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Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery (2019) 1–7 ORIGINAL ARTICLE


Cite this article as: Haraldsen P, Cunha-Goncalves D, Metzsch C, Algotsson L, Lindstedt S, Ingemansson R. Sevoflurane provides better haemodynamic stability than
propofol during right ventricular ischaemia–reperfusion. Interact CardioVasc Thorac Surg 2019; doi:10.1093/icvts/ivz235.

Sevoflurane provides better haemodynamic stability than
propofol during right ventricular ischaemia–reperfusion

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Pernille Haraldsen , Doris Cunha-Goncalves a,*, Carsten Metzscha, Lars Algotsson a
Sandra Lindstedt b and Richard Ingemanssonb
Department of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Lund University, Lund, Sweden

* Corresponding author. Thorax Department, plan 8, Skane University Hospital, SUS Lund, 22185 Lund, Sweden. Tel: +46-46-171000; e-mail:
(D. Cunha-Goncalves).

Received 22 April 2019; received in revised form 21 August 2019; accepted 29 August 2019

OBJECTIVES: To assess whether sevoflurane provides better haemodynamic stability than propofol in acute right ventricular (RV) ischae-
METHODS: Open-chest pigs (mean ± standard deviation, 68.8 ± 4.2 kg) anaesthetized with sevoflurane (n = 6) or propofol (n = 6) underwent
60 min of RV free wall ischaemia and 150 min of reperfusion. Haemodynamic parameters and blood flow in the 3 major coronary arteries
were continuously monitored. Biomarkers of cardiac ischaemia were analysed.
RESULTS: Mean arterial pressure and stroke volume decreased, whereas pulmonary vascular resistance increased equally in both groups.
Heart rate increased 7.5% with propofol (P < 0.05) and 17% with sevoflurane (P < 0.05). At reperfusion, left atrial pressure and systemic vas-
cular resistance decreased with sevoflurane. While RV stroke work (mmHgml) and cardiac output (lmin-1) decreased in the propofol
group (4.2 ± 1.2 to 2.9 ± 1.7 and 2.65 ± 0.44 to 2.28 ± 0.56, respectively, P < 0.05 both), they recovered to baseline levels in the sevoflurane

C The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.
2 P. Haraldsen et al. / Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery

group (4.1 ± 1.5 to 4.0 ± 1.5 and 2.77 ± 0.6 to 2.6 ± 0.5, respectively, P > 0.05). Circumflex and left anterior descending coronary artery blood
flow decreased in both groups. Right coronary artery blood flow (mlmin-1) decreased with propofol (38 ± 9 to 28 ± 9, P < 0.05), but not
with sevoflurane (28 ± 11 to 28 ± 17, P > 0.05). Biomarkers of cardiac ischaemia increased in both groups.
CONCLUSIONS: Compared to propofol, sevoflurane-anaesthetized pigs showed higher RV stroke work, cardiac output and right coronary
artery blood flow during reperfusion. These findings warrant a clinical trial of sevoflurane in RV ischaemia in humans.
Keywords: Sevoflurane • Propofol • Right ventricular • Ischaemia–reperfusion • Cardioprotection

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decreased transpulmonary blood flow with reduced cardiac out-
put (CO) and decreased coronary blood flow [13, 14]. Recently,
we described an open-chest model suitable for the study of acute
CO Cardiac output
RV free wall ischaemia and showed that, compared to historical
CVP Central venous pressure
controls, sevoflurane improved cardiac function during pro-
Cx Circumflex artery
longed RV ischaemia without reperfusion [13, 15]. In a study by
HR Heart rate
another group, isoflurane reduced haemodynamic compromise
LAD Left anterior descending artery
and improved RV recovery during RV ischaemia–reperfusion [16].
LAP Left atrial pressure
As propofol and sevoflurane are probably the anaesthetic agents
LV Left ventricular
MAP Mean arterial pressure most commonly used worldwide, a prospective, randomized
mPAP Mean pulmonary artery pressure study comparing the cardioprotective effects of these 2 agents in
PVR Pulmonary vascular resistance acute RV ischaemia–reperfusion is warranted.
RCA Right coronary artery We hypothesized that, compared to propofol, sevoflurane
RV Right ventricular would provide greater cardioprotection during acute RV ischae-
RVSW RV stroke work mia–reperfusion, which would translate into superior haemody-
SV Stroke volume namic performance and improved transpulmonary blood flow.
SVR Systemic vascular resistance We prospectively assessed the effects of these 2 anaesthetic
TnT Troponin T agents on cardiovascular function and the release of cardiac in-
jury biomarkers in pigs during acute RV ischaemia–reperfusion.


