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If we talk about which FOOD is Good for a Health then how can we forgot about diet plan.

Diet and Food

are two wheels of one cycle no one of each can run without each of other i.e we are using a car for a
three months and we change its oil after three months, it doesn’t matter you changed its oil after the
full of its running some of its internal machinery require oil after 1 to 2 months. This same principle is
apply on human body. Diet is basically defined as what and when you eat and how much you eat.

There are some Good Foods with their benefit for Human body

Foods Good for health

i) Apple: An apple a day keeps the doctor
away" is an old Welsh proverb that most of
us are familiar with, As apple is one of the most cultivated
and consumed fruits in the world, apples are continuously being
praised as a "miracle food".

In fact, apples were ranked first in Medical News Today's featured article
about the top 10 healthy foods.

Apples are extremely rich in important antioxidants, flavanoids, and dietary


The phytonutrients and antioxidants in apples may help reduce the risk of
developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.

ii) Banana: 1. Bananas are one of the best fruit sources of vitamin

Vitamin B6 from bananas is easily absorbed by your body and a medium-

sized banana can provide about a quarter of your daily vitamin B6 needs.

Vitamin B6 helps your body:

 produce red blood cells,

 metabolise carbohydrates and fats, turning them into energy,

 metabolise amino acids,

 remove unwanted chemicals from your liver and kidneys, and

 maintain a healthy nervous system.

iii) Peach: Peaches are low in calories (100 g just provide 39 calories), and
contain no saturated fats. Nonetheless, they are packed with numerous
health promoting compounds, minerals, and vitamins. Fresh peaches are a
moderate source of antioxidants and vitamin C which is required for the
building of connective tissue inside the human body. Consumption of foods
that are rich in vitamin C helps a person develop resistance against infections
and helps to eliminate harmful free radicals that cause certain cancers.

Fresh fruits are a moderate source of vitamin-A and beta-Carotene. Beta-

Carotene is a pro-vitamin, which converts into vitamin A inside the body.
Vitamin A is essential for prevention of night vision issues and for maintaining
healthy mucus membranes and healthy skin. Consumption of fruits like
peaches that are rich in vitamin A, are known to offer protection from lung and
oral cancers. They contain many vital minerals such as potassium, fluoride
and iron.

Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that help

regulate heart rate and blood pressure. Fluoride is a component of bones and
teeth and is essential for prevention of dental caries. Iron is required for red
blood cell formation.

So, make sure you are taking small steps to eat sufficient fruit each day.
Peaches are now in season across much of the United States are healthy and
contain health promoting flavonoid polyphenolic antioxidants including lutein,
zeaxanthin and beta-cryptoxanthin. These compounds help to act as
protective scavengers against free radicals and play a role in promoting
healthy aging and reduction of various disease processes.

iv) Orange is known to have several health benefits and is among the
most popular fruits around the world.
Oranges can be had not only as a snack but also as a major recipe ingredient
in various dishes. Nowadays orange juice is an integral part of a healthy
breakfast thus promoting a healthy start to the day. They're mainly available
in two categories — sweet and bitter, with the former being the type most
commonly consumed. Generally an orange should have smoothly textured
skin and be firm and heavy for its size. These will have higher juice content
than those that are either spongy or lighter in weight.

v) Eggs: Eggs are a very good source of inexpensive, high quality protein.
More than half the protein of an egg is found in the egg white along with
vitamin B2 and lower amounts of fat than the yolk. Eggs are rich sources of
selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper

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