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 Lesson 1


What is batch Job: A batch job is something when we schedule a program (like a Z report or any
standard SAP transaction—like delivery creation /Invoice creation) to run in background, instead of
a user manually running it in the foreground.

Definition - What does Batch Job mean?

A batch job in SAP is a scheduled background program that usually runs on a regular basis without any
user intervention. Batch jobs are provided with more allocated memory than the ones that are done in
the foreground. They are used to process high volumes of data that would normally consume long-term
memory if run in the foreground, as well as for running programs that require less user interaction.

One of the advantages of running large programs as batch job is that more servers can dedicate more
work processes in night mode, when there are few interactive users. The number of batch jobs during
the day could be restricted to fewer servers and numbers as needed.

If a batch job creates an output that is to be printed, faxed or emailed, the output is transferred to the
spool management in the R/3 system

How to schedule a batch job?

Scenario: There is a standard T-code VL10C—with this T-code we can cerate mass delivery .That means
all the open orders that due for delivery, will be processed if we run this T-code with appropriate variant
.This is how the VL10C screen looks
We want to automate this transaction by scheduling it to run automatically at given time interval .

Step 1

First check what backend program name for VL10C is

So, the backend program name of VL10C is RVV50R10C

Step 2

T-code SM36

Step 3

Click on “Step”
Step 4

Step 5

Click once in “Check”

Step 6

Click on “Save”
Step 7

Step 8

Click on “back” button

Step 9

You will be in the initial screen and click on the “Start Condition”

Step 10

If you would like to run it only once immediately then click on “Immediate” .Else if we would like to
schedule it as daily run please click on “Date/ Time”
----------------------------------- END-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Lesson 2

How to check a batch job.

T-Code is SM37

Execute and see the result

Select any of the batch job to see the log

Click on the “spool” to check the spool ( It is not necessary that all the job will be having a spool)
You can see the actual result

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