Right ventricular (RV) ischaemia–reperfusion injury is not uncom- The Animal Research Ethical Committee at Lund University ap-
mon during complex cardiac surgery. Usually, it reflects pro- proved the experiments, and the animals received care in accor-
longed aortic cross-clamp time, suboptimal cardioplegia or air dance with the European Guidelines for the Use of Experimental
emboli, and severe cases are often associated with acute life- Animals (Directive 2010/63/EU). The primary end point was a
threatening haemodynamic dysfunction and poor short-term protective effect on RV stroke work (RVSW) with preservation
outcome [1, 2]. Myocardial viability is, however, generally pre- of CO.
served in acute RV ischaemic dysfunction, and RV function usu-
ally recovers with time [3].
In patients at risk of left ventricular (LV) myocardial ischaemic
Animal preparation
injury, cardioprotective drugs, particularly volatile anaesthetic
Twelve Swedish Landrace pigs (68.8 ± 4.2 kg) were randomized to
agents, have been used perioperatively to improve ischaemic tol-
receive open-label anaesthesia with fentanyl supplemented by ei-
erance and reduce reperfusion injury [4, 5]. The greatest cardio-
ther propofol (n = 6) or sevoflurane (n = 6).
protection is usually achieved when volatile agents are
All animals were premedicated with 15 mgkg-1 ketamine,
administered throughout the surgical procedure [6], and even 0.07 mgkg-1 midazolam and 2 mgkg-1 xylazine given intramus-
though these drugs cause dose-dependent myocardial depres- cularly. Anaesthesia was maintained by an infusion of
sion [7, 8], there is evidence from clinical and experimental stud- 1.2 lgkg-1h-1 fentanyl and 0.15 mgkg-1h-1 pancuronium and
ies showing that several volatile agents and some agents used for supplemented throughout the experiment by propofol infusion
total intravenous anaesthesia protect the heart in acute LV- (6 mgkg-1h-1) or sevoflurane inhalation (end-tidal range 1.1–
ischaemia. While sevoflurane anaesthesia decreased biochemical 1.3%). Fluid losses were replaced by Ringer Acetate
markers of myocardial injury and resulted in better cardiac func- (3 mlkg-1h-1).
tion 1 year after coronary artery bypass [9, 10], propofol im- The airway was secured via tracheostomy with a 7.5-mm tra-
proved mechanical function in ischaemic rat hearts [11]. Besides, cheal tube (SIMS Portex Inc., Keene, NH, USA), and the animals
in a Danish review of more than 10 000 cardiac surgical proce- were mechanically ventilated (Servo-Ventilator 300, Siemens,
dures, propofol provided a superior outcome in patients with se- Solna, Sweden). Tidal volume was 8 mlkg-1, PEEP 5 cmH2O and
vere preoperative ischaemia and cardiovascular instability [12]. FiO2 0.3. The respiratory rate was adjusted to achieve normoven-
Nevertheless, little is known about the cardioprotective effects of tilation (end-tidal CO2 4.5–5.5 kPa). Sevoflurane was given via an
anaesthetic drugs during RV ischaemia–reperfusion. anaesthetic delivery system containing a vaporizer and an anaes-
Acute postischaemic RV failure is characterized by severe hae- thetic reflecting filter (AnaConDa, anaesthetic conserving device,
modynamic compromise, including reduced RV contractility and Sedana Medical AB, Sundbyberg, Sweden). Respiratory
P. Haraldsen et al. / Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 3

Figure 1: Protocol timeline.

parameters, oxygenation and end-tidal gases were analysed in a Spacelabs monitor (model 90309, Spacelabs Medical Inc.,
NICO CO2 monitor (Novametrix Medical System Inc., Redmond, WA, USA). Coronary artery and aortic blood flows

