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इंटरनेट मानक

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Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 2707 (1996): Carbon Steel Castings for Surface Hardening

[MTD 14: Foundry]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 2707 : 1996 -
(Reaffirmed 2002)

hzdian Standard
( Fourth Revision)

Ics 77.140.10:77.140.80

@ BIS 1996


NEW DELHI 110002

December 1996 Price Group 2

o ‘-

Steel Castings Sectional Committee, MTD 17


This Indian -Standard ( Fourth Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft
final ized by the Steel Castings Sectional Committee had been approved by the Metallurgical Engineering
Division Council.

This standard was first published in 1964 and was revised in 1973, 1982 and 1989. While reviewing the
standard in the light of the experience gained during these years the committee has decided that the standard
may be further revised. In this revision various clauses have been aligned with the recent standards on steel
castings. The following are the main modifications:

a) Requirements of heat treatment have been modified,

b) Requirements of non-destructive test have been modified, and
c) Requirements of residual elements have been specified.

Carbon steel castings are surface hardened for special service conditions where a tough core with a hard
surface for better wear resistance is ‘necessary, for example, for heavy gears and anvils.

In the preparation of this standard, assistance has been derived from BS 3100 : 199 I ‘Steel castings for
general engineering purposes’, issued by the British Standards Institution.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, thp final
value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance
with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )’. The number of significant places
retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.

IS 2707 : 1996

Ih.dian Standard
( Fourth Revision)

This standard covers the requirements for carbon steel General requirements relating to supply of steel
castings for surface hardening. castings shall be as laid down in IS 8800:1986.


The Indian Standards listed in Annex A are necessary The steel for the castings shall be made by electric
adjuncts to this standard. arc or electric induction or such other processes as
may be agreed to between the purchaser and the
3 TERMINOLOGY manufacturer.

3.1 For the purpose of this standard, the following 7 PARTICULARS TO BE SPECIFIED WHILE
definitions shall apply. ORDERING

3.1.1 cast (Melt) For the benefit of the purchaser, particulars to be

specified while ordering for steel castings to this
The product of any of the following: specification are given in Annex B.
a) One t’urnace heat, ~., 8 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION
b) One crucible heat, or
8.1 The ladle analysis of steel when carried out either
c) A number of furnace or crucible heats of
by the method specified in IS 228 and its relevant
similar composition mixed in a ladle or tapped
parts or any other established instrumental/chemical
in separate ladles and poured simultaneously methods shall be as given in Table 1. In case of
for making a casting.
dispute [he procedure given in IS 228 shall be
the reference method. However, where the method
3.1.2 Batch
is not given in IS 228, the referee method shall be
A group of castings of one grade of material, cast as agreed to between the purchaser and the
from [hc same melt and heat-[rested under identica] manufacturer.
8.2 The manufacturer shall carry out analysis from
4 GRADES a sample of each melt of steel and, if so specified
by the purchaser at the time of enquiry and order,
This standard covers a total of three grades of carbon shall supply a test certificate of chemical analysis
steel castings for surface hardening. of the sample of steel for each melt.

Table 1 Chemical Composition of Carbon Steel Castings for Surface Hardening

( CiuIMe 8.1 )

SI Grmtc Crmstitrrcnts,Percent
N(J. lhijyrntimr
c Si Mn s P
M(IX Max

(1) (?) (3) (4) (s) (6) (7)

i) Crude I 0.42-0.48 ().60 M(JJ 1.0 Mu-x 0.040 0.040

ii) C)ra[le
2 0.39-04s ().30-().80 1,0-1.40 0.040 0.040

iii) G rwte 3 0.52-0,58 ().60 Max 1.0 Mu 0.040 0.040

IS 2707 : 1996
8.3 Product Analysis 10 FREEDOM FROM DEFECTS
10.1 All castings shall be free from defects that will
If’ specified al (he time of’ enquiry and order, (he
adversely affect machining or utility of castings.
product analysis may be carried out from a broken
test piece or from a casting representing each melt.
10.2 When necessary to remove risers or gates by
Drillings for analysis shall be taken from not less flame or arc or a combination thereof, or by any other
than 6 mm beneath the cast surface, and in such a
process involving intense heat, care shall be taken
manner as not to impair the usefulness of any casting
to make the cut at a sufficient distance from the body
selected. The permissible variation in product analysis
of the casting so as to prevent any defect being
from the limits specified in Table 1 shall be as given introduced into the casting due to local heating. Any
in “IS 6601:1987.
such operation is to be done before final heat treatment.
8.4 Residual Elements 10.3 In the event of any casting proving defective
from foundry causes in the course of preparation,
8.4.1 Elements not specified in Table I shall not machining or ct-cc(ion, such casting may be rejected
ordinarily be added to the steel and all reasonable notwithstanding any previous certification of
precautions shall be taken to prevent contamination satisfactory testing and/or inspection.
‘ from scrap, etc, to keep them as Low as practicable.
8.4.2 The following limits shall apply for the
elements not specified in Table 1: All castings shall be properly fettled and dressed, and
all surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned.
Constituents Percent, Max

