Final Requirements IN SPED 108: Brokenshire College Socsksargen Inc. CED Avenue, National Highway, Gen. Santos City

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CED Avenue, National Highway, Gen. Santos City



SPED 108


Submitted by: Irishel M. Masalon

Submitted to: Ma’am Miriam T. Malang
I. Personal Information
Name: Klent

Age: 4 years old

Birthday: June 21, 2015

Address: Lun Padidu, Malapatan, Sarangani Province

II. Personal History (at least 5-7 sentencesRelevant information only)
Klent was full term baby and he is vaginal delivery, according to his mother there’s no birth
complication during pregnancy even if it is unplanned. Though if it is unplanned her mother wasn’t take
any medicines during her pregnancy. His mother was stable in physical and emotional at time of Klent
birth. There’s no other caregiver Klent has he is always on his mother’s side.

III. Observation (at least 5-7 sentences in each area. Paragraph Form)
a. Developmental
First, I will let him count a numbers and then I asked him to identify where is number 5 and he can
identify it, but according to his mother he is mostly unable to identify it. According to his mother also he
start walking slowly when he is 11 months. In school, because he start schooling he can able to draw a
circle and square but he can’t recognize written words and he can’t read simple words can’t understand
time concept. His gross motor was good because he can catches a bounced ball and can hop on one foot.

b. Behavioral
Klent has no stranger anxiety he can talk to everyone. His mother note that he can led and
influenced by others and he can interact well with his same age level and that he often demonstrates
attention-seeking behaviour. Klent describes difficulties with focusing, and sitting still in class. He
recognizes that he is able to 'hyper focus' on some activities of interest, however he often has difficulty
sustaining his attention at school. His mother who are always by his side indicate that Klent is restless,
hyperactive and often requires reminders to help him stay on task both in school and in home. He is always
supervise by his mother in school because he is not focusing well. He has experienced difficulties with
school work completion, inattentiveness and distractibility, disorganization, impulsivity and mood
fluctuations. At home a child was messy he can’t put his things proper especially his toys.

c. Adaptive Skills
In terms of communication Klent are using language to communicate with people around him. He
can interact appropriately with adults and with his peers. He can feed himself and when dressing seek
parents help when needed, he can brush his teeth, toileting and was hands independently. He can able to
run, hop, kick, climb and play with other children.
d. Cognitive Skills
I interviewed his mother and according to her, Klent can’t write even his name. When his mother
teach him to write he always said that he is tired. He only know alphabet songs he can sing it but he can’t
recognize them one by one, and also he can’t pronounced some of the letter like “R- he pronounced it UN
and also L to N”. He can only counting numbers 1-10 but he can’t also identify each numbers.

IV. Recommendations (Bullet Form)

 A child shall always supervise by his mother
 Reward and punishment shall implement by his parents
 If the symptoms became worst parents should sent their child to expert or doctor.

V. Provisional Case Assessment (Summary of your observation and what do you think is the case of
the child? 5-7 sentences)
After observing and interviewing a child physically capable has no sign of disability in his physical
appearance. Some of his developmental milestones his not met the appropriate progress which is a child at
this age are able to recognize written words and start a reading skills but Klent’s case wasn’t. In his
behavioral assessment he was inattentive, easily distracted and can’t focus in classroom activity the reason
why he can’t participate well in school, but he can interact with adults and his peers, his social life was
good and stable he can play with other children. My provisional case assessment is that Klent has a mild
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder due to this disorder he can’t perform well in school.

VI. Recommendations
 If possible a child shall receive an early intervention to prevent worsening.
 Discipline are necessary for the child by the parents.
 Teacher and parent’s collaboration are also required in this case for a child to meet his
educational needs.

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