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Effects of Neurological Diseases in our Nervous System

A Research Paper

submitted to

Ms. Celina R. Sibug

In partial fulfillment of the requirements


English 10


Pricilla Eunice Anne B. Magluyan


February 04, 2019


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to those people who helped me through

this research. First of all, to my mother who assisted me on my topic and supported me

financially. To those librarians that allowed me to borrow the books for my references in this

research, thank you so much and I will always appreciate each help they’d given to me. It’s also

my pleasure to include my adviser, Ms. Sibug who gave me the opportunity to do this wonderful

research that will help me once I enter my senior high school days as there will be more research

to be conducted.

I am forever grateful with this research because I know it will help me to fulfill my dream to

become a neurosurgeon as it focuses on neurological diseases. Thank you so much and God

Statement of the Problem

This paper sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the different diseases directly affects the nervous system?

2. What are the epilepsies that can occur in the nervous system?

3. What are the causes of different headaches by tension on the nervous system?

4. How can some problems of the nervous system caused by injury?

5. What are the overview of the nervous system disorders?

Table of Contents

Chapter Pages

I. Introduction …………………………………………………………………….………………1

II. Function of parts of the nervous system.……………………………………….......................3



Spinal Cord …………………………………………………………….............................3

III. Effects of problems caused by injury to the nervous system ………………………………..4

Infections ……………………………………………………………………………….…4

Polio ………………………………………………………………………………………4

Rabies ………………………………………………………………..................................4

Other Conditions…………………………………………………………………..............4

IV. Nervous System Disorder …………………………………………………….........................5



Structural ………………………………………………………….……………………..5


V. Effects of diseases that directly affects the nervous system………………………………….. 6

Epilepsy………………………………………………………………………………..…. 6

Grand mal epilepsy…………………………………………………………………..........7

Petit mal epilepsy………………………………………………….....................................7

Focal epilepsy…………………………………………………………………………......7

Multiple Sclerosis………………………………………………………………………....8

Cerebral Palsy……………………………………………………………………………. 8

Meningitis…………………………………………………………................................... 8


Alzheimer’s Disease………………………………………………....................................9

VI. Effects of infectious diseases that affect the nervous system……………...............................9




VII. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………..11

Significance of the Study

This paper has importance to the following:

1. People who feel something wrong on their nervous system

- The study of this research will radically prove that any simple problem that you noticed in any
parts of the nervous system might be connected on different diseases.

2. People who are diagnosed with neurological disease

- The discovery of this research will make them aware on how to deal with the effects of
neurological diseases and how will affect their body and health.

3. Future Researchers

- The findings in this research will help the future researchers on what are the effects of
neurological diseases to the nervous system so that the researchers will be mindful.
Definition of Terms

Vascular - relating to a channel for the conveyance of a body fluid

Epidural - an injection of a substance into a person’s spine to cause the lower part of the body of

the body unable to feel the pain

Peripheral - relating to being part of the peripheral nervous system

Sclerosis - a disease in which soft parts of the body become hard

Disorder - a physical or mental condition that is not normal or healthy

Yaws - a contagious tropical disease caused by a spirochetes

Seizure - an abnormal state in which you become unconscious and your body moves in an

uncontrolled and violent way

I. Introduction

Do you know how does the nervous system work? Or have you ever observe someone

who’s suffering a problem or malfunction on their nervous system? Well, nowadays lots of

diseases were discovered and diagnosed. You can observe how a normal person do their daily basis

without aching any problem to their health and it can also be seen easily if a person is suffering on

a disorder as it will be hard for them to control their seizures. Now, lots of people are asking on

what if you get infected without seeing any possible symptoms? How will you see the effects of

this diseases?

Nervous system is baffling to understand for an average reader. The brain, spinal cord, and

the nerves make up the nervous system. Together, they control all the workings at the body. As

this research focuses on the different neurological diseases, it will enumerate the effects of each

diseases. Once the brain or any part of the nervous system is affected by a disease, it can go horribly

wrong and may damage different functions. Neurological disorders are diseases of the brain, spine

and the nerves that connect them. The result of effect can be seen through the speaking,

swallowing, breathing or learning. It can also have problems with the memory, senses or mood.

Neurological diseases have been diagnosed and treated with some success for many years. It can

observe from the neurological diseases have a big impact to the nervous.

The purpose of this research is to let people know the possible effects of neurological

diseases or disorders to our nervous system.

This research paper is organized to discuss the functions of parts of the nervous system;

effects of problems caused by injury to the nervous system; nervous system disorders; effects of

diseases that directly affects the nervous system; and the effects of infectious diseases that affect

the nervous system.