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Wallingford, CT, USA) and a VAMOS gas monitor (Dräger were measured by transit time technique (HT207 Medical
Medical, Lübeck, Germany). Volume Flowmeter, Transonic Systems Inc., Ithaca, NY, USA).
The right carotid artery and internal jugular vein were cannu- Haemodynamic variables were calculated as: LV stroke volume
lated with polyurethane catheters for invasive pressure monitor- (SV, ml) = COheart rate-1 (HR); SVR (dynesscm-5) =
ing, blood sampling and intravenous administration of (MAP - CVP)80CO-1; PVR (dynesscm-5) = (mPAP - LAP)80CO-1;
anaesthetics and fluids. After a sternotomy, perivascular ultra- and RVSW (mmHgml) = SV(mPAP - CVP)0.0136, where SVR is
sonic probes (Transonic Systems Inc., Ithaca, NY, USA) were the systemic vascular resistance and PVR the pulmonary vascular
placed around the ascending aorta (14 mm) and the 3 main cor- resistance.
onary arteries [3-mm probes around the left anterior descending
artery (LAD), the circumflex artery (Cx) and the right coronary ar- Analysis of biochemical markers of cardiac
tery (RCA)]. Aortic blood flow was used as a measure of CO.
Through purse-string sutures, the main pulmonary artery and the
left atrial appendage were punctured and cannulated with poly-
Venous blood samples were centrifuged for 10 min at 2200  g
urethane catheters for pressure monitoring. An indwelling urinary
and stored at -20 C. Aspartate-aminotransferase, alanine-amino-
catheter was placed via a small abdominal incision. Care was
transferase and troponin T (TnT) were measured at baseline and
taken to minimize the risk of bleeding during surgery. Body tem-
the end of the experiment in a Cobas analyser (Roche
perature was monitored with a rectal probe, and we used a
Diagnostics AG, Rotkreuz, Switzerland). The normal TnT reference
heated operation table and plastic drapes to avoid hypothermia.
range was 0.01–0.03 ng/ml. Blood gases were analysed in a
Radiometer ABL 700-series blood gas analyser (Radiometer
Experimental protocol Medical A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark).

The experimental overview is shown in Fig. 1.

Surgical preparation was followed by 90 min of stabilization.
Statistical analysis
After baseline measurements (T0), RV ischaemia was induced by
Based on our earlier studies, the sample size was calculated to
snaring the RCA branches perfusing the RV free wall with vessel
detect a 15% difference in CO from baseline with 80% power at a
loops. Vessel occlusion was performed in a standardized manner,
significance level of a = 0.05.
i.e. starting with occlusion of the proximal branch and progress-
Haemodynamic data were analysed using the software pack-
ing with downstream branch ligation every 5 min until all RV free
age SPSS v.25. A mixed linear model was used with the fixed
wall branches were occluded. LAD branches supplying the RV
effects (Treatment and Time) and random effect (Subject) on all
free wall were also occluded, and septal perforating branches to
the haemodynamic variables. Post hoc testing of significant effects
the interventricular septum were avoided. The induction of is-
was performed using multiple comparison adjustment. In identi-
chaemia took approximately 20 min to be established, and it was
fying which covariance matrix was most appropriate, the differ-
designed to mitigate the development of malignant arrhythmias
ence in the 2 log-likelihood was determined to compare models
that often occur with complete acute occlusion of the coronary
with different covariance matrices. Residuals were also inspected
arterial supply [17].
to assess goodness of fit. The within-group differences relative to
Further, because many antiarrhythmic drugs exhibit cardiopro-
the baseline values are presented.
tective properties, we avoided their use in this model. Thirty min
For the cardiac ischaemia biomarkers, within-group compari-
after the start of ischaemia, new measurements were taken (T1).
sons were made with the paired t-test or the Mann–Whitney test
The third set of measurements (T2) were obtained after another
when appropriate.
30 min of stable RV ischaemia when the vessel loops were re-
All data are presented as mean, standard deviation and 95%
leased for myocardial reperfusion. All haemodynamic parameters
confidence interval. A P-value <_0.05 was considered statistically
were then monitored every 30 min for the following 150 min of
reperfusion (T3–T7) when the experiment was ended by euthana-
sia with a lethal intravenous injection of potassium chloride.
Haemodynamic measurements
All animals survived the experiment. Blood gases remained
Heart rhythm was monitored by 5-lead ECG. Mean arterial pres- within the normal range, and there was no hypoxaemia or acid-
sure (MAP), central venous pressure (CVP), mean pulmonary ar- aemia in any of the groups (data not shown). Two animals in the
tery pressure (mPAP) and left atrial pressure (LAP) were propofol group developed ventricular tachycardia/fibrillation
continuously monitored via fluid-filled pressure transducers during ischaemia. During reperfusion, 3 animals in each
(Becton Dickinson Critical Care Systems Pte. Ltd, Singapore) on a group had ventricular tachycardia/fibrillation. All ventricular
4 P. Haraldsen et al. / Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery

