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5 Plaintiff, )
6 vs. ) Case No.
7 RYAN ANDERSON BELL; et al., ) BC640744
8 Defendants. )
9 ____________________________)
11 ____________________________)
15 Irvine, California
16 Monday, April 24, 2017
19 Reported by: Robin L. Bittel
20 CSR No. 6419
21 Certified Professional
22 Registered Professional Reporter
24 JOB No. 2603180
25 PAGES 1 - 83

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5 Plaintiff, )
6 vs. ) Case No.
7 RYAN ANDERSON BELL; et al., ) BC640744
8 Defendants. )
9 ____________________________)
11 ____________________________)
15 Videotaped Deposition of RYAN ANDERSON BELL, taken
16 on behalf of the Plaintiff and Cross-Defendant, at
17 20 Corporate Park, Suite 350, Irvine, California,
18 beginning at 12:55 p.m. and ending at 2:48 p.m. on
19 Monday, April 24, 2017, before Robin L. Bittel,
20 Certified Shorthand Reporter No. 6419, CP, RPR.

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3 For the Plaintiff and Cross-Defendant Mike Lin:
6 609 Karina Court
7 San Ramon, California 94582
8 Telephone: (925) 487-5607
9 E-mail:
11 For the Defendant and Cross-Complainant
12 Ryan Anderson Bell:
15 23161 Mill Creek Drive
16 Suite 150
17 Laguna Hills, California 92653
18 Telephone: (949) 855-8751
19 Facsimile: (949) 855-8752
20 E-mail:
22 Also Present:
23 Mike Lin
24 David Bradley, Videographer

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1 I N D E X



5 Examination by: PAGE


9 E X H I B I T S



12 Exhibit 1 Transcript of a YouTube video 24

13 posted by Ryan Bell on or about

14 February 11 or 12, 2016




18 Page 9, Line 1








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1 Irvine, California

2 Monday, April 24, 2017, 12:55 p.m. - 2:48 p.m.

4 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good afternoon. We're on the

5 record at 12:55 p.m. on April 24th, 2017. This is the


6 video-recorded deposition of Ryan Bell.

7 My name is David Bradley, here with our court

8 reporter, Robin Bittel. We are here from Veritext Legal

9 Solutions at the request of counsel for Plaintiff. This

10 deposition is being held at 20 Corporate Park in Irvine,

11 California. The caption of this case is Lin versus

12 Bell. 12:56:00

13 Will everyone present please introduce

14 themselves, starting with the witness?

15 THE WITNESS: Ryan Bell.

16 MR. JACKSON: Mitch Jackson, counsel for Mr. Bell,

17 both on the answer to the complaint and on the first

18 amended cross-complaint.

19 MR. WIENER: And I'm Seth Wiener. I'm the attorney

20 for Plaintiff and Cross-Defendant Mike Lin.

21 MR. LIN: Mike Lin, plaintiff.

22 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: And will the court reporter please

23 swear in the witness? 12:56:30

24 ///

25 ///

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2 a Defendant and Cross-Complainant herein, called as a

3 witness by and on behalf of the Plaintiff and

4 Cross-Defendant, and having been first duly sworn by the

5 Certified Shorthand Reporter, was examined and testified

6 as follows:



11 Q. All right.

12 Mr. Bell, did you hear the admonitions that your

13 attorney provided to Mr. Lin earlier about deposition

14 conduct?

15 A. I did.

16 Q. All right.

17 And do you understand those admonitions?

18 A. I do.

19 Q. All right.

20 And I'll -- I'll just incorporate them by

21 reference here.

22 Are you under any medication or substance that

23 would prevent you from giving accurate testimony today?

24 A. No. 12:57:00

25 Q. Is there any other reason why you can't go forward

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1 with your deposition?

2 A. No.

3 Q. All right.

4 Could you state your full legal name for the

5 record?

6 A. Ryan Anderson Bell.

7 Q. And do you go by any other names online?

8 A. No.

9 Q. And what is your date of birth?

10 A. 2-5-77.

11 Q. And where were you born?

12 A. Monroe, Georgia.

13 Q. All right.

14 And what is your spouse's name? 12:57:30

15 A. Lynette.

16 THE REPORTER: Can you spell that, please?



19 Q. And what date were you married?

20 A. August -- I always mix up my kids' birthdays with

21 our -- August 22nd, 2013.

22 Q. All right.

23 And do you have any children? 12:58:00

24 A. I have two.

25 Q. And how old are they?

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1 A. Two and three now.

2 Q. All right.

3 I'm not going to ask their names.

4 A. Thank you so much.

5 Q. How do you know your attorney, Mitch Jackson?

6 A. Through live video, actually.

7 Q. All right.

8 Have you produced any livestreams, videos or

9 other media for Mr. Jackson?

10 A. No.

11 Q. How did you become acquainted with him through

12 live media? 12:58:30

13 A. Social media, just friendly guy. Actually was

14 friends with my wife first.

15 Q. Apart from this lawsuit, has Mr. Jackson done any

16 other legal work for you?

17 A. No.

18 Q. And could you state your current address?

19 A. I would prefer not to.

20 MR. JACKSON: You can contact the deponent through my 12:59:00

21 law firm. In light of the stalking allegation and some of

22 the other allegations referenced in our cross-complaint,

23 as a matter of professional courtesy, I would ask that we

24 use my law firm's address.

25 MR. WIENER: All right.

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1 I'll -- I'll mark that as a refusal to respond,

2 but we can confer about it. I understand your objection.

3 MR. JACKSON: Okay, although he does reside in

4 Los Angeles or Santa Monica, California.

5 THE WITNESS: That's correct.

6 MR. WIENER: All right.

7 Q. How long have you resided in Santa Monica? 12:59:31

8 A. A year and a half.

9 Q. And what city did you reside in prior to then?

10 A. Berkeley, California.

11 Q. What years did you live in Berkeley?

12 A. 2000 -- well, I was in Oakland, and I moved to

13 Berkeley. I only lived in Berkeley for 2012 to 2014, I

14 think.

15 Q. All right.

16 And you're a graduate of West Virginia 13:00:01

17 University?

18 A. That's correct.

19 Q. And you obtained your bachelor's degree in

20 marketing and advertising?

21 A. That's correct.

22 Q. And do you also have a bachelor degree from the

23 University of Georgia?

24 A. I do not.

25 Q. All right.

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1 Was that incorrectly listed on a LinkedIn

2 profile?

3 A. Yes, it was.

4 Q. All right.

5 Did you attend University of Georgia?

6 A. No, I did not.

7 Q. Do you know how the error came to be --

8 A. No. I've lived in --

9 MR. JACKSON: Is your answer no?

10 THE WITNESS: No. 13:00:34

11 MR. WIENER: All right.

12 Q. Where are you currently employed?

13 A. Self -- self-employed.

14 Q. And what kind of work do you do being

15 self-employed?

16 A. Virtual reality and social media.

17 Q. When were you last employed by somebody other

18 than yourself?

19 A. 2014? 2014.

20 Q. Do you recall where you received service of 13:01:04

21 process in this lawsuit?

22 A. I'm sorry?

23 Q. Where you were served with the complaint.

24 A. Yes, at an office at VRScout, 12575 Beatrice

25 Avenue.

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1 Q. All right.

2 What is VRScout?

3 A. Media events and production in virtual reality.

4 Q. Is that your company?

5 A. No, it's not.

6 Q. It -- what -- are you employed by VRScout?

7 A. I am considered a consultant there. 13:01:34

8 Q. And you -- you consult with them about virtual

9 reality and social media?

10 A. Uh-huh. I do training and workshops.

11 Q. Is that the address where you -- you work most

12 days?

13 A. It is, yes.

14 Q. All right.

15 Are you also the CEO of a company called BackLamp

16 LLC?

17 A. I was.

18 That company has been sold.

19 Q. Who -- Who is it sold to?

20 A. A company called LiveLeap.

21 Q. What is LiveLeap? 13:02:07

22 A. It is a Facebook syndication software.

23 Q. And when did that sale take place?

24 A. This year.

25 It began February of this year and just

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1 recently -- recently closed.

2 Q. All right.

3 Was Backlamp LLC responsible for Periscope Summit

4 New York? 13:02:37

5 A. It was.

6 Q. All right.

7 Was it also responsible for Periscope Summit SF?

8 A. Yes.

9 Q. And Summit Live LA?

10 A. Yes.

11 Q. As part of the sale, do you -- do you continue to

12 operate Summits, or is that right transferred with

13 Backlamp Summit?

14 A. It's transferred.

15 Q. All right.

16 Are you going to be operating any more Summit

17 events in the future?

18 A. I will be a part of them, but I will not be in

19 charge. 13:03:07

20 Q. What was the sale price for the business?

21 A. $50,000 less 10 percent of things moving

22 forward.

23 Q. All right.

24 Was there supposed to be an event named Summit

25 Live UK?

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1 A. Yes.

2 Q. And was that canceled? 13:03:37

3 A. Yes, it was.

4 Q. Why was it canceled?

5 MR. JACKSON: If you know.

6 THE WITNESS: I don't know.

7 MR. WIENER: All right.

8 Q. And it -- it's -- is it a correct description

9 that Summit Live is a conference centered around

10 non-traditional media?

11 A. Yes.

12 Q. What is the company called VRSalon?

13 Is that related to VRScout? 13:04:07

14 THE REPORTER: VR -- what was the first one?

15 MR. WIENER: Salon, S-L- -- S-A-L-O-N.

16 THE WITNESS: No, it is not.


18 Q. Are you also a 360 VR producer and film director

19 at VRSalon?

20 A. I -- I -- no.

21 Q. All right.

22 Did you list it on your LinkedIn profile?

23 A. I don't know.

24 Q. Did you have any relationship with VRSalon?

25 A. I created it. It's a Twitter handle, basically,

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1 and community. 13:04:37

2 Q. All right.

3 So it's not an actual business entity as far as

4 you know?

5 A. No, no, it's not.

6 Q. What is Zero Moderation?

7 A. It is a nonprofit organization for recovering

8 addicts.

9 Q. All right.

10 And you're a founder of Zero Moderation?

11 A. Uh-huh.

12 Q. What kind of addicts does it assist with

13 recovery?

14 A. It is basically for anyone that has any dealings

15 with alcohol, drug addiction, depression. 13:05:07

16 Q. And what is your role as the founder?

17 A. That is not a very active event anymore. I just

18 created it. It's just something that apparently is on

19 LinkedIn.

20 Q. All right.

21 Did -- did you personally have any alcohol or

22 drug addiction -- addiction issues in your past?

23 A. I did not.

24 Q. Do you currently?

25 A. No. 13:05:37

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1 Q. What decide -- what made you decide to be a

2 founder of a drug and addiction recovery center?

3 A. My wife has a problem -- had a problem.

4 Q. Were you ever arrested for underage drinking?

5 A. Yes, I was.

6 Q. All right.

7 Was there a conviction?

8 A. I don't know. I don't -- I think it was a

9 ticket.

10 Q. All right.

11 Do you have any other felony or misdemeanors

12 convictions? 13:06:07

13 A. No.

14 Q. And how old were you when you obtained -- when

15 that ticket issued?

16 A. 20.

17 Q. All right.

18 Was it in California, or was it in Georgia or

19 somewhere else?

20 A. Georgia.

21 Q. All right.

22 And were you also the regional director at

23 Hypersoft Business Solutions from January 2008 to

24 December 2012? 13:06:37

25 A. Yes.

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1 Q. What was the company that you were working at in

2 2014?

3 A. Insperity.

4 Q. What kind of company was that?

5 A. Basically insurance solutions for small

6 businesses.

7 Q. All right.

8 How do you know my client, Mike Lin?

9 When did you first originally learn of him?

10 A. I heard -- I was interested to him, I believe,

11 because of Scope Day. Limited memory on that one. 13:07:07

12 Q. What is your understanding of what Scope Day is?

13 A. A collection of Periscope enthusiasts doing timed

14 events for one day.

15 Q. Before today, had you ever seen Mr. Lin in

16 person? 13:07:37

17 THE REPORTER: I'm sorry. Before what?


19 Q. Today.

20 Had you ever seen Mr. Lin in person?

21 A. No, I had not.

22 Q. Did you ever communicate with him in live time?

23 MR. JACKSON: Objection. Vague and ambiguous.

24 What do you mean by live time?


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1 Q. I guess I meant realtime, on the telephone or --

2 A. Telephone, yes, waiting.

3 Q. And what kind of text --

4 THE REPORTER: I'm sorry. I didn't hear the last word

5 you said there.

6 THE WITNESS: Nothing.


8 Q. Your answer was yes?

9 A. Yes, yes. Sorry.

10 Q. When was the first time you communicated with

11 Mike Lin via telephone?

12 A. I don't -- I don't have a recollection. 13:08:07

13 Q. Do you know who initiated the call?

14 A. I don't -- I don't recall.

15 Q. Did you ever call Mike Lin?

16 A. I believe I have, yes, in the past.

17 Q. Do you recall approximately the first time you and

18 Mr. Lin had contact?

19 A. I do not.

20 Q. Did you watch any of the livestreams created by 13:08:37

21 Mr. Lin on Periscope?

22 MR. JACKSON: Objection. Vague and ambiguous as to

23 time and scope.


25 Q. At -- at -- at any time.

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1 MR. JACKSON: If you recall, if you understand his

2 question.

3 THE WITNESS: Would you repeat the question?

4 MR. WIENER: Sure.

5 Q. Have you ever watched on Periscope any

6 livestreams that were created by Mr. Lin?

7 A. Under Scope Day or just Mike Lin being live? 13:09:07

8 Q. Either of those.

9 A. Yes.

10 Q. Have you read any materials that were drafted by

11 Mr. Lin online?

12 MR. JACKSON: Objection. Vague and ambiguous.

13 MR. WIENER: Websites, postings on social media sites.

14 MR. JACKSON: Same objection, and I'm placing an

15 objection to preserve my right to do so at time of trial.

16 If you understand the question, you can answer 13:09:37

17 it.

18 THE WITNESS: Next question.


20 Q. Well, I would like an answer to that whether you

21 read any of his materials as -- as I defined it. I think

22 I said websites, social media postings.

23 A. I have.

24 Q. Which materials did you read?

25 A. Tweets on his Scope Day Twitter account and the

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1 Scope Day website are what I'm familiar with. 13:10:07

2 Q. All right.

3 Were you a follower of Mr. Lin on his Twitter

4 account?

5 A. Yes, I was.

6 Q. All right.

7 Did you likewise have your own Twitter account?

8 A. Of course.

9 Q. And was Mr. Lin a follower of your account?

10 A. Yes.

11 Q. Does either of you, to the best of your

12 knowledge, still remain a follower of the other?

13 A. I do not believe so.

14 Q. All right.

15 Is it fair to say that Mr. Lin operates in the

16 same general industry that you do? 13:10:39

17 A. No.

18 Q. What do you view is the differences between your

19 respective industries?

20 A. I run physical events.

21 Q. Do you also produce livestreams on Periscope?

22 A. Occasionally I do, yes.

23 Q. All right.

24 And it's correct that Mr. Lin also produces

25 livestreams on Periscope?

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1 A. To the best of my knowledge, yes.

2 Q. Is it -- is it fair to say that you're in the 13:11:09

3 same industry, at least as to livestreams on Periscope?

4 A. No.

5 Q. Why not?

6 A. It's -- it's like saying we're in the same

7 business if we both post things on Facebook. So I use

8 multiple social media assets. I specialize in -- in many,

9 so no. 13:11:43

10 THE REPORTER: In -- you specialize in what?

11 THE WITNESS: In many. Many social-media platforms.

12 MR. WIENER: All right.

13 Q. On or about February 11th or 12th, 2016, did you

14 post a 12-minute-long videostream about Mr. Lin on

15 Periscope?

16 MR. JACKSON: Do you understand the question?

17 THE WITNESS: I don't know if I --


19 Q. In -- in -- in around February 11th or 12th,

20 2016 -- I'll break it out.

21 Did you, at some point, post a videostream about 13:12:14

22 Mr. Lin on Periscope?

23 A. I did, yes.

24 Q. Do you recall the date that you posted it?

25 A. I do not.

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1 Q. When was the last time you watched the video?

2 MR. JACKSON: Objection. Vague and ambiguous as to

3 the term "the video."


