Unit 8 Past Modals HW

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Name:__Jorge Angel Silva Castro English V 2:00PM __________

Read the news story

Political joke on vagrant falls flat

By Kate Connolly
In Berlin12:01AM BST 14 May 2005
The deputy leader of the German state of Bremen has been forced to relinquish his post after
he poured a magnum of champagne over a homeless man in what he claimed was a joke.
Germany's newspapers yesterday carried frame-by-frame shots of the incident, in which Peter
Gloystein, a member of the Christian Democrats (CDU) and Bremen's economics minister, was
shown on a podium, gleefully dousing Udo Oelschläger with champagne.
Mr Gloystein, who was attending the public opening of Bremen Wine Week, said as he poured:
"Here's something for you to drink as well." Mr Oelschläger burst into tears and responded:
"Who are you? Why are you doing this?" at which Mr Gloystein's aides attempted to bundle
him away.
As the crowd looked on in shock, Mr Gloystein tried to apologise to Mr Oelschläger. First he
handed him his business card, then he offered him money and his £150 Montblanc pen.
When Mr Oelschläger declined them, he reportedly offered him a night in a luxury hotel,
followed by a holiday and promised he would pay to have his clothes cleaned.
Mr Oelschläger, 45, told him: "I don't need your money, I'm not going to be bribed. You
offended me and wanted to make me look like an idiot."
Mr Gloystein, a former banker, told angry onlookers his actions had been meant as a joke. He
claimed he had wanted to pour the champagne into Mr Oelschläger's mouth, but that he had
turned his head the wrong way at the last minute.
Mr Gloystein later issued a written apology, in which he said he "sincerely regretted the
incident" but pressure from rival political parties led to his resignation.
A police spokesman confirmed that Mr Oelschläger was pressing charges against Mr Gloystein
for insulting him.

React to the statements from the news story with your opinions. First, use the words in parentheses
and add 3 more ideas by your own. 8 marks

1. The deputy leader must have been too crazy and inconsiderate to make a joke like that. ( must have )
2. Mr. Gloystein should have thought twice before committing that ( should have )
3. Mr. Gloystein shouldn´t have poured a magnum of champagne over a homeless man. ( shouldn’t have)
4. Mr. Oelschläger can´t have acted better as he did at that time. ( can’t have )
5 . The police might have been delayed to presenting charges against Mr Gloystein. ( might have )
6. Mr. Oelschläger might have wanted to fight with Mr. Gloystein after he committed that.
7. The press and the people around can´t have been with arms crossed after seeing that bad joke.
8. Mr. Gloystein should have resigned at that very moment he did that.

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