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This research work is carried out to investigate the effect of peer-tutoring teaching strategy on
secondary school student academic achievement in Mathematics. Three research questions and
three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The design adopted was a Quasi-
Experimental. Two hundred (200) students from four selected schools in Edu Local Government
Area were used as research sample. The simple random sampling technique was used to select
the sampled schools. The experimental group was exposed to peer-tutoring, while the control
group was taught with conventional method. Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) was used to
collect data from both pretest and posttests. A reliability coefficient of 0.71 was obtained. The
data were analyzed using t-test. The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The
findings of the study are student taught with peer-tutoring strategy performed better than those
taught with conventional teaching method and gender has no effect on their mathematics
achievement scores. It was recommended that Government agencies whose responsibility is to
design and revise the curriculum for secondary schools should incorporate the use of peer
tutoring in teaching.



1.1 Background of the Study

The field of education has undergone a significant shift in thinking about the nature of

human learning and the conditions that best promote the varied dimension of human learning

(Applefield, Huber & Moallem, 2001 as cited in Gan, 2008). Several researchers had suggested

that human learn best if they repeat same behaviour several times, and the theory behind this

type of learning in most western schools is viewed through the viewpoints constructivist. (Gan,


According to Facey-Shaw & Golding (2005) cognitive theories of learning attempt to

explain how instructors can use information to improve students’ learning. However,

(Abdullahi, 2016)
constructivist theory suggests that human learn better if there is an interaction between previous

knowledge and new knowledge. Thus, there has been a paradigm shift in the designing of

instruction from behaviourists to cognitivists and now to constructivists (Cooper, 2008).

According to Gan, (2008) the conventional teaching approach usually involve teacher

starting the lesson by introducing the topic or concept, explaining it and then give some works

examples. Lastly, the teacher gives home work to the students. In this kind of learning situation,

students are not able to construct their own understanding since they are not actively

participating in the teaching and learning process. Students are not able to think creatively,

innovatively and critically since they perceivably received what have been taught to them.

In addition some students are not able to keep with the teaching pace. Hence, in order to

promote active participation of student’s teachers should adjust their teaching style to a more

learner-centred once. One possible teaching approach is the peer-tutoring teaching approach. On

the other hand, peer-tutoring are systematic, peer/mediated teaching strategies (Rohrbeck,

Ginsburg-Block, Fantuzzo & Miller, 2003).

To further buttress on the above statement, Ezengwu (2007) stated that majority of

teachers in the field still employ conventional methods in the classroom teaching, these methods

though not without some advantages are found to be didactic, stereotype, ineffective and non-

result oriented. The National Mathematics Advisory Panel (2008) as cited in Anselm (2010)

argued that to continue to progress in mathematics achievement, we must improve the quality of

mathematics instruction received by all secondary students. Although many factors affect a

student’s mathematics learning, one factor over which schools have the most immediate control

is the choice of mathematics program to be implemented by teachers, administrators and

curriculum developers.

Peer tutoring is not a new idea, it is possibly as old as any form of collaborative or

community action and has probably always taken place implicitly or vicariously (Topping 2005).

But in a changing Higher Education landscape, more formalised and even assessed forms of peer

(Abdullahi, 2016)
teaching are becoming ever more popular. Indeed Peer tutoring schemes appear to becoming

strategized; developing to meet calls for accountability, better assessment, and improved

outcomes for students. (Anselm, 2010).

Peer tutoring is a very old practice traceable back at least as far as the ancient Greeks.

Archaic Definitions of peer tutoring perceived the peer tutor as a surrogate teacher in a linear

model of the transmission of knowledge from teacher to tutor to tutee. Later it was realised that

the peer tutoring interaction was qualitatively different from that between a teacher and a

student, and involved different advantage and disadvantages (Razia, 2012).

Peer tutoring is an instructional strategy that consists of pairing students together to learn

or practice an academic task. The pairs of students can be of the same or differing ability and/or

age range. Peer tutoring encompasses a variety of instructional approaches including Cross-Age

Tutoring, Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS), and Reciprocal Peer Tutoring (RPT).

Variations exist among instructional approaches. However, the underlying theory is consistent:

peer interaction can have a powerful influence on academic motivation and achievement (Light

& Littleton, 2000; Steinburg, Dornbusch, & Brown, 2004; Wentzel, 2006). The research base

also suggests that socialization experiences that occur during peer tutoring can benefit both the

tutor and tutee by motivating students to learn and increasing their social standing among peers

(Fuchs, D., Fuchs, L.S., Mathes & Martiniez, 2002; Rohrbeck et. al, 2003; Miller & Miller,

2008). When students understand the benefits of peer tutoring and have the tools to become

effective tutors and tutees, they make greater progress than those who are not given any

instruction on how to work together (Fuchs, Fuchs, Hamlett, Phillips, Karns, & Dutka, 2007).

Peer-tutoring consists of students partnership, linking high achieving students with lower

achieving students or those with comparable achievement for structure reading and mathematics

study seasons. Peer-tutoring refer to situation where one child provides instructional assistance

and guidance to another child (Tan, Cheah & Choug, 2005).

Furthermore, Nathern and Liz (2007) as cited in Ezenwosu, and Loretta (2013) noted that

(Abdullahi, 2016)
peer tutoring gives teachers the capability to accommodate a classroom with diverse learners to

improve academic achievement across ability levels and content areas. According to Vygotsky

(1987) as cited in Razia (2012) peers play a special role in children’s development. Although

children’s relationship with their parents is more intense and enduring than relations with peers,

interactions among age-mates are more free and egalitarian. The greater fluidity of peer

relationships offers children the opportunity for a new kind of interpersonal experimentation and


Schools across the country are adopting and using student centered instruction rather than

the conventional teaching method of instruction. This method of teaching has increased student

achievement in all subjects of the elementary classroom, as well as the use of mathematics in

everyday life (Topping, Campbell, Douglas & Smith, 2003).

Motivation was an additional benefit of using peer assisted learning to promote student

learning in the mathematics classroom. Results have also indicated that learners were motivated

in achieving their own success in mathematics (McMaster, Fuchs and Fuchs, 2006). Research on

peer-assisted learning and its effects on students in mathematics, has proven to be a beneficial

way in achieving success (McMaster et al., (2006); Nesselrodt & Alger, (2005); Robinson,

(2005); Spencer, (2006).

According to research on same-age and cross-age peer tutoring, significant gains were

made in learners of all backgrounds (Cairo & Craig, 2005). Nebo (2012) stated that this

conventional method of teaching has failed to recognize the uniqueness of the inquiry base

nature of Mathematics and the learner’s individuality thus failed to encourage creative thinking

in the learner leading to poor achievement of students. Based on this educators and scholars are

challenged to seek for an intervention or innovative methods that would enhance academic

achievement of students in Mathematics some of these methods includes concept mapping,

discovering method, co-operative learning, target task approach, peer tutoring e.t.c. (Okoye,


(Abdullahi, 2016)
According to Benjamin 2010 the benefits of peer-tutoring is that a struggling student can

benefit greatly from having to prepare and teach the topic that they are studying to a tutor from

the same age group as them. The formal lines that exist between a teacher and a student aren’t as

defined with someone who is the same age as the person learning, and are therefore easier to

cross and find common ground with that said student.

