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Poblacion Siruma Camarines Sur

s/y 2019-2020
2nd Quarter Examination in SCIENCE 8

Name:______________________________________ Grade & Section:__________ Score:_______

ENCIRCLE YOUR ANSWERS CLEARLY. Yung malinaw hindi tulad ng feelings niya para sayo magulo na
malabo pa.
I. Multiple choice: Read the question and encircle the letter correspond to the correct answer.
1. Which of the following is defined as a continuous influx of large waves with heights of greater than 5 meters that is
usually triggered by strong underwater earthquakes?
a. Rupture b. Tsunami c. Liquefaction d. Sand boil
2. Which of the following is true about tsunamis and earthquakes?
a. All earthquakes produce tsunamis
b. All tsunamis produce strong earthquakes
c. Strong underwater earthquakes may produce tsunamis
d. Strong tsunamis may produce light underwater quakes
3. Which of the following is the most likely source of tsunamis?
a. Underwater Subduction zones c. Underwater mountains
b. Rift valleys d. Tropical Cyclones
4. The following are signs of an impending tsunami EXCEPT:
a. Strong earthquake near coastal areas c. Strange and abrupt change in the sea level
b. Loud, continuous roaring sound from the sea d. Dogs howling all at once
5. If you are living near coastal areas, which of the following steps would help you to prepare if ever tsunami
threatens your locality?
a. Prepare a ‘Go Bag’
b. Create an evacuation plan to a higher ground
c. Orient family members about reunification protocols after evacuation
d. All of these
6. Earthquake provides information about the interior of the earth because seismic waves ______________
a. Release materials from within the earth.
b. b. Travel within the earth at constant velocity.
c. Travel at different velocities through different materials.
d. Alter radioactive decay rates of rocks within.
7. Which conclusion based on the analysis of seismic waves support the idea that the outer core is liquid?
a. S-waves are transmitted through the outer core.
b. S-waves are not transmitted through the outer core.
c. P-waves are transmitted through the outer core.
d. P-waves are not transmitted through the outer core
8. How does the energy of the of an earthquake travel through the earth?
a. Seismic waves carry the energy of an earthquake away from the focus, through the earth’s interior and across
the surface.
b. Seismic waves carry the energy of an earthquake toward from the focus, through the earth’s interior and across
the surface.
c. During an earthquake, seismic waves move toward the focus and epicenter then move out in all direction.
d. Seismic wave’s stays in the focus then travel in the earth’s interior.


1. b
2. c
3. a
4. d
5. d
6. c
7. b
8. a

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