5 Q. The videostream, the one that was posted on

6 Periscope.

7 A. I didn't watch it.

8 Q. All right.

9 Did you read the transcription of the recording 13:12:46

10 that was produced in this action?

11 MR. JACKSON: Objection. It lacks foundation.

12 The transcript lacks authenticity, and if you're

13 representing to the deponent that that transcript is a

14 transcript of the Periscope, I believe that's a miscorrect

15 or an inaccurate representation.

16 MR. WIENER: All right.

17 Q. What I'll do first is I'll show you the YouTube

18 video -- video that's posted which -- our -- our position

19 is it's the same as the Periscope. 13:13:16

20 I'd like you to watch it and let me know if you

21 believe that it's materially -- if it's different in any

22 respects from the Periscope video that you posted.

23 THE REPORTER: Are -- do -- are we doing this with me

24 recording?

25 We have to say what we're doing with me.

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1 MR. WIENER: We can take you off the record.


3 MR. WIENER: I -- I don't need you to transcribe it.

4 THE REPORTER: So close -- off the record for this?

5 He has to agree.

6 MR. JACKSON: Sure.

7 Let me just place an objection on the record

8 because I have no idea what you're going to be showing the 13:13:46

9 deponent.

10 So I'll place an objection that it lacks

11 foundation, authenticity. It assumes facts not in

12 evidence. I'll object that it's under the best evidence

13 rule and everything else in between.

14 THE REPORTER: But you're going to run the video?

15 MR. WIENER: Yes, I am, and I'll represent that it's

16 a --

17 THE REPORTER: All right.

18 Tell me when to go off.

19 MR. WIENER: Stay on for one moment.

20 It's a video on, "Watch? 13:14:18

21 B=OWTRX3MT5T0&T=344S," and it's a caption, "Ryan A. Bell,

22 the famous Mike Lin, evidence for the Lin versus Bell

23 lawsuit."

24 THE REPORTER: Off the record?

25 MR. WIENER: Off the record.

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1 (Discussion off the record.)

2 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Back on the record. The time is

3 1:24 p.m. 13:23:51

4 MR. WIENER: All right.

5 Q. Mr. Bell, from the portion of the video you saw,

6 was that an accurate video of you discussing Mr. Lin?

7 MR. JACKSON: Do you have a question?


9 I don't know how to approach that.


11 Q. Are those your words coming out of -- is that you

12 depicted in the video? 13:24:21

13 Are you the one speaking?

14 MR. JACKSON: So with respect -- because the

15 question's being asked of the video, let me place an

16 objection once again. The video lacks authenticity,

17 foundation; doesn't comply with the best evidence rule.

18 Having said that, you can answer the question if

19 you understand the question.


21 That looks like me. Yeah, that's me.


23 Q. Is that you speaking in the video?

24 A. Yes.

25 Q. Do you believe any of the words were altered or

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1 modified?

2 A. I honestly don't know.

3 Q. Were you reading from a script when you made the 13:24:52

4 video?

5 A. I was not.

6 Q. Did you have any notes of what you were going to

7 say?

8 A. I did not.

9 MR. WIENER: I'm going to mark as Exhibit 1 a

10 transcript of the recording of the portion of which was

11 just shown to Mr. Bell.

12 (Deposition Exhibit 1 was introduced for 13:25:22

13 identification by the Certified Shorthand Reporter and is

14 attached hereto.)


16 Q. And, Mr. Bell, if you'd like to have a look at

17 it --

18 A. Not particularly.

19 MR. JACKSON: He may be asking you questions about it.

20 So I'll place an objection to Exhibit Number 1 that it

21 lacks authenticity, foundation; doesn't comply with the

22 best evidence rule. Assumes facts not in evidence.

23 That's for the record.


25 Q. Have you read this transcript prior to today?

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1 A. I have not. 13:25:52

2 Q. Can I ask that you do so?

3 It's about eight pages long. So we can go off

4 the record while you read it.

5 MR. JACKSON: Do you want to break it down into

6 sections, or are you going to ask a big, general, global

7 question?

8 MR. WIENER: I'm going to ask both global and specific

9 questions about those statements made therein.

10 MR. JACKSON: So are you using this document to

11 refresh his recollection about something?

12 MR. WIENER: Right.

13 I -- I just want him to remember if this is his

14 video, or if he believes it's not an accurate

15 transcription of what he stated on that day, I'd like him 13:26:22

16 to know that as well.

17 MR. JACKSON: Okay.

18 Because you can ask those questions without him

19 looking at --

20 THE WITNESS: I just watched the video.

21 MR. JACKSON: -- the document in front of you.

22 MR. WIENER: Well, I -- I --

23 MR. JACKSON: It's your deposition.

24 MR. WIENER: I -- I want to have a record that that is

25 an accurate transcription of the video that I just showed

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1 him as well.

2 I mean, I -- I don't think it should be

3 controverted that it -- it -- it's an actual, but

4 you're -- you're objecting based on best evidence, and

5 I'm trying to lay a foundation for it. I'm not too sure 13:26:52

6 how else to go about it.

7 MR. JACKSON: Right.

8 So I'll place my objection. I'll let -- it's

9 your deposition. I'll let you ask any questions you

10 want.

11 My objection is that it lacks foundation,

12 authenticity. Best evidence rule. Assumes facts not in

13 evidence, probably in addition to other evidence issues.

14 So if Counsel wants you to look at that, then go

15 ahead and look at it.

16 THE WITNESS: All right.

17 MR. WIENER: 13:28:08

18 Q. Have -- have you reviewed the transcript?

19 A. I have.

20 Q. Do you believe it's an accurate transcript of

21 your oral statements?

22 A. It seems to represent what was on video.

23 Q. Do you believe the video was an accurate recording

24 of you speaking?

25 A. I do not. I do not recall the -- I -- I just

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1 don't know if that video is, you know, completely

2 untampered with. I don't know the source of that video at 13:28:38

3 all.

4 Q. Do you have any original copies of the video?

5 A. No. That was not -- that was a private video.

6 Q. Where was the video broadcast?

7 A. Periscope.

8 Q. All right.

9 And there's no -- you don't have any recordings

10 of it in your own possession, custody or control?

11 A. No. It's just what you put on --

12 MR. JACKSON: You should answer yes or no.



15 Q. Are there any specific statements that are

16 contained in the video or the transcript that you believe 13:29:08

17 you did not make?

18 A. I don't know.

19 Q. Do you believe that Mr. Bell somehow

20 transcribed --

21 A. Mr. Lin you mean.

22 Q. Yeah. I'm sorry.

23 That Mr. Lin somehow changed your monologue from

24 the video?

25 MR. JACKSON: Objection. Calls for speculation as to

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1 what Mr. Lin did or didn't do. It also assumes facts not

2 in evidence because apparently somebody else transcribed 13:29:38

3 the -- some video.

4 MR. WIENER: All right.

5 Q. Do you agree that, from the video you watched --

6 that that is an accurate transcription of the video that

7 was on YouTube?

8 A. That is an accurate transcription of the video

9 that I just watched.

10 Q. All right.

11 And you're not sure if the video that you posted

12 on Periscope is the same as the video you saw on YouTube?

13 A. I am positive it is not the same video that I

14 posted on Periscope. 13:30:08

15 Q. And what makes you positive about that?

16 A. None of the engagement or comments or anything

17 were on there, and it also was very jumpy and jerky, and

18 it -- it had a lot of places where things were cut out and

19 blurred. It was very odd video if you look at it.

20 Q. Do you -- do you recall how long the video was

21 that you created on February -- in February 2016 about

22 Mr. Lin?

23 A. I do not.

24 Q. Do you believe this video was edited?

25 MR. JACKSON: And don't guess. 13:30:38

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1 It calls for speculation. Objection. Calls for

2 speculation.

3 THE WITNESS: I don't -- yeah, I -- I don't recall it.


5 Q. What materials do you believe were added to the

6 video that you didn't have in the original video?

7 A. This was a year and a half ago. I don't know.

8 Q. Who recorded the video?

9 MR. JACKSON: What video?


11 Q. The one that you posted on Periscope.

12 A. Oh, I -- I did. It was directly to Periscope, 13:31:08

13 and then it was deleted.

14 Q. What date did you delete it?

15 A. The exact same day right after I did it.

16 Q. And -- and how many hours was it posted online?

17 A. Less than three but probably less than two.

18 Q. All right.

19 Who actually recorded it, though?

20 Was there someone other than you holding the

21 camera?

22 A. It was my phone on a mount, I believe. I have

23 multiple mounts because I do multiple Periscopes, or did.

24 I don't anymore, thanks to the trolling. 13:31:38

25 Q. All right.

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1 At the end of the video, somebody says, quote,

2 "And we're done. Okay. That was boring as shit."

3 Is that you speaking or somebody else?

4 MR. JACKSON: Objection. Assumes facts not in

5 evidence. It assumes he recalls saying anything during

6 this video.

7 THE WITNESS: I don't -- I don't recall.


9 Q. Do you recall if you were alone when the video

10 was made?

11 A. My wife was in the -- in the living room. That

12 was in the living room. My wife was reading. 13:32:08

13 Q. Okay. All right.

14 She wasn't involved in shooting the video,

15 though?

16 A. Not at all, no.

17 Q. All right.

18 You thanked -- on page 7 of the transcription,

19 you said, "Thank you, Amber. Thanks, guys. Thanks,

20 Jenna."

21 Who were you speaking to?

22 MR. JACKSON: Objection. Assumes facts not in

23 evidence.


25 Q. Did -- did you make those statements?

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1 A. I don't recall.

2 Q. Do you know someone named Amber? 13:32:38

3 A. I do know multiple people named Amber.

4 Q. Do you recall why you would have -- if this --

5 all right.

6 So is it your testimony that nobody was present

7 for the recording of the video except for you?

8 A. In the room, except for my wife.

9 Q. All right. 13:33:08

10 And she didn't record the video, though, is your

11 testimony?

12 A. That's correct.

13 Q. Well, why did you decide to take down the video

14 after about three hours?

15 A. I had said what I needed to say.

16 Q. Why did you need to make any statements about

17 Mr. Lin? 13:33:38

18 A. I'm sorry?

19 Q. Why did you need to make any statements about --

20 about Mr. Lin?

21 A. I had been approached by multiple females who he

22 was harassing.

23 Q. Who were those females?

24 A. I would definitely prefer not to say in present

25 company.

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1 Q. There are persons who made accusations against

2 my client. I -- I believe I'm entitled to their names.

3 A. I am not a danger.

4 Q. But Mr. -- 13:34:13

5 THE REPORTER: Pardon me. I'm sorry. Repeat that. I

6 need you to repeat what you said.

7 THE WITNESS: I said -- I said I am not a danger.

8 MR. JACKSON: So, Mr. Bell, if you recall the names of

9 the individuals Counsel asked you about, it's perfectly

10 acceptable for you to respond to his question if you

11 recall their names.

12 Otherwise, Counsel will get a court order, and a

13 judge will order you to answer the question. So if you

14 recall their names, you can share them with Counsel.

15 If you don't recall their names, then just let

16 Counsel know. And if you want to take a break and talk

17 about it, we can do that too.

18 THE WITNESS: I do not want to give names of any

19 females in front of Michael Lin. 13:34:54

20 MR. WIENER: The deposition is being recorded. And, I

21 mean, to the extent they've made accusations against my

22 client, he is entitled to know who they are. They're

23 potentially witnesses.

24 THE WITNESS: They're potentially in danger too.

25 MR. JACKSON: Why don't we take a quick break --

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1 MR. WIENER: All right.

2 MR. JACKSON: -- and let me talk to my client?

3 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We're going off the record. The

4 time is 1:35 p.m.

5 (Recess taken.)

6 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Back on the record. The time is

7 1:39 p.m. 13:39:03

8 MR. WIENER: All right.

9 Q. Who are the women who complained to you that they

10 were harassed by Mr. Lin?

11 A. Lizza Morales, Jenny Q.

12 Q. How do you spell Q?

13 A. It's -- I -- I don't know. It's a social media

14 handle. I -- I can't remember at the moment. Just Jenny 13:39:33

15 Q is one of them.

16 THE REPORTER: Are you saying Jenny?

17 THE WITNESS: Yeah, Jenny, J-E-N-N-Y, I'm pretty

18 sure.

19 Amber Plaster. I can't remember her last name.

20 There's a few more. I can't -- I can't remember their

21 names. Those are the ones that I remember offhand. I'd

22 have to look up and go back through e-mails for all the 13:40:03

23 complaints.

24 MR. WIENER: All right.

25 Q. Did they send you any e-mails specifically

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1 regarding Mr. Lin?

2 A. A lot of them were phone calls, actually.

3 Q. All right.

4 Are there any e-mail records -- records of

5 e-mails you received from third persons concerning

6 harassing conduct by Mr. Lin?

7 A. Twitter DMs, probably not any e-mails. I

8 think -- I don't think I can -- I think I can produce any

9 e-mails. 13:40:33

10 Q. Are you able to produce Twitter DMs?

11 A. More than likely I probably can.

12 Q. All right. We -- we would like those.

13 Was -- what type of complaints did Ms. Morales

14 make against Mr. Lin?

15 A. It's so long ago. The racist remarks, trolling,

16 just general harassment was the entire theme of Mr. Lin.

17 Q. And that was the common complaint among all --

18 all the women? 13:41:05

19 A. Some -- some -- some were sexual advances or

20 unwelcome sexual advances, especially with younger --

21 younger women.

22 Q. What kind of sexual advances?

23 A. Just making lewd inappropriate conducts to people

24 that were either married or very young.

25 Q. Were any of them under the age of 18?

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1 A. Yes.

2 Q. Which ones?

3 A. I can't remember the name. 13:41:35

4 Q. Well, why did these persons make complaints to

5 you?

6 MR. JACKSON: Objection. Calls for speculation.

7 You can answer the question if you understand it.

8 THE WITNESS: I led the conference, and I'm seen as a

9 community leader, I think.


11 Q. What conference are you referring to?

12 A. The Summit conference in -- in Periscope Summit.

13 Q. And was Mr. Lin a participant in that 13:42:06

14 conference?

15 A. No. He was not --

16 MR. JACKSON: Try to answer yes or no. It's a

17 yes-or-no question.

18 THE WITNESS: So it's a -- it's a -- there -- there

19 were three different conferences.


21 Q. And was Mr. Lin a participant in any Summit Live

22 conferences?

23 A. He was.

24 Q. Which one?

25 A. The San Francisco.

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1 Q. Do you have any -- most of these communications

2 were via telephone or via Twitter? 13:42:38

3 A. Correct.

4 Q. Did you tell any of the women that you would take

5 any kind of action against Mr. Lin?

6 A. No.

7 Q. Did you ask any of them to watch this video?

8 A. No.

9 Q. Do you have a FullScope.TV account?

10 A. I had one at one time. I don't know if it's

11 still valid or used.

12 Q. When did you have the FullScope.TV account?

13 A. I don't know. 2015 for -- but I -- I don't think 13:43:08

14 I -- I only used it maybe twice. It's just a metrics

15 tool, I believe.

16 Q. Do you know if it produces recordings of

17 livestreams?

18 A. I don't think it does.

19 Q. What was the process by which you uploaded the

20 livestream about Mr. Lin onto Periscope?

21 MR. JACKSON: Objection as to the term "upload." I 13:43:38

22 think that incorrectly -- incorrectly describes how the

23 Periscope app works, but having placed that objection on

24 the record, you can answer the question.

25 THE WITNESS: It was directly done through Periscope,

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1 which is a video app.


3 Q. And so it is recorded by a telephone?

4 A. Telephone. That's correct.

5 Q. Does that actually produce a recording, or does

6 it transmit directly to Periscope?

7 A. It transmits directly to Periscope at the time.

8 The recording lasts for 24 hours. 13:44:08

9 Q. The recording lasts for 24 hours on your

10 telephone?

11 A. On Periscope.

12 And then it -- I -- and then it was deleted, but

13 I deleted it way prior to that 24-hour mark.

14 Q. What kind of phone did you use to --

15 A. iPhone 6 or 6 Plus, probably 6 Plus.

16 Q. All right.

17 There's no recording of the video you created on

18 that telephone?

19 A. No, sir.

20 Q. Why did you choose to delete the video?

21 A. Because I said what I needed to say. 13:44:39

22 Q. And that was to protect the women?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. How do -- how do you protect them, though, if you

25 deleted the video several hours after making -- making it?

