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Praise the presence of Allah SWT, for all His grace and guidance so that the author can complete the
preparation of reports on the results of industrial work practices carried out for three months at PT
Cahaya Tasik Mandiri.

This Industry Work Practice Report is compiled in order to meet the requirements to take the
National exam and as a report on the implementation of the Industry Work Practice 2018/2019
academic year

The author realizes that this report on Industrial Work Practices cannot be arranged properly
without the help of various parties, therefore on this occasion the authors sincerely express their thanks

Mr. Drs. Iya Boenyamin

Mr. Sumarna as the licensor and as the branch head

Mr. Bayu Rivaldi, as a supervisor of PT Cahaya Tasik Mandiri.

All parties who have assisted in the preparation of this Prakerin Report.

The author realizes that the Prakerin Report is still lacking. Therefore, the authors expect criticism
and suggestions from readers that are constructive for the perfection of this Prakerin report in the
future. Hopefully this Prakerin Report is useful for anyone who needs it.


Approved and Approved Prakerin Report 2018/2019 Academic Year

At PT Cahaya Tasik Mandiri

Sumedang, April 2019


English teacher
Teti Rohaeti, S.Pd

ID Number: 197604072009022002

Guardian class

Rika Rikmawati, S.Pd

NIP: 197103102009022001

To approve

Head of Expertise Competency

Electric Power Installation Techniques

Cepi Haetami, S.Pd

ID Number: 197704242006041009

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