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British Journal of British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425 1395

BJP Pharmacology

Themed Section: Principles of Pharmacological Research of Nutraceuticals

Anti-ageing active ingredients from herbs and
nutraceuticals used in traditional Chinese
medicine: pharmacological mechanisms and
implications for drug discovery
Correspondence Jian-Guo Jiang, College of Food and Bioengineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640,
China, and Wei Zhu, The second Affiliated Hospital, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510120, China.

Received 18 May 2016; Revised 10 September 2016; Accepted 14 September 2016

Chun-Yan Shen1, Jian-Guo Jiang1, Li Yang1, Da-Wei Wang2 and Wei Zhu2
College of Food and Bioengineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, and 2The second Affiliated Hospital, Guangzhou
University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou, China

Ageing, an unanswered question in the medical field, is a multifactorial process that results in a progressive functional decline in
cells, tissues and organisms. Although it is impossible to prevent ageing, slowing down the rate of ageing is entirely possible to
achieve. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is characterized by the nourishing of life and its role in anti-ageing is getting more
and more attention. This article summarizes the work done on the natural products from TCM that are reported to have anti-
ageing effects, in the past two decades. The effective anti-ageing ingredients identified can be generally divided into flavonoids,
saponins, polysaccharides, alkaloids and others. Astragaloside, Cistanche tubulosa acteoside, icariin, tetrahydrocurcumin, quer-
cetin, butein, berberine, catechin, curcumin, epigallocatechin gallate, gastrodin, 6-Gingerol, glaucarubinone, ginsenoside Rg1,
luteolin, icarisid II, naringenin, resveratrol, theaflavin, carnosic acid, catalpol, chrysophanol, cycloastragenol, emodin, galangin,
echinacoside, ferulic acid, huperzine, honokiol, isoliensinine, phycocyanin, proanthocyanidins, rosmarinic acid, oxymatrine,
piceid, puerarin and salvianolic acid B are specified in this review. Simultaneously, chemical structures of the monomers with anti-
ageing activities are listed, and their source, model, efficacy and mechanism are also described. The TCMs with anti-ageing
function are classified according to their action pathways, including the telomere and telomerase, the sirtuins, the mammalian
target of rapamycin, AMP-activated kinase and insulin/insulin-like growth factor-1 signalling pathway, free radicals scavenging
and the resistance to DNA damage. Finally, Chinese compound prescription and extracts related to anti-ageing are introduced,
which provides the basis and the direction for the further development of novel and potential drugs.

This article is part of a themed section on Principles of Pharmacological Research of Nutraceuticals. To view the other articles in
this section visit

AMPK, AMP-activated kinase; AST, astragaloside; CAG, cycloastragenol; CCP, Chinese compound prescription; CR, caloric
restriction; GSH-Px, GSH peroxidase; INS/IGF-1, insulin/insulin-like growth factor-1; JKSQ, Jinkui Shenqi; LWDH, Liuwei
Dihuang; MDA, methane dicarboxylic aldehyde; mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin; NRF2, nuclear factor erythroid 2-
related factor 2; P. ginseng, Panax ginseng; R. puerariae, Radix puerariae; Sal B, salvia acid B; SIRTs, sirtuins; SIRT1, sirtuin1;
SIRT6, sirtuin6; sMaf, small muscle aponeurotic fibrosarcoma; S6 K, ribosomal protein S6 kinase; TCM, traditional Chinese
medicine; TFE, total flavones from Epimedium brevicornu; TOR, target of rapamycin; VSMC, vascular smooth muscle cells

© 2016 The British Pharmacological Society DOI:10.1111/bph.13631

C-Y Shen et al.

Tables of Links

a b
Enzymes Transporters AMP Insulin-like growth factor 1
AMPK GLUT4 Angiotensin II Luteolin
Mammalian target of rapamycin ATP Quercetin
S6K D-galactose Rapamycin
Sirtuin 1 Epigallocatechin gallate Resveratrol
Sirtuin 2 6-Gingerol
Sirtuin 6

These Tables list key protein targets and ligands in this article that are hyperlinked to corresponding entries in, the
common portal for data from the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY (Southan et al. 2016) and are permanently archived in the Concise Guide
to PHARMACOLOGY 2015/16 ( Alexander et al., 2015a,b).

Introduction to repair because of the lack of repair systems, after the injury
(D’Aquila et al. 2012). Furthermore, the study found that the
Ageing is the major risk factor for several life-threatening senescence of organisms is closely related to the regulation of
diseases. Ageing, a complex molecular process driven by di- genes including geronto genes, longevity genes and apopto-
verse molecular pathways and biochemical events that are sis genes. In support, Tom Johnson succeeded in positioning
influenced by interplay of multiple genetic and environmen- the first ‘longevity gene’, age-1 (Friedman and Johnson
tal factors, could lead to progressive and deleterious changes 1988). Micro RNAs (miRNAs), post-transcriptional regulators
in the whole organism (Ideker et al. 2001; Argyropoulou of gene expression, could lead to inhibition of protein trans-
et al. 2013; Wong et al. 2003). A myriad of theories includ- lation by binding inexactly to the 3′-untranslated regions of
ing mitochondrial mutation, oxidative damage, carbonyl target mRNAs (Pan et al. 2015). In fact, ageing involves not
toxification and free radical theory, which is currently the only a myriad of genes and proteins but also changes in
most widely accepted one, have been used to explain the endogenous metabolites (Ryazanov and Nefsky 2002; Warner
mechanisms underlying the phenomenon of senescence 2005; Panza et al. 2007; Yan et al. 2009). Metabolomics, the
(Yin and Chen 2005). best analysis to fit the holistic concept of traditional
Excessive amounts of free radicals can attack cell mem- Chinese medicine (TCM), has been widely used recently for
brane, nucleic acids, proteins, enzymes and other biological the discovery of novel biological active compounds and
macromolecules through peroxidation, causing lipid peroxi- targets, and a series of age-related metabolites were proposed
dation of unsaturated fatty acids on the cell membrane, cross according to exploratory works on aged rats, dogs and
linking of nucleic acid and protein molecules, abnormality of humans (Williams et al. 2005; Williams et al. 2006; Berger
DNA mutation or replication, together with decline of en- et al. 2007; Schnackenberg et al. 2007; Wang et al. 2007; Law-
zyme activity, which consequently leads to serious damage ton et al. 2008; Cao et al. 2015;) including metabolic
on cell function and eventually results in senility and even syndromes, cardiovascular disease, neurodegeneration and
death (Huang 2007). There are a number of papers and re- diabetes (Li et al. 2013a). Therefore, tackling ageing and its
views supporting or questioning this theory (Alexeyev 2009; vicious spiral would be an effective approach to combat age-
Lapointe and Hekimi 2010; Ristow and Schmeisser 2011). related diseases. In fact, research on age-related diseases has
Moreover, a variety of molecular pathways have been identi- become a hot topic recently in the field (Martin 2011).
fied as the main molecular causes of ageing, such as cellular Reportedly, the most effective intervention in extending
senescence, mitochondrial dysfunction and telomere attri- longevity in model organisms is caloric restriction (CR),
tion, which is considered one of the best known molecular which can not only increases longevity but also reduces risk
mechanisms of ageing both in humans and mice (Harley for most (if not all) age-related diseases. However, CR requires
et al. 1990; Flores et al. 2008; Lopez-Otin et al. 2013). a permanent diet, which makes it difficult for many people to
Telomere attrition could lead to age-related pathologies by accept, thus limiting its popularity. Although Western medi-
resulting in the exhaustion of tissue- and self-renewal cine with anti-ageing effects has made some progress, side
capacity of the stem cell compartments (Flores et al. 2005; effects, specific targets and multiple drug resistance are worry-
Sharpless and Depinho 2007). ing. For example, researchers in America found that
Mitochondrial DNA damage theory is also a research rapamycin can prolong the lifespan of mice by about 14%;
hotspot in recent years. Mitochondrial DNA is exposed to however, its immunosuppressive effect could lead to the inva-
external environments thereby lacking protection from sion of infectious diseases. To the contrary, TCM can exert
histones and DNA binding proteins and it is also vulnerable anti-ageing functions with unique dialectical treatment sys-
to oxygen free radical damage. What is worse, it is not easy tems, multi-target mechanisms and few adverse reactions.