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1 MR. JACKSON: Objection. Argumentative.

2 You can answer the question if you understand it.

3 THE WITNESS: Repeat the question.


5 Q. Well, how specifically did the video protect the

6 women who allegedly complained about Mr. Lin?

7 A. If a few of the people that followed me knew,

8 then they would be able to -- you know, knowledge is 13:45:09

9 power.

10 Q. Did you have -- the other people would

11 rebroadcast the video?

12 A. No.

13 Q. Do you know how many people viewed the video in

14 the three hours that it was on online?

15 A. I have no idea.

16 Q. Is it correct -- do you believe that more people

17 would have viewed the video had it been left online for

18 longer than three hours?

19 MR. JACKSON: Objection. Calls for speculation.

20 THE WITNESS: I don't know. 13:45:39


22 Q. Where did you obtain the information that you

23 stated about Mr. Lin in the video?

24 MR. JACKSON: Objection. Vague and ambiguous.

25 What information are you referring to --

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1 MR. WIENER: All right --

2 MR. JACKSON: -- when you say -- when you use the word

3 "stated"?


5 Q. For -- for example, at the time you made the

6 video, did you believe that Mr. Lin had worked at

7 LinkedIn? 13:46:09

8 MR. JACKSON: That's a separate question than what may

9 or may not be on the video.


11 Q. I'll -- I'll -- I'll go through each -- each of

12 the statements.

13 A. That would be good.

14 Q. All right.

15 MR. JACKSON: Counsel, the reason I'm -- I'm bringing

16 this to your attention is -- is the deponent doesn't

17 recall what was or was not said on the Periscope video.

18 So I don't know if you're asking him about that

19 or what in the documentation that you handed to him

20 earlier in the deposition, or is this just an open-ended

21 question?


23 Q. I'm -- I'm going to refer to the transcription

24 that's there, but if -- if you don't believe you made the 13:46:39

25 statement, you can state that as well.

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1 MR. JACKSON: Or recall making the statement.

2 MR. WIENER: Right. Right.

3 Q. Do you recall making a statement in your video

4 that -- in the livestream that Mr. Lin is, quote, a felon?

5 A. I don't recall.

6 Q. Do you have reason to believe that Mr. Lin is a

7 felon?

8 A. I don't recall. I had a lot of conversations

9 with Mr. Lin.

10 MR. JACKSON: Do you mean "as you sit here" -- sits

11 here today?


13 Q. As you sit here today, do you have any reason to 13:47:10

14 believe that Mr. Lin is a felon?

15 A. I don't recall. I --

16 Q. Do you recall if in your -- in -- in the

17 livestream you made a statement that Mr. Lin is, quote,

18 mentally disturbed?

19 A. I don't recall.

20 Q. Do you have any reason to believe that Mr. Lin is

21 mentally disturbed?

22 A. I do.

23 Q. What -- what -- what is the -- that basis?

24 A. His admission of being 5150'd multiple times and

25 institutionalized and his personal conversations via

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1 telephone with me about his mental issues. 13:47:40

2 Q. And why did you think it was necessary to

3 rebroadcast those?

4 MR. JACKSON: Objection. That assumes facts not in

5 evidence.

6 MR. WIENER: All right.

7 THE WITNESS: I just --

8 MR. JACKSON: And it's argumentative.

9 You don't have to answer that last question.


11 Q. In -- in -- in February 2016, did you believe

12 Mr. Lin was mentally disturbed?

13 A. I do, and I still do. 13:48:10

14 Q. Do you believe he's a psychopath?

15 A. Could you define "psychopath" for me?

16 Q. Is that a word that you've used in reference to

17 Mr. Lin?

18 A. I don't recall using that word.

19 Q. Do you recall using the word "sociopath" to refer

20 to Mr. Lin?

21 A. I don't recall using that word either.

22 Q. Do you recall ever stating that Mr. Lin is,

23 quote, not allowed in America?

24 A. I don't recall.

25 Q. In February of 2015, are -- as we sit here -- in 13:48:41

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1 February 2015, did you have any reason to believe that

2 Mr. Lin was not allowed in -- in America?

3 MR. JACKSON: '15 or '16?

4 MR. WIENER: '16. I'm sorry. Thank you.

5 THE WITNESS: Mr. Lin did tell me that he had -- he

6 was taken out of America so that he would not be

7 institutionalized. That's -- so that's directly from a

8 phone call with Mr. Lin.


10 Q. Did you believe there was a court order or some

11 kind of judicial or legislative process that forbid

12 Mr. Lin from reentering America? 13:49:11

13 A. From my understanding from Mr. Lin, he needed

14 to be away from the USA so that he wouldn't be

15 institutionalized, from a phone conversation directly with

16 Mr. Lin.

17 Q. All right.

18 Did you also -- did you make a statement that --

19 in February 2016 that -- to the effect that a lot of

20 SexBots are Mr. Lin? 13:49:41

21 A. I don't recall.

22 Q. Do you know what a SexBot is?

23 A. A fake account that is -- like a Russian -- has a

24 Russian sexy name, I believe.

25 Mr. Lin had admitted to me about having multiple

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1 accounts that he used to harass people or troll people on

2 Twitter.

3 Q. Do you recall if any of those accounts Were

4 SexBots? 13:50:11

5 A. All I know is he has, you know, multiple accounts

6 for the express purpose of trolling and harassing.

7 Q. What do you mean by express purpose?

8 Did Mr. Lin tell you that was the express purpose

9 of the accounts was to use them to harass people?

10 A. He told me that he used them to harass people.

11 Q. Did he ever personally use any accounts to harass

12 you? 13:50:41

13 A. It is a very safe assumption, yes.

14 Q. Do you have any concrete information that he did

15 use his accounts to harass you?

16 A. I -- I don't recall. I -- I -- I stopped being

17 on Periscope because of Mr. Lin. I very rarely broadcast

18 because of him.

19 Q. When did you stop being on Periscope?

20 A. I'd say I broadcast maybe once a month now. I

21 used to broadcast daily. 13:51:11

22 Q. All right.

23 In -- in February 2016, did you know that Mike

24 Lin had worked at LinkedIn?

25 A. I did. He says it often.

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1 Q. All right.

2 Did you make a statement that Mike Lin used

3 LinkedIn information to gain mortgage information?

4 A. I don't recall.

5 Q. Do you have any reason to believe that Mr. Lin did

6 use LinkedIn to get people's mortgage information?

7 MR. JACKSON: As we sit here today? 13:51:41

8 MR. WIENER: Yes.

9 MR. JACKSON: So that question excludes any

10 information you've received from counsel from my office on

11 that issue. Just so we're clear, it's protected by

12 attorney-client product -- attorney-client privilege and

13 attorney work product.

14 THE WITNESS: Right. 13:52:11

15 MR. JACKSON: So you can answer Counsel's question if

16 you're able to.

17 THE WITNESS: A female reached out to me, saying that

18 he -- he had gotten her -- her physical address and was

19 threatening to throw a party at her house.

20 Of course, this was a person that did not want to

21 have a social party at her -- at her house, but that was a

22 threat that Mike Lin threatened her with.

23 MR. WIENER: 13:52:41

24 Q Do you know if that information, her physical

25 address, somehow came from LinkedIn?

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1 A. She said that he told her it was from LinkedIn.

2 Q. Do you know if LinkedIn, based on your knowledge,

3 provides physical addresses for individuals?

4 A. I don't know. I -- I don't think it does. I

5 don't know.

6 Q. All right.

7 Do you know if LinkedIn provides phone numbers

8 for individuals?

9 A. Yes, it does.

10 Q. It -- that's in their account profiles?

11 A. You have the option to put your phone number in. 13:53:11

12 Q. All right.

13 Did you claim that Mr. Lin used LinkedIn

14 privileges to get the telephone numbers?

15 A. I don't recall.

16 Q. Do you recall if Mike Lin had some special

17 privileges at LinkedIn after he stopped working there?

18 A. Mike Lin told me -- yes, Mike Lin told me that he

19 had special LinkedIn privileges. 13:53:41

20 Q. When did you have that discussion with Mr. Lin?

21 A. I don't recall exact dates. This was a long time

22 ago.

23 Q. Did you ever make any statements that Mr. Lin had

24 run away to Taiwan so he would not be committed for being

25 a danger to his own family?

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1 A. I don't recall. 13:54:11

2 Q. Do you recall if you ever made any statements

3 that Mr. Lin was hiding out in Taiwan in his parents'

4 basement?

5 A. I don't recall.

6 Q. Do you know what -- what kind of residence

7 Mr. Lin's parents had in Taiwan?

8 A. I don't recall or care.

9 Q. So if -- if that statement was made by you that

10 he is hiding out in Taiwan in his parents' basement, you

11 didn't care if it was true or not? 13:54:41

12 A. I don't recall --

13 MR. JACKSON: Objection. Calls for speculation,

14 assumes facts not in evidence, argumentative.


16 Q. At the time prior to posting a video about

17 Mr. Lin on Periscope, what efforts if any did you make to

18 verify the accuracy of any statements he made? 13:55:11

19 MR. JACKSON: Objection. Assumes facts in evidence,

20 lacks foundation, assumes the deponent recalls statements

21 made. I think he's testified he doesn't recall.

22 So how can he answer questions about --

23 MR. WIENER: I -- I --

24 MR. JACKSON: -- something he doesn't recall?


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1 Q. Do you recall posting some video about Mr. Lin in

2 early February 2016?

3 A. I do.

4 Q. And you recall making some statements about

5 Mr. Lin; correct?

6 A. I do. 13:55:41

7 Q. Do you recall what efforts if any you made to

8 verify that any of the statements were true?

9 A. Anything I've said about Mike Lin has come

10 basically directly from Mike Lin.

11 Q. And do you have -- when you say it came from

12 Mr. Lin, did it come from oral conversations with Mr. Lin,

13 or did it come from e-mails or Twitter?

14 A. Mostly oral conversations.

15 Q. Do you have any way of tracking how many people 13:56:11

16 viewed the Periscope -- Periscope stream that you created?

17 A. Zero way of telling.

18 MR. JACKSON: It's a yes-or-no question.

19 THE WITNESS: No, I have no way to track.


21 Q. Do you know if the videostream has been

22 republished on any other websites besides YouTube? 13:56:41

23 MR. JACKSON: Objection. Assumes facts not in

24 evidence that it was republished.

25 You can answer the question.

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1 THE WITNESS: Answer -- ask the question one more

2 time.


4 Q. Do you know if it's been republished on any

5 websites?

6 MR. JACKSON: Same objection.

7 THE WITNESS: I don't.


9 Q. At the time you posted the video, did you believe

10 that Mr. Lin was emotionally vulnerable? 13:57:11

11 A. I believe Mr. Lin has been emotionally vulnerable

12 since the first day I talked to him.

13 Q. All right.

14 Did you consider what impact the -- posting the

15 livestream might have on his psyche?

16 A. I did.

17 Q. What did you think the impact would be?

18 A. I had hoped that Mike Lin would get off of social 13:57:41

19 and get actual help for a very long time. His problem is

20 that he's trying to be on social instead of getting help.

21 Q. Did you create this livestream with the hope

22 that it would encourage him to obtain mental health 13:58:12

23 services?

24 A. I would love to see that. I told him that

25 multiple times prior to him attacking me.

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1 Q. How do you believe Mr. Lin attacked you?

2 A. Harassing me via livestream, making fake Bitly

3 accounts to drive traffic and drive money away from my 13:58:44

4 business, saying bad things about me on social, all these

5 things that I can handle.

6 Q. When you put the livestream on Periscope, did you

7 put it for public or private broadcast? 13:59:14

8 A. I believe that I put it private. At the time, I

9 had 17,000 followers.

10 Q. How many followers do you have now on Periscope?

11 A. 21,000.

12 It's just like Twitter.

13 MR. JACKSON: You answered his question.

14 THE WITNESS: All right. 13:59:44


16 Q. Do you regret having posted the Periscope

17 livestream concerning Mr. Lin?

18 A. I do.

19 Q. Why do you regret it?

20 A. I had hoped that it would help people and not

21 harm Mike, and I would prefer to not be here right now. 14:00:14

22 Q. Did you make any efforts to apologize to Mr. Lin

23 before this lawsuit was filed but after the livestream was 14:00:46

24 posted or went on Periscope?

25 MR. JACKSON: Apologize for what reason?

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2 Q. You -- your --

3 MR. JACKSON: So objection. Argumentative.


5 Q. You said, correct, that you regretted having

6 posted the livestream on Periscope? Correct?

7 A. I did.

8 Q. Did you apologize to Mr. Lin for having posted 14:01:16

9 it?

10 A. No.

11 Q. Was there a reason why you didn't?

12 A. Mr. Lin has never once let up on attacking me.

13 Q. And how do you think Mr. Lin attacked you prior

14 to February 2017?

15 A. The Bitly link that was a direct way to take

16 money away from my business, attacking me via alternate

17 accounts on my -- on my social, sending me odd e-mails 14:01:46

18 with quotes and song lyrics that were threatening, like

19 "For Whom the Bell Tolls" and "Number 1 with a Bullet,"

20 lots and lots of threatening scary things that scared me

21 and my wife.

22 Q. How did Mr. Lin specifically attack you on social

23 media accounts? 14:02:16

24 A. Tweeting things.

25 I think he had the hash tag

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1 "forwhomthebelltolls," which is really scary when you know

2 that someone is disturbed and they're sending you things

3 about death to you and your family. It's scary.

4 Q. Did you seek any -- any kind of temporary

5 restraining order against Mr. Lin?

6 A. I called the police, and I had to move. 14:02:46

7 Q. When did you contact the police?

8 A. When he was at the same event as my wife and also

9 when he was outside of my -- my office.

10 Q. What event did Mr. Lin -- I'll get to this

11 after, actually.

12 Did you tell any persons to delete Mr. Lin's

13 Scope Day account?

14 A. I do not recall.

15 Q. Did you tell any persons to block Mr. Lin's Scope

16 Day account? 14:03:16

17 A. I do not recall that.

18 Q. Do you have a belief one way or another as

19 whether you did that?

20 MR. JACKSON: Objection. The question has been asked

21 and answered. He doesn't recall.

22 THE WITNESS: I don't recall.

23 MR. WIENER: All right.

24 Q. Did you review the first amended cross-complaint

25 in this action prior to it being filed?

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1 A. I don't recall. But, yeah, that sounds kind of

2 legal mumbo-jumbo to me.

3 Q. Do you recall that you filed a cross-complaint? 14:03:46

4 A. Oh, oh, sorry. Yes, yes, yeah, I do.

5 Q. All right.

6 Did you review it prior to it being filed?

7 A. Yes, I did.

8 Q. Did you believe those statements or the

9 allegations in the first amended cross-complaint were true

10 and accurate?

11 A. Yes.

12 Q. What threatening and disgusting remarks do you

13 believe Mr. Lin made about you?

14 A. Mr. Lin is -- I don't like repeating things that

15 he says on livestream, but usually it's about raping 14:04:16

16 children or raping pigs or some type of anal raping and

17 bleeding. That's Mr. Lin's go-to.

18 Q. When did he -- when did he allegedly make

19 statements to that effect?

20 A. I don't recall. 2016?

21 You know, I -- like I said, I don't really go on

22 Periscope much anymore because of that.

23 Q. How do you know the statements were made by 14:04:46

24 Mr. Lin?

25 A. Tracking which accounts.

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1 A lot of -- if you look at his accounts, a lot of

2 them will have a fist as the profile picture, and he does

3 the same thing to other people. So you can usually tell

4 by bloody child rape or pig rape or anal sex that it's

5 Mike Lin. 14:05:16

6 Q. Are -- are there any specific accounts where you

7 believe he used to make statements to that effect?

8 A. He admits to having 500 something accounts. I

9 believe he has more. There's -- there's no telling

10 what -- which account, if it's the Sex_TV or the whatever

11 account. I -- I don't know.

12 Q. How do you know any account specifically

13 associated with Mr. Lin was used to make any statements to

14 that effect, though? 14:05:46

15 A. A lot of times he will even call himself out and

16 say that it's Mike Lin. So you can track which accounts

17 he's saying it on. Most people know.

18 Q. Do you have any screenshots of an account making

19 a statement about anal sex that is an account that you

20 believe is Mr. Lin?