II. Function of Parts of the Nervous System

The nervous system connects body parts and transmit signals from one part to another. It

is divided into three main parts. The following is what the nervous system made up:


- The brain gives command to all the other parts of the body. It is an organ located in the

skull that use to remember, think, feel and plan. It serves as a computer that work as an

organizer and distributor of information for the body.


- Messages from the brain travel to nerves. Nerves serves as the connector of the different

body parts to the brain. Nerves is a bundles of nerve cells that carry messages. There are

nerves from those in parts of the face that connect directly with the brain,

Spinal Cord

- A large group of nerves that connects other nerves to the brain is called as the spinal cord.

It is the center of the bones in the back and the top of it is connected to the brain. The spine

is a stack of bones that protects it. At the spinal cord, the nerves are branch out and go to

all parts of the body such as the organs, arms, chest, legs and feet.

III. Effects of Problems Caused by Injury to the Nervous System

There are diseases or disorders can affect the nervous system that caused by injury. There

are some that can be prevented and others cannot, but it can be helped with a therapy. It is also

divided into two types of diseases or disorders.


- Usually infections are caused by the germs that entered the body and some of it can

damage the nervous system. The following are the two types of infections that can occur:

Polio - It is a germ that caused a serious disease that can make the victim unable to

move the legs. Once the polio germs enters the body, it can now attack the nerves

that control breathing. Before, polio is a deadly disease that don’t have cure, but

now there is a vaccine that can prevent polio.

Rabies - It is a disease that can be transmit to the body from a bite of an infected

animal. It is a serious disease that can choke the victim unable to breathe. The

spreading of rabies in the body can be prevented with a series of shot. The animals

that carry rabies are squirrels, raccoons, dogs, cats and other wild animals.

Other Conditions

- There are some problems that are caused by injury or damage to cells in the nervous

system. Masses of cells that grow in the brain without control are called ‘brain tumors’. It

can damage the brain cells if it’s near and can only be removed with a surgery.

IV. Nervous System Disorders

The nervous system is vulnerable to various disorders. This disorders occurs when the

nervous system was damage by a trauma, infections and tumors. Disorders of the nervous system

may involve the following:

Vascular Disorder

- Vascular disorder occurs when there is a persistent or sudden onset of a headache or a

headache that changes or is different. Vascular disorder can lead to stroke, transient

ischemic attack, subdural hemorrhage and hematoma, subarachnoid hemorrhage and

extradural hemorrhage.


- When a germ enters the human body, it can cause infections that can damage the nervous

system. The germ carries different disorders such as meningitis, encephalitis, polio and

epidural abscess.

Structural Disorders

- Structural disorders happens when there is a lack of coordination or back pain which

radiates to the feet, toes, or other parts of the body. It can lead into a spinal cord or brain

injury, Bell’s palsy, brain or spinal cord tumor, peripheral neuropathy, cervical

spondylosis, carpal tunnel syndrome and Guillain-Barre’s syndrome.

Functional Disorders

- This disorder occurs when there is a severe onset headache, lost of feeling or tingling

and tremors and seizures. When these symptoms did not take seriously, this can lead to

epilepsy, dizziness and neuralgia.


- Degeneration is one of the most serious cases that human experience. When memory

loss and loss of sight or double vision occurs to the person, he or she must be suffering

from degeneration such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral

sclerosis, hunting chorea and Alzheimer’s disease.

V. Effects of Diseases that Directly Affects the Nervous System

There are different types of diseases that directly affects the nervous system. The following

are the different neurological diseases:


- Epilepsy is characterized by uncontrolled excessive activity of either a part of all the

nervous system. A person who is predisposed to epilepsy has attacks when the basal level

of excitability of the nervous system rises above a certain critical threshold. But, as long as

the degree of excitability is held below this threshold, no attacks occurs.

Basically, epilepsy can be classified into three major types: Grand mal epilepsy; Petit mal

epilepsy; and focal epilepsy.

Grand mal epilepsy - Grand mal epilepsy is characterized by extreme neuronal

discharges in all areas of the brain--in the cortex, in the deeper parts of the

cerebrum, and even in all areas of the reticular activating system. The effect of

grand mal epilepsy is when discharges are transmitted from the reticular formation

into the spinal cord to cause generalized tonic convulsions of the entire body,

followed toward the end of the attack by alternating muscular contractions called

tonic-tonic convulsion. Often the person bites or “swallows” the tounge and usually

has difficulty in breathing, sometimes to the extent of developing cyanosis.

Petit mal epilepsy - This epilepsy is closely allied to grand mal epilepsy, that it too

almost certainly involves the vascular activating system. The usual effect of this is

characterized up to 30 seconds of unconsciousness during which has several twitch

like contractions of muscles usually in the head region--especially blinking of eyes;

this is followed by return of consciousness and adaptation of previous activities.