Table 1: Systemic haemodynamics

Propofol (n = 6) Sevoflurane (n = 6)
Mean SD 95% CI Mean SD 95% CI

HR, beatmin-1
T0 baseline 67 16 51–83 78 11 66–90
T1 I 30 min 67 14 52–81 76 9 66–85
T2 I 60 min 69 11 57–80 77 9 67–87

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T3 R 30 min 71* 14 57–86 81 8 73–88
T4 R 60 min 71 14 56–85 83* 8 75–91
T5 R 90 min 71 14 56–86 86* 7 79–94
T6 R 120 min 73* 15 57–88 88* 9 78–98
T7 R 150 min 72* 15 56–87 91* 7 83–98
MAP, mmHg
T0 baseline 82 20 61–104 87 7 79–95
T1 I 30 min 80 21 58–103 79* 6 72–85
T2 I 60 min 76* 21 53–98 74* 6 68–80
T3 R 30 min 73* 17 55–91 69* 8 60–77
T4 R 60 min 70* 16 54–86 69* 7 61–76
T5 R 90 min 68* 14 53–83 67* 9 58–76
T6 R 120 min 66* 14 52–81 66* 11 55–77
T7 R 150 min 63* 13 50–77 65* 10 54–76
CVP, mmHg
T0 baseline 5 2 3–7 6 3 2–9
T1 I 30 min 6 2 4–8 5 3 2–9
T2 I 60 min 6 1 4–7 6 3 2–10
T3 R 30 min 5 1 4–6 6 3 2–11
T4 R 60 min 5 1 4–7 6 3 2–10
T5 R 90 min 5 1 4–7 5 3 1–9
T6 R 120 min 6 1 5–6 5 3 1–9
T7 R 150 min 5 1 4–7 5 3 1–9
SVR, dynesscm-5
T0 baseline 2350 516 1808–2892 2476 773 1644–3287
T1 I 30 min 2787* 850 1895–3678 2679 1096 1528–3829
T2 I 60 min 2572 557 1987–3157 2555 1022 1483–3628
T3 R 30 min 2334 589 1716–2952 2277 756 1484–3070
T4 R 60 min 2233 575 1630–2837 2131* 614 1487–2775
T5 R 90 min 2212 577 1607–2818 1994* 627 1336–2653
T6 R 120 min 2132 534 1572–2692 1981* 810 1130–2831
T7 R 150 min 2104 517 1562–2646 1939* 748 1154–2724
*P-value <0.05 compared to baseline (within-group differences).
CI: confidence interval; CVP: central venous pressure; HR: heart rate; I: is-
chaemia; MAP: mean arterial pressure; R: reperfusion; SD: standard devia-
tion; SVR: systemic vascular resistance.

arrhythmias were successfully treated with electric shocks. The

cumulative energy/total number of shocks applied in each animal
were: 50 J/1, 60 J/2, 60 J/2 and 170 J/4 shocks in the propofol
group and 100 J/2, 450 J/9 and 220 J/6 shocks in the sevoflurane
group. In all animals, ST segments normalized after a few minutes
of reperfusion.