21 A. I don't know if I do or not. I may.

22 Q. All right.

23 And you were requested to produce all documents

24 regarding the allegations in your first amended cross --

25 or in your cross-complaint; correct? 14:06:16

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1 A. Yes.

2 Q. When did you make a police report concerning

3 Mr. Lin?

4 A. I don't recall the dates. I -- I can probably

5 find it out because of the event.

6 Q. Did they provide any -- did the police provide

7 any -- which police department did you refer to?

8 A. Santa Monica. 14:06:46

9 Q. Did they provide any incident report or a case

10 number to you?

11 A. I don't think so.

12 Q. Was any report made about the complaint?

13 A. I don't recall.

14 Q. Was there a specific police officer investigating

15 the allegations?

16 A. I don't recall his name.

17 Q. Was any arrest warrant issued?

18 A. No. I didn't pursue it.

19 Q. Did Mr. Lin ever tell you to prepare for hell?

20 A. Yes. 14:07:26

21 Q. When did he make that statement to you?

22 A. Shortly after the San Francisco Summit event.

23 I remember the very scary things.

24 Q. What was the context in which he made that

25 statement?

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1 A. This was during a barrage of madness during all

2 the times that he sent me the song lyrics. I -- I -- I --

3 there's really not much context to or rhyme or reason to 14:07:56

4 what was happening then. I was just scared.

5 Q. Did you understand that Mr. Lin was threatening

6 you with litigation, or you interpreted it as something

7 else?

8 A. He was threatening -- threatening me with -- I --

9 I thought he was threatening me with my life. "Prepare 14:08:26

10 for hell," "For Whom the Bell Tolls." I -- I was -- I

11 felt fearful for my family and for myself.

12 Q. Did he make that statement in writing or was that

13 verbally?

14 A. Verbally, and there are some in writing of song

15 lyrics and stuff.

16 Q. I've seen the song lyrics, but the specific

17 statement "prepare for hell," was that via e-mail,

18 Twitter, some other media?

19 A. I believe it was Twitter. I -- I -- I don't

20 recall exactly, but like there was -- those were the word 14:08:56

21 tracks.

22 Q. Was that a statement made directly to you or to

23 your attorney?

24 A. I don't recall.

25 Q. Did Mr. Lin threaten to spend 10,000 on Facebook,

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1 YouTube and LinkedIn to harm you?

2 A. Yes, he did.

3 Q. Did you understand that was a threat of physical

4 harm or that he would post statements about you?

5 A. That was a threat of social media harm. That was 14:09:26

6 not anything that -- I was scared of bodily harm.

7 Q. All right.

8 You also claim Mr. Lin made harassing telephone

9 calls to you?

10 A. Yes.

11 Q. When did -- Do you recall what telephone number

12 he used for those telephone calls?

13 A. Multiple different phone numbers.

14 Q. Do you have any telephone records that

15 indicate what was your receiving number on -- on those

16 calls?

17 A. (415) 939-7210.

18 Q. That was the only number that you allegedly

19 received calls on from Mr. Lin? 14:09:59

20 A. That's correct.

21 Q. Do you have any telephone account records relating

22 to that telephone number?

23 A. I mean, of course. I have every month's bill.

24 Q. Who is the carrier on it?

25 A. Verizon.

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1 Q. Is -- is it a cellular phone?

2 A. Yes.

3 Q. Are you able to produce those telephone

4 records?

5 You can redact any telephone numbers that you

6 don't believe were calls from Mr. Lin from it. 14:10:29

7 MR. JACKSON: Before you answer that question, make

8 sure you got the document. Otherwise, they can get them

9 directly from Verizon. I don't want you to make a

10 promise, then go home and realize you don't have the

11 documents.

12 THE WITNESS: I don't -- I don't have the

13 documents.

14 You can go get them from Verizon; right?

15 MR. JACKSON: I don't know. I'm not answering the

16 question for you. I just want to make sure -- if you

17 represent to Counsel you've got the documents, then make

18 sure you've got them.


20 Q. Well, what I'm trying to do is preserve your

21 privacy. I -- I can certainly subpoena the records from 14:10:59

22 Verizon.

23 A. Okay.

24 Q. But then it's going to show the phone numbers of

25 persons I don't care about, and you probably don't want me

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1 to know who else you're getting calls from.

2 I'll represent to you that if you go onto your

3 account with Verizon, it will let you download probably

4 about at least a year or possibly two years of cellphone

5 records that shows any calls you've received.

6 A. Can I interject and say that I think that this

7 would be not -- a really difficult thing to do because 14:11:29

8 there's so many different numbers that call -- call me.

9 It would be impossible to say, "Hey, this is

10 where this happened."

11 MR. JACKSON: So -- so why don't we back up and let

12 Counsel ask a question --

13 THE WITNESS: Sorry.

14 MR. JACKSON: -- since this is just a deposition?

15 THE WITNESS: My fault. Yeah.

16 MR. JACKSON: We're not producing documents today.


18 MR. JACKSON: And let's start over.

19 THE WITNESS: Sorry.


21 Q. How long were the telephone calls to -- that you

22 received from Mr. Lin?

23 A. The regular normal conversations back when we

24 were friends? 14:12:00

25 Q. During what period of time were you friends?

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1 I haven't used -- heard you use that term

2 previously in reference to Mr. Lin.

3 A. Probably three months prior to the January event

4 in 2016.

5 So I would say I was very kind and nice to

6 Mr. Lin at that point in time.

7 Q. All right.

8 And excluding phone calls during that period, but 14:12:30

9 the harassing phone calls began in about January 2016?

10 A. Directly after the event.

11 Q. And how long were those calls typically?

12 A. They were only prank calls. They were short

13 calls that I'd hang up on.

14 Q. Did you ever seek to block any telephone numbers 14:13:00

15 during that time period?

16 A. I did. I continue to. He has -- he has harassed

17 me a whole lot.

18 Q. Do you believe that Mr. Lin continues to call you?

19 A. I do.

20 Q. How frequently?

21 A. I don't know.

22 Q. Did you accuse Mr. Lin of adding your telephone

23 number to a call list?

24 A. I did. 14:13:30

25 Q. Which call list were you referring to?

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1 A. I don't think that there is a universal call

2 list. I think that there are multiple call lists that

3 Mr. Lin has put me on.

4 Q. Telemarketing call lists?

5 A. Yeah, fun stuff.

6 Q. And how many call lists do you estimate you've

7 been added to?

8 A. Dozens.

9 I had to get another phone number.

10 Q. Have you sought to have your old phone number

11 added to the "Do Not Call" list? 14:14:00

12 A. I have.

13 Q. All right.

14 And that didn't prevent the calls?

15 A. You know it doesn't.

16 Q. Can you provide a couple of examples of call

17 lists that you believe you were added to?

18 A. Student loan, Cash for Gold.

19 You name it; I'm on it.

20 Q. Is your current phone number unlisted?

21 A. No, it's -- I -- I -- I don't know if it's listed

22 or not. I don't know. 14:14:30

23 Q. Is there any reason --

24 MR. JACKSON: Make sure you speak up so the court

25 reporter can hear you.

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1 THE WITNESS: I'm sorry. My fault.

2 MR. JACKSON: We're good.


4 Q. Is there any reason why you wouldn't get an

5 unlisted telephone if you believe that Mr. Lin was --

6 A. My -- my new phone number is unlisted.

7 Q. All right.

8 A. I think it is, the one that I've got now is.

9 Q. Did you also accuse Mr. Lin of stalking your

10 wife at a rally?

11 A. I did.

12 Q. Has Mr. Lin ever met your wife?

13 A. No, but he'd never met me either.

14 Q. But it -- you're a prominent on social media; 14:15:00

15 correct?

16 A. That's why he's after me. Yes.

17 Q. All right.

18 Is -- is your wife prominent on social media?

19 A. People know who she is.

20 Q. Is her photograph online?

21 A. Yes.

22 Q. And with her name?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. Which was the rally that you believe Mr. Lin

25 stalked your wife at? 14:15:31

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1 A. It was a Bernie Sanders rally.

2 Q. In what time frame?

3 A. 2016 -- gosh, I -- I -- I don't know. Between --

4 MR. JACKSON: If you don't know, say so. I don't want

5 you to spend time guessing --

6 THE WITNESS: I don't know.

7 MR. JACKSON: -- or speculating.

8 THE WITNESS: Fair -- fair -- a Sanders' rally in

9 2016.


11 Q. What makes you believe he was stalking her?

12 A. It was around the same time that he was outside 14:16:01

13 of my office, stalking me.

14 Q. All right.

15 You testified earlier that you were friends in --

16 this was after February 2016?

17 A. I'm sorry. I was --

18 Q. Do you recall approximately when -- when the

19 rally was?

20 A. Yeah, February -- it was after February 2016.

21 Q. And how many people were at the rally?

22 A. I don't know. 500, 1000, 2000. I don't know.

23 Q. And were you at the rally?

24 A. I was not. 14:16:31

25 Q. Who was at the rally with your wife?

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1 A. I -- my wife went alone. I -- if I remember

2 correctly, I was taking care of the children so that she

3 could go.

4 Q. Do you have any reason to believe that Mr. Lin

5 attended the rally for the purpose of stalking your wife?

6 A. I do.

7 Q. What is that?

8 A. He lives in San Francisco, and he was down here

9 stalking and harassing me at the same time period. So he

10 also must have taken time to stalk and harass my wife as

11 well. 14:17:01

12 Q. All right.

13 You're also aware that Mr. Lin does have a

14 residence in Los Angeles?

15 A. I thought his permanent -- is his permanent

16 residence not in San Francisco?

17 Q. He has two -- two different residences.

18 A. This one's an Airbnb that he doesn't stay at, if

19 I remember correctly.

20 Q. I'm -- I'm not going to testify on his behalf,

21 but --

22 A. His permanent residence is in the Bay Area. He

23 was down here to harass me, and then he used it another

24 time to harass my wife as well.

25 Q. Did he approach your wife at the rally? 14:17:31

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1 A. I don't know.

2 Q. Did he say anything to your wife at the rally?

3 A. I don't think so.

4 Q. Had your wife announced an intention beforehand

5 to attend the rally?

6 A. Yes.

7 THE REPORTER: I'm sorry. Can you repeat that again?


9 Q. Had -- had your wife announced an intention

10 beforehand to attend the rally?

11 A. She did.

12 Q. Where did she announce that intention?

13 A. Facebook, I believe.

14 Q. And what specific harassing conduct did Mr. Lin

15 engage in at the rally according to your wife? 14:18:01

16 A. I saw that he was posting that he was there.

17 Q. So he posted that he attended the rally?

18 A. And via social, I was told that he was there as

19 well.

20 Q. Did he approach your wife at the rally?

21 A. I don't believe so.

22 Q. Did he do anything to harass her at the rally?

23 A. In this situation, wouldn't you be a little bit

24 concerned if you were at home with your children, and your 14:18:35

25 wife was with someone that wanted to cause you and your

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1 family harm?

2 Q. Wouldn't you assume that if he was going to

3 stalk her, he would do it at a private place?

4 It -- you said there was --

5 A. That's why we moved.

6 Q. But you said there was somewhere between 500 to a

7 couple of thousand people at the rally.

8 Do you know if there was a police presence at

9 the rally?

10 A. There's police presence at all rallies.

11 MR. JACKSON: So just try to answer the question.

12 THE WITNESS: Yes. 14:19:05

13 Sorry.

14 MR. JACKSON: It's okay.

15 THE WITNESS: Yes, there was police presence at the

16 rally.

17 MR. WIENER: Okay.

18 Q. Is it possible that Mr. Lin attended the rally

19 for some purpose other than harassing your wife?

20 A. Anything's possible, yes.

21 Q. He didn't actually engage in any harassing conduct

22 other than attending a public rally for Bernie Sanders;

23 correct?

24 A. That's correct.

25 Q. Is it your understanding that Mr. Lin is a

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1 liberal on politics? 14:19:35

2 A. I did not -- I -- I don't know.

3 Q. Do you know if he's a Republican or Democrat?

4 A. From what I know of him, I know that he's more

5 Democrat than Republican.

6 Q. All right.

7 So it's possible that he attended Bernie Sanders'

8 rally to see Bernie; correct?

9 A. It's possible but not probable.

10 Q. Well, if -- if he wanted to harass your wife,

11 wouldn't he have approached her, assuming --

12 MR. JACKSON: Let's -- Let's not engage in speculation

13 and argue. You guys are just both speculating as to why 14:20:05

14 or why not.

15 You're free to do so, Counsel. I'm just -- it

16 doesn't matter.


18 Q. Did you create a ticket special on January 22nd

19 in 2016 for a 2017 event?

20 A. I do so many ticket specials. I -- honest, I

21 just don't know. Sure. 14:20:35

22 Q. All right.

23 Do you recall if around that time frame you were

24 creating a ticket special for Summit Live?

25 A. What time period was this?

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1 Q. January 2016.

2 A. More than likely, yes.

3 Q. All right.

4 And you accused Mr. Lin of having created a

5 LinkedIn similar to yours?

6 A. Oh, yes, yes, yes.

7 Q. Do you know of any law prohibiting Mr. Lin from

8 creating a similar link? 14:21:05

9 MR. JACKSON: Objection. Calls for an expert opinion

10 from a lay witness, calls for a legal conclusion.

11 You can answer the question yes or no.

12 THE WITNESS: I don't know about legal processes.

13 That's why we hire lawyers.


15 Q. Did you receive any complaints about the link?

16 A. I did.

17 Q. Who -- who made complaints?

18 A. I don't recall. I don't recall.

19 Q. Do you recall what was the difference between the 14:21:35

20 link that Mr. Lin created and your original link?

21 A. A single capital letter.

22 Q. And how does Bitly work?

23 Typically if I type in a web address, it

24 doesn't -- capitalization doesn't matter, does it?

25 A. On Bitly it does.

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1 Q. All right.

2 A. He was very smart and put a lower case "S" to

3 direct traffic away from the one way that I make money. 14:22:05

4 Q. All right.

5 And did you still proceed to host the

6 Summit?

7 Where was this Summit event?

8 A. I'm sorry. Which?

9 Q. It was for Summit 2017.

10 A. Oh, yeah.

11 The event happened in Los Angeles.

12 Q. What date?

13 A. January --

14 MR. JACKSON: If you recall.

15 THE WITNESS: I don't recall. February 22nd -- ah,

16 February 22nd to the 24th.


18 Q. Of 2016 or '17?

19 A. The 2017 event happened February 22nd through 14:22:35

20 24th.

21 MR. WIENER: I -- I'm sorry. Could you read that

22 back?

23 I just want to make sure I was clear.

24 (Record read.)


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1 Q. Of 2017?

2 A. That's correct.

3 Q. All right.

4 So you were advertising the 2017 Summit Live in

5 early 2016?

6 A. That's correct. That's how conferences are.

7 MR. JACKSON: Your answer -- it's a yes-or-no

8 question. 14:23:05


10 MR. WIENER: All right.

11 Q. And just to anticipate what your testimony was

12 going to be, you said that typically conferences would be

13 organized -- or ticket sales would begin over a year in

14 advance?

15 A. That's correct.

16 Q. Do you know how long Mr. Lin left up the similar

17 link?

18 A. I have no idea.

19 Q. Do you know if it was taken down at any point?

20 A. I do not know if it was taken down.

21 Q. Did you create a different link entirely at some

22 point?

23 A. I don't recall. I don't recall.

24 Q. How did you determine that you lost $8500 in 14:23:35

25 ticket sales as a result of this?

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1 A. Very large amount of ticket sales are sold after

2 the end of the conference when people are most excited.

3 The year prior we sold, I believe, 20,000 in ticket sales

4 right around when we were doing that.

5 It's very common practice for conferences to use 14:24:05

6 the excitement of the event that's going on to sell

7 tickets to the next one.

8 Q. All right.

9 So the ticket sales for -- do you have any

10 documents recording the number of ticket sales for Summit

11 2016?

12 A. Yeah, yes, I do.

13 Q. What -- what was the total attendance for Summit

14 2016?

15 A. Estimated 700 something.

16 Q. And how much was each ticket? 14:24:38

17 A. 2- -- 250 or 299. I -- I don't recall exactly.

18 Q. And how many people attended Summit 2017?

19 A. 600 -- 650.

20 Q. And do you recall what the ticket price was?

21 A. 250. 14:25:09

22 Q. Do you know if any of the persons were repeat

23 attenders?