Therefore, students need to be able to master problem-solving skills. One way to achieve

this goal is through peer-assisted learning (also known as peer tutoring), which, according to

Calhoon (2003), is defined as students working together to teach one another. According to

Summers (2006), this style of learning is correlated to social constructivism because students use

their own knowledge to assist each other with assignments and class assessments.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The low level of attainment of students in mathematics at every segment of educational

system have given mathematics and even mathematics educators a high level of concern which

is so because of the universally held assumption of the growth and development of mankind. A

lot of research efforts have been focused on identifying factors that inhibit the learning of

mathematics. According to Anselm (2010) Poor motivation, and lecture method have been

highlighted as problems. The approached used by many mathematics teachers is one which does

not give room for students to develop their intuition, imagination and creative abilities. As a

results of this, mathematics educators are constantly interested on how and when to optimally

adopt different mathematics instructional strategies in order to achieve the stated mathematics

educational objectives. Obviously, the traditional mathematics teacher as information giver or

textbook guided classroom has failed to bring the desired outcome of producing well thinking

mathematics students to meet the present global challenges. (Anselm, 2010)

Therefore, there is need to search for more effective instructional strategies that are likely

to improve students’ academic achievement in secondary school mathematics. Hence, this study

seeks to make a comparative analysis on peer tutoring type of co-operative based learning

(Abdullahi, 2016)
instructional strategy and the traditional teaching strategy in relation to mathematics

achievement among senior secondary school students in Edu Local Government Area of Kwara


1.3 Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this research is to investigate the effect of peer tutoring and

conventional teaching strategies on the Mathematics achievement of Senior Secondary School

Students in Tsaragi Emirate of Edu Local Government Area of Kwara State.

Specifically, the research objectives include the following:

I. To compare academic achievement of students using peer-tutoring method and

conventional method of instruction.

II. To compare male and female students academic achievement using peer tutoring method.

III. To compare the effect of peer-tutoring and conventional method of instruction in

student’s retention level in mathematics.

1.4 Research Questions

The study was guided by the following research questions:

I. What impact does Peer-tutoring and Conventional Teaching Strategies have on Student

Academic Achievement in Mathematics?

II. Does Gender have any influence on the Academic Achievement of Students in

Mathematics using Peer-tutoring?

III. What are the effects of peer-tutoring and conventional teaching strategies in student’s

retention level in Mathematics?

1.5 Research Hypothesis

H01: There is no significance difference in academic achievement of students taught

Mathematics using peer tutoring method and those taught using conventional teaching


H02: There is no significance difference between male and female performance in

(Abdullahi, 2016)
Mathematics when taught using peer tutoring.

H03: There is no significance difference between students retention when taught

Mathematics using Peer tutoring and Conventional teaching Strategy.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The quest to find an acceptable, relevant functional and conclusive method for teaching

and learning of mathematics has been of great concern to mathematics educators. As a result,

mathematics educators are constantly interested on how to optimally adopt different mathematics

instructional strategies in order to achieve the stated mathematics educational objectives. Peer

tutoring as learning aid may improve students’ feeling of success and help them develop

confidence in mathematics through their direct involvement. This innovation when use helps in

solving the problem of mere teaching-learning of mathematics syndrome by domination. Since

the teacher-centered measures have not eradicated poor achievement from mathematics students,

it is time to adopt alternative ways of arresting it. Hence, this study will provide the basis for

mathematics educators towards the adoption of Class-wide peer tutoring as a measure against

poor academic achievement.

The study also significant, as the findings can improve on mathematics teachers’ ways of

presenting their lesson appropriately, thereby making students’ to become interested, participate

actively with mathematics concept. This will help to inculcate good cooperative learning habits

on mathematics students to enhance good academic achievement through involvement in peer


The curriculum experts at large would benefit a lot from the outcome of this study.

1.6 Scope and Delimitation of the study

The scope of the study is based on the comparative analysis of peer tutoring and teaching

strategy on academic performance of Senior Secondary School Students in Edu Local

Government Area of Kwara State.

The research work will be limited to the analysis based on the achievement test, and

(Abdullahi, 2016)
relevant text (literature). The topics to be covered are Differentiation and Integration. Other

limitation of the study is: inability of the researcher to cover the entire population of the study.

1.7 Operational Terms Used

i. Peer: Students of the same age/ability.

ii. Tutoring: A person charged with the instruction and guidance of another

iii. Comparative: A systematic observation of the similarities or dissimilarities between

two or more subjects or variables of study.

iv. Academic Performance: Evaluation of students’ expected performance on

academic activities in the classroom.



2.1 Introduction

The review of related literature was presented in this chapter under the following sub-


2.2 Conceptual Framework

2.3 The Meaning of Peer Tutoring

2.4 Types of Peer Tutoring

2.5 Benefits/Advantages of peer tutoring

2.6 Peer Tutoring & Achievement

2.7 Peer tutoring and Teaching Strategy

(Abdullahi, 2016)
2.2 The Meaning of Peer Tutoring

According to Ellinogermanik (2009) Peer tutoring is the process between two or more

students in a group where one of the students acts as a tutor for the other group-mate(s). Peer

tutoring can be applied among students of the same age or students belonging to different age

groups. Encouragement of peer tutoring is a useful strategy that can be applied effectively by

teachers in many cases in both monograde and multigrade schools.

A peer tutor is anyone who is of a similar status as the person being tutored. In

an undergraduate institution this would usually be other undergraduates, as distinct from the

graduate students who may be teaching the writing classes; in and Senior Secondary school this

is usually a student from the same grade or higher. (According to Outhred & Chester (2010).

Peer tutoring is a method of instruction that involves students teaching other students, a

system of instruction in which learners help each other and learn by teaching. Paul (2006)

defined peer tutoring as an instructional strategy that partners students to help one another learn

material, reinforce skills or practice a learned task.

Washington State Institute (2014) viewed peer tutoring is an instructional strategy that

uses students to provide academic assistance to struggling peers. Peer tutoring may use students

from the same classrooms or pair older students with younger struggling students.

2.3 Types/ Approaches of Peer Tutoring

According to Ellinogermanik (2009) there are two types of peer tutoring: (a) incidental

and (b) structured peer tutoring. It further explained the types as thus:

 Incidental peer tutoring often takes place, either at school or while students are playing

after school or when they are socializing. Whenever children are cooperating, playing or

studying and one guides the others, it may be stated that we have a kind of incidental

peer tutoring. For example when a student asks his/her classmate to help him/her in

Maths or asks for tips on how to improve his/her performance while playing a new video

game, we have cases of incidental peer tutoring.

(Abdullahi, 2016)
 Structured peer tutoring refers to peer tutoring implemented in specific cases and for

specific subjects, following a well-structured plan prepared by the teacher. Structured

peer tutoring is spontaneously used by experienced teachers who are able to plan well in

advance and are familiar on how to combine tutors and tutees appropriately in order to

have good results.

Approaches to Peer-tutoring include the followings:

Reciprocal Peer Tutoring (RPT)

Reciprocal Peer Tutoring is an intervention strategy combining self-management

methods, group interdependent reward contingencies, and reciprocal peer teaching to promote

academic and social competency (Fantuzzo & Rohrbeck, 1992).

