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Operation Manual For

Prepaid Electricity Meter

Product Model FA14EPP (Ver.1)

Software Version FDE-PP-1 VERSION 1


Connector Power connection
1. Introduction
The FA14EPP (Ver.1) meter is a one phase prepaid electricity meter meant to be used in
small housing and home industry uses, with a maximum contracted current load of 60 A.

The FA14EPP (Ver.1) meter is specifically designed to be used in Indonesia, made to be able
to cope with the country’s tropical climate and high humiditiy. The meter accomodates the
globally accepted Standard Transfer Specification regulation for its use of management and
credit tokens.

The following operation manual describes the standard operation procedures for the
meter’s installation, use, and maintenance. Basic information regarding the meter can be
seen in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1: Identification Values

Identification type Identification Value

Rated voltage 230 V

Rated current / Id (Im) 5(60)A

Starting current 0.002Id1)

Rated frequency 50Hz

Accuracy class 1,0

Installation construction IP54

Voltage consumption (maximum)

 Voltage circuit 2W and 10VA

 Current circuit
Table 2: General Features

Features type Description

Measured parameters Total active energy, current, voltage and

instantaneous power

Number of numeric display 8 digits : 6 digits numeric 2 digit decimal

Limit of low credit value Can be arranged through keypad with code
456xx, with xx in 2 digits of kWh with minimum
value is 05 kWh

Power Limit Value arrangement Power limit can be arranged by special token (
engineering token ) from vending system
2. User System Interface (Installation)

The wiring configuration for the FA14EPP (Ver.1) meter can be seen in Figure 1. Cables from
the main power source should be connected to sockets 1 and 4, while cables from the load
connects to sockets 3 and 6. Every cable connection should be tightly secured by the press
screws available in each socket.

The press screw system-based terminal sockets should be able to receive input cables with
sizes from 6 to 16 mm2 made from alluminium or copper. Ground terminals must be
electrically connected to neutral terminals and to the accesible metallic parts of the meter.

METER Iphase = Ineutral



Figure 1

Switching the MCB connecting the meter and the load to ‘on’ position after proper
configuration of the wiring should power up the meter. The LCD screen will lit and display
the remaining amount of kWh credits. At this point, the meter shall operate normally and is
also ready for token insertion.
3. Keypad

The FA14EPP (Ver.1)meter uses a 3x4 keypad which utilizes audible feedback from the
buzzer. The feedback indicates the pressing of each of the keypad’s buttons. The keypad
itself is constructed from liquid-proof polymer, with each of its buttons being able to
function for a minimum of 20.000 times.

Most of the meter’s functions are accessed through the keypad. The keypad is used as the
main interface for token input.

Figure 2

The keypad’s numeric configuration follows the 12 digit telephony standard, as can be seen
in Figure 2. The arrow key on the lower left is the “backspace” key, which erases a previously
inputted digit. The red key on the lower right is the “enter” key. Any keypad input can only
be confirmed by the pushing of this key.
4. LCD Display

A two-row LCD screen equipped with illumination back-light is utilized for the FA14EPP
(Ver.1) meter display. The screen is supported with a super capacitor and a non-volatile
memory so that it can function for 48 hours continuously even after it is cut off from its
electric supply. The screen implements a character font with the heights of 1.8 – 2.5 cm, so
that it would be large enough to support users with impaired vision.

The two rows of the FA14EPP (Ver.1) meter’s LCD screen contain different functions and
information. The first row is separated into the “code” and “symbol” sections which indicate
the current state of the meter and any particular information withheld within it. The second
row displays various text information in Bahasa Indonesia denomination. A simplified
illustration of the meter’s display can be seen in Figure 3.

Symbol Code


Figure 3

The various symbols displayed on the screen include:

Indication of the load usage level

Indication of the occurrence of reverse energy

Indication of the occurrence of illegal tampering

Indication of the measurement of electrical energy.

Indication that the meter’s relay (contactor) is in open condition

To access specific information regarding the meter, a two-digit numerical short code feature
can be accessed through the keypad. The list of codes that can be accessed can be seen on
the appendix page at the end of the manual.
The two-digit “code” section displays the number of digits the meter receives each time the
keypad is pressed. The section is intended to support users in inputting tokens of long string

The second row of the LCD screen displays 8 digits at a time, scrolling in the direction from
right to left. The possible displayed information in this row is as follows:

 Remaining amount of kWh credits (this is the only parameter measured by the meter
which is displayed by default)
 Any last seven digits inputted through the keypad (indication regarding the number of
numerical token code digits which have already been inputted can be seen in the ‘code’
section of the first row)
 Information regarding the response of token input (this display is followed by the
amount of credit inputted and the total amount of remaining credit)
 Information acquired through the use of short codes
 Overload warnings and indications
 Tampering-related information

A list of all the possible indicators displayed on the screen can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1: Possible LCD Screen Indicators

No Condition Text Display

1 Inserted token is approved

2 Inserted token has been rejected

3 Inserted token has previously been used

4 Inserted token is expired

5 The meter is in the state of overload, the buzzer shall

continuously beep in this state.