1396 British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425

Anti-ageing ingredients from natural phytomedicine BJP

For example, it was shown that the extracts obtained from flora into metabolites with strong pharmacological activity,
Rhodiola rosea could increase longevity of worms and flies especially CAG which was the potent component of AST,
without negative effects on reproduction or metabolic rate exerting most of its efficacy (Liu 2013). Moreover, telomerase
(Jafari et al. 2008; Wiegant et al. 2009). Moreover, integra- activity in testicular tissues of mice, which were gavaged with
tion of TCM, as well as Chinese materia medica, into the Cynomorium songaricum (C. songaricum) polysaccharide at 40
national healthcare delivery system has become an essen- or 80 mg·kg 1·d 1, was clearly higher than that of mice
tial national policy in China, indicating that considerable treated with D-galactose, indicating that C. songaricum poly-
emphasis has been given to the TCM research and develop- saccharide could exert anti-ageing effect by improving telo-
ment (Dang et al. 2016; Gao et al. 2015). Additionally, the merase activity (Ma et al. 2009). In addition, flavonoids of
popular use of metabolomics in ageing indicated the possi- Epimedium brevicornu (E. brevicornu) could significantly extend
bility for reconciliation and integration of Chinese and the population doublings of human diploid fibroblast cells
Western medicine. from 53 to 64 generations, decrease the expression of p16
mRNA, increase the content of phosphorated Rb protein
and protect the telomere length without activating telome-
Mechanism of anti-ageing by TCM rase (Hu et al. 2004). Meanwhile, metabonomic studies using
liquid chromatography coupled with MS-investigated the
Although a number of theories on ageing mechanism have anti-ageing effects of total flavones from E. brevicornu (TFE)
been put forward (Linda and David 2002), people know little on 4, 10, 18 and 24-month-old rats. Clearly, the TFE-treated
about ageing compared with that of other areas in biology. group had smoother fur, more locomotor activities and better
Consequently, it is important as well as urgent to explore appetite compared with the untreated 24-month-old rats.
the mechanism of ageing and strategies of anti-ageing. TCM The results indicated that the anti-ageing effects exerted by
represents an extraordinary inventory of high diversity struc- TFE might be related to the intervention on lipid metabolism
tural scaffolds that can offer promising candidate chemical and its anti-oxidation activity, as most of the age-related
entities in the major healthcare challenge of increasing metabolites, such as saturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty
health span and/or delaying ageing. Referring to the relevant acids, ergothioneine, carnosine and deoxycholic acid, were
literatures published in the past two decades, the mecha- reset to a younger level (Yan et al. 2009).
nisms of anti-ageing/age-related diseases of active ingredients Great attention has been paid to telomere and telomerase
from TCM are summarized below. by the medical community in recent years. With the rapid
development of molecular biology, more and more drugs
with anti-ageing features through controlling telomere
Regulation of telomeres and telomerase length and telomerase activity will continue to be found
and fully explored..
Telomeres, composed of tandem repeats of the TTAGGG
bound to an array of proteins, are specialized nucleotide se-
quences at the ends of chromosomes (Blackburn 2001;
Chan and Blackburn 2004; Finkel et al. 2007). Telomere Regulation of sirtuins
length is demonstrated to be related to the replicative
lifespan of normal somatic cells. Indeed, the replication Sirtuins (SIRTs), a group of NAD+-dependent deacetylases
of normal somatic cells is limited by telomere shortening, belonging to a class of highly conserved proteins, are
which proceeds incrementally with each round of cell divi- widely distributed across the range of organisms from bac-
sion, resulting in the loss of 50–200 terminal base pairs of teria to humans and play distinct roles in regulating some
the telomere in humans both in vitro and in vivo; thus, cellular functions, such as gene repair, cell cycle, metabo-
the telomeres become shorter (Watson 1972; Olovnikov lism and oxidative stress, via deacetylation of histones
1973; Allsopp et al. 1992; Allsopp and Harley 1995). and non-histones (Oberdoerffer and Sinclair 2007;
Telomere length mainly depends on telomerase, a ribonu- Westphal et al. 2007). Notably, overexpression of SIRTs
cleoprotein enzyme that can elongate telomeric repeats in could extend lifespan in yeast, Drosophila and
the 5′-to-3′ direction, thus mitigating the end-replication Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) (Rogina and Helfand
problem (Blackburn 1991; Chan and Blackburn 2004). 2004; Viswanathan et al. 2005). Sirtuin1 (SIRT1) has been
Recently, a growing number of results have demonstrated investigated most thoroughly and deeply among the SIRTs
that some active ingredients and prescriptions of TCM could in mammals (Pillarisetti 2008). The possible mechanism in-
play distinct roles in anti-ageing via improving telomerase ac- volves two aspects. On one hand, SIRTs could increase
tivity or suppressing telomere shortening (Table 1). For exam- stress resistance by activating negative regulation of pro-
ple, astragaloside (AST) cycloastragenol (CAG) (Figure 1) apoptotic factors such as p53 and forkhead box-O (FOXO)
could exert anti-ageing effects in human embryonic lung (Luo et al. 2001; Brunet et al. 2004). In fact, SIRT1
fibroblasts by affecting activity of telomerase and expression induced the deacetylation of p53 and subsequently reduced
of the klotho gene (Guo et al. 2010), a novel gene closely its binding capacity with cis-DNA components, thereby
related to human ageing. AST, a macromolecular saponins, preventing it from inducing DNA damage and apoptosis
has poor bioavailability when taken orally. Specifically, Liu and suppressing cell proliferation. Meanwhile, SIRT1 could
et al. studied the physicochemical property of AST and CAG deacetylate FOXO1 and enhance nuclear ectopic transcrip-
and their metabolism in vivo and in vitro. The experimental tional activity, thus increasing the expression of antioxi-
data showed that AST was easily transformed by the intestinal dant enzymes such as SOD (Marfe et al. 2011). On the

British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425 1397

C-Y Shen et al.

Table 1
Mechanisms of anti-ageing/age-related diseases via regulation of telomere and telomerase by TCM

Active ingredients/ Experimental

source model Efficacy Mechanism Reference
Cistanche D-galactose-induced Significantly decreases Antagonizes free radical (Zhang et al., 2011a)
deserticola Ma subacute ageing MDA content in heart injury and enhances
model mice and brain, enhances telomerase activity and
telomerase activity, the immunity of
lymphocyte proliferation, ageing mice
phagocytosis of peritoneal
macrophages and peripheral
blood IL-2 content
Cynomorium D-galactose-induced Exerts the anti- ageing Significantly increases (Ma et al., 2009)
songaricum Rupr. ageing of mice effect on the ageing mice the activity of telomerase
in testicle
Angelica sinensis D-galactose and sodium Improves the ability of Might by increasing SOD (Li et al., 2013)
Oliv. Diels nitrite-induced subacute learning and memory, and telomerase activity
senile dementia mice delays ageing
X-ray irradiation-induced Significantly inhibits the May be related to the (Zhang et al., 2013a)
ageing of murine cell ratio of in HSC G1 stage increase in the length of
haematopoietic stem cell and the increase in the telomere and the activity
number of SA-β-Gal positive of telomerase, as well as
cells, down-regulates the the down-regulation of the
expression of p53 protein expression of p53 protein
and increases the length of
telomere and the vitality of
telomerase in HSCs
Astragalus Senile human embryonic Improves cell viability of Modulates telomerase (Zhu et al., 2012)
membranaeus lung diploid fibroblasts HDF cells, reduces expression activity, regulates or
Fisch. Bge. of SA-β-gal and shortening changes telomere
velocity of TRF binding protein
Euphorbia D-galactose-induced Improves telomerase content Antioxidant and regulation (Cao et al., 2011)
humifusa Willd. ageing mice and SOD activity in testes and of telomerase activity
brain tissues of aged mice,
decreases MDA content
Epimedium Senescent human Significantly extends the Protects telomere length (Hu et al., 2004)
brevicornu Maxim. diploid fibroblasts (2BS) population doublings of probably through
2BS cells, decreases the inhibiting the p16 gene
expression of p16 mRNA, expression, promoting the
increases the content of production of
phosphorylated Rb protein phosphorylated Rb
and improves the telomere protein but not activating
length of 2BS cells rather than the telomerase
activates telomerase activity
Cistanche D-galactose-induced Decreases MDA content, Antagonizes free radical (Zhang et al., 2008b)
tubulosa ageing mice obviously enhances injury and enhances
Schenk Wight telomerase activity in heart telomerase activity and the
and brain, lymphocyte immunity of ageing mice
proliferation, phagocytosis
of peritoneal macrophages
and peripheral blood IL-2
C21 steroidal glycoside
Cynanchum D-galactose-induced Prompts the ability of anti- Increases SOD activity (Zhang et al., 2007)
bungei Decne. ageing mice oxidation, anti-fatigue and and telomerase activity,
anti-stress decreases MDA level

1398 British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425

Anti-ageing ingredients from natural phytomedicine BJP

Table 1 (Continued)