RPT is a collaborative learning strategy in which students alternate between the role of

tutor and tutee. Unlike the previous peer tutoring strategies discussed, RPT may involve more

than a one-to-one relationship. Students alternate roles while in pairs or groups. Peer tutoring is

one collaborative approach where pairs of students interact to assist each other’s academic

achievement by one student adopting the role of tutor and the other the role of tutee. Peer

tutoring has been well validated for promoting the development of low-level skills, such as

spelling, math, and reading (e.g., Fuchs, Fuchs, Phillips, Hamlett, & Karns, 1995; Greenwood,

Delquadri, & Hall, 1989 as cited as cited in William, etal (2003). This approach also has been

used with college students to develop higher-order skills such as reading comprehension

(Dansereau, 1987) and understanding of statistical concepts (Keeler & Steinhorst, 1994).

Interestingly, students who provide the assistance seem to experience greater gains than those

who receive the tutorial help (Webb, 1991; Webb, 1992; Yager, Johnson, & Johnson, 1985)

RPT gives students the opportunity to make choices throughout the learning process. By

making choices, students enhance their self-management skills, and enhance control over

learning and cooperation with others (Fantuzzo, et al., 1995). Reciprocal tutoring and rewards

motivate students for their teams’ achievement. Rewards can be used as positive reinforcement

(Abdullahi, 2016)
to shape appropriate behaviours academically and socially within the classroom (Fantuzzo, et al.,

1992).They can also motivate learners to participate and achieve in difficult content areas.

Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS)

Unlike Cross-Age Tutoring, PALS is a structured peer tutoring program. PALS were

developed in 1989 by Dr. Lynn Fuchs and Dr. Doug Fuchs (2001) in conjunction with Dr.

Deborah Simmons. The strategies were derived from the Fuchs’ interest in developing a peer-

mediated instructional strategy that incorporated elements of other research-based methods

including Class-Wide Peer Tutoring (CWPT), Classroom-Based Measurement (CBM),

Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC), and Reciprocal Teaching. Developers

used these methods to enable a wider range of students to participate and increase success in

school. PALS offer specific programs in math and reading. Reading PALS is available for

preschool through 6th grade and for 9th grade through 12th grade, with variations available for

some grade levels. Math PALS is available for kindergarten through 6th grade. In both content

areas, the PAL strategies are designed to complement and not replace existing classroom reading

and math curricula and instructional methods. In this structured peer tutoring program students

pair off into player and coach roles to promote an equitable exchange; students exchange roles of

player and coach during tutoring sessions.

The pairing of higher- and lower-achieving students is intended so students gain

knowledge from each other through practice and reinforcement (students are still within the

same skill level, there is not a huge discrepancy between ability levels).Teachers must carefully

describe how the PALS strategies are done and how they relate to a particular lesson; they must

closely monitor the roles taken on by each student, and interject when instruction is needed.

PALS provide students with disabilities access to the general education curriculum and integrate

them into the classroom without using a disproportionate amount of instructional resources.

PALS enable teachers to integrate more strategic instruction during tutoring sessions

because teachers can meet the individual needs of students with peer tutoring. PALS utilizes the

(Abdullahi, 2016)
inherent ability differences of students in various skill levels within the classroom setting. “An

important advantage is that various groups of children in the same classroom can operate on

different levels. Teachers, in effect, can implement many ‘lessons’ simultaneously and can

address the needs of many students with learning disabilities” (Fuchs, Fuchs, & Karns,

2001).PALS learning strategy not only strengthens students’ academic skills, it gives many

students the opportunity to practice their social skills with peers in a natural setting (Fuchs &

Fuchs, 2001). Teachers can create and simultaneously implement different lessons to address a

greater range of learning needs (Fuchs et al., 2001).

Cross-Age Tutoring

Cross-Age Tutoring is a peer tutoring approach that joins students of different ages, with

older students assuming the role of tutor and younger students assuming the role of tutee.

Student pairings may include a variety of combinations such as elementary students with high

school students or older students with disabilities with younger students with disabilities. There

are no stringent tutoring procedures established for Cross-Age Tutoring, however most tutors do

engage in some type of training. These training sessions vary in range; some are scripted, others

have few pre-set guidelines. Training sessions tend to include a discussion of goals, problem

solving strategies (academically and behaviourally), and appropriate feedback and reinforcement

strategies (Barbetta & Miller, 1999 as cited in Razia, 2012).Tutors become models of appropriate

behaviour, organizing work, asking questions, demonstrating self-management, encouraging

social interaction, and facilitating better study habits .

Cross-Age Tutoring actively engages both tutors and tutees with disabilities in their

education and gives them a feeling of control over academic outcomes. Cross-Age Tutoring has

been applied with students with varying disabilities. By involving students with disabilities in

their education and giving them self-management tools, students can generalize motivation into

other areas. Students can use their skills to participate in Individualized Education Plans (IEPs),

thereby taking an active role in their future. Students can practice appropriate social skills while

(Abdullahi, 2016)
being academically engaged.

The positive effects of peer tutoring have been demonstrated across subjects such as

reading (Oddo, Barnett, Hawkins, & Musti-Rao, 2010), math (Hawkins, Musti-Rao, Hughes,

Berry, & McGuire, 2009), social studies (Lo & Cartledge, 2004), and science (Bowman-Perrott,

Greenwood, & Tapia, 2007), and across a wide range of settings that include general education

classrooms (Lo & Cartledge, 2004), resource rooms (Maheady et al., 1988), self-contained

classrooms (Sutherland & Snyder, 2007), alternative placements (Bowman-Perrott et al., 2007),

and group homes (Mayfield & Vollmer, 2007).

Peer tutoring configurations include cross-age (Jun, Ramirez, & Cumming, 2010), small

group (Maheady, Sacca, & Harper, 1987), and class-wide (Greenwood et al., 1992). In addition,

peer tutoring is effective for students with and without disabilities, native English-speaking

students, and English language learners (Okilwa & Shelby, 2010).

2.4 Benefits/Advantages of peer tutoring

According to Utley (2001), peer-mediated instruction and intervention is a teaching

strategy with four benefits: enhancing performance on tests (both standardized and curriculum-

based), including students with IEPs in learning in the general education classroom, improving

acceptance of students with different needs and relationships between all students, and

improving student discipline. The studies reviewed for this article showed similar results.

Enhancing performance on tests, especially standardized state exams, is a rationale for using

peer tutoring that would highly appeal to administrators in schools, for there is a direct

correlation between state exam scores and federal and state funding for schools. Improvement

on curriculum-based tests, which administrators would also be pleased with, is a reason for

teachers to implement peer tutoring in their classrooms.

Including students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) in the general

education classroom generates less need for special education and resource teachers. This may

not appear to be a benefit to a general educator, but again, administrators will be impressed with

(Abdullahi, 2016)
another way to increase funding by cutting positions and having general education teachers

accommodate all learners. (Baldwin, 2007).

