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Expressing Opinions - Practice

Now it's your turn.

In questions 1-5, choose which adverbial phrase should go in

the gap. Look carefully at the rest of the sentence. Is it
something surprising? Sad? Obvious? Predictable? Typical?

1. , people get married quite late in my country.

2. , we must try and lift people out of poverty to

improve standards of living.
3. , I don't think climate change is caused by
human actions.
4. , crime is increasing in my city because the
government did not increase the number of police like they
said they would.
5. , many children are unable to get the education
that they need so they end up in low-paid work as adults.
In the next 5 questions, choose the correct justifying phrase to
go in the gap. Again, look at the sentence.

You need to decide which one will fit grammatically. Is it

followed by a noun or a subject and a verb?

6. Predictably, temperatures are continuing to rise a

lack of action by governments.

7. Sadly, more refugees are fleeing the country

the war is continuing.
8. Obviously, the failure rate in schools is
high the low numbers of teachers.
9. Generally, people are having children later in
life. many more women are now
10. Personally, I don't believe that unemployment will
fall. the unwillingness of companies to
hire new staff.


1. Generally

2. Clearly

3. Personally

4. Inevitably

5. Regrettably

6. due to

7. as

8. as a consequence of

9. The reason for this is that

10. This is because of

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