Active ingredients/ Experimental

source model Efficacy Mechanism Reference
Astragalus Aged human embryonic Reduces β- galactosidase Regulates telomerase (Guo et al., 2010)
membranaeus lung fibroblast activity, increases cell viability, activity and klotho gene
Fisch. Bge. telomerase activity and klotho expression
mRNA expression
Ginsenoside Rg1
Panax ginseng Tert-butylhydroperoxide- Reduces the percentage of Activates telomerase (Zhou et al., 2011)
C. A. Meyer induced Sca-1+ positive cells expressed activity, reduces the
haemopoietic stem cell SA-β-Gal and the number shortening of
ageing in mice of cells entered G1 phase, telomere length
increases the number of
colony of mixed
haematopoietic progenitor,
markedly decreases telomere
shortening, reinforces
telomerase activity
Tert-butylhydroperoxide Attenuates t-BHP-induced cell Probably by activating (Zhao et al., 2005)
(t-BHP)-induced senescence, markedly reduces telomerase activity and
senescence in the RTF shortening, promotes preventing terminal
WI-38 cells telomerase expression restriction fragment
Uncaria D-galactose-induced Improves cell morphology and Reduces expression of (Jiang et al., 2011)
rhynchophylla ageing model of rats inhibits cell ageing β-galactosidase and
Miq. Miq. ex Havil. aortic endothelial cells relative expression
quantity of telomerase
Allium sativum Linn. t-BHP-induced Significantly attenuates Activates telomerase (Ke et al., 2006)
senescence t-BHP-induced sencscence, activity and prolongs
in fibroblast cells markedly decreases RTF terminal restriction
shortening and results in fragment length
telomerase activation
Pine pollen
Pinus massoniana Human embryonic lung Increases cell population By activating telomerase (Zhao and Yu, 2004)
Lamb. fibroblasts of ageing doubling level and enhances activity
telomerase activity

other hand, SIRTs might regulate body’s energy metabolism Epimedium in berberidaceae is another active compound that
to suppress fat accumulation and increase insulin secretion exerts anti-ageing effects (Lee et al. 1995). Icariin could im-
from islet beta cells via stimulating metabolism-related prove the expression of SIRT6 and reduce the expression of
genes such as PPARγ coactivator-1α (Schilling et al. 2006), NF-κB protein and the inflammatory response of old mice, in-
thus leading to an increase in stress resistance and exten- dicating that the anti-ageing mechanism of icariin was likely
sion in lifespan. to be closely related to NF-κB signalling pathway and SIRT6
Various studies have demonstrated that TCM can exert histone deacetylase (Chen et al. 2012). It is likely that SIRT6
anti-ageing effects through the regulation of SIRTs (Table 2). was up-regulated after treatment with icariin, specifically
One such example is resveratrol, which is a polyphenol par- combined with the RELA subunit of NF-κB dimer, then at-
ticularly found in red wine, red grapes and tea and is the most tached to the downstream gene promoter of NF-κB, leading
potent regulatory factor of SIRT1 (Howitz et al. 2003; Li et al. to H3K9 histone deacetylation. As a result, the chromosome
2016). Resveratrol can mimic the anti-ageing effect of CR, configuration was changed and coiled tightly, thereby silenc-
thus being able to regulate the average lifespan of the organ- ing the downstream target genes of NF-κB. Therefore, target
ism (Baur et al. 2006; Mouchiroud et al. 2010). Accumulating gene transcription was reduced, and the cell senescence was
data published have confirmed that resveratrol can prolong diminished (Chen et al. 2012; Li et al. 2015). Additionally, Li
the lifespan of yeast, nematodes, fruit flies and fishes (Bass et al. found that Cornus officinalis (C. officinalis) polysaccha-
et al. 2007; Mouchiroud et al. 2010; Wood et al. 2004a). More- ride could slow the progression of age-related cataracts by sig-
over, icariin (Figure 2), a principal active ingredient of nificantly increasing the activity of SOD, the expression of

British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425 1399

C-Y Shen et al.

Figure 1
Structural formula of Cistanche tubulosa acteoside, garlicin and astragaloside with anti-ageing/age-related diseases effects from traditional
Chinese medicine by regulating telomeres and telomerase.

SIRT1 mRNA and FOXO1 mRNA and reducing the expression more effective with fewer side effects. Ginsenoside Rb1, a
of p53 mRNA, indicating that C. officinalis polysaccharides protopanaxdiol extracted from the roots of Panax ginseng
probably regulated the expression of downstream genes p53 (P. ginseng), which has been long used as a ‘precious tonic’ to
and FOXO1 through regulating SIRT1, eventually inhibiting support vitality and maintain homeostasis in China, was
or delaying apoptosis of epithelial cells in the lens (Li et al. found to have preferable anti-ageing activities (Helliwell
2014). et al. 2015). Specifically, the natural senile mouse models of
Overall, many active ingredients of TCM can slow down 20 months old were prepared and injected with ginsenoside
ageing via the activation of SIRTs. So far, much attention Rb1 (Figure 3) at first. During the experimental period, there
has been paid to SIRT1, which is of great importance to was a remarkable reduction of MAO activity in Rb1 group, a
anti-ageing. With the in-depth study on SIRT1 and molecular decline of PAI-1 protein expression in high-dose Rb1 group
mechanisms of ageing, gene therapies targeted at SIRT1 will and a decrease of mTOR protein phosphorylation levels in
surely play a distinct role in extending human lifespan (Ling low-dose Rb1 group as well as in high-dose group, implying
and Hu 2013). that the anti-ageing effects of ginsenoside Rb1 on mice may
be partially or completely related to the mTOR/p70s6k path-
way (Peng et al., 2014) Similarly, 6-gingerol (Figure 3) ex-
Regulation of nutrient and energy tracted from ginger could markedly decrease senescence in
sensing pathways vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) induced by angioten-
sin II, with cell cycle arrestin the G0/G1 phase and decreased
The lifespan of many species is controlled by the nutrient and protein leveld of mTOR and phosphorylated p70-S6 K, sug-
energy sensing signal transduction pathways, including the gesting that 6-gingerol may attenuate VSMCs senescence
target of rapamycin (TOR)/ribosomal protein S6 kinase through inhibition of the mTOR/P70-S6 K pathway (Zhou
(S6 K), the AMP-activated kinase (AMPK) and the et al. 2014).
insulin/insulin-like growth factor-1 (INS/IGF-1) signalling
pathways (Kenyon 2010; Alic and Partridge 2011). Regulation of AMPK
AMPK has been defined as the ‘cellular energy regulator’, as it
Regulation of mTOR can sense the change in the AMP/ATP ratio and keep the bal-
Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a ance between cellular carbon use efficiency and ATP yields
serine/threonine protein kinase that is evolutionarily highly (Geng et al. 2014; Zhang et al. 2014a). AMPK activity declines
conserved and can mediate the stress response. mTOR signal- in ageing skeletal muscle of mammals, while overexpression
ling, is emerging as a critical regulator of ageing (Rajapakse of AMPK directly activates DAF-16/FOXO by phosphoryla-
et al. 2011) and partial inhibition of its downstream targets, tion (Greer et al. 2007) and extends C. elegans lifespan even
such as S6 K or protein synthesis, extends lifespan in yeast, when CR starts in middle age animals (Apfeld et al. 2004).
worms, flies and mice (Kapahi et al. 2004; Kaeberlein et al. In recent years, studies have found that TCM can fight
2005; Hansen et al. 2007; Syntichaki et al. 2007). against ageing and prevent age-related diseases by modulat-
It is clearly possible to cure age-related diseases by ing the activity of AMPK. For example, the total saponins of
rapamycin but the side effects (e.g. suppressing the immune Panax notoginseng inhibited H9c2 apoptosis induced by se-
system) are inevitable (Wu et al. 2015). Fortunately, TCM rum, glucose and oxygen deprivation and prevented reduc-
can function as rapamycin analogues, which are much safer, tion of mitochondrial membrane potential, as well as

1400 British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425

Table 2
Molecular mechanisms of anti-ageing/age-related diseases via regulation of SIRTs by TCM

Active ingredients Source model Efficacy Mechanism References
Polysacchharides Cornus officinalis Eye lens of D-galactose- Inhibits or delays apoptosis May regulate the expression (Li et al., 2014)
Sieb. et Zucc. induced ageing rats of epithelial cells in eye lens of downstream genes p53
and slows the progression of and FOXO1 probably through
age-related cataract regulation of SIRT1
Extracts Ginkgo biloba Linn. Natural ageing rats Decreases the number of May be associated with the (Hao et al., 2013)
8-OHDG-positive cells, delays expression of SIRT1 and
relative telomere shortening, p21 protein
increases expression of SIRT1,
declines expression of p21
without an obvious change
of p53 in number
Icariin Epimedium Aged mice Improves the expression of Closely related to NF-κB (Chen et al., 2012)
brevicornu SIRT6 and reduces that of signalling pathway and
Maxim. NF-κB protein, as well as the SIRT6 histone deacetylase
inflammatory response of
old mice
Butein Butea monosperma Yeast Saccharomyces . Increases lifespan by 31% at Activates SIRT1 (Howitz et al., 2003)
Lam. Kuntze cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae) a concentration of 10 μM
Resveratrol Polygonum Natural senescence Reverses the senescence Possibly increases the (Jiang et al., 2016)
cuspidatum of HUVECs of HUVECs expression of SIRT1 thus
decreasing the apoptosis
levels of HUVECs
Wild-type adult worms Increases lifespan Dependent upon SIRT2.1 (Viswanathan et al., 2005)
but not DAF-16/FOXO activity
Flies Increases longevity by Dependent on SIRT2 (Bauer et al., 2004;
20% at 200 μM Wood et al., 2004b)
Budding yeast S. Increases cell survival and Stimulates SIRT2 activity, (Howitz et al., 2003)
cerevisiae extends lifespan by 70% increases DNA stability
at a concentration of 10 μM
Caenorhabditis elegans Extends lifespan Through SIRT1-dependent (Morselli et al., 2010)
Drosophila and C. Extends lifespan Through up-regulation of (Bass et al., 2007)
elegans SIRT2 and AMPK
Anoxic cardiocytes Protects the cardiomyocytes Increases the level of SIRT1, (Wang et al., 2009b)
from hypoxia-induced apoptosis which plays a role by the
and promotes cell cycle arrest regulation of Foxo1 and its
downstream genes such as
Anti-ageing ingredients from natural phytomedicine

British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425

Bin and p27

C-Y Shen et al.

