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Alkali- Aggregate Reaction (AAR)

Dr Tehmina Ayub
• Electrochemistry: Laws of electrolysis, E.M.F Series,
Corrosion (Theories, Inhibition & Protection)
• Cement & Aggregates: chemical composition,
Hydration, Structure of hydrated cement, Influence of the
compound composition on the properties of cement,
Alkali-silica reaction in aggregates, Alkali-carbonate
reaction, Tests for aggregate reactivity
• Durability of concrete: Diffusion and absorption,
Carbonation, Acid attack on concrete, Sulfate attack on
concrete, Effect of sea water on concrete
• Water-related Chemistry: pH, Chloride, TDS, Hardness
• Soil-related Chemistry: Chemical formation of soil, pH,
Organic content, Salt content, Mica content
Alkali Aggregate Reaction

• When a highly basic fluid which consist of alkali

hydroxides ions like (K+, Na+, OH–) fills the pores in
concrete and the aggregate in concrete are chemically
unstable in the high pH environment, the concrete
encounter with distresses such as cracking, losing
serviceability, etc. This internal chemical reaction is
recognized as Alkali Aggregate-Reaction (AAR).

• The source of alkalinity in these phenomena is from

cement and aggregate but some external sodium or
potassium can contribute the reaction. The reaction
cause the formation of a gel which absorbs water and
then expands. Due to this internal pressure, the micro
cracks gradually appear. (Ref: ACI 221.1R-98, 1998)
Alkali Aggregate Reaction (AAR)

Two types of AAR are generally recognized:

1)Alkali- carbonate reaction (ACR) and

2) Alkali Silica reaction (ASR)

Alkali-Carbonate Reaction (ACR)

In Slovenia, the majority of aggregates used for concrete

production originate from carbonate rocks, limestone,
dolomitic limestone, calcite dolomite and dolomite.

In 2012, it was discovered that when using one particular

dolomite aggregate in concrete, the rate of increase in both
compressive strength and modus of elasticity is considerably
higher over 6 months, compared to concrete made with
limestone aggregate.

Even though the compressive strength of the dolomite rock

used was lower and both concretes were otherwise of
identical mix design
Alkali-Carbonate Reaction (ACR)

The gel produced as a result of ACR is expensive. It

increases strength properties at later stage but all together, it
causes cracking.
Controlling ACR
 Selective quarrying to avoid reactive aggregates

 Blend aggregates according to appendix in ASTM


 Limit aggregates size to smallest practical

ASTM C1105 - 08a(2016), Standard Test Method for Length Change of Concrete
Due to Alkali-Carbonate Rock Reaction
Tests for Alkali-Carbonate Reaction (ACR)

1. Rock Cylinder Method (ASTM C 586)

This test Method is performed for Potential Alkali Reactivity of Carbonate

Rocks for Concrete Aggregates.
This method relayed on determining the expansive characteristics of
carbonate rocks.
The procedures of this test are first of all a small rock should be taken
(cylindrical specimen) with specific dimensions of (35 mm specific long and 9
mm diameter). Secondly the specimen should be submerged in an alkaline (1
N NaOH) solution at room temperature. Finally, the specimen should be
monitored for a year or less to observe the change of length for the specimen,
there were one exception because the expansion influence usually appears
after about 1 month which is that if the expansion of A 28-day reached 0.10%
or more will reference to potential for deleterious expansion in a service
Tests for Alkali-Carbonate Reaction (ACR)

2. Concrete Prism Tests (ASTM C 1105)

The purpose of this test is to measure the change of length in concrete due to
alkali-carbonate rock reaction. Six concrete prism specimen was used with an
aggregate in question and the job cement. The duration of this test is
preferable for one year. In case test takes longer time is not functional. six or
three months can be appropriate. The expansion at one year should be equal
or more than 0.03%,0.025 at six months, or 0.015 at three months denote
potentially deleterious aggregate.
prism should be stored over water in sealed containers at 100oF (38oC) and
the change of length should be under observation regularly. If the expansion of
the prisms does not exceed 0.04 or more after one year the concrete is
considered to be non-deleteriously reactive and it can be use in concrete with
no need for further testing. If the expansion of the prism exceeds 0.03% or
more at 1 year, the aggregate is considered to be potentially reactive and
preventive measures are required
Alkali-silica reaction in concrete and its Cause

• ASR is caused by a reaction between the hydroxyl ions

(OH¯) in the alkaline cement pore solution in the concrete
and reactive forms of silica in the aggregate (eg: chert,
quartzite, opal, strained quartz crystals).

• ASR is the most common form of alkali-aggregate

reaction (AAR) in concrete; the other, much less common,
form is alkali-carbonate reaction (ACR). ASR and ACR
are therefore both subsets of AAR.