A benefit that is most obvious in combining all students is the acceptance of those

students with IEPs. Though it may be more difficult and taxing on the teacher to accommodate

several types of learning styles and IEPs in one classroom, inclusion of special needs students

allows for acceptance of students with disabilities by traditional classmates. Inclusion

classrooms break this divide and support the full acceptance of students who were once viewed

as “different” by students of average or above learning levels. A most appealing benefit for

teachers is an improvement in classroom behavior among students involved in peer tutoring.

Classroom management plays a large role in the productivity, engagement, and achievement of

students. Peer tutoring provides an opportunity to decrease poor behavior, which can increase

productivity, engagement, and achievement. Utley (2001),

Other reasons why peer tutoring is an advantageous teaching strategy are given below:

 Children understand easily tutors who are children, since they are cognitively closer to

each other. Usually children find their own ways of communicating with other children

and many times they can present a subject to other children better than an adult.

Children-tutors can give to their class-mates their own models of understanding a

subject, using their personal experience, fresh ideas, examples from children’s every-day

life, even popular communicating symbols that make learning easier. (John, 2005 as cited

in Ellinogermanik, 2009).

 Peer tutoring not only ensures a good level of effective and efficient communication and

cooperation in favour of the tutees but also acts at the benefit of student-tutors as well.

The tutors’ gains are the following: By spending time in revising the subject maters they

have to teach to other students, they result in acquiring deeper and clearer knowledge on

the specific subjects they deal with. It is said that we learn 95% of what we teach;

through tutoring, children tutors develop their ability and skill to teach and guide other

(Abdullahi, 2016)
students; Children tutors enjoy a rise in their self-esteem, feeling that they do something

useful and seeing their tutees to improve. They also enjoy respect from tutees. Many

times the ambition of older children to be selected as tutors increases competitiveness

and results in improving the older groups’ standards. Of course care should be taken from

the teacher’s side to limit as much as possible discrimination in favour of some children-

tutors. Structured peer tutoring improves communication and cooperation among

students, enhances the team spirit and helps socialization.

According to Outhred & Chester (2010). there are many benefits for both the peer tutor

and tutee in this relationship, one aspect of this is that the tutor can establish a rapport with the

tutee in a way that a teacher cannot. A peer tutor may have taken the same class recently, or have

taken similar classes. Because the peer tutor is seen by the tutee as being more at their own level,

advice given by the tutor may be accepted more readily than advice from a teacher. Another key

reason for this is that a peer tutor does not give any grade on the paper, whereas a teacher serving

in a tutor role may still be perceived as someone who grades papers.

2.5 Peer Tutoring & Achievement

Peer tutoring can take many forms in the classroom setting. Spencer (2006) looked at 38

studies from 1972 to 2002 where some form of tutoring was used for students with emotional or

behavioural disorders. She discovered that in “the 38 research studies indicate that peer tutoring

has been demonstrated to be an effective instructional strategy”. The most effective form of the

peer tutoring was a reciprocal method where the students reverse roles of tutor and tutee

regularly. When students are required to explain their thought process in such a way that the

other students will understand, they get a deeper understanding of the concept themselves. It is

not enough to pair students, give them a set of problems, and expect them to succeed at a higher


Walker (2007) had the principal and teachers of Lowell High School choose six Peer

Tutoring 5 high-achieving students to use as peer tutors in an after-school tutoring program. She

(Abdullahi, 2016)
chose to use the knowledge of these students to help compensate for the lack of understanding of

how urban students understand mathematics and to help create and deepen knowledge and

interest in mathematics. Her research shows that the tutors and tutees benefitted from working

together on concepts taught in their class.

Through an action research plan, Mesler (2009) paired a third-grade student who had

been retained with a classmate. The retained student became a tutor for the struggling peer. He

and his tutee had both seen significant gain in their test scores by the end of the study. Mesler

found that this increased the retained student's confidence and that with the extra math practice

he showed improvement.

Walker (2007), Mesler (2009), and Spencer (2006) observed different types of children.

Walker (2007) studied urban high-school students, Mesler (2009) studied a retained third-grade

student, and Spencer (2006) looked at 38 studies of students with emotional and behavioural

disorders. Although all three studied different types of children, they all discovered that pairing

students in the form of peer tutors increased the achievement of both students.

Although previous peer tutoring research indicates that student outcomes are better with

the use of peer tutoring (Delquadri et al., 1986), there are some gaps in the literature. Missing

from the peer tutoring literature are recent reviews that report Effect Sizes (ES) with confidence

intervals for elementary and secondary students. Further, potential moderators have not been

fully examined, and an evaluation of single-case data using a common effect size metric is


Single-Case Research, Effect Size, and Confidence Intervals Single-case research

methods can "provide a rigorous experimental evaluation" of the efficacy of an intervention

(Kratochwill et al., 2010). As such, single-case research has been used to identify a range of

interventions used in schools, as this method of inquiry can help identify practices that are

evidence-based (Horner et al., 2005). The use of effect size in single-case research allows for a

determination of the size or magnitude of academic or behavioural change. Determining the size

(Abdullahi, 2016)
of the effect, as well as a functional relation, is critical in light of accountability for instructional

practices and multitier models of early intervention (see Council for Exceptional Children, 2008;

National Association of School Psychologists, 2010).

Data from single-case studies of school-based practices are being summarized more as

new methods are being developed that can address positive baseline trends and that require few

assumptions about the data (Parker, Vannest, Davis, & Sauber, 2011). Although many studies

using single-case research designs may be found in the peer tutoring literature, neither individual

nor aggregated effect sizes with corresponding confidence intervals have been published to date.

This is a significant shortcoming, as effect sizes aid in summarizing data across studies. Further,

confidence intervals are needed for accurate interpretation of effect size data (Cooper, 2011;

Hunter et al., 1982; Thompson, 2002, Thompson, 2007) and are required by the American

Psychological Association (APA; American Psychological Association, 2010).

2.6 Peer tutoring and Teaching Strategy

A study conducted by Ajuba (2011) found that peers are more sensitive than adult readers

to picking up on non-verbal cues, students being tutored may give to reveal that they may not

understand what a tutor is trying to communicate. In peer tutoring class each student gets more

attention from the tutor and more time to speak while others listen. This allows the students take

active part in constructing their knowledge.

Santander (2008) in his research found that if the students worked with a peer tutor or

some form of cooperative learning, all student participants will have a higher self concept and

satisfaction. Sharpley and Sharpley (1981) conducted a meta-analysis of 82 studies in schools,

reporting Substantial cognitive gains for both tutees and tutors. Same-age tutoring appeared as

effective as cross-age tutoring and training of tutors significantly improved eventual outcomes.

The results from both Beasley (1997) and Royal (2007) suggest an intriguing

combination of social and academic activity happening outside the traditional classroom

environment. Another aspect of these findings is that students accessing tutoring are interacting

(Abdullahi, 2016)
with peers who they may not have associated with otherwise. Specifically, these programs gave

students a place to interact outside their typical social networks, thereby extending the social

networks of both the tutors and the tutees. The positive reciprocal relationship that seems to have

been created between tutors and tutees may have served to generate social capital for both

groups. Additionally, these tutoring environments seem to be a part of the curricular structure

that could influence the conversion of social capital.