Table 2 (Continued)

Active ingredients Source model Efficacy Mechanism References
Silymarin Silybum marianum Isoproterenol-induced Protects isoproterenol-treated Through resuming (Zhou et al., 2006)
Linn. Gaertn. injury in cultured rat rat cardiac myocytes from death, mitochondrial function
neonatal cardiac decreases production MDA, and regulating the
myocytes release of LDH and pro-apoptotic expression of SIRT1 and
cytochrome c from mitochondria, Bcl-2 family members

British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425

increases superoxide dismutase
activity and mitochondrial
membrane potential
Quercetin Herba hyperici Male ICR mice 8 weeks Increases mRNA expression of Increases mitochondrial (Davis et al., 2009)
of age PPARγ coactivator-1α (PGC-1α) biogenesis through up-
and SIRT1, mtDNA and regulation of PGC-1α,
cytochrome c concentration, SIRT1 and mtDNA
maximal endurance capacity
and voluntary wheel-running
Tetrahydrocurcumin Curcuma aromatica Drosophila flies Increases healthspan but not Regulates sirtuins and (Argyropoulou et al., 2013)
Salisb. maximum lifespan, suppresses FOXO-responsive pathways
oxidative stress
Anti-ageing ingredients from natural phytomedicine BJP

reducing the positive rate of TdT-mediated dUTP nick end

labelling cells in myocardial tissue and increased levels of
p-AMPK protein, in a dose-dependent manner, indicating
that its anti-ageing function may be related to AMPK activa-
tion (Yang et al. 2012). Reportedly, curcumin (Figure 3) acti-
vates signalling pathways downstream of the anti-ageing
modulators AMPK and the transcription factor Nrf2 and sup-
presses inflammatory processes mediated by NF-kB signalling
(Salminen et al. 2012; Surh et al. 2008). Because of these
promising findings, curcumin was tested in humans as a pos-
sible treatment for Alzheimer’s disease (Baum et al. 2008;
Ringman et al. 2005).

Regulation of INS/IGF-1
INS/IGF-1 can affect the lifespan of a variety of organisms
including yeast, worms, flies, mammals and humans, charac-
terized by the weakening of insulin signalling, the enhance-
ment of insulin sensitivity and the reduction of the plasma
Figure 2 levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (Bonafe et al.. 2003;
Structural formula of active ingredients with anti-ageing/age-related Longo and Finch 2003; Cheng et al. 2004; Richardson et al.
diseases effects from traditional Chinese medicine by regulating 2004). Roth et al. have reported that people with low insulin
sirtuins. levels usually have a longer survival (Roth et al. 2002).

Figure 3
Structural formula of active ingredients with anti-ageing/age-related diseases effects from traditional Chinese medicine by regulating nutrient and
energy sensing pathways.

British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425 1403

C-Y Shen et al.

The INS/IGF-1 signalling pathway can be used as a new Secondly, TCM can scavenge free radicals directly. For exam-
target for developing drugs to prevent and treat age-related ple, C. songaricum extracts (20 mg·mL 1) enhanced cognitive
diseases, thus delaying ageing and prolonging life. As a result, behaviour, increased resistance to stress and extended female
much attention has been paid to the correlation between mean lifespan of flies, indicating that C. songaricum flavo-
INS/IGF1-signalling pathway and senescence (Cheng et al. noids acted as free radical scavengers (Yu et al. 2010; Liu
2004). Cai et al. found that icariside II could increase et al. 2012). Thirdly, TCM can inhibit lipid peroxidation.
thermo- and oxidative stress tolerance, decrease the rate of lo- Lipid peroxidation is a common way of damaging tissues by
comotion decline in late adulthood and extend lifespan by oxygen free radicals through following ways: oxygen free
20% in worms, and it was postulated that the lifespan exten- radicals + cell membrane lipid → lipid peroxidation reaction
sion caused by icariside II was dependent on the INS/IGF-1 → lipid peroxidation → MDA + cell components → lipofuscin
and DAF-2/FOXO (and likely HSF1) signalling pathways (Xu et al. 2006). In support, oxymatrine extracted from
(Cai et al. 2011). There is much work on TCM regulating nu- Sophora flavescens could improve the learning and memory
trient and energy sensing pathways to delay ageing and pre- ability of ageing mice induced by intraperitoneal injection
vent age-related diseases and some specific examples are of D (+)-galactose, and the anti-ageing effect was possibly re-
shown in Table 3. lated to its resistance to oxygen free radicals, as well as lipid
From the data shown above, we draw the conclusion that peroxidation. Furthermore, a recent study demonstrated that
nutrient sensing signalling pathway could control lifespan in oxymatrine could be in vivo converted to matrine that might
many species, and this possibility has received much support be a novel drug used for curing type 2 diabetes and hepatic
from a large number of experiments. What is more, INS/IGF, steatosis (Wang et al. 2005; Zeng et al. 2015). The majority
TOR and AMPK signalling pathways can systematically of published studies are listed in Table 4.
coordinate to modulate each other, thereby controlling To sum up, a number of experiments have proved that
cellular/organism homeostasis and function in response to ageing is closely related to free radicals, the theory of which
adverse environmental conditions. has been widely accepted and becoming an active area. As
stated above, TCM can exert anti-ageing activities by free rad-
icals scavenging, anti-lipid peroxidation and up-regulation of
Free radicals scavenging the antioxidative defence system.

Generated from the mitochondria electron transport chain,

ROS are closely related to ageing (Lee and Wei 2001). Anti-damage of DNA
Although ROS are much needed (at low concentration) for
the body to perform normal physiological functions, DNA damage, the primary programme of ageing in the body,
including transferring energy to maintain the vitality, killing can be roughly divided into four types: base damage, glycosyl
cells, eliminating inflammation and decomposing poisons; damage, bond rupture and DNA chain cross linking. Many
abnormally high levels of ROS will lead to ageing and even studies have shown that DNA damage and self-repair ability
death, as they can trigger free radical chain reactions be- are closely related to ageing. Damage of DNA is the main rea-
cause of its unpaired electrons and high reactive activities son leading to mutations, cancer, ageing and death, because it
(Chen 2004; Jia et al. 2007). can directly affect DNA replication, transcription and protein
TCM exerts free radical scavenging mainly through three synthesis, thereby affecting cells’ growth, development, ge-
ways. Firstly, TCM can achieve the purpose by enhancing netics, metabolism, reproduction and other vital biological
function of the antioxidant system in the body through in- activities (Jiang 2005).
creasing the activity and content of various antioxidant en- TCM and its active ingredients could protect the integrity
zymes such as SOD and GSH peroxidase (GSH-Px). The of DNA duplex and prevent gene mutation by resisting DNA
stress-induced synthesis of some of these enzymes is mainly damage (Jiang 2005). An experiment was carried out to study
triggered by Nrf2, which plays a central role in the protection whether Radix puerariae (R. puerariae) and puerarin (Figure 5)
of cells against oxidative and xenobiotic damage (Kensler and have effects on delaying naturally senile mice of 18 months
Wakabayashi 2010; Sykiotis and Bohmann 2010). Briefly, old and discovered that the rate of missing mtRNA in the el-
Nrf2 could activate transcription in response to oxidative derly control group, the middle R. puerariae dose group and
stress mainly by translocating into the nucleus and recruiting the middle puerarin dose group in all are 0.13, 0.11 and
the small muscle aponeurotic fibrosarcoma (sMaf) protein 0.11, respectively, indicating that puerarin could retard mito-
when stimulated (Espinosa et al. 2014). Then, the Nrf2-sMaf chondrial DNA damage (Wu et al. 2011). Furthermore, a
heterodimer binds to the antioxidant response element, metabolomics approach has been already used in a pharma-
which is a cis-acting DNA regulatory element that activates cological study of Salvia miltiorrhiza (S. miltiorrhiza). For ex-
the promoter region of many genes encoding phase II detox- ample, Jiang et al. identified 26 primary and secondary
ification enzymes and antioxidants, thereby contributing to metabolites in S. miltiorrhiza from different regions and dem-
the maintenance of cellular redox homeostasis (Lee et al. onstrated that malonate and succinate possibly were the key
2015). Reportedly, honokiol (Figure 4) could achieve desir- markers for discriminating the geographical origin (Jiang
able anti-ageing effects by decreasing the content of methane et al. 2014). The application of metabolomics in S. miltiorrhiza
dicarboxylic aldehyde (MDA) and increasing the activity of provided novel insights into its essence. It was found that sal-
antioxidant enzymes, such as SOD and GSH-Px in serums via acid B (Sal B) extracted from S. miltiorrhiza, exerted anti-
and tissues of mice injected with D-galactose for six consecu- ageing effects on D-galactose-induced senile mice models
tive weeks to simulate natural-aged mice (Hao et al. 2009). presumably by promoting anti-oxidation and affecting

