A Level Year Planner PDF

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A Level Year Planner – Key Dates

Final month for enrolments on Fast Track A Levels with expectation of sitting examinations in the May / June examination period of the same year.
Jan Students expected to register at an examination centre as Private Candidate for examinations in May / June of the same year.*

Final opportunity for Oxford Learning College students enrolled on Fast Track A Levels to convert to standard 2 year version of A Level course for free.
Feb Students studying courses with coursework element (A Level English Language & Literature, A Level English Literature & A Level History) expected to begin coursework

Students studying A Levels with coursework element expected to check and confirm with examination centre whether coursework needs just authenticating or authenticating
and marking by their Oxford Learning College tutor.*

15th April - Oxford Learning College coursework submission deadline for A Level English Language & Literature, A Level English Literature & A Level History.*

Students expected to have submitted coursework to Oxford Learning College tutor for authenticating and submission to examination centre before Awarding Bodies deadline.
A Level examination period.

Jun A Level examination period.

Aug A Level results are released to students.

All A Level students wishing to do practical assessments advised to find and book into a local examination centre as Private Candidate. Applies to Biology, Chemistry &
Oct Physics only.*

Nov A Level students advised to begin UCAS applications in preparation for January deadline.

All A Level students are advised to begin researching which examination centre they wish to sit their examinations at.*
*This applies to the year you are planning to sit your examinations for your A Levels

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