24 A. You know, I -- I do not know that.

25 Q. So your estimate of $8500 lost was based on the

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1 difference in attendance between Summit 2016 and Summit

2 2017? 14:25:39

3 A. No.

4 Q. And how -- how did you come at the number of

5 $8500?

6 A. How many we usually sell during that -- that time

7 frame, the dates that Mr. Lin put up the Bitly link.

8 Q. You testified earlier, though, that you weren't

9 sure what dates the Bitly link was put up by Mr. Lin.

10 A. I didn't know when they were taken down.

11 Q. But what date was it put up?

12 A. Basically right when I put up the special. I 14:26:09

13 remember that. I don't -- I'm like -- I'm really bad with

14 dates, so --

15 Q. Have you -- you're claiming mental and emotional

16 distress and physical suffering as a result of Mr. Lin's

17 actions?

18 A. Yes.

19 Q. What type of mental or emotional distress? 14:26:39

20 A. It's very stressful having somebody harassing

21 you, calling your phone, having to remember to turn off

22 your phone every time you go to bed, especially when you

23 have small children and you might be out of town.

24 Q. Have -- have you sought any treatment for --

25 would you describe it as general anxiety, depression?

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1 Have you consulted with a mental health 14:27:10

2 practitioner about it?

3 A. I unfortunately have not, no.

4 Q. Have you had any actual physical pain?

5 A. Well, my dentist -- I've been grinding my teeth

6 which I've never done. I don't sleep. It's just been a

7 very hard ordeal.

8 Q. Is there a condition associated with grinding

9 your teeth or -- 14:27:42

10 A. Stress -- I think it's a mixture of stress and

11 anger.

12 Q. All right.

13 I'm just wondering if there was a medical term

14 for it. I was thinking if you have the TKJ.

15 What is it?



18 THE WITNESS: No. It's just stress.


20 Q. Have you had any dental work done as a result?

21 A. I'm going to have to. I am, truly.

22 Q. What is the name of your dentist?

23 A. Dr. E. Guerra, G-U-E-R-R-A. 14:28:15

24 I'm going to go see a periodontist. I'm 40 years

25 old. It sucks. I don't want the stress.

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1 Q. Have you been prescribed any medications or

2 treatments?

3 A. I have not.

4 Q. Has Mr. Lin ever made any effort to contact your

5 children? 14:28:48

6 A. No.

7 Q. All right.

8 And they've not suffered any emotional distress

9 as a result of anything he's done or not done?

10 MR. JACKSON: They're not part of the case.

11 MR. WIENER: All right.

12 MR. JACKSON: I'll stipulate to that.


14 Q. Has your wife had any symptomology different than

15 what you described?

16 Has she had any emotional distress as a result of

17 Mr. Lin?

18 A. She keeps a butcher knife at the front door.

19 THE REPORTER: Keeps a what? 14:29:18

20 THE WITNESS: Butcher knife.


22 Q. It's correct that Mr. Lin's never tried to come

23 into your personal residence, though, at any time?

24 A. We moved.

25 Q. Prior to your moving, did he ever try coming to

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1 your personal residence?

2 A. No, but when he was outside of my office, I

3 realized that he didn't know boundaries or understand

4 respect for other people.

5 Q. And what was the circumstance where he came 14:29:48

6 outside your office?

7 A. Celebrating that he was back in America,

8 apparently.

9 MR. WIENER: Why don't we take a five-minute break?

10 MR. JACKSON: Sure.

11 MR. WIENER: I'm probably pretty close to done.

12 MR. JACKSON: Sure. Let's do it. 14:30:18

13 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We're going off the record. The

14 time is 2:30 p.m.

15 (Recess taken.)

16 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Back on the record. The time is

17 2:41 p.m. 14:40:52


19 Q. On your interrogatory responses, you listed Lizza

20 Morales and Lynette Bell as witnesses.

21 We've discussed them already, but who is Hannah

22 Breaux?

23 A. An influencer in Austin, Texas.

24 She runs a dog-grooming and dog sitting

25 services --

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1 Q. All right.

2 A. -- this young lady.

3 Q. What's her connection with Mr. Lin?

4 A. Just has been affected by him being around, 14:41:22

5 trolling her, and she reached out saying that she wanted

6 to help if needed be.

7 Q. And how did Mr. Lin allegedly troll her?

8 A. I don't recall. It's been so many stories.

9 Q. All right.

10 Who is Carrie Long?

11 A. Carrie Long is -- Carrie -- her -- her -- her

12 maiden name is Carrie Emerick, an influencer on Periscope. 14:41:52

13 Q. And what is Mr. Lin's connection with her?

14 A. Similar feeling of harassment from her as well,

15 if I remember correctly.

16 Q. And who is Sherry Madison O'Connor?

17 A. Two women that helped worked social. Two of our

18 volunteers at Summit Live. 14:42:22

19 Q. And what was their connection with Mr. Lin, if

20 any?

21 A. Similar. Just had to deal with some of his

22 inappropriate comments.

23 Q. All right.

24 Who is Alex Yang?

25 A. Alex Yang, he is a tech blogger in New York.

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1 Q. Did he write any articles about Summit or 14:42:52

2 Periscope?

3 A. I'm sure he did. He -- he writes a lot of tech

4 focus articles. I can't recall which ones.

5 Q. All right.

6 Did you have any conversations with him about

7 Mike Lin?

8 A. I don't recall.

9 Q. You'd mentioned that you had formed a nonprofit

10 called Zero Moderation?

11 A. I did. 14:43:22

12 THE REPORTER: Called what?

13 MR. WIENER: Zero Moderation.

14 Q. But was that actually a corporation?

15 A. And it was only done on social media. It was

16 never incorporated, turned into an LLC or anything.

17 MR. JACKSON: So is your answer no?



20 Q. Do you know if it ever qualified for a 501(c)(3)

21 status under the IRS Code?

22 A. No.

23 Q. All right.

24 So what made you say that it was a nonprofit?

25 A. Because I never took any profit.

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1 It -- we wanted to make it something -- into

2 something. 14:43:52

3 Q. Are -- are there any other -- or is there any

4 other harassing conduct that you believe Mr. Lin engaged

5 in towards you or your family that we did not discuss

6 today? 14:44:22

7 A. I feel like we covered it, phone calls, e-mails,

8 showing up outside my area of work, being where my wife

9 is.

10 Q. All right.

11 And when he showed up outside your work, that was

12 a one-time occasion?

13 A. That's correct.

14 And yes, he did livestream it, talking directly

15 about my name and everything, yes.

16 Q. Do you have any recordings of that livestream?

17 A. Oh, yeah, I believe I do.

18 Q. All right.

19 Can I ask that you produce those? 14:44:52

20 MR. JACKSON: Mike, let's -- let's do a formal --

21 let's do a formal production inspection demand and/or you

22 and I will stipulate off the record. We're not going to

23 agree to anything on the record.

24 MR. WIENER: Right.

25 I mean, I believe it's covered in our prior

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1 demands, but I can serve a supplemental demand, but that's

2 fine.

3 MR. JACKSON: Yeah, let's just talk once the

4 deposition is done.

5 MR. WIENER: All right.

6 Q. And then you said that one of the purposes of

7 posting the livestream video of Mr. Lin in February 2016

8 was to cause Mr. Lin to seek mental health treatment; is 14:45:22

9 that correct?

10 A. I've told Mike on multiple occasions that he

11 needed to get off of social and get help.

12 Q. How was that video -- or how was that livestream

13 intended to accomplish that?

14 MR. JACKSON: Objection. It's asked and answered.

15 We've covered this already. You can answer the question

16 again.


18 Q. Do you have an explanation as to how that

19 livestream was supposed to cause Mr. Lin to seek mental 14:45:57

20 health treatment?

21 A. I -- I would like to see him be off of social.

22 If there's any way for me to help -- tell him directly or

23 indirectly to get off of social and live life, I'd like to

24 do that.

25 Q. All right.

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1 So the purpose of the video was to get him off of

2 social media, and you -- you believe that that would

3 improve his mental health? 14:46:30

4 A. I believe that if Mike -- yes.

5 Q. How do you believe that social media is adversely

6 affecting his mental health?

7 A. It's not connected -- not connecting him to

8 reality with real interpersonal relationships with family

9 or actual friends.

10 Q. All right. 14:47:00

11 It's correct that you're a large influencer in

12 the social media realm as well, though?

13 A. Yes, and my friends offline are the ones that

14 matter. On social media, it's not -- it's not that way.

15 Q. All right.

16 So you believed Mr. Lin would do better to focus

17 on his offline relationships rather than social media?

18 A. I think we all would.

19 MR. WIENER: All right. Thank you. 14:47:30

20 I have nothing further, and I'll -- I'll propose

21 the same stipulation with respect to the deposition

22 transcript. You -- you have 45 days to review it and so

23 on. It's a slightly different practice in L.A. So I'd

24 rather just adopt your stipulation.

25 MR. JACKSON: Sure. So stipulated. We'll just

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1 incorporate the prior stipulation.

2 MR. WIENER: All right.

3 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: That concludes today's deposition.

4 We're now going off the record. The time is 2:48 p.m. 14:48:00

5 (By instruction of counsel, the reporter has

6 redacted the following stipulation from the deposition of

7 Michael James Lin, taken this same date, as reproduced

8 below:

9 MR. JACKSON: Okay.

10 So what I'd like to do is I'd like to propose a

11 stipulation that the original court reporter be relieved

12 of her responsibilities under the Code of Civil Procedure;

13 That the original deposition transcript be sent

14 directly to plaintiff's counsel. That he has 45 days from

15 receipt within which to coordinate the review and

16 correction and signing of the original deposition

17 transcript;

18 That any changes, corrections or modifications to

19 the original deposition transcript be communicated to my

20 office in writing within that 45-day period of time;

21 That if I'm not advised as to any changes,

22 corrections or modifications -- and that the original

23 deposition transcript is signed under oath -- then an

24 unsigned certified copy of the original deposition

25 transcript may be used for all purposes in this matter,

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1 including at time of trial, and I think that's about it.

2 MR. WIENER: Sure.

3 And I'll be happy to propose a reciprocal

4 proposal with regard to the transcript from Mr. Bell's

5 deposition.

6 MR. JACKSON: And you'll make the original deposition

7 transcript available for all hearings, proceedings and

8 trial without notice.

9 MR. WIENER: Yes.

10 MR. JACKSON: Just bring it with you.

11 MR. WIENER: Sure.

12 MR. JACKSON: Okay. So stipulated. All right.

13 THE REPORTER: Do you need a copy of this one?

14 MR. WIENER: Yes, I do.)

15 (Deposition Exhibit 1 was marked for

16 identification by the Certified Shorthand Reporter and are

17 attached hereto.)

18 (Deposition proceedings concluded at 2:48 p.m.

19 Declaration under penalty of perjury on the following page

20 hereof.)






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1 I do solemnly declare under penalty of
2 perjury, under the laws of the State of California,
3 that the foregoing is my deposition under oath; that
4 these are the questions asked of me and my answers
5 thereto; that I have read same and have made the
6 necessary corrections, additions, or changes to my
7 answers that I deem necessary.
8 In witness thereof, I hereby subscribe my
9 name this ______ day of __________________, 20____.
15 ________________________________

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2 OF
5 I, the undersigned, a Certified Shorthand
6 Reporter of the State of California do hereby certify:
7 That the foregoing proceedings were taken
8 before me at the time and place herein set forth;
9 that any witnesses in the foregoing proceedings, prior
10 to testifying, were placed under oath; that a verbatim
11 record of the proceedings was made by me using machine
12 shorthand which was thereafter transcribed under my
13 direction; further, that the foregoing is an accurate
14 transcription thereof.
15 I further certify that I am neither
16 financially interested in the action nor a relative or
17 employee of any attorney of any of the parties.
18 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have this date
19 subscribed my name.
20 Dated: 5/8/17
23 <%signature%>
24 Robin L. Bittel, CP, RPR
25 CSR No. 6419

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[& - advertising]

& 43:23 47:2 52:20 5150'd 40:24 accuracy 46:18

& 3:13 59:4,9 62:3,9,16 6 accurate 6:23 23:6
62:20 66:19 67:1 25:14,25 26:20,23
1 6 4:6 37:15,15,15
68:18 69:5 70:11 28:6,8 52:10
1 1:25 4:12,18 600 70:19
70:14 71:1 78:7 83:13
24:9,12,20 50:19 609 3:6
2017 1:16 2:19 5:2 accusations 32:1
81:15 6419 1:20 2:20
5:5 50:14 66:19 32:21
10 12:21 83:25
68:9,19 69:1,4 accuse 59:22 61:9
10,000 55:25 650 70:19
70:18 71:2 accused 67:4
1000 62:22 21,000 49:11 7 acquainted 8:11
11 4:14 22nd 7:21 66:18 7 30:18 action 1:10 2:10
11th 20:13,19 68:15,16,19 700 70:15 21:10 36:5 51:25
12 4:14 20:14 23161 3:15 8 83:16
12575 10:24 24 1:16 2:19 4:12 actions 71:17
83 1:25
12:55 2:18 5:2,5 5:2 37:8,9,13 active 14:17
8500 69:24 70:25
12th 20:13,19 24th 5:5 68:16,20 actual 14:3 26:3
15 42:3 250 70:17,21 48:19 72:4 79:9
855-8751 3:18
150 3:16 2603180 1:24 added 29:5 60:7
855-8752 3:19
16 42:3,4 299 70:17 60:11,17
17 68:18 9
2:30 74:14 addiction 14:15,22
17,000 49:9 2:41 74:17 9 4:18 14:22 15:2
18 34:25 2:48 2:18 5:2 80:4 925 3:8 addicts 14:8,12
1:24 23:3 81:18 92653 3:17 adding 59:22
1:35 33:4 939-7210 56:17 addition 26:13
1:39 33:7 94582 3:7 additions 82:6
3 76:20 949 3:18,19
2 address 8:18,24
344s 22:21
2 70:17 a 11:11 44:18,25
350 2:17
2-5-77 7:10 able 34:10 38:8 67:23
360 13:18
20 2:17 5:10 15:16 44:16 57:3 addresses 45:3
4 admission 40:24
82:9 acceptable 32:10
20,000 70:3 40 72:24 accomplish 78:13 admits 53:8
2000 9:12 62:22 415 56:17 account 18:25 admitted 42:25
2008 15:23 45 79:22 80:14,20 19:4,7,9 36:9,12 admonitions 6:12
2012 9:13 15:24 487-5607 3:8 42:23 45:10 51:13 6:17
2013 7:21 5 51:16 53:10,11,12 adopt 79:24
2014 9:13 10:19,19 5/8/17 83:20 53:18,19 56:21 advance 69:14
16:2 50,000 12:21 58:3 advances 34:19,20
2015 36:13 41:25 500 53:8 62:22 accounts 43:1,3,5 34:22
42:1 65:6 43:9,11,15 49:3 adversely 79:5
2016 4:14 20:13,20 501 76:20 50:17,23 52:25 advertising 9:20
28:21 41:11 42:19 53:1,6,8,16 69:4