1404 British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425

Table 3
Mechanisms of anti-ageing/age-related diseases via regulation of nutrient and energy sensing pathways by TCM

ingredients Source Experimental model Efficacy Mechanism References
Total saponins Panax notoginseng Serum, glucose and oxygen Inhibits H9c2 apoptosis induced by May be of great connact with (Zhang and Liu, 2011)
Burk. F.H.Chen deprivation (SGOD)-induced SGOD, prevents reduction of activation of AMPK
apoptosis of H9c2 cells, mitochondrial membrane potential,
ligation of the left anterior reduces positive rate of TdT-mediated
descending coronary artery- dUTP nick end labelling cells in
induced apoptosis of myocardial tissue and increases levels
cardiomyocytes in SD rats of p-AMPK protein in a dose-dependent
Berberine Coptis chinensis 6-month-old female Lowers body weight, fat pad weight Activates AMPK /PGC-1α (Wang et al., 2014b)
Franch. db/db mice and blood sugar levels, improves index signalling pathway and
of insulin sensitivity, activity of skeletal improves mitochondrial
muscle mitochondrial COX and energy metabolism
content of ATP, increases
phosphorylation levels of AMPK,
and enhances the transcriptional
activity of PGC-1α
Dietary obese rats Improves metabolism Activates AMPK by inhibiting (Yin et al., 2008)
the biosynthesis of ATP in
Astragalus Astragalus Fat plus low-dose Lowers content of blood glucose, May be associated with up- (Zhang et al., 2008b)
polysaccharide membranaeus streptozotocin (STZ)- serum triglycerides and glycosylated regulation of AMPK activity
Fisch. Bge. induced type 2 diabetic rats haemoglobin, enhances insulin
sensitivity, increases phosphorylation
levels of AMPK and acetyl-CoA
carboxylase (ACC)
Fat plus STZ-induced Improves insulin resistance and that May be related to up-regulation (Wang et al., 2009b)
diabetic cardiomyopathy rats could be characterized by lowering of AMPK activity, uncoupling
blood sugar and elevating ISI index protein 2 expression and energy
metabolism type 2 diabetes
mellitus rats
Gastrodin Gastrodia elata Bl. Oleic acid-induced Inhibits oleic acid-induced fat Dependent on the activation (Geng et al., 2015)
HL-7702 cells accumulation of HL-7702 cells and of AMPK pathway in the cells
lowers triglyceride content
Ginsenoside Rb1 Panax ginseng Natural ageing mice Decreases the activity of MAO, the May be implemented by mTOR/ (Peng et al., 2014)
C. A. Meyer expression of PAI 1 protein and the p70s6k pathway partially or fully
phosphorylation of mTOR protein
6-Gingerol Zingiber officinale Angiotensin II (Ang II)-induced Markedly decreases Ang II-induced May attenuate VSMCs senescence (Zhou et al., 2014)
Anti-ageing ingredients from natural phytomedicine

Roscoe rat aortic VSMCs senescence VSMCs celluar senescence, cell cycle through inhibition of mTOR/P70-S6

British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425

arresting in G0/G1 phase, the protein K pathway

Table 3 (Continued)


ingredients Source Experimental model Efficacy Mechanism References
level of mTOR and phosphorylated
p70-S6 K
Icariside II Epimedium C. elegans Increases thermo and oxidative stress Dependent on the INS/IGF-1 and (Cai et al., 2011)
C-Y Shen et al.

brevicornu tolerance, decreases the rate of DAF-2/FOXO and likely HSF1

Maxim. locomotion decline in late adulthood, signalling pathways
extends lifespan by 20%
Glaucarubinone Simarouba C. elegans Significantly extend 80% lifespan at May act through the nutrient (Zarse et al., 2011)
glauca DC 100 nM ; reduced the body fat content sensing pathway
Catechin Camellia sinensis Hepa 1–6, L6, and 3 T3-L1 Up-regulates the downstream By the activation of LKB1/AMPK (Murase et al., 2009)
O. Ktze. cells and BALB/c mice target ACC
Curcumin Curcuma longa Linn. Diabetic rats induced by Improves muscular insulin resistance Mediated through LKB1-AMPK (Na et al., 2011)
high-fat diet plus by increasing oxidation of fatty acid pathway
streptozotocin and glucose
Alzheimer’s disease trangenic Suppresses indices of inflammation Activates signalling pathways (Lim et al., 2001;
mice model and oxidative damage in the brain downstream of the anti-ageing Salminen et al., 2012;

British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425

and decreases the overall amyloid modulators AMPK and NRF2, Salvioli et al., 2007;
content and plaque burden suppress inflammatory processes Sikora et al., 2010;
mediated by NF-kB signalling Surh et al., 2008)
Luteolin Reseda odorata Linn. A cell model of steatosis Reduces lipid accumulation ActivateS AMPK, ACC-1, CPT-1, (Liu et al., 2011b)
induced by palmitate down-regulates sterol regulatory
element binding protein 1c and
fatty acid synthase
Naringenin Citrus maxima Skeletal muscle cells Increases glucose uptake Through activation of AMPK (Zygmunt et al., 2010)
Burm. Merr.
Quercetin Herba hyperici High-cholesterol-induced Reduces high-cholesterol-induced A Activates AMPK, increases HMGCR (Lu et al., 2010)
neurotoxicity in old mice β deposits and improvesbehavioural and ACC ,decreases elF2α
performance phosphorylation
Theaflavin Camellia sinensis HepG2 cells exposed to a Reduces lipid accumulation, suppresses By stimulating AMPK through the (Lin et al., 2007)
O. Ktze. long-chain mixture of FAs fatty acid synthesis, stimulates fatty LKB1 and reactive oxygen species
and male Wistar rats 5 weeks acid oxidation, inhibites acetyl- pathways
old fed with high-fat diet coenzyme A carboxylase activities
Epigallocatechin Gamellia sinensis Rat pancreatic beta cells Reduces glucotoxicity-induced Increases insulin sensitivity through (Cai and Lin, 2009)
gallate O.Ktze pancreatic beta cell death activating AMPK signalling to inhibit
the activities of lipogenic enzymes
and ameliorating mitochondrial
Rat L6 cells treated with Improves insulin-stimulated glucose Increases GLUT4 translocation to (Zhang et al., 2010)
dexamethasone uptake,improves insulin resistance plasma membrane, activates AMPK
and PI3K/Akt
Table 3 (Continued)

ingredients Source Experimental model Efficacy Mechanism References
Overnight-fasted Wistar rats Prevents free fatty acids-induced peripheral Through decreasing oxidative stress (Li et al., 2011a)
insulin resistance, decreases plasma and PKCθ membrane translocation,
markers of oxidative stress, increases activating the AMPK pathway and
antioxidant enzymes and reverses improving insulin signalling pathway
IH-induced in vivo
Ageing endothelial cells Reduces endothelial cellular By inhibiting mTOR/S6 K signalling (Rajapakse et al., 2011)
senescence and dysfunction and ROS production
Drosophila and C. elegans Extends lifespan Through up-regulation of Sir2 and (Bass et al., 2007)
Neuronal cells AD Lowers Aβ accumulation By activation of AMPK and induction (Vingtdeux et al., 2010)
of autophagy via inhibiting mTOR
HepG2 cells incubated with Inhibits apoptosis, ROS production Through AMPK-mediated inhibitory (Shin et al., 2009)
Arachidonic acid and iron and glutathione depletion, phosphorylation of GSK3β downstream
attenuates superoxide generation of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase-LKB1
in mitochondria,... inhibits pathway
mitochondrial dysfunction
Middle-aged mice fed with a Shifts the physiology of treated Restores normal insulin sensitivity, (Baur et al., 2006;
high-calorie diet mice towards that of mice on a reduces IGF-1 levels, increases AMPK Lagouge et al., 2006)
standard diet, significantly increases activity, improves mitochondria
their survival number and function
Anti-ageing ingredients from natural phytomedicine

British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425


C-Y Shen et al.

Figure 4
Structural formula of active ingredients with anti-ageing/age-related diseases effects from traditional Chinese medicine by free radical scavenging.

mitochondrial DNA levels, based on the findings that there Chinese compound prescription and its
was a better performance in Morris water maze test and
stand-jumping test, an increase of cerebral SOD activity, a
reduction of MDA content and mitochondrial DNA level in Chinese compound prescription (CCP) is usually composed
Sal B treatment group (Gao et al. 2009). Additionally, Chen of several kinds of single herbs, each of which contains mul-
et al. showed that tea polyphenols have anti-ageing effects tiple effective constituents (Peng et al. 2015). In fact, the
and could significantly increase DNA methylating enzyme safety and effectiveness of CCP have been confirmed by the
activity (Chen et al. 2001). Many other studies involved in clinical practice for thousands of years. In the past decades,
the mechanism of anti-damage of DNA by TCM active ingre- more and more attention in TCM has been focused on the
dients are shown in Table 5. effects of active ingredients from formulae (Yin et al. 2015).
Effects of TCM on DNA-repair are being constantly Of note, synergism, when the effects of the combination are
revealed with the in-depth understanding on the procedure greater than that of the individual drug, is a core principle
of DNA damage and repair (Jiang 2004). However, the targets of TCM and has played an essential role in improving its clin-
of drugs are rarely involved in current studies. Therefore, ical efficacy (Zhang et al., 2014b).
more researches are needed to explore the mechanisms of Although the mechanisms of CCP are unclear owing
DNA repair by TCMs. to its complex composition, a large number of

