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Advice Sheet

Over on our Instagram page we asked our followers what advice they would
give to students new to architecture... this is what they said ..

“Feel proud. Make something to be proud of.”

“Read a lot of books related to architecture as well as outside architecture”

“Brace yourselves”

“Always sleep 8h/day and do 30min/day exercise and manage your studio time”

“Explore the world, get to know yourself, be unique in design, and be happy”

“Never give up”

“Make sure you live a life outside of the studio - play sport, cook and eat well, make time for
friends and others”

“Do not sleep in school… take a break”

“Motivation and passion are your strongest allies. Be inspired everyday by design”

“Work work work”

“Keep grinding”

“Learn as much software as possible! I wish i had learned more… employability”

“Channel your passion into excellence”

“Read more philosophy”

“Don’t let your design be software driven”

“Read. Read. Read. Looking at pics is not enough”

“Learn by yourself as well as college”

“Push boundaries”

“Always have at-least one day off”

“Stay hydrated”

“Research HARD, but try to apply your findings in as many creative outputs as you can.
Build your network NOW!! One day it wont be about what you know, but who you know.”

“Architecture and passion is found in the real world, not on your laptop at 1am, go to
exhibitions every week”

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