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[advised - believe]

advised 80:21 announced 64:4,9 arrested 15:4 26:12

afternoon 5:4 answer 4:17 5:17 articles 76:1,4 available 81:7
age 34:25 10:9 17:8 18:16 asked 23:15 32:9 avenue 10:25
ago 29:7 34:15 18:20 23:18 27:12 51:20 78:14 82:4 aware 63:13
45:22 32:13 35:7,16 asking 24:19 b
agree 22:5 28:5 36:24 38:2 41:9 39:18
b 4:9 22:21
77:23 44:15 46:22 47:25 assets 20:8
bachelor 9:22
ah 68:15 48:1 57:7 65:11 assist 14:12
bachelor's 9:19
ahead 26:15 67:11 69:7 76:17 associated 53:13
back 23:2 33:6,22
airbnb 63:18 78:15 72:8
58:11,23 68:22
al 1:7 2:7 answered 49:13 assume 65:2
alcohol 14:15,21 51:21 78:14 assumes 22:11
backlamp 11:15
alex 75:24,25 answering 57:15 24:22 26:12 28:1
allegation 8:21 answers 82:4,7 30:4,5,22 41:4
bad 49:4 71:13
allegations 8:22 anticipate 69:11 46:14,19,20 47:23
barrage 55:1
52:9 53:24 54:15 anxiety 71:25 assuming 66:11
based 26:4 45:2
allegedly 38:6 anymore 14:17 assumption 43:13
52:18 56:18 75:7 29:24 52:22 attached 24:14
basement 46:4,10
allowed 41:23 anything's 65:20 81:17
basically 13:25
42:2 apart 8:15 attack 50:22
14:14 16:5 47:10
altered 23:25 apologize 49:22,25 attacked 49:1
alternate 50:16 50:8 50:13
basis 40:23
amber 30:19 31:2 app 36:23 37:1 attacking 48:25
bay 63:22
31:3 33:19 apparently 14:18 50:12,16
bc640744 1:7 2:7
ambiguous 16:23 28:2 74:8 attend 10:5 64:5
beatrice 10:24
17:22 18:12 21:2 appearances 3:1 64:10
bed 71:22
38:24 approach 23:9 attendance 70:13
began 11:25 59:9
amended 5:18 63:25 64:20 71:1
beginning 2:18
51:24 52:9 53:24 approached 31:21 attended 63:5
behalf 2:16 6:3
america 41:23 66:11 64:17 65:18 66:7
42:2,6,12 74:7 approximately 70:18
belief 51:18
amount 70:1 17:17 62:18 attenders 70:23
believe 16:10
anal 52:16 53:4,19 april 1:16 2:19 5:2 attending 65:22
17:16 19:13 21:14
anderson 1:7,14 5:5 attention 39:16
21:21 23:25 26:20
2:7,15 3:12 4:4 area 63:22 77:8 attorney 5:19 6:13
26:23 27:16,19
6:1 7:6 82:16 argue 66:13 8:5 44:12,12,13
28:24 29:5,22
angeles 1:2 2:2 9:4 argumentative 55:23 83:17
32:2 36:15 38:16
63:14 68:11 38:1 41:8 46:14 august 7:20,21
39:6,24 40:6,14,20
anger 72:11 50:3 austin 74:23
41:11,14 42:1,10
announce 64:12 arrest 54:17 authenticity 21:12
42:24 44:5 48:9
22:11 23:16 24:21
48:11 49:1,8 52:8

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[believe - comply]

52:13 53:7,9,20 born 7:11 capitalization client 16:8 32:2,22

55:19 57:6 59:18 boundaries 74:3 67:24 33:2 44:12,12
60:17 61:5,24 bradley 3:24 5:7 caption 5:11 22:21 close 22:4 74:11
62:11 63:4 64:13 break 20:20 25:5 care 46:8,11 57:25 closed 12:1
64:21 70:3 77:4 32:16,25 74:9 63:2 code 76:21 80:12
77:17,25 79:2,4,5 breaux 74:22 carrie 75:10,11,11 collection 16:13
believed 79:16 bring 81:10 75:12 come 47:9,12,13
believes 25:14 bringing 39:15 carrier 56:24 71:4 73:22
bell 1:7,14 2:7,15 broadcast 27:6 case 1:6 2:6 5:11 coming 23:11
3:12 4:4,13 5:6,12 43:17,20,21 49:7 54:9 68:2 73:10 73:25
5:15,16 6:1,12 7:6 bullet 50:19 cash 60:18 comments 28:16
22:21,22 23:5 business 12:20 cause 64:25 78:8 75:22
24:11,16 27:19 14:3 15:23 20:7 78:19 committed 45:24
32:8 50:19 55:10 49:4 50:16 celebrating 74:7 common 34:17
74:20 82:16 businesses 16:6 cellphone 58:4 70:5
bell's 81:4 butcher 73:18,20 cellular 57:1 communicate
berkeley 9:10,11 c center 15:2 16:22
9:13,13 centered 13:9 communicated
c 76:20
bernie 62:1 65:22 ceo 11:15 17:10 80:19
california 1:1,15
66:7,8 certainly 57:21 communications
2:1,17 3:7,17 5:1
best 19:11 20:1 certification 83:1 36:1
5:11 9:4,10 15:18
22:12 23:17 24:22 certified 1:21 2:20 community 14:1
82:2 83:6
26:4,12 6:5 24:13 80:24 35:9
call 17:13,15 42:8
better 79:16 81:16 83:3,5 company 11:4,15
53:15 58:8,8
big 25:6 certify 83:6,15 11:18,20 13:12
59:18,23,25 60:1,2
bill 56:23 changed 27:23 16:1,4 31:25
birth 7:9 changes 80:18,21 complainant 3:11
called 6:2 11:15,20
birthdays 7:20 82:6 6:2
13:12 51:6 76:10
bit 64:23 charge 12:19 complained 33:9
bitly 49:2 50:15 child 53:4 38:6
calling 71:21
67:22,25 71:7,9 children 7:23 complaint 5:17,18
calls 27:25 29:1,1
bittel 1:19 2:19 5:8 52:16 63:2 64:24 8:22 10:23 34:17
34:2 35:6 38:19
83:24 71:23 73:5 51:24 52:3,9
46:13 56:9,12,16
bleeding 52:17 choose 37:20 53:25 54:12
56:19 57:6 58:1,5
block 51:15 59:14 circumstance 74:5 complaints 33:23
58:21 59:8,9,11,12
blogger 75:25 city 9:9 34:13 35:4 67:15
59:13 60:14 67:9
bloody 53:4 civil 80:12 67:17
67:10 77:7
blurred 28:19 claim 45:13 56:8 completely 27:1
camera 29:21
bodily 56:6 claiming 71:15 comply 23:17
canceled 13:2,4
boring 30:2 clear 44:11 68:23 24:21
capital 67:21

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[concerned - describes]

concerned 64:24 conviction 15:7 created 13:25 decide 15:1,1

concerning 34:5 convictions 15:12 14:18 17:20 18:6 31:13
49:17 54:2 coordinate 80:15 28:21 37:17 47:16 declaration 81:19
concluded 81:18 copies 27:4 67:4,20 declare 82:1
concludes 80:3 copy 80:24 81:13 creating 66:24 deem 82:7
conclusion 67:10 corporate 2:17 67:8 defendant 2:16
concrete 43:14 5:10 creek 3:15 3:3,11 5:20 6:2,4
condition 72:8 corporation 76:14 cross 1:10 2:10,16 defendants 1:8 2:8
conduct 6:14 34:6 correct 9:5,18,21 3:3,11 5:18,20 6:2 define 41:15
64:14 65:21 77:4 13:8 19:24 31:12 6:4 8:22 51:24 defined 18:21
conducts 34:23 36:3 37:4 38:16 52:3,9 53:24,25 definitely 31:24
confer 9:2 47:5 50:5,6 53:25 csr 1:20 83:25 degree 9:19,22
conference 13:9 56:20 61:15 65:23 current 8:18 60:20 delete 29:14 37:20
35:8,11,12,14 70:2 65:24 66:8 69:2,6 currently 10:12 51:12
conferences 35:19 69:15 73:22 77:13 14:24 deleted 29:13
35:22 69:6,12 78:9 79:11 custody 27:10 37:12,13,25
70:5 correction 80:16 cut 28:18 demand 77:21
connected 79:7 corrections 80:18 d 78:1
connecting 79:7 80:22 82:6 demands 78:1
d 4:1
connection 75:3 correctly 63:2,19 democrat 66:3,5
daily 43:21
75:13,19 75:15 dental 72:20
danger 32:3,7,24
consider 48:14 counsel 3:1 5:9,16 dentist 72:5,22
considered 11:7 26:14 32:9,12,14 department 54:7
date 7:9,19 20:24
consult 11:8 32:16 39:15 44:10 depicted 23:12
29:14 68:12 71:11
consultant 11:7 57:17 58:12 66:15 deponent 8:20
80:7 83:18
consulted 72:1 80:5,14 21:13 22:9 39:16
dated 83:20
contact 8:20 17:18 counsel's 44:15 46:20
dates 45:21 54:4
51:7 73:4 county 1:2 2:2 deposition 1:14
contained 27:16 couple 60:16 65:7 2:15 5:6,10 6:13
david 3:24 5:7
context 54:24 55:3 course 19:8 44:20 7:1 24:12 25:23
day 16:11,12,14
continue 12:11 56:23 26:9 32:20 39:20
18:7,25 19:1
59:16 court 1:1 2:1 3:6 58:14 78:4 79:21
25:15 29:15 48:12
continues 59:18 5:7,22 32:12 80:3,6,13,16,19,23
51:13,16 80:20
control 27:10 42:10 60:24 80:11 80:24 81:5,6,15,18
controverted 26:3 courtesy 8:23 82:3
days 11:12 79:22
conversation covered 77:7,25 depression 14:15
42:15 78:15 71:25
deal 75:21
conversations cp 2:20 83:24 describe 71:25
dealings 14:14
40:8,25 47:12,14 create 48:21 66:18 described 73:15
death 51:3
58:23 76:6 69:21 describes 36:22
december 15:24

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[description - filed]

description 4:10 door 73:18 engaged 77:4 expert 67:9

13:8 download 58:3 engagement 28:16 explanation 78:18
determine 69:24 dozens 60:8 enthusiasts 16:13 express 43:6,7,8
difference 67:19 dr 72:23 entire 34:16 extent 32:21
71:1 drafted 18:10 entirely 69:21 f
differences 19:18 drinking 15:4 entitled 32:2,22
facebook 11:22
different 21:21 drive 3:15 49:3,3 entity 14:3
20:7 55:25 64:13
35:19 56:13 58:8 drug 14:15,22 error 10:7
facsimile 3:19
63:17 69:21 73:14 15:2 especially 34:20
facts 22:11 24:22
79:23 duly 6:4 71:22
26:12 28:1 30:4
difficult 58:7 e estimate 60:6
30:22 41:4 46:14
direct 50:15 68:3 70:25
e 3:9,20 4:1,9 7:17 46:19 47:23
direction 83:13 estimated 70:15
7:17 33:17,22,25 fair 19:15 20:2
directly 29:12 et 1:7 2:7
34:4,5,7,9 47:13 62:8,8
36:25 37:6,7 42:7 event 12:24 14:17
50:17 55:17 72:23 fake 42:23 49:2
42:15 47:10 55:22 51:8,10 54:5,22
72:23 77:7 familiar 19:1
57:9 59:10 77:14 59:3,10 66:19
earlier 6:13 39:20 family 45:25 51:3
78:22 80:14 68:7,11,19 70:6
62:15 71:8 55:11 65:1 77:5
director 13:18 events 11:3 12:17
early 47:2 69:5 79:8
15:22 16:14 19:20
edited 28:24 famous 22:22
discuss 77:5 evidence 22:12,12
effect 42:19 52:19 far 14:3
discussed 74:21 22:22 23:17 24:22
53:7,14 fault 58:15 61:1
discussing 23:6 24:22 26:4,12,13
effort 73:4 fearful 55:11
discussion 23:1 26:13 28:2 30:5
efforts 46:17 47:7 february 4:14
45:20 30:23 41:5 46:14
49:22 11:25 20:13,19
disgusting 52:12 46:19 47:24
eight 25:3 28:21,21 41:11,25
distress 71:16,19 exact 29:15 45:21
either 18:8 19:11 42:1,19 43:23
73:8,16 exactly 55:20
34:24 41:21 61:13 47:2 50:14 62:16
disturbed 40:18 70:17
emerick 75:12 62:20,20 68:15,16
40:21 41:12 51:2 examination 4:5
emotional 71:15 68:19 78:7
dms 34:7,10 6:8
71:19 73:8,16 feel 77:7
document 25:10 examined 6:5
emotionally 48:10 feeling 75:14
25:21 57:8 example 39:5
48:11 felon 40:4,7,14
documentation examples 60:16
employed 10:12 felony 15:11
39:19 excited 70:2
10:13,15,17 11:6 felt 55:11
documents 53:23 excitement 70:6
employee 83:17 female 44:17
57:11,13,17 58:16 excludes 44:9
encourage 48:22 females 31:21,23
70:10 excluding 59:8
ended 39:20 32:19
dog 74:24,24 exhibit 4:12 24:9
engage 64:15 filed 49:23 51:25
doing 16:13 21:23 24:12,20 81:15
65:21 66:12 52:3,6
21:25 70:4

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[film - inappropriate]

film 13:18 friendly 8:13 gosh 62:3 hear 6:12 17:4

financially 83:16 friends 8:14 58:24 gotten 44:18 60:25
find 54:5 58:25 62:15 79:9 graduate 9:16 heard 16:10 59:1
fine 78:2 79:13 grinding 72:5,8 hearings 81:7
firm 8:21 front 25:21 32:19 grooming 74:24 held 5:10
firm's 8:24 73:18 guerra 72:23 hell 54:19 55:10
first 5:17 6:4 8:14 full 7:4 guess 17:1 28:25 55:17
13:14 16:9 17:10 36:9 guessing 62:5 help 48:19,20
17:17 21:17 48:12 36:12 guy 8:13 49:20 75:6 78:11
51:24 52:9 53:24 fun 60:5 guys 30:19 66:13 78:22
fist 53:2 further 79:20 h helped 75:17
five 74:9 83:13,15 hereof 81:20
h 3:4 4:9
focus 76:4 79:16 future 12:17 hereto 24:14 81:17
half 9:8 29:7
followed 38:7 g hey 58:9
handed 39:19
follower 19:3,9,12 hiding 46:3,10
g 72:23 handle 13:25
followers 49:9,10 hills 3:17
gain 44:3 33:14 49:5
following 80:6 hire 67:13
general 19:16 25:6 hang 59:13
81:19 holding 29:20
34:16 71:25 hannah 74:21
follows 6:6 home 57:10 64:24
georgia 7:12 9:23 happened 58:10
forbid 42:11 honest 66:20
10:5 15:18,20 68:11,19
foregoing 82:3 honestly 24:2
getting 48:20 58:1 happening 55:4
83:7,9,13 hope 48:21
give 32:18 happy 81:3
formal 77:20,21 hoped 48:18 49:20
giving 6:23 harass 43:1,9,10
formed 76:9 host 68:5
global 25:6,8 43:11,15 63:10,23
forth 83:8 hour 37:13
go 6:25 7:7 22:18 63:24 64:22 66:10
forward 6:25 hours 29:16 31:14
25:3 26:6,14 harassed 33:10
12:22 37:8,9,25 38:14,18
33:22 39:11 52:17 59:16
forwhomthebellt... house 44:19,21
52:21 57:10,14 harassing 31:22
51:1 huh 11:10 14:11
58:2 63:3 71:22 34:6 43:6 49:2
foundation 21:11 hypersoft 15:23
72:24 56:8 59:9 63:9
22:11 23:17 24:21 i
going 8:3 12:16 64:14 65:19,21
26:5,11 46:20
22:8,14 24:6,9 71:20 77:4 idea 22:8 38:15
founder 14:10,16
25:6,8 33:3 39:23 harassment 34:16 69:18
57:24 63:20 65:2 75:14 identification
frame 62:2 66:23
69:12 70:6 72:21 hard 72:7 24:13 81:16
72:24 74:13 77:22 harm 49:21 56:1,4 impact 48:14,17
francisco 35:25
80:4 56:5,6 65:1 impossible 58:9
54:22 63:8,16
gold 60:18 hash 50:25 improve 79:3
free 66:15
good 5:4 39:13 health 48:22 72:1 inaccurate 21:15
frequently 59:20
61:2 78:8,20 79:3,6 inappropriate
34:23 75:22