1408 British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425

Table 4
Mechanisms of anti-ageing/age-related diseases via free radicals scavenging by TCM

ingredients Source Experimental model Efficacy Mechanism Reference
Curcumin Curcuma longa Linn. Drosophila flies Suppresses oxidative stress and lipid Modulates a number of stress- (Lee et al., 2010;
peroxidation, reduces accumulation responsive genes, including the Shen et al., 2013)
of malondialdehyde (MDA), improves antioxidant enzyme superoxide
locomotor performance dismutase
Echinacoside Cistanche tubulosa D-galactose-induced Repairs the damage induced by Enhances the activities of GSH-Px (Muteliefu et al., 2004)
Schenk Wight aged mice ROS, improves the memory ability, and SOD, reduces the content of
delays ageing process MDA and the activity of MAO
Isoliensinine Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn D-galactose-induced Markedly counteracts loss of body Increases activities of SOD and (Liu et al., 2011a)
ageing mice weight and liver index, significantly GSH-Px in surum and liver tissue,
increases the antioxidative effect reduces content of MDA
Huperzine a Huperzia serrata Thunb. D-galactose-induced Improves disorder of learning and Significantly reduces the content (Lv et al., 2007)
ex Murray Trev. senile mice memory and neuron protection of NO, the activity of NOS and the
level of Ga2+ in brain cell plasma,
increases the activities of GSH-Px
and SDH
Quercetin Herba hyperici C. elegans Significantly improves the mean Might improve the stress resistance (Han et al., 2011)
and maximum lifespan by 36 and
20% respectively with little effect
on its reproductive capacity
Human RPE cells treated Diminishes the decrease of Reduces mitochondrial dysfunction (Kook et al., 2008)
with oxidative stress mitochondrial function, reduces the and cellular senescence
mediated by H2O2 activation of caspase-3 from 1.9 to
1.4 fold, decreases the levels of
caveolin-1 mRNA and caveolin-1
protein, attenuates the increase in
β-galactosidase–positive cells
Polysaccharide Arimillaria mellea Vahl C. elegans Significantly extends the lifespan Maybe by increasing the capacity (Chen et al., 2013)
ex Fr. Quel. without damage to the reproductive of stress resistance
capacity, increases the expression of
HSP-16.2 and SOD-3
Rosmarinic acid Rosmarinus officinalis D-galactose-induced Increases the activity of SOD and Increases the activity of antioxidase, (Wang et al., 2009b)
Linn. ageing mice GSH-Px in serum and brain, decreases removes free radicals, reduces the
the levels of MDA and triglyceride, production of lipid peroxidation
extends hypoxia-resistance time at
normal pressure
Piceid Polygonum cuspidatum C. elegans model Significantly increases the lifespan Significantly enhances the swallowing (Chen, 2012)
by 13% rate, motility, intestinal lipofuscinosis
and the reproductive capacity and
Anti-ageing ingredients from natural phytomedicine

British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425

remarkably decreases the lipofuscin


Table 4

ingredients Source Experimental model Efficacy Mechanism Reference
Green tea Gamellia sinensis O.Ktze SAMP10 mice Reduces carbonyl protein levels Through decreasing carbonyl (Kishido et al., 2007)
catechins in the brain proteins and increasing GPx activity
Mogroside Siraitia grosvenorii D-galactose-induced ageing Against ageing and prolongs the Improves SOD activity and decreases (Xiao et al., 2014)
C-Y Shen et al.

Swingle C. Jeffrey ex mice and Drosophila average life expectancy and MDA content
Lu et Z. Y. Zhang melanogaster maximum lifespan
Gypenosides Gynostemma pentaphyllum Human aged skin fibroblasts Weakens oxidative stress, increases Increases the activity of SOD, CAT (Cong et al., 2014)
Thunb. Makino the ability of proliferation and and GSH-Px
therefore delays cells ageing
Oxymatrine Sophora flavescens Alt. D-galactose-induced Improves the learning and Defends against oxygen free radicals (Zi et al., 2012)
ageing mice memory ability and reduces the lipid peroxidation
Total alkaloid Corydalis yanhusuo D-galactose-induced Restores the ability of learning Increases SOD, CAT and ChAT (Bai et al., 2008)
W. T. Wang ageing mice and memory and plays a role in activity in the brain and reduces
anti-ageing AChE activity
Resveratrol Veratrum nigrum Linn. D-galactose-induced Maintains the normal morphological Significantly increases the number (Cui et al., 2013)
ageing mice structure of nerve cells, decreases of nerve cells, the organ coefficients

British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425

oxidative stress responses and has and activities of GSH-Px, SOD and
protective effects on brain tissues CAT, significantly decreases activity
of MAO and content of MDA
D-galactose-induced Reduces the degree of D- galactose- Reduces β- galactosidase and MDA (Guo et al., 2012)
myocardial cell senescence induced myocardial cell senescence levels, increases SOD activity and
LC3II/LC3I level
Honokiol Magnolia officinalis D-galactose-induced Delays changes of quasi-ageing Enhances SOD, CAT and GSH-Px (Hao et al., 2009)
Rehd. et Wils. ageing mice activity, decreases MDA content
Chrysophanol Rheum officinale Baill. Scopolamine-induced Improves the impairments of Increases plasma SOD activity (Li et al., 2005)
acquisition disturbance, memory acquisition and promotes
sodium nitrite-induced the tolerance of rats
consolidation impairment,
30% ethanol-induced
retrieval deficit of memory
and aluminium-induced
acute ageing in mice
Flavonoid Oxytropis glabra Lam. DC. D-galactose-induced Significantly prolongs the survival Significantly declines the content (Wang et al., 2013)
ageing mice time under hypoxic condition and of MDA and LPO and increases the
the swimming time at normal activity of SOD, GSH-Px and CAT
temperature and has obvious effects in serum and tissue
on anti-senility
Galangin Zingiber officinale Roscoe D-galactose-induced Improves the cognitive function Attenuates the decreased activities (Fu et al., 2012)
senescent mice of aged mice of SOD, GPx and CAT, reduces
MDA levels
Table 4 (Continued)

ingredients Source Experimental model Efficacy Mechanism Reference
Puerarin Radix puerariae D-galactose-induced Plays a part in anti-ageing Increases SOD and GSH-Px activity (Peng, 2009)
ageing rats in serum, decreases MDA and LPF
Sodium ferulate Angelica sinensis D-galactose-induced Significantly promotes the activity Increases the activity of antioxidase, (Zhu et al., 2004)
Oliv. Diels/Ligusticum ageing mice of SOD in brain and serum, GSH-Px removes the accumulation of
chuanxiong Hort. in blood, remarkably inhibits the metabolites in the body and
increase of MDA in serum and liver, increases the weight immune organ
MAO of brain, restrains the decrease
of weight and the index of thymus
and spleen
Carnosic acid Rosmarinus officinalis Human embryonic lung Delays senescence of 2BS cells Increases the cellular viability and (Tao et al., 2014)
Linn. diploid fibroblasts 2BS cell line the percentage of S distribution,
dramatically reduces the SA-β-Gal
positive rate, the percentage of
G1/G0, the intracellular MDA
level and p53 and p21 protein
Lotus seedpod Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. D-galactose-induced Has significant antioxidant effect Significantly increases the activities (Chen et al., 2009)
procyanidins ageing mice of SOD and GSH-Px in brain,
remarkably decreases the content
of MDA
Catalpol Rehmannia glutinosa D-galactose-induced sub- Reverses the D-galactose-induced Increases the activities of SOD and (Zhang and Liu, 2011)
Gaert. Libosch. acute senescent mice behavioural impairments GSH-PX, decreases the MDA level
ex Fisch. et Mey.
Cycloastragenol Astragalus propinquus D-galactose-induced Has a remarkable effect of anti- May improve the activities of T-SOD (Cao et al., 2012)
Schischk. ageing mice decrepitude and T-AOC, reduces the contents of
Phycocyanin Porphyra yezoensis veda D-Galactose-induced mice Has excellent anti-ageing activity Significantly increases SOD activity, (Zhao and Tang, 2012)
models of subacute ageing thymus index and spleen index, as
well as decreases MDA content
Garlicin Allium sativum Linn. D-galactose-induced AD mice Improves ability of spatial learning Reduces MDA content, increases (Hu et al., 2010)
and memory SOD activity
Emodin Rheum officinale Baill. Hyperlipidaemia quail Has significant lipid-lowering effect Lowers LPO content in serum and (Han et al., 2009)
and anti-ageing effects LF content in brain, increases SOD
content and thymus weight as well
as spleen weight
Salvianolic Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge. Glucocorticoid-induced ageing Significantly increases epidermal Inhibits lysophosphatidylcholine- (Zhang et al., 2008a)
acid B skin of rats thickness and content of elastic fibres, induced increase of matrix
alleviates ageing-like changes metalloproteinase-2 activity,
Anti-ageing ingredients from natural phytomedicine

British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425

scavenges free radicals, improves
immune status and has anti-lipid

C-Y Shen et al.