2.7 Peer-tutoring and Gender Performance in Mathematics

Several reports revealed the difference in mean achievement scores between male and

female students in mathematics. For instance, Uloko and Imoko (2007) found in their study that

male students achieved higher than their female counterparts. Other studies revealed that the

female students achieved higher than the male students but their difference was not significant

(Igbo, 2004 and Chianson, 2008 as cited in Uloko, (2014). Would the use of PTS also generate

difference in mean achievement scores between male and female learning-challenged students in

statistics? It is against this background also the study is out to investigate the effect of PTS and

gender on achievement of learning-challenged students in statistics.

2.8 Theoretical Framework

 Social Constructivist Theory

 Perry’s theory of cognitive development

Social Constructivist Theory

The concept of learning through peer tutoring is based on a social constructivist view of

learning that emphasises the role of the students to generate learning where students coach peers

through social interaction within their zones of proximal development (Vygotsky, 1978 as cited

Clarkson & Luca 2002). Rather than applying a stimulus/response process, users are actively

engaged in making meaning through cognitive accommodation and/or assimilation. (Piaget,

1969, as cited Clarkson & Luca 2002).

(Abdullahi, 2016)
Social constructivist approaches can include reciprocal teaching, peer collaboration,

cognitive apprenticeships, problem-based instruction, web-quests, anchored instruction and other

methods that involve learning with others (Kim, 2001).

Holt and Willard-Holt (2000) emphasize the concept of dynamic assessment, which is a

way of assessing the true potential of learners that differs significantly from conventional tests.

Here the essentially interactive nature of learning is extended to the process of assessment.

Rather than viewing assessment as a process carried out by one person, such as an instructor, it is

seen as a two-way process involving interaction between both instructor and learner. The role of

the assessor becomes one of entering into dialogue with the persons being assessed to find out

their current level of performance on any task and sharing with them possible ways in which that

performance might be improved on a subsequent occasion. Thus, assessment and learning are

seen as inextricably linked and not separate processes (Holt and Willard-Holt 2000).

Vygotsky argued that learning comes about through social negotiation within a cultural

context, with language as the primary enabling tool. This social constructivist philosophy has

been expanded on recently, introducing the notion of cognitive apprenticeship (Brown, Collins,

& Duguid, 1989 as cited Clarkson & Luca 2002) through which students learns in a manner

similar to traditional apprenticeships. The students access expertise through mentors, whose role

is to facilitate rather than teach, and the aim of learning is to solve realistic and practical

problems in an authentic setting. For a peer tutor, this setting is a very realistic human setting.

Just as in traditional apprenticeships, learners engage in activities ‘on-the-job’ rather than

through the didactic teaching of abstract concepts. The argument is that students are better

equipped to approach non-familiar problems and produce solutions that are appropriate to a

given culture.

Perry’s theory of cognitive development

Perry’s theory of cognitive development may be seen as an extension of Piaget’s

childhood development model. A key concept of any theory of cognitive development, and one

(Abdullahi, 2016)
that is frequently lost in such conversations, is that cognitive development may be understood as

the way individuals make meaning of the world around them. The critical distinction here is

between how a person thinks and what they are actually thinking about. In employing cognitive

development theory, it is essential to focus on the “how” rather than the “what.” The context in

which Perry developed his model is also important to recognize, particularly because of its

distinctions with contemporary campus life. He developed his theory while working as a

professor at Harvard during the 1950’s and 1960’s (Love & Guthrie, 1999 as cited Clarkson &

Luca 2002).

2.7 Empirical Studies on Peer tutoring

Previous meta-analyses of the effects of peer tutoring on academic achievement have

been plagued with theoretical and methodological flaws. Specifically, these studies have not

adopted both fixed and mixed effects models for analyzing the effect size; they have not

evaluated the moderating effect of some commonly used parameters, such as comparing same-

age reciprocal peer tutoring, same-age nonreciprocal, or cross-age peer tutoring; considered the

educational level of tutee or tutor; or properly addressed publication bias. Most studies are

confined to specific populations and particular subjects (mainly mathematics and reading), and

some studies are confounded by other types of intervention (such as cooperative learning or

adult-led tutoring).

A study conducted by Webb (2001) found that when students did not understand a

teacher’s explanation, peers were often able to provide explanations in words that were more

easily understood. Othman (1997) conducted a study to gain understanding of significant

mechanisms of Peer Tutoring (PT) with respect to the balance between enhancing tutees’

learning, while maintaining tutors’ own achievement. Data analysis revealed that enhancing

tutees’ learning required tutors and tutees each to perform roles that were individually relevant.

For example, at a cognitive level, tutees had to think aloud, verbalise what they learn, and pay

attention. On a behavioural level, students had for example, to listen, cooperate, and compromise

(Abdullahi, 2016)
explaining, repeating and providing cues. At the affective level, tutors had to reinforce, praise,

and encourage successful responses from the tutees.

Koh’s (2005) as cited in Nazzal (2000) study revealed that more than half of the

respondents perceived small group discussion; case study, student presentation, cooperative

learning, PT and role play to be useful active learning strategies for helping students to attain all

the higher levels of Benjamin Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive learning outcomes.

Nazzal (2000) recommended the use of peer tutoring as an alternative means of lessening

the potential effects of several factors that put low socio-economic students at risk for dropping

out of school. Peer tutoring reinforced perceptions of students towards the school and decreased

feelings of alienation.

A study conducted by Uloko, (2014) revealed that achievement difference as found in

this study between the experimental and control groups of the learning-challenged students in

statistics and the difference in the achievement of male and female learning-challenged students

in statistics which was also found not significant in this study all depend on the strategy of


2.8 Summary of Literature Reviewed

This Chapter reviews related literature and empirical studies that have direct bearing on
this study. The review began by an attempt to review the conceptual framework which includes:
The Meaning of Peer Tutoring, types of Peer Tutoring, Benefits/Advantages of peer tutoring,
Peer Tutoring & Achievement, Peer tutoring Teaching Strategy, and Peer-tutoring and Gender
Performance in Mathematics.
This Chapter equally reviewed the theoretical framework that is related to the study and
also the empirical studies.

(Abdullahi, 2016)


3.1 Introduction

This chapter deals with the procedure for data collection, the research design adopted in

the study, research instrument and sampling techniques as well as method of data collection and


3.2 Research Design

The study adopted for this study is a quasi experimental, a pretest, posttest, non-

equivalent group design which entails the use of non randomized group where the researcher

cannot randomly sample and assign subject because intact class were used to administered the

(Abdullahi, 2016)
treatment. The format for the research design is shown below:

Fig. 3.1 The Format of the Research Design

E: O1 T O2

C: O3 - O4

E = Experimental Group

01 = is the first observation (pretesting) of experimental group before treatment

T = Treatment

02 = is the second observation (post-testing) of experimental group after treatment by

administering posttest.

C = Represent the control group exposed to the routine teaching

03 = is the first observation of the control group by administering pretest.

04 = is the second observation (post testing) of the control group.

This type of research design enabled relevant information to be collected from the

respondents through the use of Mathematical Achievement Test.