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[incident - likewise]

incident 54:9 involved 30:14 james 80:7 62:3,4,6,22,22

including 81:1 iphone 37:15 january 15:23 64:1 65:8 66:2,3,4
incorporate 6:20 irs 76:21 59:3,9 66:18 67:1 66:4,21 67:7,12
80:1 irvine 1:15 2:17 68:13 69:16,19,20 70:22
incorporated 5:1,10 jenna 30:20 70:24,24 71:10
76:16 issue 44:11 jenny 33:11,14,16 74:3 76:20
incorrectly 10:1 issued 15:15 54:17 33:17 knowledge 19:12
36:22,22 issues 14:22 26:13 jerky 28:17 20:1 38:8 45:2
indicate 56:15 41:1 job 1:24 l
indirectly 78:23 j jon 3:14
l 1:19 2:19 7:17
individuals 32:9 judge 32:13
j 33:17 13:15,15 83:24
45:3,8 judicial 42:11
jackson 3:13,14 l.a. 79:23
industries 19:19 jumbo 52:2
5:16,16 8:5,9,15 la 12:9
industry 19:16 jumpy 28:17
8:20 9:3 10:9 13:5 lacks 21:11,12
20:3 k
16:23 17:22 18:1 22:10 23:16 24:21
influencer 74:23
18:12,14 20:16 karina 3:6 26:11 46:20
75:12 79:11
21:2,11 22:6 23:7 keeps 73:18,19 lady 75:2
information 38:22
23:14 24:19 25:5 kids 7:20 laguna 3:17
38:25 43:14 44:3
25:10,17,21,23 kind 10:14 14:12 large 70:1 79:11
26:7 27:12,25 16:4 17:3 34:22 lasts 37:8,9
initiated 17:13
28:25 29:9 30:4 36:5 37:14 42:11 law 3:4 8:21,24
inspection 77:21
30:22 32:8,25 46:6 51:4 52:1 67:7
insperity 16:3
33:2 35:6,16 59:5 laws 82:2
36:21 38:1,19,24 knew 38:7 lawsuit 8:15 10:21
40:25 42:7,15
39:2,8,15 40:1,10 knife 73:18,20 22:23 49:23
instruction 80:5
41:4,8 42:3 44:7,9 know 8:5 10:7 lawyers 67:13
insurance 16:5
44:15 46:13,19,24 13:5,6,23 14:4 lay 26:5 67:10
intended 78:13
47:18,23 48:6 15:8 16:8 17:13 leader 35:9
intention 64:4,9
49:13,25 50:3 20:17 21:20 23:9 learn 16:9
51:20 57:7,15 24:2 25:16 27:1,1 led 35:8
interested 16:10
58:11,14,16,18 27:2,18 29:7 31:2 left 38:17 69:16
60:24 61:2 62:4,7 31:3 32:16,22 legal 5:8 7:4 8:16
interject 58:6
65:11,14 66:12 33:13 36:10,13,16 52:2 67:10,12
interpersonal 79:8
67:9 68:14 69:7 38:8,13,20 39:18 legislative 42:11
interpreted 55:6
72:16 73:10,12 42:22 43:5,5,23 letter 67:21
74:10,12 76:17 44:24 45:2,4,5,7 lewd 34:23
77:20 78:3,14 46:6 47:21 48:4 liberal 66:1
introduce 5:13
79:25 80:9 81:6 51:1 52:21,23 life 55:9 78:23
introduced 24:12
81:10,12 53:11,12,17,21 light 8:21
jacksonwilson.c... 57:15 58:1 59:21 likewise 19:7
3:20 60:15,21,22 61:19

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[limited - misdemeanors]

limited 16:11 link 50:15 67:8,15 longer 38:18 matter 8:23 66:16
lin 1:4 2:4 3:3,23 67:20,20 69:17,21 look 24:16 26:14 67:24 79:14 80:25
5:11,20,21,21 6:13 71:7,9 26:15 28:19 33:22 mean 16:24 26:2
16:8,15,20 17:11 linkedin 10:1 53:1 27:21 32:21 40:10
17:15,18,21 18:6,7 13:22 14:19 39:7 looking 25:19 43:7 56:23 77:25
18:11 19:3,9,15,24 43:24 44:3,6,25 looks 23:21 meant 17:1
20:14,22 22:22,22 45:1,2,7,13,17,19 los 1:2 2:2 9:4 media 8:9,12,13
23:6 27:21,23 56:1 67:5 63:14 68:11 10:16 11:3,9
28:1,22 31:17,20 list 13:22 59:23,25 lost 69:24 70:25 13:10 18:13,22
32:19 33:10 34:1 60:2,11 lot 28:18 34:2 40:8 20:8,11 33:13
34:6,14,16 35:13 listed 10:1 60:21 42:19 53:1,1,15 50:23 55:18 56:5
35:21 36:5,20 74:19 59:17 76:3 61:14,18 76:15
38:6,23 39:6 40:4 lists 60:2,4,6,17 lots 50:20,20 79:2,5,12,14,17
40:6,9,14,17,20 litigation 55:6 love 48:24 medical 72:13
41:12,17,20,22 little 64:23 lower 68:2 medication 6:22
42:2,5,8,12,13,16 live 8:6,12 9:11 lynette 7:15 74:20 medications 73:1
42:20,25 43:8,17 12:9,25 13:9 lyrics 50:18 55:2 memory 16:11
43:24 44:2,5,22 16:22,24 18:7 55:15,16 mental 41:1 48:22
45:13,16,18,18,20 35:21 66:24 69:4 m 71:15,19 72:1
45:23 46:3,17 75:18 78:23 78:8,19 79:3,6
machine 83:11
47:1,5,9,10,12,12 lived 9:13 10:8 mentally 40:18,21
madison 75:16
48:10,11,18 49:1 liveleap 11:20,21 41:12
madness 55:1
49:17,22 50:8,12 lives 63:8 mentioned 76:9
maiden 75:12
50:13,22 51:5,10 livestream 36:20 met 61:12,13
mail 3:9,20 34:4
52:13,14,24 53:5 40:4,17 48:15,21 metrics 36:14
53:13,16,20 54:3 49:2,6,17,23 50:6 michael 32:19
mails 33:22,25
54:19 55:5,25 52:15 77:14,16 80:7
34:5,7,9 47:13
56:8,19 57:6 78:7,12,19 mike 1:4 2:4 3:3
50:17 77:7
58:22 59:2,6,18,22 livestreams 8:8 3:23 5:20,21 16:8
making 34:23
60:3 61:5,9,12,24 17:20 18:6 19:21 17:11,15 18:7
37:25,25 40:1,3
63:4,13 64:14 19:25 20:3 36:17 22:22 43:23 44:2
47:4 49:2 53:18
65:18,25 67:4,7,20 living 30:11,12 44:22 45:16,18,18
mark 9:1 24:9
69:16 71:7,9 73:4 lizza 33:11 74:19 47:9,10 48:18
73:17 75:3,7,19 llc 11:16 12:3 49:21 53:5,16
marked 81:15
76:7 77:4 78:7,8 76:16 76:7 77:20 78:10
marketing 9:20
78:19 79:16 80:7 loan 60:18 79:4
married 7:19
lin's 46:7 51:12,15 long 9:7 20:14 mill 3:15
52:17 71:16 73:22 25:3 28:20 34:15 minute 20:14 74:9
materially 21:21
75:13 45:21 48:19 58:21 miscorrect 21:14
materials 18:10,21
line 4:18 59:11 69:16 75:10 misdemeanors
18:24 29:5
75:11 15:11

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[mitch - pages]

mitch 3:20 5:16 n 58:8 59:14 81:12

8:5 n 4:1 7:17 13:15 o old 7:25 15:14
mitchell 3:14 33:17,17 60:10 72:25
o 13:15
mix 7:20 name 5:7 7:4,14 once 23:16 43:20
o'connor 75:16
mixture 72:10 33:19 35:3 42:24 50:12 78:3
oakland 9:12
moderation 14:6 54:16 60:19 61:22 one's 63:18
oath 80:23 82:3
14:10 76:10,13 72:22 75:12 77:15 ones 33:21 35:2
modifications 82:9 83:19 76:4 79:13
object 22:12
80:18,22 named 12:24 31:2 online 7:7 18:11
objecting 26:4
modified 24:1 31:3 29:16 38:14,17
objection 9:2
moment 22:19 names 7:7 8:3 32:2 61:20
16:23 17:22 18:12
33:14 32:8,11,14,15,18 open 39:20
18:14,15 21:2,11
monday 1:16 2:19 33:21 operate 12:12
22:7,10 23:16
5:2 necessary 41:2 operates 19:15
24:20 26:8,11
money 49:3 50:16 82:6,7 operating 12:16
27:25 29:1 30:4
68:3 need 22:3 31:16,19 opinion 67:9
30:22 35:6 36:21
monica 9:4,7 54:8 32:6 81:13 option 45:11
36:23 38:1,19,24
monologue 27:23 needed 31:15 oral 26:21 47:12
41:4 46:13,19
monroe 7:12 37:21 42:13 75:6 47:14
47:23 48:6 50:3
month 43:20 78:11 ordeal 72:7
51:20 67:9 78:14
month's 56:23 neither 83:15 order 32:12,13
obtain 38:22 48:22
months 59:3 never 50:12 61:13 42:10 51:5
obtained 9:19
morales 33:11 72:6 73:22 76:16 organization 14:7
34:13 74:20 76:25 organized 69:13
occasion 77:12
mortgage 44:3,6 new 12:4 61:6 original 27:4 29:6
occasionally 19:22
mount 29:22 75:25 67:20 80:11,13,16
occasions 78:10
mounts 29:23 nice 59:5 80:19,22,24 81:6
odd 28:19 50:17
move 51:6 non 13:10 originally 16:9
offhand 33:21
moved 9:12 65:5 nonprofit 14:7 outside 51:9 62:12
office 10:24 44:10
73:24 76:9,24 74:2,6 77:8,11
51:9 62:13 74:2,6
moving 12:21 normal 58:23 owtrx3mt5t0&t
73:25 notes 24:6 22:21
officer 54:14
multiple 20:8 notice 81:8 p
offices 3:4
29:23,23 31:3,21 number 4:10 offline 79:13,17 p.m. 2:18,18 5:2,2
40:24 42:25 43:5 24:20 45:11 50:19 oh 29:12 52:4,4 5:5 23:3 33:4,7
48:25 56:13 60:2 54:10 56:11,15,18 67:6 68:10 72:16 74:14,17 80:4
78:10 56:22 59:23 60:9 77:17 81:18
mumbo 52:2 60:10,20 61:6 okay 9:3 22:2 page 4:5,10,18
70:10 71:4 23:20 25:17 30:2 30:18 81:19
numbers 45:7,14 30:13 57:23 58:17 pages 1:25 25:3
56:13 57:5,24 65:14,17 80:9

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[pain - production]

pain 72:4 permanent 63:15 police 51:6,7 54:2 prevent 6:23

pardon 32:5 63:15,22 54:6,7,14 65:8,10 60:14
parents 46:3,7,10 person 16:16,20 65:15 previously 59:2
park 2:17 5:10 44:20 politics 66:1 price 12:20 70:20
part 12:11,18 personal 40:25 portion 23:5 24:10 prior 9:9 24:25
73:10 73:23 74:1 position 21:18 37:13 46:16 48:25
participant 35:13 personally 14:21 positive 28:13,15 50:13 51:25 52:6
35:21 43:11 possession 27:10 59:3 70:3 73:25
particularly 24:18 persons 32:1 34:5 possible 65:18,20 77:25 80:1 83:9
parties 83:17 35:4 51:12,15 66:7,9 privacy 57:21
party 44:19,21 57:25 70:22 possibly 58:4 private 27:5 49:7
penalty 81:19 82:1 phone 29:22 34:2 post 20:7,14,21 49:8 65:3
people 31:3 34:23 37:14 42:8,15 56:4 privilege 44:12
38:7,10,13,16 43:1 45:7,11 56:13 posted 4:13 20:24 privileges 45:14
43:1,9,10 47:15 57:1,24 59:8,9 21:5,18,22 28:11 45:17,19
49:20 53:3,17 60:9,10,20 61:6 28:14 29:11,16 probable 66:9
61:19 62:21 65:7 71:21,22 77:7 48:9 49:16,24 probably 26:13
70:2,18 74:4 photograph 61:20 50:6,8 64:17 29:17 34:7,11
people's 44:6 physical 19:20 posting 46:16 47:1 37:15 54:4 57:25
percent 12:21 44:18,24 45:3 48:14 64:16 78:7 58:3 59:3 74:11
perfectly 32:9 56:3 71:16 72:4 postings 18:13,22 problem 15:3,3
period 58:25 59:8 picture 53:2 potentially 32:23 48:19
59:15 63:9 66:25 pig 53:4 32:24 procedure 80:12
80:20 pigs 52:16 power 38:9 proceed 68:5
periodontist 72:24 place 11:23 22:7 practice 70:5 proceedings 81:7
periscope 12:3,7 22:10 23:15 24:20 79:23 81:18 83:7,9,11
16:13 17:21 18:5 26:8 65:3 83:8 practitioner 72:2 process 10:21
19:21,25 20:3,15 placed 36:23 prank 59:12 36:19 42:11
20:22 21:6,14,19 83:10 prefer 8:19 31:24 processes 67:12
21:22 27:7 28:12 places 28:18 49:21 produce 19:21
28:14 29:11,12 placing 18:14 prepare 54:19 34:8,10 37:5
35:12 36:20,23,25 plaintiff 1:5 2:5,16 55:9,17 53:23 57:3 77:19
37:6,7,11 39:17 3:3 5:9,20,21 6:3 prescribed 73:1 produced 8:8
43:17,19 46:17 plaintiff's 80:14 presence 65:8,10 21:10
47:16,16 49:6,10 plaster 33:19 65:15 producer 13:18
49:16,24 50:6 platforms 20:11 present 3:22 5:13 produces 19:24
52:22 75:12 76:2 please 5:13,22 31:6,24 36:16
periscopes 29:23 7:16 preserve 18:15 producing 58:16
perjury 81:19 plus 37:15,15 57:20 product 44:12,13
82:2 point 20:21 59:6 pretty 33:17 74:11 production 11:3
69:19,22 77:21

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[professional - related]

professional 1:21 48:1 49:13 51:20 realm 79:12 23:1,2 24:23 25:4
1:22 8:23 57:7,16 58:12 realtime 17:1 25:24 31:10 33:3
profile 10:2 13:22 65:11 67:11 69:8 reason 6:25 39:15 33:6 36:24 68:24
53:2 78:15 40:6,13,20 42:1 74:13,16 77:22,23
profiles 45:10 question's 23:15 44:5 49:25 50:11 80:4 83:11
profit 76:25 questions 24:19 55:3 60:23 61:4 recorded 5:6 29:8
prohibiting 67:7 25:9,18 26:9 63:4 29:19 32:20 37:3
prominent 61:14 46:22 82:4 rebroadcast 38:11 recording 21:9,24
61:18 quick 32:25 41:3 24:10 26:23 31:7
promise 57:10 quote 30:1 40:4,17 recall 10:20 17:14 37:5,8,9,17 70:10
proposal 81:4 41:23 17:17 18:1 20:24 recordings 27:9
propose 79:20 quotes 50:18 26:25 28:20 29:3 36:16 77:16
80:10 81:3 r 30:7,9 31:1,4 32:8 records 34:4,4
protect 37:22,24 32:11,14,15 39:17 56:14,21 57:4,21
r 72:23,23
38:5 40:1,3,5,8,15,16 58:5
racist 34:15
protected 44:11 40:19 41:18,19,21 recovering 14:7
rallies 65:10
provide 54:6,6,9 41:22,24 42:21 recovery 14:13
rally 61:10,24
60:16 43:3,16 44:4 15:2
provided 6:13 45:15,16,21 46:1,2 redact 57:5
63:5,25 64:2,5,10
provides 45:3,7 46:5,8,12,21,24 redacted 80:6
psyche 48:15 47:1,4,7 51:14,17 reentering 42:12
psychopath 41:14 51:21,22 52:1,3,20 refer 39:23 41:19
41:15 54:4,13,16 55:20 54:7
ramon 3:7
public 49:7 65:22 55:24 56:11 62:18 reference 6:21
rape 53:4,4
purpose 43:6,7,8 66:23 67:18,18,19 41:16 59:2
raping 52:15,16
63:5 65:19 79:1 68:14,15 69:23,23 referenced 8:22
purposes 78:6 70:17,20 75:8 referring 35:11
rarely 43:17
80:25 76:4,8 38:25 59:25
reached 44:17
pursue 54:18 recalls 30:5 46:20 refresh 25:11
put 27:11 45:11 receipt 80:15 refusal 9:1
read 18:10,21,24
49:6,7,8 60:3 68:2 receive 67:15 refuses 4:17
21:9 24:25 25:4
71:7,9,11,12 received 10:20 regard 81:4
68:21,24 82:5
q 34:5 44:10 56:19 regarding 34:1
reading 24:3
58:5,22 53:24
qualified 76:20 30:12
receiving 56:15 regional 15:22
question 18:2,3,16 real 79:8
recess 33:5 74:15 registered 1:22
18:18 20:16 23:7 reality 10:16 11:3
reciprocal 81:3 regret 49:16,19
23:18,19 25:7 11:9 79:8
recollection 17:12 regretted 50:5
32:10,13 35:7,17 realize 57:10
25:11 regular 58:23
36:24 38:2,3 39:8 realized 74:3
record 5:5 7:5 related 1:10 2:10
39:21 41:9 44:9 really 51:1 52:21
22:1,4,7,24,25 13:13
44:15 47:18,25 55:3 58:7 71:13

