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Board of Directors Meeting

Mar 4, 2019 – 6:45 pm – Hope Church

HOA Board members:
Robert Walsh – President
Connie Carter – Vice President
Tracy Mathews – ARC Liaison
Rick Jester – Secretary

Ken & Vynne Wendel

Call to Order, establish quorum

Approval of minutes unanimous

Collection Reports:
ARC Requests:

Board issues/concerns:
 Trees
o All trees have been cut and ground
o Working with Barefoot to get new trees planted
 Spring Letter
o Being reviewed
 Security System
o Installed and working
 ARC Guidelines
o Preliminary list is completed
o Will be sent out to rest of board for review
 Swim For Life
o Mon, Tues, Wed before Memorial Day in the evenings
o Tues-Fri 9 am – 11am
o We will need to monitor the number of children to make sure that it isn’t overwhelming
our pool
 Website
o Make sure all docs are up to date
 Google Docs
o Get all contractor information on Google Docs so any of us can contact them as needed
 Facebook
o Set up account using Gmail account and have account be admin of new HOA page
 Annual Meeting
o April 30
o Alternate May 6
Next Meeting Date: Apr 1, 2019 at 6:45 pm at Hope Church

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