MM Case Study

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Lyceum of the Philippines University

The Claro M. Recto Academy of Advance Studies

1st Trimester AY 2019-2020

E-commerce business: In the case of Otcer


Salazar, Nina Gabrielle C.

Baroman, Nenette

Date Submitted

October 12, 2019

Part 1: Historical and/or Company Background (Otcer Trading) has provided Filipinos with access to the latest Technological advances

since its conception on October of 2015. (Otcer Trading) is an authorized distributor,

dealer and re-seller of products ranging from electronics, appliances and office supplies to native

Filipino products. (Otcer Trading) offers its products to various corporate clients and

has created a sustainable relationship with companies such as Food Panda Philippines, Project

Duo, University of the Philippines – Diliman, VSRC, VIU Philippines and more. (Otcer

Trading) has been providing flexible payment terms, unparalleled excellence in customer

service, and passion to serve towards their corporate clients have been awarded as the best

Online Shopping Store in the 2016 Golden Globe Annual Awards for Business Excellence. (Otcer Trading) has expanded its business to cater to different emerging Filipino online

shopping markets Presently, (Otcer Trading) have focused on catering corporate clients

as this has been their strong point in the previous years. The company aims to strengthen its

position as a reliable corporate technology solutions provider. Started to help supply and sell

various Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the Philippines

Part 2: Business Background

A. Company Structure (Organizational and Management Functions)


Human Resource IT Team Sales and Marketing Accounting Dept.

B. Products and/or Services (description)

- Accessories

- Appliances

- Cameras

- Desktop

- Laptops

- Mobile phones

- Office supplies

- Software

- Storage

- Tablets
C. Target Market

The target market of Otcer is the Micro, Small, Medium enterprises and Large corporations

Part 3: Review of Related Literature

Businesses who engaged into Electronic Commerce (e-Commerce) have been observed to

gain a competitive edge in the field of Marketing in terms of accessibility, convenience and

availability. Since the internet is accessible by people globally, the customers are no longer

limited within the vicinity of the store. Anyone can visit the store anywhere, anytime without

hassle. Just by navigating the store, the customer can choose the products and purchase it without

going to the store directly. E-commerce proves to enhance the way usual business transactions

occur and helps lessen the time and effort consumed by the company and customers as well

(Deanna and Fritz,2006). With these, a good relationship with their consumers will be

established and their objective of increasing their sales will be achieved (Kim and Katherine,


Through internet, E-commerce offers a simplified approach in business deals and gives a

new option for selling and buying the company’s products and at the same time not only selling

and buying of products but also advertising the site. (Roso and Navarro 2006). Since the

products are available in the web, the more chances of gaining exposure to target customers and

can eventually encourage them to purchase an item. It’s the most affordable way of advertising

compared to some paid commercials that even small businesses can easily implement.
Part 4: SWOT Analysis

A. Strengths and Weaknesses (Micro Environment: Company, Customers, Suppliers,

Competitors, Intermediaries)


S1. Customer W1. Variety of

Satisfaction Distribution


S2. Range of W2. IT

products capabilities

S3. Strong W3. Lack of

online man power


S4. Website W4. Limited

Interface Distributors

B. Opportunities and Threats (Macro Environment: Demographics, Economic, Natural,

Legal and Political, Technological, Socio-cultural)

Part 5: Conclusions (from SWOT Analysis)

The strengths are competitively analyzed like for example the range of products is a good

strength because the company sells over 10,000 products already. The other strengths are very

useful to the company to achieve their mission and vision. While, the weaknesses of the

company are slowly being addressed by the company like for example the IT capabilities. The

company already has few in house IT people that can support the website. Other weaknesses like

the ones about the distributors can be addressed by researching. The opportunities and threats are

things that the company has no control of. The opportunities are strategically listed. It mostly

focuses on the future of the growing industry of e-commerce. While the threats are very

unpredictable like for example the regulation of pricing because even the exchange rate is high

the company should follow the SRP.

Part 6: Recommendations (from Opportunities and Threats)

Our recommendation for the opportunities and threats is basically research because the

opportunities are very predictable like for example the industry growth and the leading brands

entering in the country can be a very good opportunity just that the company should know how

to maximize the opportunities by researching the right strategy. For the threats, we recommend

them to research on the right marketing strategy that can eliminate their threats.

Part 7: Plan of Action (Business Plan/ Marketing Plan)

The company’s marketing plan is to spend 20,000 pesos per month to advertise in Google. The

company also do a site/company visits.

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