6 The overload state has occurred five times, and the

meter’s connector has been cut off.

7 An internal error has occurred

8 The data requested is not available

9 First token for key change is accepted

10 Second token for key change is accepted

11 Credit overflow has occurred

12 The meter cover is opened

13 Tampering has occured

14 Leakage current
15 Earth Return Current
16 Protection againts external disturbance
5. Buzzer and LED Indicators

The FA14EPP (Ver.1) meter is supported by three LED bulbs of differing colors which act as
metrology indicators for the purpose of calibration, energy-use measurement, alarm and
meter status.

The LEDs are implemented so that users may discern the status of the FA14EPP (Ver.1)
meter from afar. Any occuring changes regarding the meter’s important functions are
indicated by them. Examples of these include: the occurrence of low remaining credit, the
incidence of tamperings, or errors which may stop the meter from functioning (e.g.
detached connectors), etc.

Figure 4

The three LED indicators equipped within the FA14EPP (Ver.1)meter can be seen in Figure 4.
 F1 LED (Red) : acts as an indicator for the meter’s pulse output for each kWh
 F2 LED (Yellow) : acts as an indicator for the occurrence of tampering
 F3 LED (Green) : indicates the remaining supply power and low credit occurrence

The F1 LED shall blink with every pulse output measured to the meter’s load. The blinking
rate shall significantly reduce whenever the meter’s contactor is in OFF position, notably
when the tampering switch is activated. Conversely, the F1 LED shall blink rapidly whenever
the load exceeds the set amount of maximum load.
The F2 LED shall flash whenever a case of tampering occurs. The tampering sensor is
triggered whenever the cover for the meter or the MCB is opened even when the meter is
not powered. In this case, the meter shall cut off its power supply and can not be given any
token credits until the tampering issue is resolved.

The F3 LED shall light to indicate that the meter is in a power on state. Its color shall change
from green to red, and it shall continuously flash whenever the meter is in low credit state.
The low credit indication is accompanied by the sounding of the buzzer, which can be
stopped with the pressing of any of the keypad’s buttons.

The buzzer’s primary function is to provide audio feedback for the meter’s keypad. It also
functions to provide an indication for several changes in the meter’s state. The buzzer shall
beep twice whenever a token is accepted by the meter. The buzzer shall beep thrice every
second whenever the meter’s falls into low credit state. The buzzer shall produce a
continuous beeping sound whenever the meter’s load exceeds its set maximum limit.

6. Data Transfer and Additional Information

Various information contained by the FA14EPP (Ver.1) can be displayed through the use of
short codes. A list of the available short codes is provided at the end of the manual.

For evaluation purposes, a data/event/history record is placed on a nonvolatile memory

inside the meter to record at least 50 occurrences of meter off, overload, tampering, cover
or terminal opening, credit run out, meter reset, and credit token insertion. The recorded
information can be downloaded through the use of infra red or serial connection channels
which follow the IEC 62056-21:2002-05 standards. The communication commences with
synchronization at every 30 seconds and a baud rate speed of 4800 bps or 9600 bps.

7. Responses To Various Conditions

Responses to Overload
In response to overload, the buzzer will continuously sound and the LCD screen displays the

following indication of if:

 An overload occurs continuously for 45 seconds; the meter’s contactor shall then
open immediately before automatically closing again after 150 seconds.
 In the duration of 30 minutes, overload occurs non-continuously for an accumulated
time of 45 seconds; the meter’s contactor shall also open immediately before
automatically closing again after 150 seconds. (the accumulated time count is reset
back to zero if it is less than 45 seconds)
 In the duration of 30 minutes, the meter’s contactor has opened 5 times because of
consecutive overload; the meter’s contactor shall immediately open before
automatically closing again after 45 minutes.
Responses to Low Credit
In response to low credit, the F3 LED shall change color from green to flashing red
accompanied with the sounding of the buzzer. The buzzer can be stopped by pressing any of
the keypad’s buttons. The low credit limit can be arranged through the keypad by inserting
the code 456xx, in which xx denotes the remaining amount of energy credits in kWh that
shall correspond as the low credit limit. The default value for the low credit limit is 5 kWh.

If in a particular number of minutes there is still no credit token inputted into the meter, the
buzzer shall sound again. The delay between buzzer warnings can be arranged through the
keypad b the code 123xxx, in which xxx denotes the amount of pending time in minutes.

If the credit value reaches zero, the meter’s contactor shall open automatically and will only
close again after a new credit token has been inputted.

Responses to Tampering
The meter’s responses to tampering can be seen on Table 2.