3.3 Population of the Study

The population of the study was all the SSII students in 6 secondary schools in Tsaragi,

Edu Local Government Area of Kwara State. The total number of the population is 831 . (Kwara

State Teaching Service Commission, 2015)

3.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques

Four secondary schools were selected out of Sixteen (6) senior secondary schools in Edu

Local Government Area. Fifty students were randomly selected from senior secondary school II

(SSII) classes of each school, sampling a total of 200 students from the four schools.

3.4.1 Number of Senior Secondary Schools with their SSII Student in Tsaragi
Emirate Edu L.G.E.A
1. Tsaragi unity secondary school tsaragi 230
2. Etsu aliyu senior secondary school tsaragi 281
3. Government day secondary school Bacita 112
4. Kpandaragi senior secondary school kpandaragi 71

(Abdullahi, 2016)
5. Etsu Abdullahi Senior secondary school. Bacita 82
6. Universal Basic education (UBE) Senior secondary school. 55

3.4.2 Distribution of Students from the sampled schools

Name of Schools Number of Students Groups Total

Male Female E C
Tsaragi Unity Sec. Sch., Tsaragi 25 25 25 25 50
Etsu Aliyu Senior Sec. Sch. Tsaragi 25 25 25 25 50
Kpadaragi Senior Sec. Sch., kpandaragi 25 25 25 25 50
Etsu Abdullahi Senior Sec. Sch., Bacita 25 25 25 25 50
Total 100 100 100 100 200

3.5 The Research Instrument

There are two instruments for this study, they include:

I. Mathematics Achievement Test

II. Peer Tutoring Teaching Strategy

III. Conventional Teaching Method

Mathematics Achievement Test is a test designed to measure the knowledge and

proficiency of an individual or student in something that has been learned or taught.

Peer-tutoring Teaching Strategy is a flexible, peer-mediated strategy that involves

students serving as academic tutors and tutees. Typically, a higher performing student is paired

with a lower performing student to review critical academic or behavioural concepts.

Conventional teaching Method is concerned with the teacher being the controller of the

learning environment. Power and responsibility are held by the teacher and they play the role of

instructor (in the form of lectures) and decision maker (in regards to curriculum content and

specific outcomes).

3.6 Validity and Reliability of the Instruments Used

Validity is the extent to which the instrument measures what it is supposed to measure

according to the researcher’s subjective assessment (Nachmias & Nachmias, 2007). The

(Abdullahi, 2016)
instrument used in this research was all validated by three experienced Senior Lecturers in

Mathematics Education, one from Niger State College of Education Minna, the other two are

from College of Education Lafiagi Kwara State, and some teachers from the sampled schools.

They all offered useful advice to enable the researcher elicit the required information and data

for the study.

3.7 Reliability of the Instrument

For reliability of the instrument a pilot study of the validated instrument was done

outside the sample school for the study. Government Secondary School Share was used for the

pilot test. A test retest was used at two weeks interval. The result of the test was analysed using

Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient statistics. The correlation coefficient was

found to be r= 0.71 which establish the reliability of the instrument.

3.8 Method of Data Collection

The first week, the researcher visits the sampled schools for introduction and the purpose

of the study to take permission to use the schools, sampled the classes and the students to be

involved in the study. Pretest was then administered to all the students involved, both the control

and experimental group.

The second week, the students were divided into two groups, in each school, the

experimental group and control group. Peer-tutoring for the experimental while control group for

conventional method. The teacher in charge of mathematics in each school take over the control

group for conventional teaching, while one of the students in peer take over the peer-tutor. At the

end of the second week, five (5) lessons were taught in each class.

On the first day of the third week, Posttest was administered on all the students involved
in the study, likewise the last day of the week to determine their retention of the study. The
marks obtained from the tests were added together to form the data for the study, and the average
3.9 Method of Data Analysis
The statistics used for data analysis was the mean score and standard deviation (SD),

(Abdullahi, 2016)
while the t-test was used to test the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance.

4.1 Introduction

This chapter is concern with data presentation, analyses and interpretation of the result of

data collected from Pretest and Posttest. All the results are analyzed at 0.05 level of significance.

The posttest was used to analyze the hypotheses.

4.2 Data Presentation

Table 1: Pretest Result of Experimental and Control Group

Group No. of Mean SD DF t-cal t-crit Remark
Students (X)
Exp. 100 38
Control 100 41.7
23.5 198 1.05 1.96 Not. Sig
Source: Field Survey, 2016
The pretest result subjected to t-test at 0.05 level of significance show that the value of t-

cal = 1.05 is less than the value of t-critical = 1.96 Therefore, this implies that there is no

significance difference between the control group and the experimental group in their entry

(Abdullahi, 2016)
behaviour of the treatment.

4.3 Hypothesis Testing

Table 2: The t-test Analysis Comparing Students Academic Achievement using Peer-
tutoring and Conventional teaching Method
Group No. of Mean SD DF t-cal t-crit Remark
Students (X)
Exp. 100 63.3 23.13 Sig.
Control 100 40.8 20.07 Reject H01
198 7.35 1.96

Source: Field Survey, 2016

From the table 2 above the calculated value of t = 7.35 is greater than the critical value of
t = 1.96 at 0.05 level of significance. Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected. It is then clear
that the academic achievement of students taught mathematics using peer-tutoring is slightly
better than those taught using conventional method.

Table 3: The t-test Analysis Comparing Male and Female Students Academic Achievement
using Peer-tutoring
Group No. of Mean SD DF t-cal t-crit Remark
Students (X)
Male 50 63.3 23.26
Female 50 63.9 23.36 Not Sig.
198 0.129 1.96

Source: Field Survey, 2016

From table 3 above the calculated value of t = 0.129 is less than the critical value of t
=1.96 at 0.05 level of significance. This lead to acceptance of the null hypothesis which state that
there is no significance difference in male and female academic achievement in mathematic
when taught using peer-tutoring method.
Table 4: The t-test Analysis Comparing of the Effects of Peer-tutoring and Conventional
method of instruction in student retention in academic achievement in Mathematics
Group No. of Mean SD DF t-cal t-crit Remark
Students (X)
Exp. 100 63.05 23.51 Sig.
Control 100 40.5 18.25 Reject H03
198 7.58 1.96

Source: Field Survey, 2016

From table 4 above, the calculated value of t = 7.58 is greater than the critical value of t =

(Abdullahi, 2016)
1.96 at 0.05 level of significance. Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected. This implies that

peer-tutoring has an effect in student retention more than the conventional teaching method in

academic achievement students in mathematics.

4.4 Discussion of Findings

The results showed that students taught with peer tutoring had mean score higher than

those taught with conventional teaching method. The experimental group result performed better

than the control group. The hypothesis earlier posited was tested and the null hypothesis was

rejected as the sample t-test has revealed a statistically reliable difference between the mean of

the study group and control group respectively. The factors that could cause this include: mode

of instruction, freedom of speech, mode of interaction and flexibility of the lesson. This finding

also revealed that, there is no significance difference in male and female academic performance

when taught using peer-tutoring. That is peer-tutoring method of instruction is effective in both

male and female academic achievement.