Figure 5
Structural formula of puerarin and salvianolic acid B with anti-ageing/age-related diseases effects from traditional Chinese medicine by
anti-damage of DNA.

experimental studies have shown that several anti-ageing improved brain function, sexual disorder and skin wrinkling
mechanisms mentioned above are also applicable to (Hasani-Ranjbar et al. 2012). For example, Lee et al. investi-
CCP. Specifically, a traditional Chinese herbal formula, gated the clinical efficacy of P. ginseng in the cognitive perfor-
Zuoguiwan pill, composed of seven herbal constituents, mance of Alzheimer’s disease patients and found that the
was found to exert anti-ageing effects by improving blood mini-mental state examination scores and Alzheimer’s dis-
anti-oxidative ability and decreasing DNA damage of ease assessment scale scores both were significantly decreased
lymphocytes (Xia et al. 2012). Similarly, it could signifi- after treatment with P. ginseng (Lee et al. 2008). Additionally,
cantly decrease the levels of 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine several other clinical trials were also performed with CPP or
in the cerebral genome of 24-month-old rats, suggesting TCM extracts and demonstrated beneficial effects (Zhang
that the underlying mechanism relies on the protection et al. 1992; Zhang 1993; Wang 1994; Tian et al. 1997; Xu
and repair on DNA in cerebral genome (Zhao et al. and Zhi 1998; Sugiyama 2006; Amagase and Nance 2008;
2002). Furthermore, there was a dose-dependent increase Yonei et al. 2008; Gim et al. 2009). More related researches
in the expression of FOX, SIRT1 and c-Myc in ovary cells are listed in Table 6 as below.
of sub-acutely ageing rats induced by D-galactose after In summary, there is much evidence, as mentioned above,
treatment with a decoction of Fallopia multiflora (F.- for the anti-ageing effect of combinatorial intervention in
multiflora), suggesting that this decoction could block TCM to achieve synergistic interactions that could produce
ovary apoptosis probably by regulating the expression of sufficient effects at low doses. However, the regulation of
FOX, SIRT1 and c-Myc (Zhang et al., 2013a). compatibility, principles of composition and effective sub-
Additionally, Zhang et al. applied ultra high performance stance basis of CPP or TCM extracts are poorly understood,
liquid chromatography coupled with the quadrupole thus hampering the development and modernization of
time-of-flight MS metabolomics to evaluate the therapeu- TCM (Sheridan et al. 2012). Therefore, chemical fingerprint-
tic effect of Liuwei Dihuang (LWDH) pills, Jinkui Shenqi ing coupled with systems biology should be applied to TCM
(JKSQ) pills and their combinations (administration of to scientifically and accurately explore the pharmacokinetics
JKSQ pills in the morning and LWDH pills at night) on of multi-ingredients in TCM (Zhang et al., 2014b).
kidney deficiency in Sprague–Dawley rats induced by
dexamethasone and D-galactose (Zhang et al., 2014b).
The results showed that the group treated with JKSQ pills Limitations and prospects
in the morning and LWDH pills at night displayed the
strongest rehabilitation for metabolic disorder, and it con- Above all, active ingredients from TCM without serious
cluded that lipid metabolism and energy metabolism adverse reactions seem to provide an intriguing way for-
might be closely related to kidney deficiency and ageing ward to exert anti-ageing effects. Unfortunately, it must
as most of potential biomarkers identified of the kidney be highlighted that there are still many limitations and
deficiency and ageing are related to fatty acids. Similarly, problems unresolved at the current stage. Firstly, the effi-
extracts of TCM are the other active ingredients cacy and/or safety of many TCM products largely rely on
possessing anti-ageing functions under investigation. In poor-quality researches that are probably limited by the
support, aqueous extracts of Portulaca oleracea possibly inadequate or inconsistent methods being used and risk
exert anti-ageing effects on senile mice by inhibiting ex- of bias of the included studies, thereby failing to draw
pression of p53 gene and activating telomerase, so as to firm conclusions of efficacy. Therefore, high quality re-
protect against telomere shortening in brain (Huang search in the field of TCM is emphatically needed to
et al. 2007). Moreover, Guo et al. found that alcoholic ex- firmly establish the efficacy and/or safety of many TCM
tracts of C. officinalis can fight against senility by products. Simultaneously, there are potentially serious ad-
inhibiting the non-enzymic glycosylation of proteins verse events (Chan 2015), although relatively infrequent,
in vivo and reducing DNA damage of peripheral blood as well as the interactions (Izzo 2012; Milic et al. 2014)
lymphocyte (Guo et al. 2005). between herbal medicines and prescribed medicines, that
A systematic review of the clinical and non-clinical effi- have been described, implying that more meticulous at-
cacy of anti-ageing herbs was published based on six human tention should be paid to herbal research. In fact, it is ad-
and 61 animal studies, most of which showed significantly visable to make sure that the herbal remedies are

1412 British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425

Table 5
Mechanisms of anti-ageing/age-related diseases via anti-damage of DNA by TCM

ingredients Source Experimental model Efficacy Mechanism Reference
Tea polyphenols Camellia sinensis 12–13-month-old mice Significantly increases the DNA Increases the DNA methylating (Chen et al., 2001)
O. Ktze. methylating enzyme vitality in enzyme vitality by altering
the liver conformation of DNA methylase
and making it easier to transfer
methyl to normal methylation sites
Resveratrol Reynoutria japonica Natural ageing mice Reduces the rate of mtRNA deletion Avoids the mtDNA damage (Zhang et al., 2011a)
Houtt. and the percent of deletion on
chief mtRNA
Puerarin Radix puerariae Skin of natural ageing mice Slows down the natural ageing Reduces deletion mutation of (Li et al., 2011a;
of skin mtDNA, improves the vitality Wu et al., 2011)
of GSH-Px
Salvia acid B Salvia miltiorrhiza D-galactose-induced Exhibits better performance in Promotes anti-oxidation, reduces (Gao et al., 2009)
Bunge ageing mice Morris water maze test and stand- mitochondrial DNA level
jumping test, significantly reduces
mitochondrial mtDNA and MDA
levels, improves cerebral SOD activity
Polysaccharide Zostera marina L. Reactive oxygen species-induced Helps to maintain normal structure Scavenges free radical and reduces (Zhan et al., 1999)
lymphocyte DNA damage and function of cells oxidative stress-induced DNA
Spirulina UV-induced DNA damage of Prevents the level of DNA damage Increases the activity of DNA (Deng et al., 2001)
human embryo lung diploid induced by UV irradiation and endonuclease and DNA ligase in
fibroblastic promotes DNA repair capacity dose-dependently
Anti-ageing ingredients from natural phytomedicine

British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425


Table 6


Mechanisms of anti-ageing/age-related diseases by Chinese medicine compounds and extracts

Active ingredient Source model Efficacy mechanism Mechanism references References
Vigconic 28 Panax ginseng/Cervus nippon/ C57BL/6 J mice Retards ageing in mice Likely by affecting (Ko et al., 2010)
Cordyceps sinensis/Salvia mitochondria functionality
C-Y Shen et al.

miltiorrhiza/Allium tuberosum/
Cnidium monnieri/Euodia
Liu Wei Dan Kun Rehmannia glutinosa Gaertn./ Aged mice Increases retention rate Reduces the damage of (Yang et al., 1995)
decoction Rhizoma dioscoreae/Cornus of double-stranded DNA DNA in aged mice, increases
officinalis Sieb. et Zucc./Poria and restores partial resistance to radiation and
cocos Schw. Wolf./Alisma damaged DNA improves the ability to repair
plantago-aquatica Linn./ DNA damage
Paeonia suffruticosa Andr./
Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge/
Leonurus artemisia
Lour. S. Y. Hu

British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425

Formula of tonifying Lycium chinense Miller/Fallopia Senile Balb/c mice of Decreases depletion of Inhibits deletion mutation (Wang et al., 2006)
kidney and spleen, multiflora Thunb. Harald./ 12–14-month-old kidney mtDNA in senile of mtDNA, reduces oxidative
nourishing blood and Epimedium brevicornu Maxim./ Balb/c mouse significantly damage of mtDNA, protects
promoting blood flow Fructus ligustri Lucidi/Angelica mtDNA
sinensis Oliv. Diels Cuscuta
chinensis Lam. /Astragalus
membranaeus Fisch. Bge./
Polygonatum sibiricum
Delar. ex Redoute
Liuweidihuang Rehmannia glutinosa Gaertn./ Drosophila and Prolongs the surviving-time, Antioxidant and increases (Wu and Dong, 2003)
Decoction Cornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc./ D-galactose- improves the anti-oxidation telomerase activity
Rhizoma dioscoreae/Paeonia induced ageing mice ability, increases telomerase
suffruticosa Andr./Alisma activity
plantago-aquatica Linn./
Poria cocos Schw. Wolf.
Pill of kidney-qi- Radix rehmanniae Exsiccata./ Cy-clophosphamide- Antagonizes DNA damage Enhances the body’s ability (Zhou et al., 1998)
tonifying Rhizoma dioscoreae/Cornus induced damage of caused by cyclophosphamide to prevent DNA damage
officinalis Sieb. et Zucc./Alisma DNA in mice
plantago-aquatica Linn./Poria
cocos Schw. Wolf./Paeonia
suffruticosa Andr./Cinnamomum
cassia Presl/Aconitum carmichaeli
Decoction of four Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer/ D-galactose-induced Decreases the MDA content Antagonizes free radical (Yang et al., 2005)
mild drugs Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz./ ageing mice of heart, liver and brain, injury, improves telomerase
Poria cocos Schw. Wolf./Glycyrrhizae increases the telomerase activity
activity in heart
Table 6 (Continued)