Chromium ().20 12 HEAT TREATMENT

Nickel 0.30
12.1 The castings shall be heat-treated in a properly
Molybdenum 0.15 constructed furnace, having adequate means of
Copper 0.25 ~ tcmpcraturc control, which shall permit the wbolc
Total content of the 0.70 of the castings being uniformly heated to the necessary
unspecified elements temperature. All castings shall be suitably heat treated
so as to attain the specified mechanical properties.
8.4.3 Analysis and reporting of the analysis in the 12.2 The test pieces shall be heat treated along with
test certificate for the residual elements shall be done
the castings they represent.
only when so specified by the purchaser in the enquiry
and order. However, the manufacturer shall ensure 13 MECHANICAL “TESTS
that the residual elements are within the limits
specified. 13.1 The mechanical properties specified arc those
which are to be obtained from test bars cast either
9 WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH separately from or attached to the castings to which
they refer and heat treated as given in 12. The test
9.1 The castings shall be accurately moulded in values so exhibited, therefore, represent the quality
accordance with the pattern or [he working drawings of steel from which the castings have been poured;
supplied by the purchaser with the addition of such they do not necessarily Fepresent the properties of
letters, tigures and marks as may be specified. the castings themselves.

9.2 The purchaser shall specify the tolerances on all 13.2 The tensile test shall be carried out in accordance
important dimensions. On other dimensions, tolerances with IS 1608:1995. The relevant mechanical properties
specified in IS 4897:1994 shall apply. shall be as given in Table 2.

Table 2 Mechanical Properties of Carbon Steel Castings for Surface Hardening

( Clause 13.2)

S1 Grade Tcmile Yield Elongation

No. Designation Strength Stress Pcrccnt, Milt
MPa, Mifl MPa, Mill

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

i) Grade I 620 32(I 12

ii) Grade 2 690 490 12

iii) Grade 3 700 370 8


IS 2707 : 1996
13.3 Hardening Test 15 REPAIR OF CASTINGS

1{ so specified in enquiry and order, a test piece 15.1 Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser in
13 mm in diameter and 80 mm long shall be machined the enquiry and order, castings may be rectified by
from a test sample representing each cast. The test welding. All repairs by welding shall be carried out
piece shall be heated to a temperature between 800°C in accordance with the procedure laid down in
and 840°C and quenched in water. The test piece IS 5530:1987. If castings have been subjected to non-
shall then be submitted to a hardness test in accordance destructive-testing by agreement between the purchaser
with IS 1500: 19!33 and shall show a Brinell Hardness and the manufacturer, the castings shall be re-
Number not less than 460 for Grade 1 and not less examined in the area of repair following any rectifying
than 535 for Gracie 2 and Grade 3. If the foregoing operation performed on the ca{tings.
tes~ing is not to be done at the manufacturer encl,
the mfinufacturer shall nevertheless be responsible to 15.2 To form the basis of an agreement between the
guarantee attainment of the hardness specified. purchaser and the supplier in this respect where
relevant, the following ClilSSilicatiOn shall apply
14 NON-L) ESTRUCTIVE TESTS concerning the extent of repair:

14.1 Non-destructive testing shall be applied if a ) Weld repair involving a depth not exceeding
spccitied in [hc enquiry and (he order. Under this 20 percent of wall thickness or 25 mm,
heading are grouped the tests, which aim at revealing whichever is lower, shall be termed as a minor
defects which cannot be revealed by a simple visual repair.
examination, such as penetral]t, magnetic practicle,
ultrasonic, X-]-a(iiographic, or gamma-radiographic h) Any weld repair exceeding the above shall
inspection; also included under this heading are tests be termed as a major repair. Further any single
on the surface condition by visual or visual-tactile repair having an area exceeding 250 mm
examination. The purchaser shall specify in the enquiry square for every mil[imetre of wall thickness
and order: shall also be deemed to be a major repair
a ) The type of non-destructive testing which he regardless of the considerations mentioned in
intends to carry out or to have carried out; (a) above.