Furthermore, gender did not influence the result obtained. The research also revealed that

peer-tutoring is more effective in student retention when taught mathematics than the

conventional teaching method of instruction. The findings of this study was in agreement with

the findings of Santander (2008) who found out that if the students worked with a peer tutor or

some form of cooperative learning, all student participants will have a higher self concept and


However, Mathes et al (2003) in disagreement with this, noted that both groups of

students, peer tutored and direct instructed, made gains in mathematics. Nonetheless, students

that were led in teacher-directed instruction made higher learning gains than those who

participated in peer tutoring.

Coleman and Vaughn (2000) (as cited in Rivera, Otaiba & Koorland, 2006), also noted

that teacher-directed instruction is a positive means in gaining results in student learning.

However, Mathes et al., (2002) found that students also made significant learning gains by

(Abdullahi, 2016)
assisting one another with learning, especially when teachers were pre-occupied with other

students during small group instruction.

5.1 Summary

The aim of this study was to compare peer tutoring and conventional teaching strategies

on the Mathematics achievement of Senior Secondary School Students in Tsaragi Emirate in Edu

Local Government Area of Kwara State. The hypothesis was tested, and related literatures were

reviewed. The instrument used in collecting data was Mathematics Achievement and Peer-

tutoring Teaching Strategy and Conventional Teaching Method. The data collected was analyzed

in the previous chapter.

5.2 Conclusion

From the results obtained, the research concluded that peer tutoring instructional method

is one of the effective methods of teaching, and that tutees/students respond better to their peers

than to their teachers and tend to obtain companionship from the students that tutor them. Tutees

also receive more teaching, and individualized instruction than in classroom setting. Therefore if

(Abdullahi, 2016)
peer tutoring is effectively utilized, it will produce great positive impact on participants. It makes

for better understanding of the topics; helps tackle difficult problems and topical issues as well

as encourage reading habit and optimal use of time by students. Efforts need to be channelled to

enhance its efficiency and effectiveness in our secondary schools.

5.3 Recommendation
The following recommendations based on the findings were made:
i. Seminars, workshops should be organized to educate teachers on the use of peer


ii. Teachers occasionally should give students topics to go and make inquiry about, so

that before the teacher teaches a new concept, students will be able to explain in their

own terms what they know about the new concepts. That is, students‟ explanation

will be regarded as hypothesis to be discussed and tested. If the teacher can create an

atmosphere in the classroom of a kind in which the students can express themselves

without bordering about making mistakes, their hypotheses can be used to illustrate

their concepts.

iii. Intensive training and retraining of teachers is proper in implementation of peer

tutoring in our secondary schools.

iv. Government agencies whose responsibility is to design and revise the curriculum for

secondary schools should incorporate the use of peer tutoring in teaching

v. Instructors who monitor tutoring sessions should also provide a reward system to

reinforce on task behaviour and participation.

vi. The tutor and tutee’s relationship is ongoing, developmental and reciprocal; it also

motivates individuals who want to learn and grow cognitively. To realize the program

benefits of peer tutoring, tutors require strong interpersonal skills, including:

relationship building, communication and team-building; tutees should practice their

skill in giving corrective feedback to tutors.

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Control Group
Class interval X F FX F(x-x)2
1-10 5.5 6 35 7476.54
11-20 15.5 5 77.5 3200.45
21-30 25.5 20 510 4681.8
31-40 35.5 30 1065 842.7
41-50 45.5 12 546 265.08
51-60 55.5 8 444 1728.72
61-70 65.5 7 458.5 4270.63
71-80 75.5 9 679.5 10836.81
81-90 85.5 2 171 3996.18
91-100 95.5 1 95.5 2992.09
100 4080 40291

X = 4080/100 = 40.8 SD = 20.073

Experimental Group
Class interval X F FX F(x-x)2
1-10 5.5 2 11 6681.68

(Abdullahi, 2016)
11-20 15.5 4 62 9139.36
21-30 25.5 6 153 8573.04
31-40 35.5 9 319.5 6955.56
41-50 45.5 5 227.5 1584.2
51-60 55.5 10 555 608.4
61-70 65.5 12 786 58.08
71-80 75.5 34 2567 5060.56
81-90 85.5 7 598.5 3449.88
91-100 95.5 11 1050.5 11405.24
100 6330 53516

X = 6330/100 = 63.3 SD = 23.1335

Standard Error Mean S X - X = Sp2 + Sp2

n1 n2

Sp2 is the pooled variance = (n1 – 1)S12 + (n2 – 1) S22

n1 + n2 – 2

Sp2 = 99x 535.16 + 99x402.91 = 52980.84 + 39888.09 = 92868.93

198 198 198

= 469.035 variance

S X - X = 469.035 + 469.035 = 938.07 = 9.3807 = 3.063

100 100 100

Std Error mean

t = x1 – x2 = 63.3 – 40.8 = 22.5 = 7.345 t- value

S x1 – x2 3.063 3.063

Control Group
Class interval X F FX F(x-x)2
1-10 5.5 1 5.5 3340.84
11-20 15.5 2 31 4569.68
21-30 25.5 4 102 5715.36
31-40 35.5 5 106.5 2318.52
41-50 45.5 3 136.5 950.52

(Abdullahi, 2016)
51-60 55.5 4 272 243.36
61-70 65.5 8 524 38.72
71-80 75.5 15 1123.5 2232.6
81-90 85.5 5 427.5 2464.2
91-100 95.5 5 477.5 5184.2
50 3165 27058

X =3165/50 = 63.3 SD = 27058 = 23.26


Experimental Group
Class interval X F FX F(x-x)2
1-10 5.5 2 11 6681.68
11-20 15.5 2 31 4569.68
21-30 25.5 1 25.5 1428.84
31-40 35.5 4 142 3091.36
41-50 45.5 3 136.5 950.52
51-60 55.5 5 277.5 304.2
61-70 65.5 8 524 38.72
71-80 75.5 24 1057 2083.76
81-90 85.5 6 513 2957.04
91-100 95.5 5 477.56 5184.2
50 3195 27290

X = 3195/50 = 63.9 SD = 27290 = 545.8 = 23.36


t-Cal = x1 – x2 = 63.3 – 40.8

S x1 – x2 3.063

Sp2 is the pooled variance = (n1 – 1)S12 + (n2 – 1) S22

n1 + n2 – 2

Sp2 = (50-1) 545.8 + (50-1) 541.16


Sp2 = 26744.2 + 26516.84 = 53261.04 = 543.48

(Abdullahi, 2016)
98 98

S X1 – X2 = Sp2 + Sp2 = 543.84 + 543.85 =1087.69 = 21.7536

n1 n2 50 50 50

S X1 – X2 = 4.66 Standard Error of Mean

t- Cal = x1 – x2 = 63.9 – 63.3 = 0.6 = 0.1288

S x1 – x2 4.66 4.66

t = Cal = 0.1288

Control Group
Class interval X F FX F(x-x)2
1-10 5.5 3 15.5 3675
11-20 15.5 3 46.5 4569.68
21-30 25.5 25 637.5 5625
31-40 35.5 32 1136 800
41-50 45.5 13 591.5 325
51-60 55.5 9 499.5 2025
61-70 65.5 6 393 3750
71-80 75.5 5 377.5 6125.45
81-90 85.5 3 256.5 6075
91-100 95.5 1 95.5 3025
100 4050 33300