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[relating - sex]

relating 56:21 reside 9:3,9 52:5 53:22 56:7 santa 9:4,7 54:8
relationship 13:24 resided 9:7 57:14 59:7 60:13 saw 23:5 28:12
relationships 79:8 residence 46:6 61:7,17 62:14 64:16
79:17 63:14,16,22 73:23 63:12 66:6,22 saying 20:6 30:5
relative 83:16 74:1 67:3 68:1,4 69:3 33:16 44:17 49:4
relieved 80:11 residences 63:17 69:10 70:4,8 53:17 75:5
remain 19:12 respect 23:14 74:4 71:12 72:12 73:7 says 30:1 43:25
remarks 34:15 79:21 73:11 75:1,9,23 52:15
52:12 respective 19:19 76:5,23 77:10,18 scared 50:20 55:4
remember 25:13 respects 21:22 77:24 78:5,25 56:6
33:14,19,20,21 respond 9:1 32:10 79:10,15,19 80:2 scary 50:20 51:1,3
35:3 54:23 63:1 responses 74:19 81:12 54:23
63:19 71:13,21 responsibilities robin 1:19 2:19 scope 16:11,12
75:15 80:12 5:8 83:24 17:23 18:7,25
repeat 18:3 32:5,6 responsible 12:3,7 role 14:16 19:1 51:13,15
38:3 64:7 70:22 restraining 51:5 room 30:11,12 screenshots 53:18
repeating 52:14 result 69:25 71:16 31:8 script 24:3
report 54:2,9,12 72:20 73:9,16 rpr 2:20 83:24 sections 25:6
reported 1:19 review 51:24 52:6 rule 22:13 23:17 see 48:24 66:8
reporter 1:22 2:20 79:22 80:15 24:22 26:12 72:24 78:21
5:8,22 6:5 7:16 reviewed 26:18 run 19:20 22:14 seek 51:4 59:14
13:14 16:17 17:4 rhyme 55:3 45:24 78:8,19
20:10 21:23 22:2 right 6:11,16,19 runs 74:24 seen 16:15,20 35:8
22:4,14,17,24 7:3,13,22 8:2,7,25 russian 42:23,24 55:16
24:13 32:5 33:16 9:6,15,25 10:4,11 ryan 1:7,14 2:7,15 self 10:13,13,15
60:25 64:7 73:19 11:1,14 12:2,6,12 3:12 4:4,13 5:6,15 sell 70:6 71:6
76:12 80:5,11 12:15,23 13:7,21 6:1 7:6 22:21 send 33:25
81:13,16 83:3,6 14:2,9,20 15:6,10 82:16 sending 50:17
represent 22:15 15:17,21 16:7 s 51:2
26:22 57:17 58:2 18:15 19:2,6,14,23 sent 55:2 80:13
s 4:9 13:15,15 68:2
representation 20:12 21:8,16 separate 39:8
safe 43:13
21:15 22:17 23:4 25:12 serve 78:1
sale 11:23 12:11
representing 26:7,16 27:8 28:4 served 10:23
21:13 28:10 29:15,18,25 service 10:20
sales 69:13,25 70:1
reproduced 80:7 30:13,17 31:5,9 services 48:23
republican 66:3,5 33:1,8,24 34:3,12 74:25
salon 13:15
republished 47:22 37:16 39:1,14 set 83:8
san 3:7 35:25
47:24 48:4 40:2,2 41:6 42:17 seth 3:4,5 5:19
54:22 63:8,16
request 5:9 43:22 44:1,14 sethwiener 3:9
sanders 62:1,8
requested 53:23 45:6,12 48:13 sex 53:4,10,19
65:22 66:7
49:14,21 51:23

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[sexbot - tag]

sexbot 42:22 49:4 50:17,22 speculation 27:25 stories 75:8

sexbots 42:20 43:4 56:5 61:14,18 29:1,2 35:6 38:19 stream 47:16
sexual 34:19,20,22 64:18 75:17 76:15 46:13 66:12 stress 72:10,10,18
sexy 42:24 78:11,21,23 79:2,5 spell 7:16 33:12 72:25
sf 12:7 79:12,14,17 spend 55:25 62:5 stressful 71:20
share 32:14 sociopath 41:19 spouse's 7:14 student 60:18
sherry 75:16 software 11:22 stalk 63:10 65:3 stuff 55:15 60:5
shit 30:2 sold 11:18,19 70:1 stalked 61:25 subpoena 57:21
shooting 30:14 70:3 stalking 8:21 61:9 subscribe 82:8
short 59:12 solemnly 82:1 62:11,13 63:5,9 subscribed 83:19
shorthand 2:20 solutions 5:9 start 58:18 substance 6:22
6:5 24:13 81:16 15:23 16:5 starting 5:14 sucks 72:25
83:3,5,12 somebody 10:17 state 1:1 2:1 7:4 suffered 73:8
shortly 54:22 28:2 30:1,3 71:20 8:18 39:25 82:2 suffering 71:16
show 21:17 57:24 song 50:18 55:2,14 83:6 suite 2:17 3:16
showed 25:25 55:16 stated 25:15 38:23 summit 12:3,7,9
77:11 sorry 10:22 16:17 39:3 12:13,16,24 13:9
showing 22:8 77:8 17:4,9 27:22 statement 39:25 35:12,12,21 54:22
shown 24:11 31:18 32:5 42:4 40:1,3,17 42:18 66:24 68:6,7,9
shows 58:5 52:4 58:13,19 44:2 46:9 53:19 69:4 70:10,13,18
signature 83:23 61:1 62:17 64:7 54:21,25 55:12,17 71:1,1 75:18 76:1
signed 80:23 65:13 68:8,21 55:22 summits 12:12
signing 80:16 sought 60:10 statements 25:9 superior 1:1 2:1
similar 67:5,8 71:24 26:21 27:15 30:25 supplemental 78:1
69:16 75:14,21 sounds 52:1 31:16,19 39:12 supposed 12:24
single 67:21 source 27:2 45:23 46:2,18,20 78:19
sir 37:19 speak 60:24 47:4,8 52:8,19,23 sure 18:4 22:6
sit 40:10,13 41:25 speaking 23:13,23 53:7,13 56:4 26:5 28:11 33:18
44:7 26:24 30:3,21 stating 41:22 57:8,16,18 60:24
sites 18:13 special 45:16,19 status 76:21 66:21 68:23 71:9
sits 40:10 66:18,24 71:12 stay 22:19 63:18 74:10,12 76:3
sitting 74:24 specialize 20:8,10 stipulate 73:12 79:25 81:2,11
situation 64:23 specials 66:20 77:22 swear 5:23
sleep 72:6 specific 25:8 27:15 stipulated 79:25 sworn 6:4
slightly 79:23 53:6 54:14 55:16 81:12 symptomology
small 16:5 71:23 64:14 stipulation 79:21 73:14
smart 68:2 specifically 33:25 79:24 80:1,6,11 syndication 11:22
social 8:13 10:16 38:5 50:22 53:12 stop 43:19 t
11:9 18:13,22 speculating 62:7 stopped 43:16
t 4:9 7:17,17
20:8,11 33:13 66:13 45:17
tag 50:25
44:21 48:18,20

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[taiwan - two]

taiwan 45:24 46:3 thank 8:4 30:19 70:16,20 transcript 4:12

46:7,10 42:4 79:19 tickets 70:7 21:12,13,14 24:10
take 11:23 22:1 thanked 30:18 time 16:22,24 24:25 26:18,20
31:13 32:16,25 thanks 29:24 17:10,17,23,25 27:16 79:22 80:13
36:4 50:15 74:9 30:19,19 18:15 21:1 23:2 80:17,19,23,25
taken 2:15 33:5 theme 34:16 33:4,6 36:10 37:7 81:4,7
42:6 63:10 69:19 thereof 82:8 83:14 39:5 45:21 46:16 transcription 21:9
69:20 71:10 74:15 thereto 82:5 48:2,9,19 49:8 25:15,25 28:6,8
80:7 83:7 thing 53:3 58:7 58:25 59:6,15 30:18 39:23 83:14
talk 32:16 33:2 things 12:21 20:7 62:2,5,12 63:9,10 transferred 12:12
78:3 28:18 49:4,5 63:24 66:23,25 12:14
talked 48:12 50:20,24 51:2 71:6,22 73:23 transmit 37:6
talking 77:14 52:14 54:23 74:14,16 77:12 transmits 37:7
tech 75:25 76:3 think 9:14 15:8 80:4,20 81:1 83:8 treatment 71:24
teeth 72:5,9 18:21 26:2 34:8,8 timed 16:13 78:8,20
telemarketing 34:8 35:9 36:13 times 40:24 48:25 treatments 73:2
60:4 36:18,22 41:2 53:15 55:2 trial 18:15 81:1,8
telephone 3:8,18 45:4 46:21 48:17 tkj 72:14 tried 73:22
17:1,2,11 36:2 50:13,25 54:11 tmj 72:16,17 troll 43:1 75:7
37:3,4,10,18 41:1 58:6 60:1,2 61:8 today 6:23 16:15 trolling 29:24
45:14 56:8,11,12 64:3 72:10 79:18 16:19 24:25 40:11 34:15 43:6 75:5
56:14,21,22 57:3,5 81:1 40:13 44:7 58:16 true 46:11 47:8
58:21 59:14,22 thinking 72:14 77:6 52:9
61:5 third 34:5 today's 80:3 truly 72:21
tell 22:18 36:4 thought 55:9 told 43:10 45:1,18 try 35:16 65:11
42:5 43:8 51:12 63:15 45:18 48:24 64:18 73:25
51:15 53:3 54:19 thousand 65:7 78:10 trying 26:5 48:20
78:22 threat 44:22 56:3 tolls 50:19 55:10 57:20
telling 47:17 53:9 56:5 tool 36:15 turn 71:21
temporary 51:4 threaten 55:25 total 70:13 turned 76:16
term 21:3 36:21 threatened 44:22 town 71:23 tv 53:10
59:1 72:13 threatening 44:19 track 47:19 53:16 tweeting 50:24
testified 6:5 46:21 50:18,20 52:12 tracking 47:15 tweets 18:25
62:15 71:8 55:5,8,8,9 52:25 twice 36:14
testify 63:20 three 8:1 29:17 tracks 55:21 twitter 13:25
testifying 83:10 31:14 35:19 38:14 traditional 13:10 18:25 19:3,7 34:7
testimony 6:23 38:18 59:3 traffic 49:3 68:3 34:10 36:2 43:2
31:6,11 69:11 throw 44:19 training 11:10 47:13 49:12 55:18
texas 74:23 ticket 15:9,15 transcribe 22:3 55:19
text 17:3 66:18,20,24 69:13 transcribed 27:20 two 7:24 8:1 29:17
69:25 70:1,3,9,10 28:2 83:12 58:4 63:17,17

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[two - witness]

75:17,17 valid 36:11 vrsalon 13:12,19 22:1,3,15,19,25

type 34:13 52:16 verbally 55:13,14 13:24 23:4,10,22 24:9,15
67:23 71:19 verbatim 83:10 vrscout 10:24 11:2 24:24 25:8,12,22
typically 59:11 verify 46:18 47:8 11:6 13:13 25:24 26:17 27:14
67:23 69:12 veritext 5:8 vs 1:6 2:6 28:4 29:4,10 30:8
u verizon 56:25 57:9 vulnerable 48:10 30:24 32:20 33:1
57:14,22 58:3 48:11 33:8,24 35:10,20
u 72:23
versus 5:11 22:22 w 37:2 38:4,21 39:1
uh 11:10 14:11
video 4:12 5:6 8:6 39:4,10,22 40:2,12
uk 12:25 w 3:5
21:1,3,18,18,22 41:6,10 42:4,9
underage 15:4 waiting 17:2
22:14,20 23:5,6,12 44:8,23 46:15,23
undersigned 83:5 want 25:5,13,24
23:15,16,23 24:4 46:25 47:20 48:3
understand 6:17 26:10 32:16,18
25:14,20,25 26:22 48:8 49:15 50:1,4
9:2 18:1,16 20:16 44:20 57:9,16,25
26:23 27:1,2,4,5,6 51:23 57:19 58:20
23:19 35:7 38:2 62:4 68:23 72:25
27:16,24 28:3,5,6 61:3 62:10 64:8
55:5 56:3 74:3 wanted 64:25
28:8,11,12,13,19 65:17 66:17 67:14
understanding 66:10 75:5 77:1
28:20,24 29:6,6,8 68:17,21,25 69:10
16:12 42:13 65:25 wants 26:14
29:9 30:1,6,9,14 72:17,19 73:11,13
unfortunately warrant 54:17
31:7,10,13 36:7 73:21 74:9,11,18
72:3 watch 17:20 21:7
37:1,17,20,25 38:5 76:13,19 77:24
universal 60:1 21:20 22:20 36:7
38:11,13,17,23 78:5,17 79:19
university 9:17,23 watched 18:5 21:1
39:6,9,17 40:3 80:2 81:2,9,11,14
10:5 25:20 28:5,9
46:16 47:1 48:9 wife 8:14 15:3
unlisted 60:20 way 37:13 47:15
78:7,12 79:1 30:11,12 31:8
61:5,6 47:17,19 50:15
videographer 3:24 50:21 51:8 61:10
unsigned 80:24 51:18 68:3 78:22
5:4,22 23:2 33:3,6 61:12,18,25 62:25
untampered 27:2 79:14
74:13,16 80:3 63:1,5,10,24,25
unwelcome 34:20 we've 74:21 78:15
videos 8:8 64:2,4,9,15,20,25
upload 36:21 web 67:23
videostream 20:14 65:19 66:10 73:14
uploaded 36:19 website 19:1
20:21 21:5 47:21 77:8
usa 42:14 websites 18:13,22
videotaped 1:14 wilson 3:13
use 8:24 20:7 47:22 48:5
2:15 witness 4:3,17
37:14 39:2 43:9 went 49:24 63:1
view 19:18 5:14,15,23 6:3
43:11,15 44:6 west 9:16
viewed 38:13,17 7:17 9:5 10:10
59:1 70:5 whereof 83:18
47:16 13:6,16 17:6 18:3
usually 52:15 53:3 wiener 3:4,5 4:6
virginia 9:16 18:18 20:11,17
71:6 5:19,19 6:10 7:18
virtual 10:16 11:3 23:8,20 25:20
v 8:25 9:6 10:11
11:8 26:16 27:13 29:3
13:7,15,17 16:18
vague 16:23 17:22 volunteers 75:18 30:7 32:7,18,24
16:25 17:7,24
18:12 21:2 38:24 vr 13:14,18 33:17 35:8,18
18:4,13,19 20:12
36:25 38:3,20
20:18 21:4,16

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[witness - zero]

41:7 42:5 44:14 52:1,4 58:15 60:5

44:17 47:19 48:1 62:20 68:10 70:12
48:7 49:14 51:22 77:17 78:3
57:12 58:13,15,17 year 9:8 11:24,25
58:19 61:1 62:6,8 29:7 58:4 69:13
65:12,15 67:10,12 70:3
68:15 69:9 72:18 years 9:11 58:4
73:20 76:18 82:8 72:24
83:18 york 12:4 75:25
witnesses 32:23 young 34:24 75:2
74:20 83:9 younger 34:20,21
women 33:9 34:18 youtube 4:12
34:21 36:4 37:22 21:17 28:7,12
38:6 75:17 47:22 56:1
wondering 72:13
word 17:4 39:2 22:20
41:16,18,19,21 z
zero 14:6,10 47:17
words 23:11,25
work 8:16 10:14
11:11 44:13 67:22
72:20 77:8,11
worked 39:6 43:24
working 16:1
works 36:23
workshops 11:10
write 76:1
writes 76:3
writing 55:12,14
x 4:1,9
y 7:17 33:17 3:9
yang 75:24,25
yeah 23:8,21
27:22 29:3 33:17

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