1. Table 2: Responses to Tampering

Tampering Type Meter reaction Text Symbol F2 Normalization

Display Display LED

The Meter Cover is  Contactor opens RUSAK - Replacement

opened (instant)  Data recorded Meter

The terminal cover is  Contactor opens PERIKSA Active CTT token

opened when the meter  Data recorded
is working (instant)

The terminal cover is  Contactor opens PERIKSA - CTT token

opened when the meter  Data recorded
is not working/no
voltage. (instant)

Reverse current  Meter counts PERIKSA Active On repair and

(Reverse power at normally CTT token
phase); 20 mA ; 1 minute  Data recorded

Current circuit is short  Meter counts PERIKSA  Active On repair and

connected; 10% ; I > normally CTT token
100mA, 1 minute

Current injection on  Meter counts PERIKSA Active On repair and

phase ; 10% with I > 100 normally CTT token
mA ; 1 minute

Neutral wire is cut off  Meter counts Check and On

and a voltage regulator is normally repair
installed on the
consumer’s installation.
Limit voltage 160V, 1

External Magnet  Meter counts PERIKSA Active On repair and

induction, for a normally CTT token
minimum of 500mT  The magnet
induction does not
influence the

 If Text “Periksa” are displayed, the meter cannot receive any credit tokens until the
tampering state is removed.
8. Technical Specifications

Trademark : Prepaid Electricity Meter

Fabrication : PT Fuji Dharma Electric
Type : Product Model FA14EPP (Ver.1)
Accuracy : Class 1.0
Wiring : Single Phase 2 wires
Working Voltage Range : 100 - 250 V AC
Rated Current/Id (lm) : 5 (60) A
Maximum Current : 60A
Starting Current : 0.002 Id
Maximum Continuous Current : 400% of Id
Display : 6 units + 2 decimals
Power Factor : 0.5 lag-unity-0.8 lead
Frequency : 50 Hz ± 5%
Rated Frequency : 50 Hz
Metrology Indication : Red-coloured F1 LED
Storage Temperature : -25°C - 85°C
Working Temperature : -25°C - 55°C
Smallest LCD Scale : 10 Watt hour (2 digits behind coma)
Alarm Status : Yellow-colored F2 LED
Reverse Wiring Status : Yellow-colored F2 LED
User Interface : 12 character keypad
Installation Construction : IP54
Circuit cut-off : Internal Contactor
9. Additional

Response of leakage current and earth return current:

1. If Ip<In and In is not in reverse condition, meter appear text “Periksa” , need CTT and
consumption calculation using measurement at Neutral (Which is the bigger). Happening of
phase jumper.
2. If Ip>In and In is not in reverse condition, meter appear text “INSCEK”, no need CTT, and
Consumption Calculation using measurement at Phase (which is the bigger). Happening of
leakage current
3. If Ip<In and In is in reverse condition, meter show “GNDCEK”, no need CTT and consumption
calculation measurement using at Phase. Happening of earth return current.
4. If Ip>In and In is in reverse condition, meter show “INSCEK”, no need CTT and consumption
calculation measurement using at Phase (which is bigger). Happening of leakage current and
Reversing Neutral.

Contact Information


Factory and Marketing Office
Jl. Rawagelam 1/10 Kawasan Industri Pulogadung
Jakarta 13930 – INDONESIA
Phone: (62-21) 4600143 (Hunting)
Fax: (62-21) 4610338

List of Available Short Codes

Code Description Code Description

00 Test all LCD display 61 Last 3’rd credit kWh
01 Test the load switch 52 Last 4’th credit kWh
02 Display test – tests the buzzer as well 63 Last 5’th credit kWh
03 Total kWh register 64 Total technical token accepted
04 Display key revision number & type 65 Last technical token accepted
05 Index tariff (display tariff index) 66 Last 2’nd technical token accepted
06 (not available) 67 Last 3’rd technical token accepted
07 Display power limit, kW 68 Total trip because over load
08 Display tamper status 69 Total power source off
09 Display power consumption 70 Total terminal cover open
10 Display software version 71 Total meter cover open
11 (not available) 72 Total tampering
12 (not available) 73 (not available)
13 (not available) 74 Hardware version
14-36 (not available) 75 No. ID Meter
37 Remaining credits (kWh) 76 Meter Constant
38 Cumulative energy (kWh) 77 Supply Group Code (SGC)
39 (not available) 78 Alarm Duration
40 (not available) 79 Alarm Low Credit limit
41 RMS voltage (V) 80 (not available)
42 (not available) 81 Forecast time till the credit is over
43 (not available) 82 Last Tampering
44 RMS current (A) 83 Energy consumption last month
45 Phase Current (A) 84 Energy consumption Last 2nd Month
46 Neutral Current (A) 85 Energy consumption Last 3rd Month
47 Instant power (W) 86 Overload trip Last time (Day & Time)
48 (not available) 87 Overload trip last 2nd time
49 (not available) 88 Last meter off (Day and time)
50 (not available) 89 Last 2nd meter Off
51 (not available) 90 Last terminal meter open
52 (not available) 91 Last 2nd terminal meter open
53 Total number of token accepted 92 Last cover meter open
54 Last credit token accepted 93 Maximum power this month
55 Last 2’nd credit token accepted 94 Time at power maximum this month
56 Last 3’rd credit token accepted 95 Current Time
57 Last 4’th credit token accepted 96 Current Date
58 Last 5’th credit token accepted 97 (not available)
59 Last credit kWh 98 (not available)
60 Last 2’nd credit kWh 99 Checksum Software + Fitur

- Short code numbers 00 – 36 correspond with their definition in the STS system requirements and in the standard
IEC 62055-41, 2007 “permissible control field values”.

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