Focal Epilepsy - Almost any part of the brain either localized regions of the cerebral

cortex or structures of both the cerebrum and brain stem is involve in this type of

epilepsy. Focal epilepsy is so-called psychotic seizure, the usual effect of focal

epilepsy that is caused by an attack of abnormal rage, sudden anxiety, discomfort,a

moment of incoherent speech or mumbling of some trite phrase or a motor act to

attack someone.
Multiple Sclerosis

- It is a nerve disease that strikes young adults. People are disabled in different ways,

depending on which nerves are damage by the disease. The effect to some people will have

a speech or hearing problems. Others get numb, or walk only with difficulty. At this time,

there is no cure for multiple sclerosis.

Cerebral Palsy

- It is a result from damage to the nervous system, either when a person is born or in early

childhood. It is a disorder that affects certain muscles of the body. The muscles become

tense or contracted. This make it difficult to walk or talk.


- Meningitis is also called spinal meningitis. It is an infection of the membranes that

surround the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis is an infectious disease just like the common

cold caused by bacteria. You can catch meningitis by close contact with someone who has

the disease. Headache, fever, chills, a rash, and a stiff neck are some of the symptoms and

if not treated right away it can caused paralysis or even death.


- Strokes generally affect older people. They happen when blood that usually goes to the

brain is stopped by a blood clot. Blood clots stop the blood to certain parts of the brain.

The effect of it to the body part of the damaged section of brain controls is paralyzed.

Alzheimer’s Disease

- It is an illness that usually strikes older people. It affects the brain, and the victim becomes

very forgetful. Senility occurs in some people as they grow taller. As effect of it, they lose

their mental bowers and memory become confused.

VI. Effects of Infectious Diseases that Affect the Nervous System

Infectious diseases that affect the nervous system is divided into three types. The following

are the different diseases:


- Protozoans are microorganism often classified as one-called animals. They are much

larger than bacteria and more complex in their cellular structure. While most protozoans

are free-living, certain of their numbers are the causative agents of serious human infection.

The effects of this disease can lead to ameba, malaria and fungi.


- These are often considered to be midway between viruses and bacteria have

characteristics of both. They resemble bacteria in form but are smaller than the smallest

bacteria. Some are rod-shaped, while others are spherical. The effect of rickettsiae that

carries by lice, fleas, and ticks are rocky mountain spotted fever, rickettsial disease from

rats and trench fever.


- It is a group of microorganisms that resemble bacteria in certain respects. Many

spirochetes are free living and have no relation to disease. However, certain kinds invade

the body and cause infection. The syphilis organism is the best-known disease by

spirochetes that swims spirally through the blood and may leave an effect to the liver and


VII. Conclusion

Neurological diseases are disorders of the brain, spine and the nerves that connect them.

Normally, neurological diseases can be contagious as there are infections and germs that can be

transmitted or it can be hereditary as there can be diseases that might passed from parent to child

before birth.

The nervous system connects body parts and transmit signal from one part to another

because the brain passes the signal to the spinal cord and spread it through the nerves. These parts

plays a vital role to give the symptoms if a human nervous system is infected with disease. There

are diseases and disorders that can affect the nervous system that caused by injury. There are some

that can be prevented and others cannot, but it can be helped with a therapy. The nervous system

is vulnerable to various disorders. This disorders occurs when the nervous system was damaged

by a trauma, infections and tumors. There are different types of diseases that directly affects the

nervous system, some of these can be manage by a therapy but most of it are not so the person

who is infected just continue to suffer and wait for a discovery on medication. There are also

infectious diseases that affect the nervous system. They are classified into microorganisms,

viruses, bacteria and germs. Though neurological diseases can occur or transmitted to anyone, does

it have cure to make yourself better again? What should you do if you got diagnosed? What if you

get infected without any symptoms? Can it caused your death?

Neurological diseases have different symptoms and it doesn’t choose an age on where it will

occur. Many diseases on the nervous system has a success on finding a cure but some are not.

When you get diagnosed with any of the diseases, you should read some articles and seek for

medical attention to prevent it. All neurological diseases have a symptoms that can be feel

physically and some can be on mental health symptoms.

As for those people who are suffering on one of this diseases, they may ask for a serious

medication. As it will affect their daily living. People who feel something weird to their nervous

system should also do some research to help them learn more to prevent it. Prevention is always

better than cure, people should know things that can caused them to be infected and make their

living healthy to be safe from this disease.

Neurological diseases are deadly so we should take care of our health conditions through

physically, emotionally and mentally as these diseases focuses on the brain, spinal cord and nerves

that are fundamental parts on controlling our body. If the nervous system is damage, we will be

paralyzed and nothing.


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