MRP Messages: Message From MRP MRP Suggests The Following Action by The User

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MRP Messages

Message from MRP MRP suggests the following action by the user…
No Action No action required. Note: this means that “No extraordinary action”
is required. Some of my X3 users change the message to “OK to
Order” to indicate that the order must be placed and that currently
the order is within planned dates.
Advance Change the date to an earlier date.
Delay Change the date to a later date.
Increase Increase the quantity.
Reduce Reduce the quantity.
Cancel No longer necessary and can be deleted.
Advance/ Increase Change the date to an earlier date & Increase the quantity.
Advance/ Reduce Change the date to an earlier date & Reduce the quantity.
Delay/ Increase Change the date to a later date & Increase the quantity.
Delay / Reduce Change the date to a later date & Increase the quantity.
Delay Firm Horizon Late compared to the objective date.
Obsolete Product (end of life) Expired Product
Overstock Stock level is over the maximum level (The option Maximum Stock
Level must be checked in Inventory Requirement Parameters)
Late associated with SOF if not shipped out on time
Shortage associated with SOF if insufficient stock

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