Prelim Exam Answer Key

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Prelims Exam

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GENERAL DIRECTIONS. Wrong spelling is wrong. No erasures.

True or False.

1.) In the article “Anatomy of an Anti-Hero,” the author, Ante Radaic was able to showcase how Nick Joaquin pictured
Rizal as an elite member of society. (False)

2.) Ferdinand Blumentritt knew Rizal because the latter’s father is also a friend of the former’s father. (False)

3.) The institutionalization of the La Liga Filipina preceded the formation of the La Solidaridad. (False)

4.) According the Leon Ma. Guerrero, Rizal suffered from a certain inferiority complex. (False)

5.) Leonor Rivera was Rizal’s cousin and his first love. (False)

6.) Spain introduced Christianity into the Philippines with its beautiful egalitarian concept of brotherhood of all men
under God the Father. (True)

7.) The Philippines was well represented in the Spanish Cortes during the time of Rizal (False)

8.) It was Governor General Rafael de Izquierdo that aroused the anger of the Filipinos by executing the “Martyrs of
1872” (True)

9.) Leyes the Indias was the law promulgated by Spain in administration of its colonies in India. (False)

10.) Paciano was the oldest of the Rizal siblings. (False)


The first three older siblings of Rizal

11.) Saturnina

12.) Paciano

13.) Narcisa

The last three younger sisters of Rizal

14.) Josefa

15.) Trinidad

16.) Soledad

The first four love interests of Rizal

17.) Segunda Katigbak

18.) Miss L

19.) Leonor Valenzuela

20.) Leonor Rivera

Identification. Identify what is asked/described.

_______21.) He was the father of Rizal’s father, Francisco Mercado. (Juan Mercado)

_______22.) What was the name of Rizal’s pet dog when he was a child? (Usman)

_______23.) What is this body of water that is near Calamba where Rizal, as a child use to walk along its shores and
ponder on life? (Laguna de Bay)

_______24.) During the time of Rizal, Hong Kong used to be a colony of which European power? (United Kingdom)

_______25.) Who told Rizal about the story of the moth? (Teodora Alonso)

_______26.) Which “Tio” helped Rizal improve his artistic capabilities? (Tio Jose Alberto)
_______27.) Who was Rizal’s first professor at the Ateneo? (Fr. Jose Bech)

_______28.) Before Ateneor Municipal was named as such, what was its former name? (Escuela Pia)

_______29.) What was the moniker for the interno students at the Ateneo Municipal? (Roman Empire)

_______30.) What was the name of this secret society of students founded by Rizal when he was at the University of
Santo Tomas which took part in student brawls with Spanish mestizos insulting their indio counterparts.

Matching Type A. Analyze each situation/cases of Philippine society during Rizal’s Time then choose among the
options below which one best describes it. Write only the letter corresponding to your answer.

A. Instability of Colonial Administration F. Maladministration of Justice

B. Corrupt Colonial Officials G. Racial Discrimination

C. Philippine Representation in Spanish Cortes H. Forced Labor

D. Human Rights Denied to Filipinos I. Haciendas Owned by the Friars

E. No Equality Before the Law J. Frailocracy

_______31.) Calamba owned by the the Dominicans (I)

_______32.) “Indio Tsonggo” (G)

_______33.) No Freedom of Speech and Religion (D)

_______34.) Imprisonment of Doña Teodora Alonso (F)

_______35.) Frequent changes in Spanish leadership in the Philippines (A)

_______36.) The case of Governor General Valeiano Weyler (B)

_______37.) Polo y Servicio (H)

_______38.) Ventura de los Reyes (c )

_______39.) Father Burgos’ remarks on unequal treatment between Spanish and Indio priests. (G)

_______40.) Friars controlling the religious and educational life of the Philippines (J)

Matching Type B. Below are titles of Rizal’s achievements when he was either at the Ateneo or at the UST. Write
EAGLE if it pertains to the former, and TIGER if to the latter.

_______41.) Felicitation (EAGLE)

_______42.) Compañerismo (TIGER)

_______43.) To the Filipino Youth (TIGER)

_______44.) Colon y Juan II (EAGLE)

_______45.) Junto al Pasig (TIGER)

_______46.) The Class in Physics (TIGER)

_______47.) Un Dialogo Alusivo a la Despedida de los Colegiales (EAGLE)

_______48.) Por La Educacion Recibe Lustre la Patria (EAGLE)

_______49.) Segunda Katigbak (EAGLE)

_______50.) Miss L (TIGER)

Consummatum Est

-Rizal’s Last Words

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