Active ingredient Source model Efficacy mechanism Mechanism references References
and brain tissues but with no
effect on that in liver tissue
D-galactose-induced Significantly improves the Enhances the antioxidative (Li et al., 2009)
ageing mice ability of learning and memory, ability, regulates the
increases the activities of homeostasis of Ga2+,
GSH-Px and SDH respectively inhibits the damage of
in brain tissues, decreases the mtDNA caused by oxidative
concentration of Ca ions, stress for ageing brain
prevents the damage of
mtDNA in hippocampus
Formula with effects Eucommia ulmoides Oliver/ Aged rats of 85 Improves the biochemical Decreases the DNA single (Guo et al., 1997)
of anti-ageing and Lycium chinense Miller weeks old changes chain break and increases
extending lifespan their unscheduled DNA
Zuoguiwan pill Rhizoma dioscoreae/Lycium D-galactose-induced Slows down the ageing Through improving the (Xia et al., 2012)
chinense Miller/Cornus officinalis ageing rats progress blood anti-oxidative ability
Sieb. et Zucc./Cyathula officinalis and decreasing the DNA
Kuan/Cuscuta chinensis Lam. damage of lymphocytes
Gelatinum cornu Cervi/ Natural ageing Has effect of neural protection By down-regulating levels (Zhao et al., 2002)
Colla carapacis et Plastri Testudinis 24-month-old rats and repairment on brain of genomic DNA 8-OH-dG
Five seeds combo Lycium chinense Miller/Cuscuta Thirty-eight aged men Has protective effect on Raises the activities of (Wang et al., 2001)
chinensis Lam./Schisandra with symptoms of oxidative damage of mtDNA mitochondrial respiratory
chinensis Turcz. Baill./Plantago senility and aged rats chain complexes I and IV,
asiatica Linn./Rubus idaeus Linn. of 22 months old reduces the mitochondrial
DNA deletions
Liquid of tonifying Rehmannia glutinosa Gaertn./ 60Co γ irradiation- Effectively prevents the Reduces the cleavage rate (Feng et al., 2005)
kidney and synergia Lycium chinense Miller/Scutellaria induced damage apoptosis of lymphocyte, of DNA
baicalensis Georgi/Angelica on mice protects lymphocyte
sinensis Oliv. Diels from injury
Capsule of tonifying Astragalus membranaeus Fisch. The spontaneous type Improves insulin resistance Probably related to raising (Guo et al., 2013)
qi and resolving Bge./Fructus ligustri Lucidi/ 2 diabetes KKAy mice expression levels of GLUT-4
turbidity Atractylodes lancea Thunb. DC./ fed with high fat diet and AMPK protein in skeletal
Bombyx mori L./Salvia miltiorrhiza muscle and the activity of
Bunge/Euonymus alatus Thunb. MLYCD in fat
Decoction of Fallopia Fallopia multiflora Thunb. Harald./ D-galactose-induced Reduces the incidence Maybe regulated by the (Zhang et al., 2013a)
multiflora Cistanche deserticola Ma/Aerva ageing rats of ovary apoptosis expression of FOX, SIRT1
sanguinolenta Linn. Blume/ and c-Myc and blocking
Epimedium brevicornu Maxim./ apoptosis
Anti-ageing ingredients from natural phytomedicine

British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425

Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge/Poria
cocos Schw. Wolf.


Table 6 (Continued)

Active ingredient Source model Efficacy mechanism Mechanism references References
Tablets of anti-ageing; Radix ginseng Rubra/Rehmannia D-galactose-induced Improves the ageing symptom May be related to enhance (Xiao et al., 2010)
tablets of extending glutinosa Gaert. Libosch. ex ageing rats and the reduction of body the capability of rapairing
lifespan by Radix Fisch. et Mey./Asparagus cochin- weight, significantly increases DNA damage
C-Y Shen et al.

Polygoni Multiflori chinensis Lour. Merr./Ophiopogon the skin water content, sucrose
japonicus Linn. f. Ker-Gawl./Cortex consumption and bone narrow
Lycii/Poria cocos Schw. Wolf./ DNA content
Fallopia multiflora Thunb. Harald.
Electuary of Codonopsis pilosula Franch. Ozone-induced Enhances the ability of climbing Enhances telomerase activity, (Yang et al., 2000)
Li yongkang Nannf./Dipsacus japonicus Miq./ ageing mice rope, swimming, frost resistance, probably for the reason that
Cornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc. the total serum IgG concentration, the organs are rich in
blister of the sole, the thymus lymphocytes
index and telomerase activity
in thymus
Epimedii and Epimedium brevicornu Maxim./ 22-monthold rats Protects aged rats from Reduces the ratio of deleted/ (Wang et al., 2002)
Fructus Lycii Lycium chinense Miller oxidative damage to normal mtDNA, the activity

British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425

mitochondria of mitochondrial respiratory
chain enzyme complexes and
the rate of ATP synthesis
Erzhi pill Ligustri Lucidi Ait./Eclipta C. elegans Increases the acute heat stress By regulating gene expression (Wang, 2010)
prostratal ability of C. elegans without of IIS signalling pathway,
affecting its fecundity neuroendocrine and biological
Extracts from TCM Portulaca oleracea Linn. D-galactose-induced Significantly increases the Possibly through inhibiting the (Huang et al., 2007)
ageing mice activity and length of p53 gene expression and
telomerase in senile mouse activating the telomerase
brain, decreases the expression
of p53 gene
Rosa damascena Drosophila flies increased longevity by 27%, Attributed to the antioxidant (Jafari et al., 2008)
with no reduction in fecundity action
Hericium erinaceus Bull. Ex Fr. D-galactose-induced Has significant antioxidative Increases expression of SOD (Liu et al., 2011b)
ageing mice effect in apolexis brain tissues and GSH-Px, decreases MDA
Cornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc. D-galactose-induced Plays certain role in delaying Inhibits the in vivo protein (Guo et al., 2005)
ageing rats ageing non-enzymatic glycosylation,
decreases the DNA damage
of peripheral blood lymphocyte
Cynomorium songaricum Rupr. Flies Enhances cognitive behaviour The C. songaricum flavonoids (Liu et al., 2012;
and resistance to stress, extends act as free radical scavengers Yu et al., 2010)
female mean lifespan
Table 6 (Continued)

Active ingredient Source model Efficacy mechanism Mechanism references References
Vacciniumuliginosum Linn. Drosophila flies Significantly extends mean Via the up-regulation of (Peng et al., 2012)
lifespan, enhances the antioxidant enzymes (e.g.
locomotor performance superoxide dismutase and
Rhodiola rosea Fruit fly and Drosophila Increases longevity without strongly suggesting that (Jafari et al., 2007)
melanogaster negative effects on reproduction Rhodiola is not a mere dietary
or 2metabolic rate restriction mimetic
Ginkgo biloba nematode Extends nematode lifespan By enhancing resistance to (Collins et al., 2006)
by 10% thermal and oxidative stress
Damnacanthus officinarum C. elegans Shows in vivo neuroprotective Mechanism unknown (Yang et al., 2012)
and lifespan extending activity
by 10–30%
Ligusticum Chuanxiong Hort. C. elegans Increases the average life span By antioxidant stress, (Wang, 2010)
of nematodes by 29.9% and regulating IIS signalling
the maximum life span by passway, inhibiting
9.4% fat accumulation, improving
mitochondrial activity and
genes related to
energy metabolism
Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer/ Angiotensin II-induced Delays the ageing of HUVECs Possibly by down-regulating (Yang et al., 2009)
Panax notoginseng Burkill ageing of induced by angiotensin II the expression of NADPH
F. H. Chen ex HUVECs oxidase subunit p47phox
C. H. Chow/Ligusticum through AT1R and further
chuanxiong Hort. reducing superoxide anion
Coptis chinensis Franch. High fat diet-induced Enhances the insulin sensitive Decreases the level of TC, (Qiao et al., 2010)
metabolic index M-value and protein TG in serum and improves
syndrome rats level of p-AMPK-α, reduces insulin sensitivity by
wet weight of innards fat activation of AMPK in
muscle tissues of metabolic
syndrome rats
Decoction Polygonatum sibiricum D-galactose-induced Significantly increases the Significantly activates the (Li et al., 2002)
Delar. ex Redoute ageing mice telomerase activity in gonad telomerase activity
and brain without significant
change of MDA levels
Anti-ageing ingredients from natural phytomedicine

British Journal of Pharmacology (2017) 174 1395–1425


C-Y Shen et al.

chemically characterized, standardized if possible and of Acknowledgements

known quality when prescribing for population in specific
conditions, such as during pregnancy and by breastfeeding
This project was supported by the National Natural Founda-
women, in the paediatric and adolescent population, as
tion of China (31301453), Scientific Research Projects of the
well as in the geriatric population (Izzo et al. 2016). Fur-
State Administration of traditional Chinese medicine
thermore, many factors, such as the herb–drug interac-
(JDZX2015205), Guangdong Science and Technology Project
tions, the methods used for processing, combining and
(2013B090700015), Guangdong Provincial Science and Tech-
decocting, as well as the clinical context and testing
nology Department Project (2015B020211013).
methods used, could affect the toxicity of TCM (Liu
et al. 2014). Thus, predicting safety of TCM at an early
stage is a great challenge for drug development and re-
quires considerable effort (Wang et al. 2015).
Conflict of interest
As is known to us all, TCMs not only possess multiple The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
bioactive components and various pharmacological activi-
ties but also might generate other bioactive or inactive me-
tabolites when delivered in vivo. It is really difficult to
figure out whether the anti-ageing effect is attributed to a
(n) single and exact mechanism or owing to the synergistic References
therapeutic efficacies. Probably, TCM cannot be expected to
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