X =4050/100 = 40.5 SD = 33300 = 23.26 = 18.25


Experimental Group
Class interval X F FX F(x-x)2
1-10 5.5 3 16.5 9936.0075
11-20 15.5 4 62 9044.01
21-30 25.5 5 127.5 7050.0125
31-40 35.5 8 284 6072.02
41-50 45.5 6 273 1848.015
51-60 55.5 11 610.5 627.0275

(Abdullahi, 2016)
61-70 65.5 13 851.5 78.0325
71-80 75.5 32 2416 4960.08
81-90 85.5 6 513 3024.015
91-100 95.5 12 1150.8 12636.03
100 6304.8 55275.25

X =6304.8/100 = 63.05 SD = 55275.25 = 552.7525 = 23.51


Sp2 is the pooled variance = (n1 – 1)S12 + (n2 – 1) S22

n1 + n2 – 2

Sp2 = (99) 552.8 + (99) 333 + (99) 333 = 54727.2 + 32967

198 198

Sp2 = 87694.2 = 442.9


S X1 – X2 = Sp2 + Sp2 = 442.9 + 44.29 = 885.8 = 2.976

n1 n2 100 100 100

S X1 – X2 = 2.976 Standard Error of Mean

t- Cal = x1 – x2 = 63.5 – 40.5 = 22.55 = 7.58

S x1 – x2 2.976 2.976

Pretest of both Control and Experimental Groups

Control Group
Class interval X F FX F(x-x)2
1-10 5.5 1 5.5 1310.44
11-20 15.5 3 46.5 2059.32
21-30 25.5 5 127.5 1312.2
31-40 35.5 6 213 230.64
41-50 45.5 9 412.2 129.96
51-60 55.5 13 721.5 2475.72
61-70 65.5 32 2096 18126.08
71-80 75.5 25 1875 28561
81-90 85.5 3 256.5 5755.32
91-100 95.5 3 286.5 8683.32
100 4165.2 68644

(Abdullahi, 2016)
X =4165.2/100 = 41.7 SD = 68644 = 686.44 = 262

Experimental Group
Class interval X F FX F(x-x)2
1-10 5.5 12 66 12675
11-20 15.5 6 93 3037.5
21-30 25.5 32 816 5000
31-40 35.5 13 461.5 81.25
41-50 45.5 11 500.5 618.75
51-60 55.5 6 333 1837.5
61-70 65.5 8 524 6050
71-80 75.5 5 377.5 7031.25
81-90 85.5 4 342 9025
91-100 95.5 3 286.5 9918.75
100 3800 55275

X =3800/100 = 38 SD = 55275 = 552.75 = 23.5


Sp2 is the pooled variance = (n1 – 1)S12 + (n2 – 1) S22

n1 + n2 – 2

Sp2 = (99) 86.44 + (99) 552.75 = 67957.56 + 54722.25 = 122679.81

198 198 198

Sp2 = 619.595

Standard Error of Mean =

S X1 – X2 = Sp2 + Sp2 = 619.595 + 619.595 = 1239.19 = 12.3919

n1 n2 100 100 100

S X1 – X2 = 3.5202

(Abdullahi, 2016)
t- Cal = x1 – x2 = 417 – 38 = 3.7 = 1.0511
S x1 – x2 3.5202 3.5202


Name Yusuf idris shaba

Average age 18
Subject mathematics
Class SS II
Topic Differentiation
Duration 45 minutes
Behavioral objectives by the end of the lesson, the
students should be able to:
(i) Differentiate and an
equation of functions of a
function equation and
ordinary equation involve in
(ii) Solve some equation of
function of a function.
(iii) Solve some equations
using product rule
Entry behavior The students are familiar with
Preliminary work on
differentiation and integration
Presentation The teacher presents the
lesson using the table bellow


1. Introduction: the teacher introduces the The students listen to the teacher while
lesson by brief explanation of concept of explaining the concept of differentiatio
differentiation and differentiates and were ask to differentiate between t
between equation and ordinary equation two equations.
as: 5x2 - 3 is an ordinary equation while 5x2-3 ------- (1)
(5x2-3)3 is a function of a function. (5x2-3)3 -------(2)
The teacher drill the students on
equation of the function of function as: The teacher ask the students to represe
(5x2 - 3)3 the equation by Y as Y =(5x2-3)3 then

(Abdullahi, 2016)
let U =5x2 - 3 should let U =5x2-3
Y = U3 Then differentiate U in respect of x as
2. du
/dx = 10x then substitute for U in Y a
Y =U3 then differentiate Y with respec
to du/dx =3U2
Then find the differential in respect of
as du/dx =10x then substitute for U in Y
as Y = U3 then differentiate Y with
respect to U as dy/du = 3U2 = 30x (5x
The teacher drill the students on the use
of product rule as follows: 3)3
Solve the following using product rule
2x(3+1) The teacher ask the students to represe
the equation by Y as:
Y = 2X (3x+1) write the product role a
/dx = U dv/dx + V dv/dx
represent 2X by U and 3X +1 by
and differentiate both with respect
to X and substitute the values for
3. /dx as U = 2X, V= 3X+1
du dV
/dx = 2 /dx =3
Evaluation: the teacher evaluates the /dx = 2X .3+(3X+1) .2
lesson by given the students class work = 6x+6x +2 = 12x +2
to solve The student solve the question
bellow as class work
1. (3x2+4)2
Summary and conclusion: through the 2. 5x3(3x+1)
class work the teacher goes over the
The students solve the class work
while teacher works and do the


(Abdullahi, 2016)


Name Yusuf Idris Shaaba

Average Age 18
Subject Mathematics
Topic Integration
Duration 45 Minutes
Behavioral Objectives By the end of this lesson the
students should be able to:
(1) Identify equation of
function of a function
involve in integration
(2) Understand how to
represent equation of
function of function involve
integration by a variable.
(3) Solve the equation involve
function of function
integration. The students
have been taught how to
integrate ordinary equation
of integration.

Presentation: The teacher presents the lesson using

the table below.


(Abdullahi, 2016)
1. The teacher introduce the lesson by The students listen to teacher Without
briefing explain method of while explaining the method instructiona
integration and different ordinary of integration and how to material
identify ordinary equation
equation of function of function in
from equation of function of
integration function
2. The teacher drill the student on how The teacher ask the student to
represent the equation by U
to represent an equation of function
as: ⌠(5x-4)6 dx Let U = 5x-4
involve in integration.

3. The teacher drill the students on The teacher ask the students to
how to solve the equation differentiate U with respect to
completely x to find the value of dx then
substitute and integrate the
equation completely as: U =
5x-4, du/dx = 5

dx = 1/5 du therefore,

⌠(5x-4)6 dx = ⌠U6 1/5 du

= 1/5 ⌠U6 du = 1/5 (U7/7) + C

= (5x- 4)7 + C
4. Evaluation. The teacher evaluate the Student solve the equation
lesson by given the students class below as class work
work to solve (1) ∫(3x+4)2 dx
∫(5x-1) 3 dx

The students solve the class The student

5. Summary and conclusion through work. while the teacher mark solve
the class work the teacher goes over and do the correction equation
the lesson following
the teacher

(Abdullahi, 2016)

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