b) The area or areas of the c?sting to which 15.3 Carbon Equivalent

these tests apply, and the types of
discontinuity, where relevant; Unless otherwise specified in the enquiry and order,
c) Whether all, or what proporation, of the or otherwise agreed to, the Carbon Equivalent (C. E.)
castings arc to be tested; for the purpose of guidance in determination of (he
pre- and post-weld treatment applicable to carbon
d) The severity level defining the acceptability
and low alloy steels shall be computed as follows:
or Ilotl-tlcccl>t[lhili[y of clcfec(s which may bc
rcvculcd; and Ni + Cu
Mn Cr+Mo+V
c) Whether the manufacturer is or is not C. E.=C+— -t-
6+ 5 15
contractually responsible for carrying out (he
15.4 The welding procedure to be followed for any
welding that may be required on the surface hardened
14.2 Unless otherwise a_grecd upon, when non-
area sl~all be a; agreed to mutually.
destructive testing is to be done, the castings shall
be examined as follows:
a ) Ultrasonic cxaminution as pm 1S 7666:1988,
b) Magnetic particle examination as per IS 3703: The method of sampling -the steel castings for the
]$)~(), purpose of chemical analysis and mechanical (csts
c) Liquid pclletrant Cxiinliniltion as pcr 1S 3658: including rc-test shall be in accordance with
lg~ {, :,,,(1 IS 6907:1992.

d ) Radiographic examination as per IS 2595:

1978. - “ 17 MARKING

14.3 Unless olherwisc ilgreed upon the following shall 17.1 Each casting shall be legibly marked with the
be the il~~cp[~[l~e stand:wds: following as may be relevant. However, where linka~
and traceability are required, the relevant marking
a) IS 9565:1995 for ultrasonic inspection, shall be indelible:
b) IS 10724:1990 for magnetic particle
inspection, a) The number or identification mark by which
it is possible to trace the melt and the heat-
c) IS I I 732:1995 for liquid penetrant inspection, treatment batch from which it was made;
d) IS 12938:1990 for radiographic inspection. b) The manufacturer’s initials or trade-mark; and

IS 2707 : 1996
c) Odlericlen!ilicatio nrnarks inaccordancewith 17,3BIS Certification Marking
any agreement between the purchaser and the
The castings may also be marked with the Standard
manufacturer. . Mark.
N0113— [t is rwommended (hat mmmum of markingsbe
used. 17,3.1 The use of Standard Mark is governed by the
provisions of Bureau of Irrdiatt Standards Act, 19S6
17.2By agreement between the purchaser and the and the Rules and Regulations made ‘thereunder. The
manufacturer, cirstings complying with the details of conditions under which the licence for the
use of Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers
requirements of this standard may, after inspection,
or producers may be obtained from the Bureau of
be legibly and indelibly marked with an acceptance
mark. Indian Standards.

( Ckme 2 )


IS No. Ti~le IS No. Title

228 : Methods for chemical analysis of 6601 : 1987 Permissible deviations in chemical
(in parts) steels ( second revision ) composition for product analysis
of steel castings
1500 : 1983 Methods for Brinell Hardness test
Ior metallic materials ( second 6907 : 1992 Methods of sampling steel castings
revision ) ( second revision)

1608 : 1995 Mechanical testing of metals — 7666 : 1988 Recommended procedure for
Tensile testing ( second revision ) ultrasonic examination of ferritic
castings of carbon and low alloy
2595 : 1978 Code of practice for radiographic steel (first revision ) ,
tes[i ng ( firs[ revision ) 8800 : 1986 Technical delivery conditions for
3658 : 1981 Code of practice for liquid steel castings ( second revision )
penelrant flaw dctectinn (first 9565 : 1995 Acceptance standards for ultrilsonic
revision ) inspection of steel castings (first
3703 : 1980 Co(lc of practice Ior magnetic revision )
particle flaw dclcction ( second 10724 : 1990 Acceptance standards for milgnetic
revision ) particle inspection of steel castings
4897 : 1994 Deviations for untoleranced
(firsl revision)
dimensions and mass of steel 11732 : 1995 Acceptance standards for dye
castings ( third revision ) penelrant inspection of steel
castings (jltist revision )
5530 : 1987 Code of procedure for repair and
rcctifica[ion of steel castings by 12938 : 1990 Acceptance standards .fo r
metal arc welding process (first radiographic inspection 6f steel
rwision ) castings.

( Clause 7 )


B-1 BASIS FOR ORDER c) Optional/Additional tests required, if any;

While plilcing an order for the purchase of steel d) Whether the castings are to be inspected and
castings covered hy [his starrdnrd, the purchaser should tested in the presence of the purchaser’s
specify the following: representative;

i}) Mi~terial specil’ication; e) Condition of delivery;

b) Drilwing or reference number of the pattern f) Any special requirement; and
(if supplied by the purchaser), along with a
copy of the drawing; @ Test report, if required.

Bureau of Indian Standards

IIIS is a statutory institution cstahlished under the Burecm of Imfiuu Stmdards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and
attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission of BIS in writing. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
pcriodical]y; a slandard along with amendments is rcaffirmccl when such review indicates that no changes
tire needed; it’ (he review indicates that changes arc needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian
S[andards should ascertain that they are in possession of the ‘latest amendments or edition by referring to
t!~e latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : MTD 17 (4153).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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