
B. Study for the summative test next meeting.
Lesson 3 Interpret Plans and Drawings – coverage for the summative test.
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s. 2016)
Date: Learning Area: TLE Grade Level: 8 Quarter: 1 Time:

Learning Competency/ies: Draw layout plan of different types of housing. Code:

(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) Enumerate the provisions of the building code in constructing TLE_AFAC7/8ID-0f-g-6
poultry and livestock houses. TLE_AFPA7/8ID-0h-2

Key Concepts / Types of housing and its components used in poultry and livestock are identified.
Understandings to be Design of different housing used in poultry and livestock are drawn.
Building codes in constructing poultry and livestock houses are discussed.
Signs and symbols of building codes are interpreted.

1. Objectives

Knowledge Determine drawing layout plan of different types of housing.

Skills Answer the given summative test.

Attitude Show proper behavior while taking the test.

2. Content Lesson 3 Interpret Plans and Drawings

Learning Resources CG & LM in Animal Production, Test Questionnaire
3. Procedures

Introductory Activity The teacher will give a short review on the topics being discussed.

Giving of Instructions The teacher will discuss the DO’s and DON’T’S during the summative test.

Test Proper The students will answer the given summative test.

Checking and Recording of The students will check the answers of their classmates. Then, the teacher will record
Scores afterwards.

4. Evaluation/Assessment
The student’s will be evaluated based on their written test results.

5. Assignment
Enumerate your answers based on the following:
1-5 Common hazards to most farms
1-4 High risk factor to farm
1-6 Examples of personal protective equipment
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s. 2016)

Date: Learning Area: TLE Grade Level: 8 Quarter: 1 Time:

Learning Competency/ies: Select and operate farm equipment. Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) TLE_AFPA7/-8UT-0b-c-2
Key Concepts / Materials and tools used in making feeding and drinking trough are identified.
Understandings to be
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify the needed tools and materials used in making feeding and drinking trough.
Skills Make feeding and drinking trough.
Attitude Follow safety procedures.

2. Content Making Feeding and Drinking Trough

Learning Resources Curriculum Guide, Learning Module, Audio/Visual Presentation, Tools and Materials
3. Procedures
Introductory Activity Checking the needed tools and materials in making feeding and drinking trough.

Giving of Instructions The teacher will discuss the DO’s and DON’T’s during the performance test proper.
Performance Test The students will make feeding and drinking trough .
The teacher will evaluate the student’s product using the given rubric and feed backing will
Checking and follow.
Recording of Scores Your performance will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

CRITERIA 12 points 8 points 4 points

1. Accuracy The output is accurately The output is almost The output has many errors.
done. accurately done.

2.Craftsmanship/ The output is very good. It is good but still needs It is very crude and needs
Quality improvement. much improvement.

3. Originality Design is very unique, Design is unique and Design is very common and it
innovative and indigenous. indigenous. is not indigenous.

4. Functionality It is very functional. It is functional. It is not at all functional.

Interpretation of Scores:

38-48 = Excellent Output

27-37 = Very Good
16-26 = Fair Output
15 Below = Poor Output

4. Assessment /Evaluation The student’s will be evaluated based on their performance test results.

Note: Please see the attached performance test.

5. Assignment Study for the incoming first quarter assessment test.

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