The Story of Inem

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THE STORY of INEM Once upon a time there was small village call “Desa Tijalikreuh”,

The village is very beautyfull so many sheep in there, farmer, the header of
village, and the kid play kite also(alay). The name header of the village is Mr.
Yanto but every people in the village always call him Mr. RT. Mr.RT is realy brave
man,he never scare to everything and anything exept his wife Mrs. Partiyem The
realy header of the village or we can call her Mrs. RT. Mr. RT cant decide before
Mrs. RT say yes, if Mr. RT have different argue Mr. RT will sleep outside the
house. Mr. Brata is the handsome guy in the village not just handsome he is really
really rich people, every women who see him will crazy of love to him and at the
same time the women will being real crazy. Mr. Brata had driver the name is Brother
Sitompul (mang Tompul) he is Mr. Brata right hand and he is Batak. Before Mang
Tompul being a driver he was worker of saloon with full make up in his face, he
fired from saloon because his broke the costumer neck when he turn to creambath.
Mr. Raden is the neighbor of Mr. Brata, this old man really like young girl because
of that he want married again but the purpose is over when Mrs. Raden want kill him
with golok. Ko Aci is the seller, he sell everything exam hand phone, speaker,
computer, and the famous product of him is strong drug. The strong drug never fail,
it mean never fail make people die in 60 second Haji Dadang is the mosque old man,
he always use sarung but without underware. Haji Dadanx is anger man he don’t like
tecnologi and always use traditional ways. So many different people in this village
but they always stay in peace, peace before the tragedy came. One day in
Tijalikreuh village came a beuatyfull girl her name is Inem, Inem is jamu seller
she came from Boyolali, when she came every people in village wants make her being
wife especially Mr. RT and Mr. Raden. Inem really umble girl she always give
pleasure to everyone and it makes every people likes her even loves. Inem Always
sell jamu in the morning and finished in 12 AM, in the morning Mr Raden and Mr RT
really spirit to buy Inem Jamu, they really busy saw inem until they unrealized
they drank of jamu and turn do a strange move like people want sakaratul maut after
that Mrs. RT found Mr. RT doing straged moved and she turn kick out,punch, and bite
like a dog to Mr. RT, finally Mr. RT woke up with big smile and then he shock when
he saw his wife is carrying golf stick. How about Mr.Raden? he still doing stange
moved till night. Inem want have new job what good for her but she don’t know how,
at the same time Mr. Brata needs house keeper to clean up his house. Inem heared
job vacancy and she turn propose to Mr. Brata and Mr.Brata agree to take inem being
housekeeping in his house. Inem so happy cause her hope is wishful. In different
side so many people especially Guy in the village doent like Inem work with Mr.
Brata because they worried Inem will fallin in love to Mr. Brata and they cant see
Inem again In the morning bought jamu to them.
Other situation Ko Aci decided to follow Inem step to be Jamu seller but jamu Ko
aci is terrible the taste as same as like bajigur. Ko Aci didn’t give up yet, he
improve jamu with strong durg and gave to Haji Dadanx for fist taster and the
result is more than terrible,Haji Dadang dancing like monkey style and he regard
him self as Pitung not so long he unconscious after all. Back to Mr.Brata house,
Inem did her work so well and Mr.Brata really happy to her work gradually Mr. Brata
turn like her more than boss and the worker. Inem have same felt with Mr. Brata but
she realize shes just house keeper, after all Inem just hide away her felling.
Mr.Raden and Mr. RT came to Mr brata home and order him fired Inem and let Inem to
be jamu seller but Mr. Brata refused it. Mr. RT and Mr. Raden not accept it and
they turn fight, Mr. RT show swan step to fight Mr. Brata, Mr. Raden want take a
part either, he call Ko Aci and he order mie kocok after that Mr Raden and Ko Aci
sit and watched Mr. RT and Mr.Brata fight. Mr.RT too stronger for Mr.Brata not so
long a man came up from trashcan and the man is Mang Tompul, Mang tompul turn fight
with Mr. RT. Mr. Brata move to side sit with Mr.Raden,Ko Aci and watching Mang
Tompul and Mr. RT, Manmg tompul is almost defeat but he show unbeliveble moved with
kiss Mr. RT and then Mr.RT fall. After the tragedy Mr. Brata propose Inem to be his
wife and then Inem agree to be his wife.they live happiness Finally Mr. RT is
punish with Mrs. RT,he must sleep outside house for 1 week. Mr.Raden and Ko Aci
opened new business mie kocok+jamu. Mang tompul have side job to learn karate. And
Haji Dadang is still regard him self as Pitung and he still no wearing uderware
Inem Mr. Brata (inem boss) Mr. RT (Mr. yanto a.k.a Yansen) Mrs. RT (Mrs. Partiyem)
Brother Tompul (mang Tompul,Mr Brata Driver) Mr. Raden (neighbour of Mr. Brata)
Mrs. Raden Ko Aci (the manajer of strong durg) Haji Dadanx (Old man of mosque who
love give advice)

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