Haemodynamics and cardiac function

Figure 2: Cardiac function: (A) CO, (B) SV, (C) RVSW. Box plot with whiskers
HR was unchanged during ischaemia but increased in both showing median, 5th, 25th, 75th and 95th percentile. *P-value <0.05 changes
groups during reperfusion (Table 1). With ischaemia, SV de- versus baseline for propofol, †P-value <0.05 changes versus baseline for sevo-
creased 15–20% in both groups and remained so throughout the flurane. CO: cardiac output; RVSW: right ventricular stroke work; SV: stroke
experiment (Fig. 2B). Similarly, CO decreased with ischaemia, but
in the sevoflurane group, it recovered to baseline levels during
the reperfusion period (Fig. 2A). Ischaemia also caused a persis- and decreased below baseline with sevoflurane (Table 1). CVP
tent fall in MAP in all animals paralleled by a lower SVR in the was unchanged in both groups, whereas LAP decreased in the
sevoflurane group but not in the propofol group (Table 1). SVR sevoflurane group only (Tables 1 and 2). The changes in RVSW
increased in both groups at the induction of ischaemia, but this resembled those observed in CO: RVSW decreased in both
increase did not reach statistical significance in the sevoflurane groups during ischaemia, but returned to baseline level in the
group. During reperfusion, SVR returned to normal with propofol sevoflurane group as reperfusion started (Fig. 2C). PVR increased
P. Haraldsen et al. / Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 5

Table 2: Pulmonary haemodynamics and LAP

Propofol (n = 6) Sevoflurane (n = 6)
Mean SD 95% CI Mean SD 95% CI

mPAP, mmHg
T0 baseline 13 1 11–14 14 2 12–17
T1 I 30 min 12 1 11–13 14 2 11–16
T2 I 60 min 12 1 11–13 14 2 12–16

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T3 R 30 min 12 2 10–14 15 2 13–17
T4 R 60 min 13 2 11–14 15 2 13–17
T5 R 90 min 13 3 10–16 15 2 13–18
T6 R 120 min 13 3 10–16 15* 2 13–18
T7 R 150 min 12 3 9–16 15* 2 13–18
PVR, dynesscm-5
T0 baseline 255 74 178–333 284 132 147–423
T1 I 30 min 293 99 190–397 355* 145 202–508
T2 I 60 min 302* 90 208–396 371* 108 258–484
T3 R 30 min 298 97 197–400 393* 119 268–518
T4 R 60 min 310* 85 220–399 393* 129 258–528
T5 R 90 min 365* 60 291–440 375* 111 259–491
T6 R 120 min 372* 65 291–452 372* 148 217–527
T7 R 150 min 386* 86 279–492 395* 125 264–526
LAP, mmHg
T0 baseline 4 2 2–6 5 3 1–8
T1 I 30 min 4 2 1–6 4 2 1–7
T2 I 60 min 4 3 1–7 3* 2 1–5
T3 R 30 min 4 2 2–7 4 2 1–6
T4 R 60 min 4 2 2–6 4* 2 2–5
T5 R 90 min 4 2 2–7 3* 2 2–5
T6 R 120 min 5 3 1–8 3* 2 2–5
T7 R 150 min 4 2 2–6 3* 2 1–5
*P-value <0.05 compared to baseline (within-group differences).
CI: confidence interval; I: ischaemia; LAP: left atrial pressure; mPAP: mean
pulmonary artery pressure; PVR: pulmonary vascular resistance; R: reperfu-
sion; SD: standard deviation.

with ischaemia and remained high in both groups throughout

the experiment (Table 2). mPAP remained unchanged in the pro-
pofol group, but increased in the sevoflurane group during re-
perfusion (Table 2).

Coronary blood flow

RCA blood flow decreased in the propofol group during ischae-
mia, temporarily recovered during reperfusion and dropped
again below baseline during the last 90 min of observation. In
contrast, it was preserved with sevoflurane, showing even a brief
increase above baseline at 30 min reperfusion (Fig. 3A).
In the propofol group, LAD blood flow was maintained during
ischaemia, but permanently decreased from 60 min reperfusion Figure 3: Coronary artery blood flow: (A) RCA, (B) LAD, (C) Cx. Box plot with
whiskers showing median, 5th, 25th, 75th and 95th percentile. *P-value <0.05
to the end of the experiment. In the sevoflurane group, LAD
changes versus baseline for propofol, †P-value <0.05 changes versus baseline
blood flow showed significant oscillations during ischaemia and for sevoflurane. Cx: circumflex artery; LAD: left anterior descending artery; RCA:
reperfusion, but was also lower than baseline at the end of the right coronary artery.
experiment (Fig. 3B).
Blood flow in the Cx artery showed the same pattern in both
rises earlier and is more sensitive and specific to myocardial in-
groups: it decreased during ischaemia, showed temporary recov-
jury, increased sevenfold in both groups (Table 3).
ery at some points during reperfusion, but was lower than base-
line by the end of the experiment (Fig. 3C).
Biochemical markers of cardiac ischaemia
To our knowledge, this is the first prospective and randomized
While alanine-aminotransferase remained unchanged, aspartate- in vivo study evaluating sevoflurane’s cardioprotection during
aminotransferase increased in both groups (Table 3). TnT, which acute RV ischaemia–reperfusion. Sevoflurane administered
6 P. Haraldsen et al. / Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery

