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Vivien B. Permacio
Researchers I.P. Teacher

Mharc Allen Villaroya.

Basile Dumaque
Regie Subalan

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

A. Background of the study

B. Problem

C. Hypothesis

D. Significance of the study

E. Scope and limitation

F. Definition of terms

Chapter 2

A.Cite of the references

Chapter 3


B. Sampling of design

Chapter 4

A. Result

Chapter 5

A. Conclusion

Chapter 6

A. Recommendation
Chapter 1
A. Background of the study

Pineapple peels are widely used for that purpose on small farms in regions where Pineapple
are grown. This experimental study was conducted very well and it became successful because
of the effort given for the experimental process of The pineapple peels used as fertilizer in
different kind of plant samples.

B. Problem

1. Does pineapple peeling can be used as alternative fertilizer?

C. Hypothesis

Ho.:Pineapple peeling Cannot be used as an alternative fertilizer.

Ha.:Pineapple peeling can be used as an alternative fertilizer.

D. Significance of the study

The result of the study would be a great help To the students,farmers,readers,and future
researchers in the following ways.

Students:this study help the student learn that even pineapple peeling have an important
rule to make an alternative fertilizer.
Farmers:This study help the farmers to save a little amount of money.

Readers:This study would incourage the readers to know more pineapple peeling.

Future Researchers:The outcome of this study would help the future researchers as there
bases of there study an aditional litiratures for there future investigation

E. Scope amd limitiation

This study focused only on the farmers label of knowledge of pineapple peelings as an
alternative fertilizer. This study was conducted at purok 4 Lurugan ,Valencia City , Bukidnon.

F. Defintion of terms

Pineapple- is a tropical plant with an edible fruit

Fertilizer- is any material of natural or synthetic origin that is applied to soils or to plant
tissues to supply one or more plant nutrients essential to the growth of plants.

Growth of a plant- is the process by which the plant grows in size. A matured plant has a
strong stem and healthy leaves. The growth process is enhanced by the nutrients and the light
energy that is used during photosynthesis.

Chapter 2
A. Cite the reference

This was conducted in Mr. And Mrs. Villaroya's house Purok 4, Lurugan, Valencia City, Bukidnon.
Chapter 3
A. Procedure

1. First, get a pineapple

2. Second, chop it into small pieces

3. Third, mix the Choped pineapple and add it into the soil

4. Next, apply different kinds of plants

B. Sampling of Design(Pictures)
Chapter 4
A. Result
After one week this is the result of an example that
growing plant with pineapple
Chapter 5
A. Conclusion
Therefore, if we add pineapple fertilizer, the growth of your plant will grow faster
Chapter 6
A. Recomendation
For further recommendation, we recommend the following

Try to use pineapple fertilizer.

Gather all the materials needed and folllow the instruction carefully.
Researchers Profile
Name:Mharc allen
Address:P-4 Lurugan,
Valencia City, Bukidnon

Name:Regie Subalan

Address:P-1B, Lurugan,
Valencia City.Bukidnon
Name:Basile Dumaque
Address:P-1 Lurugan,
Valencia City, Bukidnon

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