JC Math Permutation and Combination

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9 A particular monkey at a zoo is extremely intelligent. He is able to recognise shapes.

In order to keep him from getting bored, his keeper gives him 5 circles, 5 squares and
3 triangles to play with. All the shapes have different sizes.
(i) If the monkey tries to arrange the 5 circles and the 5 squares in a circular fashion and
that the circles and squares have to be alternated, find the number of different possible
arrangements. [2]
(ii) The monkey finds that he does not like circles, so he takes all the squares and
triangles and tries to arrange them in a row such that no two triangles are placed next
to each other. Find the number of different possible arrangements. [2]

6. (a) A party of 12 people is to travel in 3 cars, with 4 people in each car. Each car is
driven by its owner. How many ways can the party be divided if 2 of the
remaining 9 people refuse to travel in the same car. [The arrangement of people
within each car is not relevant.] [2]

(b) In how many ways can 4 copies of a book be distributed among 10 people, if each
person can get any number of books? [4]

1 Find the number of different arrangements of the nine letters in the word
‘YESTERDAY’ if the arrangements are such that
(i) both the letters ‘Y’ are together, [2]

(ii) both the letters ‘Y’ are together and both the letters ‘E’ are separated. [3]

7. A student committee comprising of 8 people is to be selected from a group of 10 boys

and 4 girls. In how many ways can this be done if the committee comprises of at least 3
boys and 3 girls? [2]
After a round of interview was conducted by the selection team, the student committee
of 5 boys and 3 girls was finally formed. The student committee holds regular meetings
in a discussion room where they are seated at a round table with 8 seats.

Find the number of ways they can be seated if

(i) there is no restriction, [1]
(ii) no two girls are to sit next to each other. [2]

At a particular meeting, two boys in the committee are absent. Find the number of ways
the other members of the committee can be seated if the meeting is still held in the same
discussion room with the same round table with 8 seats. [2]
7 (a) A particular social gathering consists of 40 people. Each person makes a
handshake with every other person in the gathering. Find the total
number of handshakes made. [2]

(b) Another gathering consists of 5 pairs of married couples. The entire

group stands in a line, with each man standing next to his wife. Find the
number of different possible arrangements in which this can be done.[3]

1 A group of 7 boys and 5 girls are going to a concert. Given that the 5 girls want to sit
together, find the number of ways to seat the 12 students

(i) in a single row,


(ii) in 2 rows of 6 each,


(iii) at a round table if they are going for dinner after the concert.

5 Farmers Alex, Ben and Charlie are discussing their plans for a piece of land which is divided
into 9 plots as numbered in the diagram below.

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

(i) Farmer Alex wishes to plant wheat in 2 even-numbered plots and corn in 3 odd-
numbered plots. How many ways are there for him to do so? [2]

(ii) A cluster is a set of 4 adjacent plots which form a square. For example, plots 1, 2, 4 and
5 form a cluster. Farmer Ben wishes to plant 4 different types of fruits in a cluster, each
in a different plot. How many ways are there for him to do so? [2]

(iii) Farmer Charlie wishes to select 4 non-adjacent plots in which to plant 4 different types
of vegetables, each in a different plot. For example, plots 1 and 2 are adjacent, but plots
1 and 5 are not. How many ways are there for him to do so? [2]
1 A rotating platform with five identical sectors is installed in a carnival. Each sector
can take up to two persons.

The figure shows a rotating platform The figure shows the top view of the platform
A group of 4 friends and 3 individuals boarded the platform and occupied all the
[For the following questions, you do not need to consider the arrangement within each

(i) If the 4 friends requested that they will stand in 2 adjacent sectors, find the
number of ways in which this group of people can be arranged.

(ii) If the 4 friends must stand in 4 different sectors, find the number of ways in
which this group of people can be arranged.


7 The 10 letters from the word BARBAPAPPA are printed on 10 different cards. Three
cards are chosen at random to form a 3-letter code word. Find the number of such code
words. [5]
Victoria P2

8 Yan, a toy creator, created a game to teach children the concept of geometrical shapes.
The game consists of twenty-five cubicles arranged to form a big square box as
shown. A child put four identical balls into four cubicles to form the four corners of a
‘horizontal’ rectangle (an example is indicated by the dotted lines in the diagram
below) or a ‘vertical’ rectangle (an example is indicated by the solid lines in the
diagram below). The labels at the sides of the boxes are used as a coordinate system.
(i) Find the number of possible rectangles that can be formed if the four balls are
placed in row A and row C. (Note that a square is a special rectangle.) [1]
(ii) Yan claimed that 100 possible rectangles can be formed in this game. Prove that
his claim is correct. [1]
(iii) Find the number of rectangles that can be formed if one of the balls is in box B3.
(iv) Calculate the total possible number of squares that can be formed. [2]

1 2 3 4 5


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