RCA blood flow decreased 25–30% in the propofol group,

Table 3: Biochemical markers of cardiac ischaemia mainly due to the persistent decrease in perfusion pressure. In
contrast, RCA blood flow was unchanged during coronary occlu-
Propofol (n = 6) Sevoflurane (n = 6) sion in the sevoflurane group and showed even a brief flow over-
Mean SD 95% CI Mean SD 95% CI
shoot above baseline at the start of reperfusion. The opening of
KATP channels is involved in sevoflurane’s preconditioning effects
ASAT, mkat/l and its potent vasodilation properties (4). Flow preservation with
T0 baseline 0.51 0.11 0.39–0.62 0.57 0.12 0.44–0.69
sevoflurane might have played a role in avoiding arrhythmias dur-
T7 end 2.48* 3.53 0.01–6.19 1.45* 0.78 0.63–2.27
ALAT, mkat/l ing coronary occlusion. Sevoflurane is a coronary vasodilator that

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T0 baseline 0.88 0.20 0.67–1.09 1.10 0.25 0.84–1.36 preserves coronary flow reserve [22], and the flow overshoot at
T7 end 1.02 0.38 0.63–1.42 1.12 0.27 0.84–1.40 early reperfusion undoubtedly reflects ischaemic reactive hyperae-
TnT, ng/ml
mia. The right ventricle is homogeneously perfused in systole and
T0 baseline 0.10 0.09 0.01–0.19 0.09 0.07 0.02–0.16
T7 end 0.71* 0.86 0.01–1.61 0.65* 0.55 0.07–1.23 diastole, and despite the reduced perfusion pressure, RCA blood
flow could be maintained during reperfusion due to a decrease in
*P-value <0.05 compared to baseline (within-group differences).
ALAT: alanine-aminotransferase; ASAT: aspartate-aminotransferase; CI:
coronary vascular resistance. What is surprising is that flow
confidence interval; SD: standard deviation; TnT: troponin T. remained unchanged even during coronary occlusion, but the
RCA is almost always dominant in pigs, and besides the RV free
wall, it perfuses 25% of the LV wall mass, 42% of the septum, the
throughout an experimental surgical procedure involving RV is- sinoatrial and atrioventricular node and the right atrium [23].
chaemia–reperfusion protected the heart against postischaemic Hence, even during coronary occlusion, total RCA blood flow
RV myocardial dysfunction. In contrast to propofol, sevoflurane could be maintained probably as a result of the coronary vasodila-
restored RVSW and maintained transpulmonary and RCA blood tion and flow redistribution to other branches of the RCA.
flow during reperfusion. In contrast, LAD and Cx blood flow decreased by 20% in both
Acute RV ischaemia can cause biventricular systolic and dia- groups. Perfusion pressures equally decreased in both groups,
stolic dysfunction, with decreased SV and increased myocardial but while LAD and Cx blood flow decreased, RCA blood flow was
stiffness [16]; by avoiding volume overload, as in our study, filling maintained in the sevoflurane group, indicating that different
pressures might remain unchanged even when myocardial stiff- mechanisms were involved in the reduction of blood flow in
ness increases. During reperfusion, although transpulmonary these vessels. As the left ventricle works under high pressure, the
blood flow was restored in the sevoflurane group, LAP decreased. LV coronary arteries are externally compressed during systole,
The lower LAP possibly denotes reduced preload secondary to and LV coronary flow is predominantly diastolic [24]. Further, be-
vasodilation, but it may also indicate attenuation of myocardial cause tachycardia has an exponential effect on the shortening of
stiffness by sevoflurane at reperfusion, which has been demon- diastole [25], it might have slightly contributed to the reduction
strated in rabbits [18]. Nevertheless, despite decreased filling of LV perfusion time in the sevoflurane group. These phasic char-
pressures, this group generated the same SV as in the propofol acteristics of LV coronary flow physiology explain why RCA blood
group, suggesting biventricular recovery of systolic function. The flow was maintained while left-sided coronary flow decreased.
increase in HR, probably a compensatory autonomic reflex in re- None of the drugs prevented the increase in the biomarkers of
sponse to sevoflurane’s systemic vasodilation [7], may partly ex- cardiac ischaemia, i.e. aspartate-aminotransferase and TnT, which
plain the recovery of CO (7), but RV contractility must have suggests some myocardial injury. These biomarkers could also