• ASR can cause serious expansion and cracking in

concrete, resulting in major structural problems and
sometimes necessitating demolition.
Identification of alkali-silica reaction
A gel is produced, which increases in volume by taking up
water and so exerts an expansive pressure, resulting in
failure of the concrete. In unrestrained concrete (that is,
without any reinforcement), ASR causes characteristic 'map
cracking' or 'Isle of Man cracking'.

The best technique for the identification of ASR is the

examination of concrete in thin section, using a petrographic
microscope. Alternatively, polished sections of concrete can
be examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM); this
has the advantage that the gel can be analysed using X-ray
microanalysis in order to confirm the identification beyond
any doubt.
Identification of alkali-silica reaction
A gel is produced, which increases in volume by taking up
water and so exerts an expansive pressure, resulting in
failure of the concrete. In unrestrained concrete (that is,
without any reinforcement), ASR causes characteristic 'map
cracking' or 'Isle of Man cracking'.

Polished section of
concrete, scanning
microscope image:
chert aggregate
particle with
internal cracks due
to ASR extending
from the aggregate
into the nearby
concrete (arrowed)
Essential Components of alkali-silica reaction

The Three Necessary Components for ASR-Induced Damage in Concrete.

Table. Rock Types and Reactive Minerals Susceptible to ASR (after CSA, 2000b)

Rocks Reactive Minerals

Arenite Crisobalite
Argillite Cryptocrystalline (or microcrystalline) quartz opal

Arkose Strained quartz tridymite

Chert Volcanic glass
Granite The rocks and minerals
Greywacke shown in table represent
Hornfels those that are most prone to
Quartz-arenite ASR, but it does not suggest
Quartzite that these are always prone
to ASR, or that other rocks or
minerals not listed in table
are completely immune from
Silicified carbonate
Sufficient Alkalies
The quantity of alkalies in Portland cement is typically
expressed as follows:
Equation 1: Na2Oe = Na2O + 0.658K2O
Equation 1. Total sodium oxide equivalent (or equivalent soda) in percent by
mass is equal to the sodium oxide content in percent plus 0.658 times the
potassium oxide content in percent.

Where: Na2Oe = Total sodium oxide equivalent (or equivalent

soda), in percent
by mass
Na2O = sodium oxide content, in percent
K2O = potassium oxide content, in percent
Mechanisms of ASR
The term alkali-silica reaction is somewhat misleading- the
reaction itself is actually between the OH- ions in the pore
solution and certain siliceous components of the

The alkalies, specifically sodium and potassium, do not

actually attack the reactive silica. The importance of the
alkalies is that their presence in high concentrations in the
pore solution results in an equally high concentration of OH-
ions (to maintain charge equilibrium). It is this high OH-
concentration, and thus high pH, that leads to the initial
breakdown of reactive silica components in the aggregates.
Mechanisms of ASR
There is general agreement by researchers regarding the
specific chemical process governing the breakdown of
reactive silica components by a highly alkaline solution, such
as pore water inside concrete.

When poorly crystalline hydrous silica is exposed to a highly

alkaline solution, there is an acid-base reaction between the
OH- ions in solution and the acidic silanol (Si-OH) groups, as
shown in equation 2. As additional OH- ions penetrate into
the structure, some of the siloxane (Si-O-Si) linkages are also
attacked, as shown in equation 3.
Controlling ASR
 Non reactive aggregates
 Supplementary cementing materials or blended
 Limit alkali loading
 Lithium based admixtures
 Limestone sweetening(30 % replacement reactive
aggregates with crushed limestone)
Some ASTM Tests that screen aggregate for the potential of ASR include:
•ASTM C227: “Test Method for Potential Alkali Reactivity of Cement-Aggregate
Combinations (Mortar-Bar Method)”

•ASTM C289: "StandaTest Method for Potential Alkali-Silica Reactivity of

Aggregates (Chemical Method)“

•ASTM C295: “Guide for Petrographic Examination of Aggregate for Concrete”

•ASTM C1260: “Test Method for Potential Reactivity of Aggregates (Mortar-Bar-

•ASTM C1293: “Test Method for Concrete Aggregates by Determination of
Length Change of Concrete Due to Alkali-Silica Reaction”

•ASTM C1567: "Standard Test Method for Determining the Potential Alkali-
Silica Reactivity of Combinations of Cementitious Materials and Aggregate
(Accelerated Mortar-Bar Method)“

•The concrete microbar test was proposed by Grattan-Bellew et al. (2003) as a

universal accelerated test for alkali-aggregate rd reaction.

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