01 The Good Citizenship Value of Faith in Almighty God

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The Good Citizenship Value of Faith in Almighty God

“Jesus said to them “Have faith in God. Whoever says to the mountain, ‘Be lifted
up and thrown to the sea’, and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what
he says will happen, it shall be done for him.”
Mark 11:22-23

Learning Objectives:
 To help students
- recognize their unique faith in God as part of their unique Filipino culture;
- recognize the important role of faith in their history as a people.
- reflect on the blessings of God in their lives
 To affirm the students’ unique gift of faith, and illustrate to them how they
can continue to live a life of faith in God.
 To allow students appreciate their own personal faith.

A. Introduction

Have a brief discussion of the significance of the EDSA People Power

experience to Filipinos. Describe the practical benefits of the experience.
Avoid first mentioning the aspects of God, faith and religion, as these will be
drawn from the participants themselves.

B. Deepening Points
Allow the students to reflect by asking the following questions:
1. What qualities emerged when we united as a people during our Edsa
People Power experience?
2. What are the effects of faith and prayer in our lives?
3. Do we continue to profess the same faith in God and appreciate the
value of prayer
in ordinary times when there is no conflict or imminent danger to our lives
and nation?

Ask for comments: “Faith can move mountains’

If faith in God worked miracles for us during our Edsa 1 experiences, it can also
work in our everyday lives
The kind of faith we professed at Edsa 1 was one that drove us into action (faith
in action). Our faith, which moved us to act, was the single biggest factor that
made Edsa 1 work, one that indeed “moved mountains”.

Faith in the Almighty is an innate trademark Filipino value. All of us have it. (Cite
Filipino culture and attitudes/history that are testaments to this fact)
Example: when the county was plunged into shock and misery brought about by
devastation of the 1991 earthquake, Filipinos consoled themselves and lifted
each other’s spirit by crying sincere tears, a symbol of their bearing each other’s
pains, and by praying together with an extraordinary faith to get through such a
calamity. Such an attitude clearly defines the Filipinos’ unique regard for the
value of Faith in the Almighty.

Our faith is a call to conversion: turning away from graft and corruption,
indolence, our desire for convenience rather than hard work, growing adherence
to materialism at the expense of the loss of our values and integrity, and our
sense of helplessness when confronted with adversity.

We should learn how to pray from our hearts, not merely by our lips. We pray
more God-centered leaders who assume authority in the context of genuine
service. We pray because without God we can do nothing.

Personal Resolution:
Considering the significance of prayer in my life and in my country’s
history, I am more fully aware of the things I can accomplish when I live a life of
faith. I have in me the desire to do the right things, make moral decisions, and
work to the best of my God-given gifts. I shall strive to hold my moral ground
when I am confronted with things that undermine my values and those which
may injure the well being of others.

My faith is a gift that strengthens me in times of crisis and helps me arrive

at conscientious decisions. I am aware of its manifold benefits and I shall strive
to nurture this gift through prayer and reflection. I also understand that my faith
in God can bring me to appreciate myself, my family, friends and colleagues, my
job/studies and my people better. Thus, I will do my best to be a discerning
individual with God as my source of wisdom in everything that I do. With a deep
resolve to be a better person, I can go further by putting my faith into action. I
shall live a life that is based on the right values and serve as an inspiration to
other who may be struggling in their own faith life.

 I have the gift of Faith in God

 The gift of Faith in God in me needs to be nurtured;
 My life is strengthened by my faith in God;
 A strong Faith in God, coupled with other important values, will improve
my life and those of others.

(Instructor please reproduce the “My Personal Faith” form according to the
number of your students)

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