increased with sevoflurane, an assumption that is supported by have increased due to myocardial injury from electric defibrilla-
the restoration of RVSW during reperfusion. Similar observations tion [26], but these findings are not surprising, given the com-
have been made in other studies with inhalational agents. In a plexity of our model with a total ischaemic time of 60 min. We
rodent model of RV ischaemia–reperfusion, sevoflurane im- believe that RV free wall perfusion was extensively impaired for
proved contractility in isolated RV trabeculae [19]. In an ischae- enough time to cause myocardial injury and cardiac enzyme
mia–reperfusion study in pigs anaesthetized with xenon or release.
isoflurane, RV contractile performance indexes derived from
pressure-volume loops from a pressure-conductance catheter Limitations
improved as RV afterload increased [16]. Provided RCA blood
flow is adequate [20], a rise in RV afterload triggers an increase in There are some important limitations to be considered. First, the
RV contractility through a compensatory mechanism known as swine model is not fully translatable to human physiology, and
homeometric autoregulation [14, 21]. Although many anaesthetic the small sample size of this pilot study precludes comparisons
agents exert cardioprotection, most of them also depress myo- between groups. Second, as anaesthesia requires a combination
cardial function [7, 8]. The balance between these 2 effects of different agents involving complex drug interactions, it is not
remains unknown, but our results show that, unlike propofol, possible to have a control group without anaesthesia and surgical
sevoflurane improves RV haemodynamic performance during RV confounders. To mitigate these effects, our study was prospective
ischaemia–reperfusion injury. and randomized, and all surgery was performed by the same se-
Despite increased PVR, the failing right ventricle may present nior cardiac surgeon. Further, to minimize myocardial depres-
with normal or even low mPAP depending on the magnitude of sion, we maintained a stable end-tidal concentration of
the decrease in transpulmonary blood flow, as we have shown in sevoflurane corresponding to 0.5 MAC for a grown-up pig [27]
pigs with RV ischaemia [13]. In the present study, however, be- and an equivalent low-dose of propofol [28]. Thus, care was
cause RV performance and CO were restored by sevoflurane, taken to reproduce the clinical settings observed during cardiac
mPAP increased. surgery, and the distinct differences found in RV haemodynamic
P. Haraldsen et al. / Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 7

performance’s outcome strongly suggest that our findings do re- undergoing coronary surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass are related
flect greater cardioprotection by sevoflurane. Third, this open- to the modalities of its administration. Anesthesiology 2004;101:

chest, open pericardium model is comparable to open-heart sur- [7] Hettrick DA, Pagel PS, Warltier DC. Desflurane, sevoflurane, and isoflur-
gery, but not to situations where the pericardium is intact due to ane impair canine left ventricular-arterial coupling and mechanical effi-
the importance of the pericardium on the interaction between ciency. Anesthesiology 1996;85:403–13.
RV and LV function. Finally, for technical reasons, we did not [8] Hettrick DA, Pagel PS, Warltier DC. Alterations in canine left ventricular-
arterial coupling and mechanical efficiency produced by propofol.
monitor cardiac preload and function with echocardiography,
Anesthesiology 1997;86:1088–93.
which would have been more appropriate, as diastolic dysfunc- [9] Garcia C, Julier K, Bestmann L, Zollinger A, von Segesser LK, Pasch T et al.
tion is an essential part of the injury mechanism in ischaemia–re- Preconditioning with sevoflurane decreases PECAM-1 expression and

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perfusion. Nonetheless, fluid administration was moderate, and improves one-year cardiovascular outcome in coronary artery bypass
CVP was stable, suggesting that there was no significant RV dila- graft surgery. Br J Anaesth 2005;94:159–65.
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